Graduation Party   Second Part

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The demon king would entrust his beloved daughter to the hero of all people.

The inside of Wisteria Restaurant descended into chaos after learning  such impossible happening, but the calm was somehow regained using  Aiko’s specialty “Soul Repose” and Shizuku’s sharp rebuke.

「I didn’t expect this. To think that there was this much difference  in perception about Hajime and Kouki’s relationship between everyone and  me」

「Umm, Shizuku-chan. Even I and the others felt slightly shocked when  learning this, so I think it’s normal for everyone to be surprised like  this you know?」

At the side the two of them were still being unfriendly with each  other that it wouldn’t be strange if thing devolved into a fist fight  anytime, so it couldn’t be helped.

Shizuku faltered slightly when Yuuka and others looked at her with a  gaze that seemed to say “No, it’s your perception that is in the  minority”.

My? Is it actually me who is the strange one? Shizuku looked at Hajime and Kouki with such question in her gaze.

Hajime pressed his lips together and crossed his arms with a terribly  displeased look. Kouki too was making an expression like he had bitten  something sour.

「As I thought, I don’t understand the reason why everyone was that surprised.」


Shizuku-chan tilted her head in puzzlement. Just what in the world  she was seeing through her lens of mother’s love? All the classmates  couldn’t help but retort altogether seeing this.

「W-well, putting that aside」

Shizuku looked like she still couldn’t really accept it, but the talk  wouldn’t progress at this rate so she forcefully put the topic back on  track.

In any case, Myuu and Hinata planned to go playing at the desert  world during their spring vacation, and Kouki, Moana, and Aularodde  would be their chaperone. This matter had already been decided. In that  case, it was understandable for Hajime and Kousuke to worry but that  didn’t mean they had to go as far as making a threat……that was the  topic.

For the present, Hajime and Kouki were still being thorny with each other so Shizuku tried switching target.

「Endou-kun too, okay?」

「Aa~, you’re right. Hinata-chan is just too precious that I unconsciously got too heated up.」

Kousuke understood what Shizuku was getting at and replied calmly even while smiling wryly.

As expected from Kousuke. He was an extremely rational person when he  wasn’t Aby. Although he needed to compensate it with stomachache, among  the classmates he was the only man who could mediate between Hajime and  Kouki with force.

「Endou-sama……I’m so happy to know how worried you are for me. But, I will be fine you know?」

「Myuu too can take care of herself nano! Myuu has trained a lot in the vee arr space nano!」

Yuuka and others had finally run out of patience in wanting to know  just what was the circumstance behind this. Nana took the lead. She  leaned forward eagerly and pressed the displeased Hajime with her  question.

「Hey hey, Nagumo-chi. What is the story behind this in the end? If we  don’t hear a proper explanation, we’ll be burning with curiosity until  we won’t even be able to sleep at night.」

「Nagumo, are you sick? In your head.」

「Oi, Sonobe. What the hell do you mean by that?」

「They meant exactly as they sounded aren’t theyy? It’s already  shocking just knowing that Nagumo-kun is entrusting his adorable  Myuu-chan to someone outside his family, but to think that it’s to  Amanogawa-kun who he hate. If you don’t have a screw loose in your head  then that means this is already an incident.」

「Do you have to say that much」

She needed to say that much for something like this. All the classmates nodded in agreement.

「This isn’t something that complicated. Myuu said to me that she want  to go to other world other than Tortus, and from the start we were  making plan for a trip during spring vacation but……you know, my schedule  got packed full because of the “dragon incident” so……」

「……You all knew that we reviewed the “world tree’s branches revival plan” from zero again right?」

Seeing Hajime looking like he had swallowed something sour, Yue  smiled wryly even while she took over the explaining. Yuuka nodded while  glancing at Kouki.

「Well yeah……Amanogawa and others also haven’t departed again even now.」

Kouki came here together with Liliana because he was hunting the sacred precinct monsters in Tortus.

After that “getting summoned too much incident”, Kouki didn’t  immediately depart for the trip to revive the great tree in each other  world──that was to say, the “trip for reviving the branches of world  tree”.

For Kouki, he was finally able to “return home” after going through that incident.

It was only natural. He wanted to take a rest for a while, and he  also wanted to treasure the time he spent with his family at his  birthplace. Not to mention Moana and Aularodde were also staying with  him. He wanted the two of them to also have their fill in spending time  in Japan.

While that was going on, that “dragon incident” occurred and Hajime put a halt to the plan.

While the plan was being halted, Kouki’s group sometimes helped out  with Hajime’s work, but Hajime himself told them 「It’s possible that  your trip will become a long one, so you three should go train your  teamwork or something」. They thought that it was reasonable and crossed  over to Tortus.

Thinking that it would be just right for their training, Kouki  resumed his hunting of sacred precinct’s monster that he had been doing  until just before the “getting summoned too much incident”, because he  might as well. That was why he was together with Liliana when coming  here.

「……Nn. The influence to the world that accompanied the King Tree’s  revival was unexpected. That’s why Hajime reworked his estimation and  countermeasure so that the same mistake won’t get repeated when reviving  the great tree of other world.」

「Hajime-san also turned the plan into a longer one desu. Before  reviving the great tree, that world’s power spot and ecosystem need to  be checked, then make hero-san write a report, and if necessary then  even more countermeasure to crush any worrying factor will have to be  created. The revival won’t get greenlighted without doing those things  first.」

「Most likely, investigating a single world wouldst require several months at the very least.」

「Uwaa, you guys are super careful.」

「Well, certainly being overly careful might be for the best if we look at the world’s current situation.」

Nana and Taeko nodded in understanding. Certainly, there was no  guarantee that the other worlds wouldn’t also get significantly  affected.

The classmates were also helping out with handling the civilian  organization that awakened to handling willpower, so they were also  nodding in understanding when they imagined the possibility of chaos  occurring in other world too.

Kaori raised her index finger straight up and continued the talk.

「The desert world is going to be where we’ll start.」

「E~rr, that’s Moana-san’s home world isn’t it?」

Kouki nodded when Yuuka asked him that with her gaze.

