Status Plates

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Nagumo Hajime (南雲ハジメ) Strength        10950 > 12150


17 yo M                 Vitality        13190 > 14250


Trans.m.u.ter (錬成師)  Resist          10670 > 11870


Lv ??? > ???            Agility         13450 > 14550


ch  25 > 122            Magic           14780 > 15980


Adventurer Rank: Gold   Magic Resist    14780 > 15980




Hero of the series. Originally a gentle, quiet otaku boy, but


was labelled incompetant -> bullied -> fell into the abyss ->


left arm was eaten -> became OP -> mindset changed: now talks


with guns-first. Harem happened (though he treats Yue alone as


special). Seeks to conquer the Great Dungeons so he can return


home to j.a.pan. (Author Note: stats are temporary, don’t worry


too much about it)




錬成                  Trans.m.u.tation


[+鉱物系鑑定]               + Mineral Appraisal


[+精密錬成]          + Precision Trans.m.u.tation


[+鉱物系探査]               + Mineral Enquiry


[+鉱物分離]          + Mineral Separation


[+鉱物融合]          + Mineral Fusion


[+複製錬成]          + Replication Trans.m.u.tation


[+圧縮錬成]          + Compression Trans.m.u.tation


[+高速錬成]          + High-speed Trans.m.u.tation


[+自動錬成]          + Automatic Trans.m.u.tation


[+イメージ補強力上昇]           + Image Reinforcement Power Increase


[+消費魔力減少]            + Magic Consumption Reduction


[+鉱物分解]          + Mineral Decomposition


魔力操作                    Magic Manipulation


[+魔力放射]          + Magic Emission


[+魔力圧縮]          + Magic Compression


[+遠隔操作]          + Remote Control


胃酸強化                    Stomach Acid Strengthening (Iron Stomach)


纏雷                  Lightning Armor (Lightning Clad)


[+雷耐性]                     + Lightning Resistance


[+出力増大]          + Output Increase


天歩                  Sky Walk (Divine Step)


[+空力]                        + Void Grip (Air Walk/Aerodynamic)


[+縮地]                        + Shukuchi (Instant Movement/Flicker/Ground Shrink)


[+豪脚]                        + Grand Legs


[+瞬光]                        + Lightspeed


風爪                  Wind Claw (Air Claw)


[+三爪]                        + Triple Claws


[+飛爪]                        + Flying Claws


夜目                  Night Vision


遠見                  Far Vision


気配感知                    Perception


[+特定感知]          + Specific Perception


魔力感知                    Magic Perception


[+特定感知]          + Specific Perception


熱源感知                    Heat Perception


[+特定感知]          + Specific Perception


気配遮断                    Hide Presence (Sign Interception)


[+幻踏]                        + Phantom Dance (Phantom Step)


毒耐性                       Poison Resistance


麻痺耐性                    Paralysis Resistance


石化耐性                    Petrification Resistance


恐慌耐性                    Panic Resistance


全属性耐性                 All Elements Resistance


先読                  Foresight


金剛                  Vajra (Indestructible)


[+部分強化]          + Specific Reinforcement


[+集中強化]          + Concentrated Reinforcement


[+付与強化]          + Grant Reinforcement


豪腕                  Grand Arm


威圧                  Coercion (Pressure/Intimidation)


念話                  Telepathy


追跡                  Tracking


高速魔力回復                      High-speed Magic Recovery


[+魔素集束]          + Mana Focusing


魔力変換                    Magic Conversion


[+体力変換]          + Vitality Conversion


[+治癒力変換]               + Healing Conversion


[+衝撃変換]          + Impact Conversion


限界突破                    Limit Break (x3 all stats buff)


生成魔法                    Creation Magic


重力魔法                    Gravity Magic


空間魔法                    s.p.a.ce Magic


再生魔法                    Regeneration Magic


魂魄魔法                    Spirit Magic


言語理解                    Language Comprehension




* Weapon names (German/German p.r.o.nounciation):


ドンナー・シュラーク          Donner & Schlag (“Thunder & Shock”), (rail)revolvers


シュラーゲン                      Schlagen (“Knockout”), anti-materiel (rail)rifle


メツェライ                 Metzelei (“Slaughter”), gatling (rail)gun


オルカン                    Orkan (“Hurricane”), rocket & missile launcher


ヒュベリオン                      Hyperion (“Sun G.o.d”), laser satellite


フェルニル                 Ferner (“Further”), airs.h.i.+p




* Automatic Trans.m.u.tation:


Automatically trans.m.u.tes materials in a magic formation until


the magic in the formation is exhausted.




