
Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Back to the Arena (3)

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Just like the first test, it was a forest.

"Ah, it's another forest."

The gangster complained.

I wasn't paying attention to him and was surveying the surrounding area.

I got a weird feeling from the forest.

This forest scenery was familiar.

Everyone was only looking around the area, so I gathered some courage and spoke.

"Were everyone else's first test a red ape?"


"You're correct."

The twenty year old girl and the male student answered.

"What, then you guys also fought that fucking monkey?"

The gangster questioned.

I just nodded my head in agreement. I didn't like he was being informal in our first meeting. (In Korea people speak formally to each other if they're not familiar with each other or with age differences; depending.).

"This is the same forest."

The cold man in his thirties spoke for the first time. The girl and student nodded.

As I thought.

This is the same forest as the first test.

"Then in this forest five red apes died right?"

"It seems that way."

The student answered.

"Then in this test, wouldn't it be surviving a week from the red apes?"

From my words the gangster smirked.

"That kind of monkey isn't so scary. We can just kill them as they appear."

"There might be tens, or hundreds of them."

"How do you know that you bastard?"


I hate this old man.

"Monkeys live in groups. If the red apes built a tribe and if five of them died wouldn't their comrades come for revenge?"


The gangster didn't have anything to say so I continued.

"This is just my suspicions, but anyway we have to move from here. We have to find food and water."

"I think you're right."

The student agreed.

"I also agree."

The girl agreed in a careful voice. As expected these two  are very agreeable.

The problem is the gangster and the cold thirty year old man.

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"Well, we need to find a safe place to crash at anyway."

The gangster said that and took the lead. That bastard just decided on his own which direction we are heading.

I had a feeling that as time goes by the more problem he's going to cause.

But I had no choice right now.

I followed his back and the rest followed.

"Ah fuck, There's no cigarette's either."

The gangster checked his pockets and complained.

More complaining after a few steps. The gangster cursed endlessly and made us uncomfortable.

'I wonder what these people chose with their karma reward?'

This was what I was curious of the most.

Depending on what kind of skill and weapon they earned, the battle method changes. We needed to know each other's fighting method to cooperate better in fights.

'Then again the angel said that didn't he?'

'There were those who got great scores, average scores, and those who got really worrisome scores.'

There are 5 of us int total.

It's not too crazy too think that there was two with great scores, two with average scores, and one with bad scores.

Most likely the one with the bad scores is the girl. She is a girl after all.

There are two who got great scores. One of them is me. I wonder who the other one is?

'I don't think it's the student, but you never know. Someone like me got a great score so you can't tell by their appearance.'

At the very least it wouldn't be that gangster. He's too stupid.

Should I ask what their skill and weapon is?

Just when I was thinking about this:

"I'm Park Gochan."

The person who opened his mouth first was the gangster.

"If you ask people of Gangnam night's Park Gochan there's no one who doesn't know who I am."

As expected, he was a gangster.

"There is over 10 people I killed over the 20 years in this industry. Unlike you guys, I'm very used to this kind of work. That's why you can just trust me and follow my lead. "

Gochan who was talking like this suddenly walked over to the girl and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Understand little lady?"

"Why are you doing this?"

The girl flustered flicked Gochan's hand off her shoulder.

However Gochan put his hands back on her shoulder like nothing happened.

"I understand your feelings. It's scary that you are experiencing this kind of thing right? I safely protect you from now on. How about it? You're thankful aren't you?

"Let me go."

Her eyes were filled with fear and with a shaking voice protested.

The student didn't know what to do and just stared at the situation.

I was the same.

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Gochan started to slowly reveal his true nature.

Arena wasn't a place that was protected by the law.

It was obvious that Gochan who revealed his true self will act however he wants.

It was obvious what would happen to that girl.

'It's too bad.'

I was afraid of Gochan who worked as a gangster but I couldn't just let this happen.

I needed to take the test with that girl and if I don't step in now I was recognizing his unacceptable behavior.

I separated Gochan from the girl and spoke.

"This is uncomfortable so don't do this..."


I yelled out in pain and sat down on the ground with my hands on my left cheeks.

"You fucking bastard. Who did you just tell to do what?


Gochan kicked the side of my body.

I had my breath kicked out of me. I rolled around grabbing my flank.


With the pain a sense of injustice surged. Why do I have to be hit by this kind of bastard? He was using violence without thinking because he thought I was weaker than he was.

'Should I summon Silpi? Or should I threaten him with my gun?'

These kind of thoughts passed through my head.

"I didn't like you from the beginning. I didn't like how you were being it a know it all and talking shit."