「It’s Nagumo’s instruction. There’s something he want to do first as the important condition for the plan.」

「What is it?」

「It’s to have a direct talk with a goddess. We want to ask if it’s a  good thing or not to revive the great trees in the first place. Then  what should we take note of when reviving a great tree. After that,  let’s see, if possible we also want a corroboration about the story of  world creation that we heard from Aula before.」

「The story that I told before was something that was passed down orally to me from the goddess after all.」

The story of nine worlds. The story of the root world that was  supporting them. The story that the great trees that existed in each  world were nothing more than the branches of the world tree. Etc.

Those stories weren’t knowledge that Aularodde had confirmed on her  own. They also weren’t knowledge that was granted to her from the world  tree when she took the post as goddess.

Hajime glanced at Aularodde while adding to the explanation.

「Not to mention that Aularodde isn’t a goddess of creation. She was  nothing more than a fairy who was originally born in the fairy world.  She’s a goddess with term of office.」

She was a goddess who was using manual to do her duty. It couldn’t be  helped even if Hajime judged that they authenticity of her knowledge  was “Suspect”. The person herself was also a bit unsure so it was even  more so for the others.

Hajime wasn’t really glaring or anything, but for Aularodde-san who  was quite a spineless person, it seemed that it felt like she was  getting disparaged 「This hopelessly useless goddess-」 with a cold gaze.

She started making excuse with desperation.

「I-it can’t be helped! My world was in its terminal stage when I  inherited the position you know!? I was desperate with keeping the world  alive!」

And if she could say more, apparently her predecessor also told her  things like precedents of past goddess whose head exploded after  committing taboo.

That was why she never attempted to test it. The fairy world was in a  state where it would perish instantly the moment Aularodde was rendered  useless after all.

「I get it I get it. I’m not blaming you or anything.」

「Really? Aren’t you thinking……This woman is really useless huh. Well,  she can at least be used as sacrificial pawn, or something? Aren’t you  thinking to wash your hands of me and make me do something dangerous!?」

「Aula, calm down! As expected even Nagumo won’t………………at the very least I won’t let him do anything like that!」

「What’s with that long pause-, Kouki-samaaa!」

「No, I won’t okay? What do you think I am」

Well, you’re the king of demon who is even more demonic than demon itself. The classmates thought like that but they didn’t dare saying it.

Part of it because they were afraid of the consequence, but also  because Aularodde was being too desperate in appealing that she wasn’t  useless……

It felt like she was a corporate slave who was about to be fired and  clung on the CEO while desperately begging 「I’m still useful! I’ll do  anything! I’m the company’s dog! Company’s dog!」. It was very painful to  watch.

It was even more painful seeing how even Moana who was usually  burning with rivalry toward Aularodde embraced Aularodde’s head and  started caressing it while saying 「It’s fine already! We properly  understand you!」.

「Cough-. Anyway, if we can hear the story directly from a goddess who  have been there since the creation, it’ll be more certain than  hypothesizing this or that ourselves. Perhaps she won’t know as much as  the state of other world, but it should still serve as a reference.」

The classmates seemed to understand Hajime’s intention while also  trying not to think too deeply about the state of Aularodde who was like  the shadow of what once was a goddess. Then Ryuutarous suddenly asked a  question.

「Aa~, come to think of it, Nagumo. Can’t you just ask the holy sword?  Didn’t you guys said that the holy sword is possessed by a goddess?」

「We don’t know whether it’s possessed or she transformed her own flesh body into the sword but……naturally, we had tried.」

「Sounds like it was impossible huh?」

They had once seen that figure that seemed to be a goddess in the  fairy world. There was no doubting that a will was residing in the holy  sword.

But, if asked whether it was possible to communicate with that will  clearly, the answer was a resounding no. Though it could be observed  that the will was responding to Kouki’s will. Like from the sword’s  change in shape.

However, when it came to showing herself by her own choice, or  anything that could be used for detailed communication then it would  immediately became hopeless. The sword could at least flicker with  light, but even if it was asked to signal with yes or no then it still  would be unable to give distinct reply.

「This is just my hypothesis but, perhaps Ua Alto can only “react”  when an event that strongly strike a chord with her happened and her  spirit is roused. I think it naturally also include the mental state of  the hero Amanogawa.」

「Yeah, I also think so. Telling it to change shape is also a function  of the holy sword so it can respond but……it’s just like Nagumo said,  it’s more a manifestation of emotion rather than a communication of  intention. And rather than something that is done consciously, I have to  say that it feels like something more reflexive or perhaps  instinctual.」

「Errr, can’t it be healed or something using Kaorin or Yue-oneesama’s power?」

The one who answered, or rather eager to answer Suzu’s reasonable  question was Aularodde who raised her hand in a flash while yelling  「Here!」.

It was as though she was a student appealing to the teacher to pick her for giving an answer in class.

Yes, Aularodde-san, when Hajime pointed at her while saying that, her expression brightened up greatly. I’m useful!

「Cough. About the holy sword, I can transform into a wooden heavenly  sword because I’m originally a tree fairy. Thinking naturally, Ua  Alto-san is a possession type. And when talking about possession, it  contain a constant risk in the aspect of the balance between the soul  and the container.」

According to her, possession ability was like a default ability for  apparition, even so they could choose their vessel. There would be no  problem if they possessed something disposable, but if the vessel was  too powerful, or if they carelessly stayed in there for too long,  occasionally it would be the soul that got influenced by the vessel.

And, if Ua Alto’s soul had been residing in the holy sword ever since  the time that wasn’t too long since the creation of Tortus, and on top  of that if there was a long period of time she didn’t get used……

「It’s understandable that she got affected by the nature of inorganic  object and her will became thinner. In that state, the only way left  she can react will be instinctually or emotionally. Such end is common  knowledge even among the apparitions.」

「But, she isn’t dead by any means. Isn’t that right, Aula?」

Aularodde nodded strongly.

「However, it seems the frequency and speed of her reaction is  increasing since visiting the fairy world. And seeing how we can also  see her goddess figure sometimes, I conclude that she’s in the path of  recovery. Her soul must not have been damaged irrevocably.」

She was usually acting like that, but Aularodde sounded persuasive  when she made such assortment with firm decisiveness in her eyes.  Relieved atmosphere filled the room.