* Mineral Decomposition:


By carefully permeating magic, mineral bonds can be unbound.


It’s possible to decompose up to the smallest unit, but is


time consuming. Unusable in combat. Skill used to process


sand-like minerals.




* Triple Claws:


Whereas the old bear claw would fire one, this fires three


identical wind blades.




* Flying Claws:


Wind blades now fly.












Yue                     Strength          120 >   220


323 yo F                Vitality          300 >   450


Sorceress (神子)              Resist             60 >   100


Lv  75 >  82            Agility           120 >   220


ch  67 > 122            Magic            6980 >  9180


Adventurer Rank: Gold   Magic Resist     7120 >  9320




Main heroine of the series. Imprisoned in the abyss, was saved


by Hajime. Most skilled magic user in this world. Also Hajime’s


most skilled ero-opponent. For the time being, cla.s.sed as a


Kuudere. Kuudere + bewitching + vampire princess + loli




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自動再生                    Auto Regeneration


[+痛覚操作]          + Pain Control


[+再生操作]          + Regeneration Control


全属性適性                 All Elements Apt.i.tude


複合魔法                    Compound Magic


魔力操作                    Magic Manipulation


[+魔力放射]          + Magic Emission


[+魔力圧縮]          + Magic Compression


[+遠隔操作]          + Remote Control


[+効率上昇]          + Increased Efficiency


[+魔素吸収]          + Mana Absorption


[+身体強化]          + Body Strengthening


想像構成                    Imagination Composition


[+イメージ補強力上昇]           + Image Reinforcement Power Up


[+複数同時構成]            + Multiple Simultaneous Composition


[+遅延発動]          + Delayed Invocation


血力変換                    Blood Conversion


[+身体強化]          + Body Strengthening


[+魔力変換]          + Magic Conversion


[+体力変換]          + VitalityConversion


[+血盟契 約]                 + Blood Oath Contract


高速魔力回復                      High-speed Magic Recovery


生成魔法                    Creation Magic


重力魔法                    Gravity Magic


空間魔法                    s.p.a.ce Magic


再生魔法                    Regeneration Magic


魂魄魔法                    Spirit Magic




* Blood Oath Contract: (ch.67)


Drastic efficiency increase when blood is drained from a


contracted person (ie: Hajime).




* Imagination Composition: (ch.67)


Magic formations can be completed with only a mental image


(ie: chantless/formationless magic).




* Regeneration Control:


Can freely control regeneration ability.












s.h.i.+a Houria             Strength           60 >   100


16 yo F                 Vitality           80 >   120


Diviner (占術師)             Resist             60 >   100


Lv  40 >  48            Agility            85 >   130


ch  67 > 122            Magic            3020 >  3800


Adventurer Rank: Gold   Magic Resist     3180 >  4000




Heroine. Bunny Girl. Perky, energetic, frivolous. But has


recently turned into a splendid person. Demi-humans are unable


to use magic, but s.h.i.+a is able to directly manipulate magic


despite that. Has no magical apt.i.tude, but can use body


strengthening to a degree that makes her a bugged character.


Disappointing beauty + rabbit + desu + naive attributes.




未来視                       Future Sight


[+自動発動]          + Automatic Invocation


[+仮定未来]          + Future Prediction


[+天啓視]                     + Divine Revelation Sight


魔力操作                    Magic Manipulation


[+身体強化]          + Body Strengthening


[+部分強化]          + Specific Strengthening


[+変換効率上昇Ⅲ]                 + Conversion Efficiency Up III


[+集中強化]          + Concentration Strengthening


重力魔法                    Gravity Magic


空間魔法                    s.p.a.ce Magic


再生魔法                    Regeneration Magic


魂魄魔法                    Spirit Magic




* Weapon names (German/German p.r.o.nounciation):


ドリュッケン                      Drücken (“Press”), sledgehammer + shotgun




* Divine Revelation Sight:


Can glimpse a few seconds ahead into the future. Unlike


Future Prediction it doesn’t consume magic so it can be


continuously active.