Park Gochan was taking this chance to grab the authority. What kind of juvenile method is this?

He was probably thinking of  grabbing the authority like this and make the group his underlings.


The girl burst out in tears as the situation turned into violence.

I got hit like a loser in front of a girl. My pride was hurt. In my head I wanted to order Silpi to cut his head or shoot him with the gun.

'Don't fight."

The student spoke out. But he was only faced with Gochan's fierce gaze.

"What are you fuck."

"I am...."

"Equip weapon."

In Gochan's right hand a large sword was summoned.

The student backed away shocked from seeing a large blue sword.

"Why are you doing this?"

"While we're at it why don't we decide the hierarchy. If there is someone who has a problem with me come out."

It was quiet as a funeral. The girl was obvious and the student was speechless.

'Decide the hierarchy by fighting? Isn't he crazy?'

He wants to fight comrades that need to cooperate no matter if they like each other or not?

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 In my mind I wanted to summon Silpi and the magic gun and threaten him.

But that bastard is a gangster.

Even if the fight is settled, he will hold a grudge and will try to get revenge no matter what.

Plus in that human's head is probably still full of thoughts of playing with that girl. A human who has gone crazy due to sexual desire will lose his common sense.

Thinking as if he threatened us enough, he turned his gaze towards the the thirty year old man who hasn't reacted at all.

"Ay you."


The thirty year old man didn't say anything. But he was expressionless and didn't seem to be scared by Gochan at all.

"How about you? Do you have any complaints?"


"Fuck, answer me!"

The situation didn't look good.

The thirty year old had no comments but isn't afraid. Park Gochan couldn't back down now due to pride. 

Gochan put his face right up against him.

"Why don't you have any answers? Are you a mute? Are you scared? If you can't answer at least shake your head."

He was implying that if he nods his head he will assume he has submitted and will look over this. Gochan also did not want this to turn into a fight.

But it was then.


The guy's right hand moved like lightning and covered Gochan's face. His index finger and middle finger was on top of Gochan's two eye balls.

"What the fuck!"

The surprised Gochan tossed his hand away.

"It's real easy to dig out eyes with your fingers."

He finally spoke.

Gochan who's face was turned stiff spoke.

"Everyone can do that. But just because anyone can, doesn't mean they do."

"What do you think I'll be like? Do you think I will have any hesitation in hurting someone?"

"What the fuck are you saying?"

His words were still rough but it was smaller than before.

"You said you wanted to decide the hierarchy right?"

"Yeah so?"

 Park Gochan's voice started shaking.

The thirty year old man smiled coldly.


"This bastard! Do you not see this? Do you think this is a joke?"

Park Gochan once again lifted his long sword and threatened him.

"I see it. So attack me."

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"This fucking bastard....!"

The tension.

"Don't we need to stop this?"

The student came over carefully and asked. I shook my head.

"Leave them."


"He's not going to attack."

"That kind of bastard won't attack if he feels like he might get hurt. That's why he only threatens."

It was the same psychology as juveniles during my school days. They only picked on the weak ones that couldn't fight back. They don't touch those who have the courage to fight back.

Gangsters don't attack those who call the police and fight back. They only drink the blood of those who get scared easily and don't fight back.

"Ah fuck. It's not like I can kill you or anything. Count your good luck."

As expected Gochan put down his sword and backed up first.

Everyone sighed in relief. It seemed like the situation was being resolved, but it was then.

"I said attack."

Gochan turned around surprised.

Did I imagine it? In the thirty year guy's eyes there seemed to flow a dreary energy.

"This bastard, do you really want to go!"

"You need to take responsibility for what you say right?"

Sweat started to gather in Park Gochan's forehead.

In his head he was probably thinking he touched the wrong person.

"We can't fight in this situation so why don't we stop it here?"

Park Gochan was putting in some effort to not show he was scared.

"I'll count to 10."

"If you don't attack I'll pluck an eyeball. I hate those who don't take responsibility for their words the most."

"Hey I said let's stop it here!"

"One, two, three, four, ...."

As the count was getting closer to ten, Park Gochan's face filled with horror.

Those who were spectating could tell.

The gangster Park Gochan was nothing. The real scary guy was that cold expressionless man.

"Nine, ten."

Park Gochan couldn't attack even until the end. The sword in his hand started to shake.

The cold guy who was staring at him spoke.

"This is the first and last warning."

Saying that he turned around.

Park Gochan's face turned blank like he came back from hell.

'It's that person!'

The person who got great scores other than me. I was sure of it.

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