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「Still, it was something that happened through great stretch of time.  It will take time for her to recover fully. Originally, soul is a  forbidden domain that even god cannot easily interfere with. Not to  mention she is a goddess of creation herself. Her soul is fundamentally  different from human soul. No matter how powerful and transcendence you  all are, be aware of the potentially fatal risk for a child of man to  reach your hand toward such thing.」

Aularodde’s gaze moved toward Hajime, then Yue and others.

That was a warning from a goddess (even if formerly) who had protected innumerable life of her world for countless years.

It was exactly because Hajime and others had heard that warning  before this that they didn’t keep trying to force Ua Alto’s recovery and  chose to ask other goddess.

「A-amazing nano……Aula-oneesan somehow feels like a real goddess-sama nano!」

「I’m a real goddess though!? Formerly that is!」

Either way, the current holy sword Ua Alto couldn’t be questioned  about something complicated that was related to the foundation of the  world.

「Well, that’s why for now we want to try asking the goddess who summoned Amanogawa.」

「After all it seems that according to the legends that are passed  down among Moana’s people, Foltina-sama is a goddess of creation.」

Kouki turned his gaze toward Moana for confirmation. Moana glanced at  Aularodde who was already back to looking smug even though she was able  to show just a little bit of her dignity as a former goddess, then the  corner of her lips rose as a sigh escape her mouth mockingly.

「Yes, that is what the legends of our people said. Surely, no,  Foltina-sama is absolutely not a pitiful goddess who became addicted to  energy drink from getting overworked! She will be more, like, a very  amazing goddess!」

「W-w-w-wwwho are you calling an addict!」

Aularodde was terribly shaken that her tone became very unbefitting for a goddess.

Emily took out a labelless pet bottle from who knew where that had poisonous color which she presented toward her.

The former goddess’s eyes were instantly drawn toward it while her  left hand reached out to take it. Her right hand grabbed that left hand  and held it in place while trembling fiercely.

There was nothing else that could be said anymore.

「After the situation on earth calm down……let’s see, we too should be  able to move somewhat freely half a year later around the time the  university enter summer break. At that time we plan to go a trip to  compensate for the spring break which will also double as a late  graduation trip. We plan to go to the spirit world too at that time.」

It was self-evident that it would be better to gather information  from multiple sources so they could be analyzed to form a clear picture.

Shia had no time to be leisurely when she got summoned to the star  spirit world, but they planned to go there with full preparation this  time to hear the story of Lutria, the avatar of the Star Tree.

Shia narrowed her eyes in nostalgia.

「I can’t wait. I hope Dahlia-san is doing well over there.」

「Sorry Shia. Wait a little bit more until you can reunite with your  friend. It’s frustrating I know, but as expected sending you to that  world while I can’t move freely is……」

「No no, please don’t worry about it. After all the flow of time in  the star spirit world is different. We don’t even know if the flow of  time is still the same like before desu.」

「……Nn. It’s because of that too it will be easier to visit Foltina rather than Lutria.」

「Indeed. There art no need to hurry to go in a small group to a world  where we doth not know whether we wouldst be able to send reinforcement  immediately in case something happened there.」

Yuuka and the other classmates were amazed hearing that Hajime and co  had thought a lot about the problems at their side while they all were  busy running around dealing with the “dragon incident” or university  exam. They looked understanding about the outline of the plan.

But, that was that. Ryuutarou folded his arms while making an  expression that looked like he still couldn’t accept it fully. Yes,  there was still the original topic──about Myuu and Hinata’s trip.

「I see. But still, as I thought it’s unbelievable. You guys planned  to go travelling to other world after half a year right? Then there  ain’t any need to let Myuu-chan and Hinata-chan go right now with Kouki  as chaperone when you’re looking that displeased with it.」

「If you’re just talking about necessity, it’s just as you say. But  you know……Myuu you know, she has been really, really looking forward to  it. She kept talking about being able to make a new friend!」

She would speak about it with such sparkling smile, and every night  she would count with her fingers how many more days until that day  came……

And yet, the situation

Hajime papa clenched his fist and roared 「That feeling, that smile,  there ain’t no way I can betray them as a father!!」 while shaking  fiercely.

Ryuutarou looked bewildered while asking back 「New friend?」. In respond Myuu leaned forward with a sparkling smile.

「Ryuutarou-oniichan also know her nano! It’s Koone-chan nano!」

「Eh, that scheming little girl?」

「Do you have any complain about my Koone-tan?」

The serious fighting spirit of the former queen was hitting  Ryuutarou! Her eyes were serious! A fight might break out depending on  his answer!

Suzu slapped the head of her boyfriend whose tongue slipped and  apologized in his place. It looked like she had it quite hard being the  girlfriend of a man who allocated all his status points to muscle even  though some should be set aside for delicacy too.

In any case, for Myuu being able to meet with the newly ascended  little queen of the desert world who she had only ever heard from  stories was one of the three things she looked forward the most from  spring break.

Also, the remaining two of that best three was being able to go on a  trip with Hinata, and making the girl of the machine world who was  patiently aiming for the daughter position to know her place, or something.

Because of that, although it couldn’t be helped because of the  “dragon incident”, Myuu was completely dejected when she got told about  the postponement of the travel plan to the other world.

Hajime papa who liked to spoil Myuu rotten naturally worked hard so that his daughter could somehow enjoy her spring break.

「Well, that’s why they asked us to chaperone them because we’ll be going to the desert world too around that time.」

「So it’s the case of a papa swallowing his bitterness in order to let his daughter have fun come hell or high water huh.」

Suzu directed a gaze that seemed to say 「You’re still an idiot parent  like usual huh」 toward Hajime. At the same time a new question also  arose.

「But but, can’t at least one person among Yue-oneesama and others come with them as guardian?」

Certainly, no matter how busy they all were, there was no way not a  single person among Yue and others couldn’t accompany the children. Not  to mention,

「Hinata-chan will also go right?」

「Yes. I have received the invitation from Myuu-chan. Visiting another  world is like a fantastical story. Furthermore, we might become able to  be friend with a queen who is the same age with us there……Myuu-chan,  please allow me to thank you once again.」

「Ehehe, it’s Myuu who should be thankful nano. Myuu is happy that Hinata-chan will come along too nano!」

「F-friendship between little girls, what a priceless thing……well,  that said, if Hinata-chan is going, it should be fine if lolico──I mean,  Endou-kun also come with them.」

「Say, Taniguchi. Just now, did you almost call me lolicon?」

Suzu put on a realistic face of feigned innocence. 「I’m not okay?  I’ll go abyss on you the next time you call me lolicon again okay?」  Kousuke harshly warned her before looking toward Hinata with warmth but  also worry in his eyes.