* Conversion Efficiency Up III:


Converts magic to physical stats (Str/Vit/Res/Agi) at a


1:3 ratio (ie: 3800 = +11400).












Tio Kurarusu            Strength           770 >   880 [+Dragon Form  4620 >  8800]


563 yo F                Vitality          1100 >  1250 [+Dragon Form  6600 > 12500]


Guardian (守護者)            Resist            1100 >  1250 [+Dragon Form  6600 > 12500]


Lv  89 >  93            Agility            580 >   700 [+Dragon Form  3480 >  7000]


ch  67 > 122            Magic             4590 >  4990


Adventurer Rank: Gold   Magic Resist      4220 >  4620




Pervert. Hajime opened a new door for her when he used his


Pile Bunker on her weak spot. A prudent, intellectual, mature


spirit… or should have been. Heroine. no ja + kimono +


watermelons + shapes.h.i.+fter attributes.




竜化                  Dragon Form


[+竜鱗硬化]          + Dragonscale Hardening


[+魔力効率上昇]            + Magic Efficiency Up


[+身体能力上昇Ⅱ]                 + Body Ability Up II


[+咆哮]                        + Roar


[+風纏]                        + Wind Armor (Wind Clad)


[+痛覚変換Ⅱ]               + Pain Control II


魔力操作                    Magic Manipulation


[+魔力放射]          + Magic Emission


[+魔力圧縮]          + Magic Compression


[+遠隔操作]          + Remote Control


火属性適性                 Fire Element Apt.i.tude


[+魔力消費減少]            + Mana Consumption Reduction


[+効果上昇]          + Effect Up


[+持続時間上昇]            + Duration Up


風属性適性                 Wind Element Apt.i.tude


[+魔力消費減少]            + Mana Consumption Reduction


[+効果上昇]          + Effect Up


[+持続時間上昇]            + Duration Up


[+雷属性]                     + Lightning Element


複合魔法                    Compound Magic


再生魔法                    Regeneration Magic


魂魄魔法                    Spirit Magic




* Dragonscale Hardening: (ch.67)


Hardness can be increased by expending magic. Can also increase


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Dragon Form’s base stats and resistances.




* Pain Control II:


High level ability to freely convert pain into energy,


increasing all stats. In addition it is possible to store the


converted energy. However the energy can only be stored when


still feeling lingering pain.




* Lightning Element:


Lightning magic is cla.s.sified as higher ranked wind magic, this


allows lightning magic to be used at the same level as wind














s.h.i.+rasaki Kaori (白崎香織)  Strength          280 >  1200


17 yo F                 Vitality          460 >  1200


Healer (治癒師)              Resist            360 >  1200


Lv  72 >  10            Agility           380 >  1200


ch  71 > 122            Magic            1380 >  1200


Magic Resist     1380 >  1200




Heroine. An unfortunate, regular schoolgirl that had her love


interest, Hajime, stolen from her… or so it seems. Feelings


of love for Hajime sprouted during her second year of middle


school. Became consciously aware of her feelings after Hajime


fell into the abyss. When they reunited, forcibly joined the


party when she became aware of Yue stealing Hajime away.


Currently possessing the body of the Apostle of G.o.d, Nointo.


Cla.s.smate + airhead + Stand (JoJo reference to her Hannya mask)


+ pitiable attributes.




回復魔法                    Recovery Magic


[+回復効果上昇]            + Effect Up


[+回復速度上昇]            + Recovery Speed Up


[+イメージ補強力上昇]           + Image Reinforcement Power Up


[+浸透看破]          + Osmosis Penetration [?]