「Even I actually want to come with them but, I can’t maintain my  clones across world……and just like I said before, I have been given  special permission to attend lectures. Besides, I had spent a lot of my  time focusing on exam, so I want to make up for it by helping out Nagumo  and the Onmyouryou before I start going to univ.」

「Endou-sama, your concern truly makes me happy. But, I will be fine,  truly. After all I will also be able to call for Hidzuki if it become  truly necessary.」

That’s why, please don’t work too hard, Hinata said with a smile that showed a glimpse of her strong heart.

Inside her eyes, self-confidence that she wasn’t a weak princess who  needed to be protected by Kousuke 24/7 and instead an existence who  could stand as an equal at his side could be glimpsed.

「Please, I asked you to prioritize carrying out what you ought to be doing.」

After being told like that, even Kousuke could only say 「Yeah……I get it」 and saw off Hinata while believing on her.

In fact, Hajime himself honestly needed Kousuke so bad right now in  order to regain the stability of earth using the lord’s stealth and his  ability to be in multiple places at the same time.

After all with the lord being able to take part in resolving the  situation, the important matters would be able to be resolved in great  speed.

At the same time, the circumstance in Hajime’s side was also similar to that.

「It’s just like Taniguchi said, I also said that at least one of us should be able to come with them but……」

「……Muu, then Myuu won’t go nano. Myuu don’t want to  selfishly go playing even though papa and everyone are so busy nano.」

That was why. Hajime’s troubled gaze looked around at his classmates. Aa, I see now, everyone’s expression turned into a smile.

Hajime tried to persuade Myuu that a child shouldn’t worry about that  kind of thing, rather it was him as papa who was bad for changing the  spring break’s plan even though Myuu had been looking forward to it. But  Myuu showed her stubbornness at that kind of time. She wouldn’t agree  to it no matter what.

In the end, they compromised with Myuu and Hinata taking advantage of  Kouki’s group that would also go to the desert world for the sake of  the world tree’s branches’ revival plan without anyone in Hajime’s group  sparing any time to come with them──finally Myuu too could agree going  to a trip during her spring break without any reservation with such  conditions in place.

Although in Hajime’s case, he was unable to accept it fully like Kousuke.

「It’s a bitter decision. I pondered on it all the time for seven days  and seven nights. But, so that Myuu can have her fill of the spring  break without feeling any guilt, asking this shitty hero to accompany  her is for the-, be-, est-」

Hajime looked like he really strained his voice cord to say those  words. It could be seen just how reluctant he was to make that decision.

Kouki too, he looked toward Myuu and Hinata and said 「I’ll properly  protect the two of you」 with sincerity before glancing at Hajime. The  instant his eyes met Hajime, his expression changed and he looked aside  while huffing obviously.

Seeing the two acting like that made not only Shizuku, but also Yue and others to finally look exasperated.

「How about thou just admit it already, Gosujin-sama.」

「……Nn. If it’s Hinata and the current Myuu then they’ll be able to at  least protect themselves, and there are also a lot of measures in place  in case something unlikely occur. But, even so the last factor that  helped you made the decision was──」

Just as Hinata said, if necessary she would be able to summon the  strongest oni Shuten Douji to her side, and Hajime had also arranged for  Etemp to secretly guard her in invisible state. They would also bring  artifacts with them that would act as multiple layers of protections.

But, surely, the decisive factor that surpassed all of those was,

「Geez Hajime-san, even though you don’t distrust the hero-san as much as you keep complaining」

「Don’t say something so disgusting. You’re making me getting goosebumps see?」

「Please don’t say something so disgusting, Shia-san. I’m getting chills hearing it.」

Aa? Hajime and the hero’s gaze clashed.

Ryuutarou and Suzu were whispering secretly with each other 「It feels  like watching Yue-san and Kaori ain’t it?」「They’re quarrelsome friends,  I guess?」.

The potato that Suzu was currently moving toward her mouth got  skewered by a fork and it returned back on her plate. Ryuutarou’s fried  chicken also got cleanly bisected by a fork and plopped down.

There was no need to say who the culprits were. Ryuutarou and Suzu  silently sat back on their seat. While complaining 「See, that’s exactly  why!」 inside their heart.

「Nagumo? Amanogawa? Those, are our restaurant’s utensil though?」

Yuuka-san’s eyes were slanted up! Hajime and Kouki looked at each  other, than a second passed. They apologized 「S-sorry」「M-my bad」 while  turning their gaze toward Kaori asking for help. Their movement was  beautifully in harmony.

Kaori smiled wryly while fixing the damage with regeneration magic.  Emily was staring at Yuuka with eyes that were sparkling with respect!

Hajime and Kouki coughed. They pulled themselves together.

「I don’t trust you or anything at all but……protect them even if it kills you. I’ll kill you if not.」

「It’ll be just a bother even if you trust me or something but……I’ll protect them even if it kills me. So cut the crap.」

「Geez! Papa and hero-san are really exaggerating just for a spring break nano!」

Don’t treat Myuu like a kid! Myuu said while puffing out her cheeks precociously.

Although, Myuu’s claim was understandable. It wasn’t like they would  go to an unknown world. They also would have chaperone in their trip  that was for deepening friendship between children. In the end, that was  all.

All this time Remia had been gently and smilingly watching the talk  between Hajime and co from outside the circle while nonchalantly helping  out with placing additional dish or drink and the like. Then she placed  her hand on Hajime’s shoulder as though to assist her daughter.

「Now now, Hajime-san. There is the saying, send your child out into the world if you love them.」

「……Well, it’s as you say. It’ll also be troubling if she keep clinging on her parent forever.」

That was why, Remia also wouldn’t come with Myuu this time.

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There was also how Myuu was resistant to that idea when she imagined a  situation where she was the only one who got accompanied by her mother  when going to play with her friends……

Remia saw that as growth and felt happy instead. She accepted it and  decided to send her out while giving the last push on Hajime’s back  while he was worrying out.