[+範囲回復効果上昇]              + Effect Range Up


[+遠隔回復効果上昇]              + Remote Recovery Effect Up


[+状態異常 回復効果上昇]       + Abnormal Status Recovery Effect Up


[+消費魔力減少]            + Magic Consuption Down


[+魔力効率上昇]            + Magic Efficiency Up


[+連続発動]          + Consecutive Invocation


[+複数同時発動]            + Multiple Invocation


[+遅延発動]          + Delayed Invocation


[+付加発動]          + Addition Invocation


光属性適性                 Light Element Apt.i.tude


[+発動速度上昇]            + Movement Speed Up


[+効果上昇]          + Effect Up


[+持続時間上昇]            + Duration Up


[+連続発動]          + Consecutive Invocation


[+複数同時発動]            + Multiple Invocation


[+遅延発動]          + Delayed Invocation


高速魔力回復                      High-speed Magic Recovery


[+瞑想]                        + Meditation


再生魔法                    Regeneration Magic


魂魄魔法                    Spirit Magic


言語理解                    Language Comprehension


双大剣術                    Greatsword Dual-wielding Proficiency


分解能力                    Disintegration Ability (Decomposition Ability)


全属性適性                 All Elements Apt.i.tude


複合魔法                    Compound Magic




* The broken greatswords and wargear were replaced by Hajime.




* Nointo’s enchantment, infinite magic supply and pseudo-Limit


Break are disabled.




* Original Apostle’s stats are all 12000. Kaori doesn’t have


full control of the body yet.












Amanokawa Kouki *       Strength          880 >  1020


17 yo M                 Vitality          880 >  1020


Hero (勇者)           Resist            880 >  1020


Lv  72 >  83            Agility           880 >  1020


ch  71 > 122            Magic             880 >  1020


Magic Resist      880 >  1020




(*天之河光輝) Hero (lol). A bundle of good and justice. However


since he never thinks he’s wrong, he has a bad habit of


interpreting adverse situations to his own convenience. Kaori,


s.h.i.+zuku and Ryutaro are childhood friends.




全属性適正                 All Elements Apt.i.tude


[+光属性効果上昇]                 + Light Element Effect Up


[+発動速度上昇]            + Movement Speed Up


全属性耐性                 All Elements Resistance


[+光属性効果上昇]                 + Light Element Effect Up


物理耐性                    Physical Resistance


[+治癒力上昇]               + Recovery Power Up


[+衝撃緩和]          + Impact Allevation


複合魔法                    Compound Magic


剣術                  Sword Proficiency


[+無念無想]          + Clear Mind


剛力                  Herculean Strength


縮地                  Shukuchi (Instant Movement/Flicker/Ground Shrink)


[+爆縮地]                     + Explosive Shukuchi


先読                  Foresight


高速魔力回復                      High-speed Magic Recovery


気配感知                    Perception


魔力感知                    Magic Perception


限界突破                    Limit Break (x3 all stats buff)


[+覇潰]                        + Supreme Destruction (x5 all stats buff)


言語理解                    Language Comprehension












Yaegas.h.i.+ s.h.i.+zuku *      Strength          450 >   650


17 yo F                 Vitality          560 >   760


Swordswoman (剣士)    Resist            320 >   520


Lv  72 >  83            Agility          1110 >  1480


ch  71 > 122            Magic             380 >   580


Magic Resist      380 >   580




(*八重樫雫) I wonder if she’s a heroine… Best friend of Kaori.


Kouki and Ryutaro’s childhood friend. Her home is a kendo dojo.


Primary feature of this dignified girl is her ponytail. Has an


excellent grasp of human subtleties and relations.h.i.+ps, her


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innate personality won’t let her ignore trouble around her


giving her a lot of hards.h.i.+ps [?]. Recently though she’s been


depending too much on someone else…




剣術                  Sword Skill


[+斬撃速度上昇]            + Slas.h.i.+ng Speed Up


[+抜刀速度上昇]            + Drawing Sword Velocity Up


[+無拍子]                     + Mubyous.h.i.+


縮地                  Shukuchi (Instant Movement/Flicker/Ground Shrink)


[+爆縮地]                     + Explosive Shukuchi


[+重縮地]                     + Heavy Shukuchi [?]