The mother had given her “yes”. Yue and the others also said “in that case”.

The understanding was spreading among the classmates that in the end a  papa’s heart that wanted his daughter to have her fill of spring break  won over the hate toward the hero.

Yuuka smiled at Myuu and Hinata as everyone’s representative.

「So it’s like that. That’s great. Myuu-chan, Hinata-chan, go have fun  there. I’ll look forward to hear all about it when you two come back.」

「Yes nano!」

「Fufu, thank you very much, Sonobe-sama.」

Moana was muttering 「Finally, even my Koone-tan will be able to make  friends! That girl’s dream is going to come true!」, though the girl in  question would turn red and punch her if she actually heard that.

Ryuutarou pretended to not hear the true thought of the desert  world’s small queen who was hungering for equal friendship while  narrowing his eyes. He was recalling the desert world.

「Even so, the desert world huh. I also want to try going there again  if possible but, it’s impossible with how busy we are right now. Yoo,  Kouki. Tell everyone there hello from Suzu and me.」

「Ryuu-kun and I are also busy preparing for going to college……and we’re also looking for house.」

There were loud tsking from here and there. They came from the guys with no girlfriend, especially Shinji and Yoshiki.

Yes, astonishingly these two were going to a different university than Hajime’s group where they would living in cohabitation.

「Both of you, I heard that you two would move to Tortus and was looking forward to it……」

Liliana pouted with a little dissatisfaction.

Certainly, even now Ryuutarou and Suzu hadn’t changed their outlook.  They planned to migrate to Tortus where they would be able to make use  of their strength as adventurer.

However, as expected they also had the same feeling like Hajime and others.

「Ahaha, we also want to try going to university. There are also things that we want to learn.」

「Remember, there’s also that invitation from you Lily. That one when  you asked us to join the knight order instead of becoming adventurer.」

「Yes. After all thanks to a certain someone, recently it seems like  it will be impossible to expect everlasting affiliation from our knight  order commander.」

Even if painful works keep coming, even if my superior is a  slavedriver, I’ll be fine! I can endure! Because, the best workplace to  transfer into has been prepared for me!

It wasn’t like Commander Kuzeri was yelling such thing to the sky  but, apparently Liliana who had been observing her fixedly from behind a  pillar could hear that voice of the heart.

If it was impossible to keep her anymore, she had to seek for replacement!

Liliana glared at that “certain someone”. The “certain someone” was  muttering 「This café au lait is great」 while feigning ignorance.

「Suzu and me are going to PE college after all. We wanna learn things  like the latest sports knowledge or training method. Won’t it be great  if we can bring that kinda thing to train the knight order?」

「I’ll also be at health program. Things like nutrition and the like might be useful.」

「Can I take that to mean that you two are positively considering joining the knight order!?」

「It’s scary the way you’re that desperate but……well, being adventurer  has that side that’s kinda like being a rootless person after all.」

「It sounds fun but, we don’t know how long we’ll be able to keep  doing that. it’ll be nice if we can be adventurer for a while but, the  two of us have also been discussing that it’ll be nice to get an  employment too.」

「You two can come anytime. I have already prepared the contract for you two to sign.」

「「That’s why it’s scary how you’re acting.」」

This was why Commander Kuzeri wanted to run away, everyone thought.

After that.

Almost all of the foods had been finished. Everyone was basking in a  pleasant feeling of full stomach while enjoying after meal tea. At the  same time their conversation topic was returning completely back on  track.

It was a relaxed time where they were calmly conversing with each  other, talking about their futures that were filled with hope or  ambition.

Among those there were also those who had eccentric idea, which  caused others to worry if they would be alright with that kind of path.

For example, Nimura Akito was completely unexpected. He spoke about  gaining fame as magician using his vocation as “illusion master” in full  capacity, where he would be a magician who was seriously doing magic  (naturally the truth would be kept hidden).

Yoshino Mao too, perhaps because of her carefree personality,  apparently she was going to have fun travelling to various places for a  while. She said something about being adventuring type YouTuber using  the part-time job earning she got from helping Hajime as seed money.

Aikawa Noboru would go to university. Even so he was also apparently  aiming to join the public safety department for the time being. In other  words, he was going to be Fukube-san’s subordinate.

Juugo was aiming to be a police officer. Kentarou and Ayako would go  to the same university of agriculture. Apparently Kentarou would someday  inherit the farm that was managed by his grandparents, while Ayako  would become veterinarian. Her scheme was to use her healing magic,  which would be too conspicuous if used toward human, while it would be  no problem at all with animal.

Also, these two, because their university was far away apparently  Ayako would be lodging in the house of Kentarou’s grandparents. The two  of them had already finished giving greeting to their respective family.

And yet.

Unbelievably, the two of them said that they still hadn’t officially  going out together. Even though it was clear that there was no more room  for outsider to get between the two of them, they both were still being  the height of good-for-nothing.

For this point, it was just everyone’s guess but, perhaps both of  them couldn’t say anything to the other because of anxiety from fearing  rejection, but rather because they were enjoying the exquisite sense of  distance?

That was how it felt. There wasn’t anybody who would point out at the  two’s relationship anymore among the classmates. Just do whatever you  two want, that was how the classmates felt.

Other than them, there was also someone who wanted to join JSDF, to  become translator, diplomat, journalist, pro fighter, politician, or  detective, or to someday inherit their father’s company, etc.

After that there were the unique cases, like the one who wanted to  become Nagumo family’s pet but got scornfully rejected by Hajime or the  one who wanted to become Nagumo family’s maid but got formally rejected,  they would continue to university while aiming to join Hajime’s company  or if possible became his secretary after graduating.

「I’m worried because it feels like there are also those following a no good path but……」

Aiko was muttering with a conflicted expression toward some of the  students who were leaving the nest before saying 「E-spe-ci-al-ly!」  toward the duo who was laughing foolishly.

「Nakano-kun and Saito-kun! In the end you two aren’t going to any  university or finding any job, and yet I also haven’t heard anything  about what the two of you want to do! What are your plan about your  future!?」

「Ee, spare us from doing career consultation Ai-chan. This is a time for celebration right now.」

「Yeah. We are free spirits. We’re going to get a great job, like, one where we can get popular with girls nicely.」

In other words, it seemed they were going to be freeter.