[+震脚]                        + Seismic Leg


[+無拍子]                     + Mubyous.h.i.+


先読                  Foresight


[+投影]                        + Projection


気配感知                    Perception


隠業                  Hidden Action


[+幻撃]                        + Phantom Strike


言語理解                    Language Comprehension












Sakagami Ryuutarou *    Strength          820 >  980


17 yo M                 Vitality          820 >  980


Brawler (拳士)                Resist            680 >  790


Lv  72 >  83            Agility           550 >  650


ch  71 > 122            Magic             280 >  350


Magic Resist      280 >  350




(*坂上龍太郎) Muscle brain.




格闘術                       Martial Arts


[+身体強化]          + Body Strengthening


[+部分強化]          + Specific Strengthening


[+集中強化]          + Concentrated Strengthening


[+浸透破壊]          + Penetration Destruction


縮地                  Shukuchi (Instant Movement/Flicker/Ground Shrink)


[+爆縮地]                     + Explosive Shukuchi


物理耐性                    Physical Resistance


[+金剛]                        + Vajra (Indestructible)


全属性耐性                 All Elements Resistance


言語理解                    Language Comprehension












Taniguchi Suzu (谷口鈴)      Strength          350


17 yo F                 Vitality          450


Barrier Mage (結界師)        Resist            450


Lv  83                  Agility           380


ch 122                  Magic             820


Magic Resist      580




Chimikko. Mood maker of the cla.s.s. Unsung hero of the Hero


party. A dirty old man at heart.




結界術適性                 Barrier Magic Apt.i.tude


[+魔力効率上昇]            + Mana Efficiency Up


[+発動速度上昇]            + High-speed Invocation Up


[+遠隔操作]          + Remote Control


[+連続発動]          + Continuous Activation


光属性適性                 Light Element Apt.i.tude


[+障壁適性連動]            + Barrier Apt.i.tude Link


言語理解                    Language Comprehension










Supporting Characters




Myu                             4 yo F


Little girl of the Sea-race. Was saved by Hajime from an underground Führen slave auction.


Her father died before she was born, so she comes to love the strong and kind Hajime as her


new father. She’s so important to him that Hajime made a new oath. She likes ending her


sentences in “nano”. With the exception of Yue, she is the only person Hajime is completely


weak against.




Remia                           24 yo F


Myu’s mother. A gentle beauty. An undine widow whose soothes people with her “ara ara, ufufu”.


Hajime often cannot tell whether she is serious or joking. Restrains Hajime’s party with her


mature woman charm.














Hatayama Aiko (畑山愛子)            25 yo F, Farmer (作農師)


Social Studies teacher. Has a reverse harem of Temple Knights (though her head is full of


concern for her students so she doesn’t notice).




Nakamura Eri (中村恵里)             17 yo F, Necromancer (降霊術師)


Betrayed her cla.s.smates to the demons. Used her original darkness magic “Soul Bind” to


manipulate countless numbers of dead puppet soldiers. Valuable Bok.u.mmusume [?].




Nagayama Jugo (永山重)               17 yo M, Heavy Brawler (重格闘家)


Frontline party leader. Old man face.




Nomura Kentaro (野村健太郎)                17 yo M, Earth Mage (土術師)


Nagayama party member. Best friends with Nagayama and Endo. Likes Ayako Tsuji.




Endo Kosuke (遠藤浩介)              17 yo M, (暗殺者)


Nagayama party member. Has an extremely weak presence. Isn’t noticed by labyrinth monsters


or automatic doors.




Tsuji Ayako (辻綾子)         17 yo F, Healer (治癒師)


Nagayama party member. Same cla.s.s as Kaori, her healing skills are a bit more complex though.




Yos.h.i.+no Mao (吉野真央)              17 yo F, Enchanter (付与術士)


Nagayama party member. Unsung hero of the party.




Hiyama Daisuke (檜山大介)           17 yo M, Light Warrior (軽戦士)


Leader of the bullies hara.s.sing Hajime. Perpetrator who dropped him into the abyss. Blackmailed


by Eri in the beginning, but later killed many of the country’s knights and soldiers of his own


volition in order to obtain Kaori. He met a gruesome end when Hajime fed him alive to some


monsters after finally going to town on him.




Nakano s.h.i.+nji (中野信治)            17 yo M, Water Mage (水術師)


Hiyama gang member.