「Come to think of it, Yoshiki. I got this idea, won’t TV station be  good? They must be hiring staff at least. If we’re lucky we might get  actress or idol……fufufu」

「In that case, how about being stuntman that’ll need physical ability  eh? What with that guy, sooo amazing! Take me! It’s possible there’ll  be that kind of development, maybe!」

「You……are genius!」

「Stop with the flattery-」

Everyone thought. These two were hopeless. They completely looked  down on work. Surely they would be this kind of slightly hopeless guy  for their whole life……they thought.

Nobody even thought that in the near future, these two would actually  establish a security firm that specialized for celebrity where they  would be famous as super strong bodyguard who did super otaku cheering  at shows.

「Geez! You two are talking about your own future! Be a little more serious about i~~ttt!」

Ai-chan-sensei’s teacher soul blazed and she roared. Yeu and others  soothed her down while the others were cheering the duo in amusement. It  didn’t look like they would finish talking yet.

The inside of the restaurant was getting lively again when a hand was suddenly placed on Hajime’s shoulder.

「Hajime-san, can I ask for a little of your time?」

「? Yeah, it’s fine.」

It was Remia. Her gaze flowed toward the counter seat. It seemed that  she wanted to have a little talk with him outside of the circle of  everyone’s conversation.

Thinking that it was unusual, Hajime used his gaze to tell Yue and  others that they would leave their chair for a bit. There Yue  immediately caught on and casually applied recognition blocking on them  so that everyone’s attention wouldn’t move toward Hajime and Remia.

The two sat at the corner of the counter seat and Hajime asked 「So?」.

「I’m sorry for being so sudden. But, everyone is having fun talking about the future, so I wish to convey my hope too.」

「……Again, what? I hope it’s not like what I imagined though.」

Perhaps she would tell him something like 「I’m at my limit already  living in another world! Please send me back home!」? Hajime braced  himself a little.

Perhaps she guessed what he was imagining. Remia laughed 「My my」 in amusement. It seemed that it was just his needless worry.

「I don’t have any dissatisfaction. Rather it’s me who have been  worried all this time since moving her that perhaps Hajime-san and  everyone harbored some kind of dissatisfaction toward me.」

「Haa? Where does that come from? Do I look like that to you?」

「No. But……Myuu once said it didn’t she? That she can’t do anything unless someone helped her.」

「……Yeah, it was when she met Director Magdanese the first time.」

「Yes. At that time I thought that her words apply to me too, no, it apply only to me.」


Was Remia actually thinking such thing? Hajime felt surprised and also ashamed at the same time.

She looked like she was enjoying her life here, and her gentle and  warm atmosphere also didn’t look artificial. But, from the start Remia  was someone good at hiding her feeling. He thought that he should be  more attentive with her.

Hajime turned a serious gaze toward Remia while being aware that a  grimace was formed between his eyebrows. He also put in effort to fill  his emotions into his words so it was conveyed that he was telling her  his true feeling and not just being considerate.

「……Certainly, that’s the case in combat aspect. But, it’s not true  that you can’t do anything. There isn’t anybody better than you Remia in  smoothing up human relationship. And that really helped me out.」

In fact, it was Remia who had been building the best relationship with the people in the neighborhood.

Hajime used his power to mass media and government during the  returnee uproar, but he did almost nothing to the neighbors. Even so  Nagumo family could maintain an almost unchanging relationship with them  like before without avoiding them was definitely because Remia took  initiative to go along with them.

It was also the same with the relationship with the parents of Myuu’s  friends. And it was also the same with the relationship with people  related to Hajime’s company.

Every single action and word from her, the atmosphere that she  surrounded herself with, they softened other people’s nervousness. She  unraveled other people’s suspicion and without them realizing it they  would be already talking with her relaxedly.

That was a rare talent.

Even among the family, the atmosphere would become mild with just  Remia’s presence. Everyone could wind down no matter how busy and tired  they were.

「Thank you very much. It makes my effort worth it to be able to hear that.」

「Those were, all intentional?」

「I can only do this much but……even so, I’m not so shameless that I  can expect to be completely accepted simply from being Myuu’s mother you  know?」

「My bad. And, what is this hope you were talking about? From the flow  of this talk, did you find something else that you want to do?」

「No, rather it’s something that I want to be done to me.」


She found something more that she could do and with that she wanted  to be more useful──Hajime thought this would be that kind of talk but it  seemed that wasn’t the case.

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Was it just his imagination? Remia’s eyes that were staring fixedly on him looked like to be more passionate than usual.

「Hajime-san. What do you think would happen to Myuu and I if we were able to keep living in peace at Erisen?」

「Hm? Do you mean if Myuu didn’t get kidnapped and the legendary final battle also didn’t happen?」


「Well, wouldn’t you two, mother and daughter kept living harmoniously like normal no matter what happened?」

Hajime couldn’t keep up with the flow of the talk that suddenly  changed and replied with some bewilderment. Remia shook her head calmly  in respond to that.

「I would surely remarry again in less than a year in that case.」

Hajime’s heart was made to jump a little again from thinking there was no way that would be the case.

「……Are you saying that there was a man you liked there?」

「No, that’s not the case. Have you forgotten? Right now we are free but, originally the seaman race was a race that was managed by human country.」

「I see. So it’s like that.」

Seaman race was a demihuman race that was specially managed because  of their usefulness in securing marine product efficiently. That was the  position of seaman race in Tortus before.

Naturally, their population was also managed. They couldn’t be  allowed to decrease too much, and they also couldn’t be allowed to  increase in number too much that it became possible for the whole race  to revolt or escape.

And, no matter how skilled they were in the sea, they were still  demihuman and couldn’t use magic as the consequence. Their mortality  rate from facing sea monsters was definitely not low by any means.

Then, it was impossible for a woman who lost her husband to be  allowed to live freely after giving birth to just a daughter. She was  barely allowed to not remarry immediately because she had to raise Myuu  who was still four years old.

「So the men of Erisen were so frantic to become Remia’s marriage  partner was because they had chance based on the system, even more than  just a matter of feeling huh.」

「Yes. The people above would make the final decision but, that doesn’t mean that we had no freedom at all.」

Just like what the men of Erisen were trying to do. They could  compete with each other to appeal that they were the worthiest one for  the position.