Saito Yos.h.i.+ki (斎藤良樹)            17 yo M, Wind Mage (風術師)


Hiyama gang member.



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Kondo Reiichi (近藤礼一)            17 yo M, Spear Warrior (槍術師)


Hiyama gang member. Became prey to Eri’s Soul Bind.




Aikawa n.o.boru (相川昇)               17 yo M, –


Ai-chan bodyguard member.




Kawahara Akira (河原明)              17 yo M, –


Ai-chan bodyguard member.




Tamai Atsus.h.i.+ (玉井淳)               17 yo M, –


Ai-chan bodyguard member.




Sugawara Taeko (菅原妙子)           17 yo F, –


Ai-chan bodyguard member.




Miyazaki Nana (宮崎奈々)            17 yo F, –


Ai-chan bodyguard member.
 Yuka (園部優香)              17 yo F, –


Ai-chan bodyguard member.




s.h.i.+mizu Yukitos.h.i.+ (清水幸利)        17 yo M, Dark Mage (闇術師)


Raised an army of monsters to distinguish himself in this new world. As a result he was


left on the verge of death after a demon’s suprise attack, after which Hajime terminated him.










Heilig Kingdom




Elhild = S = B = Heilig


King. Killed by Eri during the Imperial City invasion.




Luluaria = S = B = Heilig


Queen. Rarely appears, but a.s.sists in the background. Has an equally weak presence like a


certain someone [?].




Randell = S = B = Heilig


Prince. 10 yo. Handsome youth with blonde hair and blue eyes. Was infatuated with Kaori, but


gave up after meeting Hajime. Currently heartbroken from losing his first love.




Liliana = S = B = Heilig


Princess. 14 yo. Talented and enormously popular within the kingdom. Has been harbouring


feelings of love ever since she was saved by Hajime, however his treatment of her hasn’t


changed so recently she’s a rather pitiable character.




Meld = Loggins


Knight team captain. Died by Eri’s hands. Most unfortunate death.




Jose = Rancaid


Knight vice-captain of the same team. Likewise killed by Eri.




Alan = Smith


Knight background character, regularly appears [?]. Also dead.




Kuzeri = Rail


New knight team captain. A woman knight originally serving as an Imperial Guard under Liliana.




Niito = Komorudo


New knight team vice-captain. Previously the commander of the third corps.










Adventurer Guild




Ilwa = Chang


Führen branch chief. Awarded Hajime a gold rank and provides him with support. A person who


gave Hajime a lot of work (trouble).




Dot = Clowe


Ilwa’s head secretary. Like s.h.i.+zuku, suffers a lot of hards.h.i.+ps.






Former head secretary of the guild master. An old lady that personifies the cruelty of time.




Loa = Bawabisu


Horuado branch chief. Tsundere.




Barusu = Raputa


Guild master. May have spells of destruction [?].










Ankaji Dukedom




Ranzi = Forward = Zengen


Ankaji dukedom’s lord. Had a falling out with the church, (漢気溢れる) nice middle [?].




Bizu = Forward = Zengen


Ranzi’s son. Attracted to Kaori. Facial expressions at the gunshot level when stared at [?].




Airi = Forward = Zengen


Bizu’s sister. At 14 yo, overcame demi-human discrimination when she encountered Myu’s












Haltina Sea of Trees, Faea Belgaen




Alferick = Hypist


Faea Belgaen elder. Chief of the Forest-race (Elves). Longest lived and easiest to talk with.




Zeru of the Tiger-race, Mao of the Winged-race, Rua of the Fox-race, Guze of the Earth-race


(Dwarves), Jin of the Bear-race


Background character elders. Jin never fully recovered from the blow Hajime delivered to his






Altena = Hypist


Granddaughter of Alfrick.




Regin = Banton


Middle-aged man from the Bear-race. Once lead a raid on the Haulia to take revenge for Jin but


had the tables turned. Afterwards developed a trauma of the Haulia, pulse rate and breathing


would elevate just thinking about it.










Haulia Tribe




Cam = Haulia


Shea’s father, Chief of the Haulia tribe of the Rabbit-race. Hyahhaa chief. Chuuni chief.


Currently calling himself

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