Customarily, the clan head and the human supervisor too almost never  objected against the result of that competition. It was even more so  when there was mutual love between the two parties involved. The  marriage wouldn’t be unrecognized as long as there wasn’t some kind of  difficult circumstance.

「Although, sometimes we would also need to take in new blood from  outside. And I had acquaintances with people from the kingdom and  dukedom from my work as coordinator between the two races so……」

「So it was also possible that you would become a noble’s second wife……no, something like their concubine or mistress huh.」

「Perhaps. That kind of talk had also come up at that time.」

It was something that Hajime could normally realize if he thought  about it, but his thought never reached that far perhaps because of his  sense as Japanese who thought that free love was the norm. Hajime felt  like he wanted to let out a deep sigh.

「Why didn’t you ever mention it when we were staying──no, it was for Myuu huh.」

「Yes. She had finally come home after getting kidnapped. Not to  mention it was her time to create memory with her papa before parting  with each other you know? There was no need to go out of my way to teach  her the reality. Besides……」


「Because you promised her before I could tell her. That you will come to pick her up and bring her back to your birthplace.」

Remia chuckled as she said that.

There were many other reasons, like how he was a gold ranked  adventurer, or how he had comrades from races that should have perished  for a long time, but,

Although his stay in Erisen was short, for some reason Remia’s  instinct was whispering to her during that time. It told her that  perhaps, the destiny of them mother and daughter that had been set in  stone was greatly changed by the time Myuu found this person.

That change was surely a powerful current that she had no way to  oppose. It would definitely become a lovely future that she wouldn’t  even want to oppose.

Because, her beloved daughter was making such lovely smile with this person.

「That instinct, it changed into conviction in the last day, when Myuu  and Hajime-san exchanged that promise, and Yue-san and the others  hugged that child with a smile.」

Hajime scratched his cheek awkwardly. He was assaulted with great  feeling of awkwardness after learning that Remia had thought in her own  way about her encounter with Hajime’s group, even more than he imagined.

Although, she was baring the inside of her heart so transparently to  him like this. This wasn’t the time for him to hide his embarrassment.

He didn’t understand why Remia was talking about this but, this was a  rare chance. He planned to ask if Remia brought up this topic herself,  but now Hajime boldly broached this topic that he never broached because  of his consideration for her. He thought that this would be how he  showed her his sincerity instead.

「……If the marriage in seaman race, was something that was decided  from above in the end……was the reason you never talked about Myuu’s  father perhaps because your marriage with him was an unwanted one?」

「That is the one thing that cannot possibly be the case. Certainly it  was a marriage that was decided for me by other people but, he was  someone who I adored like a big brother ever since I was little. I  didn’t feel any reluctance to become family with him.」

In the first place, the residences of Erisen were all like one big  family. Everyone there knew almost everyone else. And people of the same  generation were raised together all the time like they were siblings.

「That person said to me before Myuu was born. If, by some chance he  doesn’t return home from the sea before the child is born, it’s fine if I  never tell our child about the father that they would never be able to  meet.」

According to her, that wasn’t a special thing. It seemed to be  something like a custom among the seamen who went out to fish. Gender  didn’t matter, to go out to the sea for fishing just required that much  resolve.

「He said that there are a lot of guys who would become their father  in my place, so make them fawn on them rather making them feel lonely  over me.」

「Now that you mention it, when we first met seamen, the men were  desperate huh. They looked really threatening when suspecting me as  kidnapper. Certainly it was unthinkable that they could act like that if  they only thought of Myuu as other family’s child.」

「Yes, that’s how seaman race is. In case I remarried with a human, I  would go to that person’s place while Myuu would get adopted by another  family in Erisen, but even in such case, I would feel sad but not  worried at all. After all I knew a lot of good women there who would be  her mother in my place.」

Remia said that while narrowing her eyes at Myuu who was in high spirit talking to Hinata. Her gaze was overflowing with love.

Next her gaze turned toward Hajime. Although the quality of the  emotion dwelling in those eyes was different from the other girls, its  strength wasn’t that much different than them.

「I don’t regret marrying that person. He was a kind person, and most of all he gave me Myuu.」

「I see.」

「Also, Hajime-san. I absolutely will not regret it even in the future  that you met with Myuu, got loved by her dearly as her papa, and  brought us here.」

「……That’s, great.」

「Ufufu, I’m really thankful to you, Hajime-san. You have given us mother and daughter a lot of wonderful things.」

「It makes me itchy hearing that. It’s me who should be thankful to  the two of you for a lot of things though……so, in the end, was that what  you wanted to say to me?」

「No, I’m not lying that I want to convey my gratitude to you once  more but, what I wanted to say was about my hope for the future, and  also a bit of discontent.」

「Ee? The talk just now is leading to discontent!?」

Hajime reflexively raised his voice because of the unexpected flow.  Several people went 「Oh?」 from noticing Hajime and Remia from that.  Yue-san immediately sent him a thumb up. As though to say leave the to  me and just talk to your leisure.

「As expected from Yue-san, the leader of us “wifie~s”.」

「Who was the one who started using that word? It feels horribly out of place hearing that word coming out from Remia’s mouth.」

「That is exactly what I’m talking about. My discontent.」

「Eh? No, where?」

Hajime looked like he seriously didn’t get it. Remia took a slightly  deep breath before him. It was as though she was nervous. Her cheeks  were also slightly blushing.

「Living together until now, going through various happenings, and  being able to stay beside you and everyone has given me happiness.」


「That’s why, please I wish to ask you to change your perception of me already.」


「Yes. Look at me not only as “Myuu’s mother”, but also as “Remia who is married into Nagumo family”.」


Hajime couldn’t find any word to say back right away. He could only stare at Remia with his jaw hanging open.

「Weren’t you aware of it yourself? That your consideration for  Yue-san and others is a bit different from your consideration to me.」

「……There wasn’t really anything like that. I believed that I interacted with you normally.」

「You never asked me even once about that person. It was truly a  consideration of “not stepping unnecessarily into Remia’s heart”. Isn’t  that a kind of consideration that you don’t apply with the others?」

「That’s……perhaps, that’s so. No, that’s true. I see. Certainly that  isn’t a type of consideration that you’ll do to someone who become your  family. To think I never ascertained your feeling properly until now」

Remia must have felt it. Even while she was being treated as an  important family just as much as Yue and the others, there was other  small feeling mixed in there, a feeling that treated her like “an  important guest” which was so small even the person himself wasn’t aware  of it.

Remia was staring at Hajime with a nervous look.

This was akin to a confession from her. So it was only natural.

Hajime looked up to the ceiling. He wanted to sigh at himself. Just  what in the world had he been doing all this time. But, he firmly  endured that feeling because if he did that, it would be like he was  sighing at Remia’s feeling.

He fixed his expression and looked back straight at Remia.

「Thanks for telling me that. Sorry for being such an insensitive man  but, I’m honestly happy if Remia wishes for that. That’s why, let me say  it once more──please, I want you to be my family.」

Remia silently closed her eyes. She looked as though she felt moved, or perhaps feeling relieved from her heart.

And then she slowly opened her eyes and,

「Yes. Please take care of me along with my daughter for the many years to come okay, de・ar?」

When she said that, she was putting on a smile that was different from her usual my my ufufu smile that made it hard to guess her true feeling. It was a wide smile where she looked truly happy.

Somehow, it made him felt embarrassed.

Hajime hurriedly turned his gaze toward his glass to escape from Remia’s smiling gaze.

「Still, why now? It would be great if you told me this earlier.」

Hajime asked the question a bit fast as though to cover up his  embarrassment. Remia’s expression turned back to her usual 「My my」 as  she answered.

「Before this, Haijme-san was still a student more or less, and I  thought it would be too impertinent of me to tell you this when you were  still holding reservation with Aiko-san. That was part of the reason.」

「There was other reason?」

「I thought that this timing is just right. Because, didn’t you talk about submitting that after the graduation?」

「A-aa……so it’s」

It was then, shocked voices 「「「「「EEEEEEE!?」」」」」 so loud the restaurant’s window vibrated were resounding.

When Hajime turned his gaze to there while wondering what was going  on, all the classmates were also looking toward Hajime at the same  timing.

Among them, there was Shinji whose eyes snapped wide open as he yelled.

「Nagumooo! Y-you-! Is it true that you’re going to submit marriage registration with Yue-san after thissssssss!!!」

It was as though he was yelling something like 「It’s that the way you do thingsssssss!!」.

「What Yue, you told them?」

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「……N~n. It was Endou who talked.」

「Eh? Was it a secret? Emily and Hauria and others already knew, so I  completely thought that everyone in class also knew about it.」

Actually, that was right. What Remia meant by “that” was exactly the marriage registration of Yue and Hajime.

By the way, when Kousuke talked about it while at home, his father  who worked at the municipal office also requested 「Please, let me be the  one receiving it no matter what!」, so after this they planned to meet  up at the municipal office even though he should be in vacation from  work today.

「Wha-, w-w-wha-, what’s the meaning of this Nagumo!」

Yuuka-chan was excessively shaken up. Nana and Taeko became calm a  bit later and looked at her with exasperated gazes, thinking that what  was this best friend of them doing, getting shaken up at this point.

「Even if you ask me that, it’s exactly like what you think.」

He also had already proposed to her when at Tortus. The relationship  between Hajime and Yue and others was no different than husband and  wives, not just lover. They were declaring it like that to everyone  around them. It was common knowledge.

Although, it wasn’t a “formal marriage with legal effect” with recorded marriage registration. It was something de facto.

「The family register for Yue and others has been created. But, if I  submit marriage registrations for everyone, they’ll become  “contradictory record that keep existing”. Someone is bound to notice it  sooner or later because of some cause, and I would have to deal with it  every time unless I make some kind of countermeasure. That’s why, I put  it on hold before this because we were also still high schooler……」

「……Nn. The fact that we are members of Nagumo family is unchanging  even if it isn’t legally recognized. That’s why we didn’t feel any need  to hurry sending the marriage registration forcefully.」

For Yue, she longed to submit the registration so she could be seen  as Hajime’s wife publicly too, but with them living in Japan, she would  become the only one getting lawfully recognized. Because of that she  didn’t intend to ask for the unreasonable in consideration of the  feeling of Shia and others.

「We told them desu. Send the registration with Yue-san’s name after the high school graduation.」

「Umu. Though Goshujin-sama also said that he wouldst take steps so  that someday there wouldst not be any problem even if he send marriage  registrations for everyone.」

「Yue-san is the one who we and everyone else recognized as the first wife after all. And we heard from Okaa-sama(mother-in-law) how many merits can be obtained from having a spouse, and after  discussing it with everyone, we decided to send registration for Yue-san  to be the publicly recognized wife.」

Remia said that and smiled gently. The boys looked understanding and  sent envious gaze toward Hajime, while Yuuka and others were looking  inquiringly toward Kaori, Shizuku, and Aiko.

「Err, are you three alright with that?」

「I’m not!」

「Nagumooo! There’s a girl here who can’t accept it!」

Yuuka pointed sharply at Kaori.

「……What, Kaori. Should I make you know your place again?」

「I think Yue is unfair! Cheater! This vampire princess is cheater! It was unfair that you even used disintegration magic!」

「Kaori……you, still can’t accept it even after fighting it out at the miniature garden?」

「Rather, at that time you fought with infinite magic power while  Yue-san put handicap of using only her own magic power wasn’t it?」

They had fought until one side was defeated……as expected, she wanted  to send the marriage registration with her own name……or rather it was  already a fight with handicap where she threw all dignity to the  wind……all of the classmates looked at Kaori with gaze that didn’t know  what to say.

By the way, the current Yue could use all the magic that Kaori could  use. It was only in healing other people or resurrection where Kaori  still held definite lead over Yue, but Yue had “Automatic Regeneration”  for healing herself so there wasn’t much difference between the two of  them in one-on-one duel. In the first place, Kaori’s apostle mode was  also something that Yue applied to her.

It couldn’t be helped even if Kaori couldn’t match her in the fight  where the name that would be put in the marriage registration was at  stake.

「……I don’t mind even if you challenge me how many times though?」

「Uu……it’s alright alreadyyy! I just want to vent my jealousy for a bit!」

「……Nnu? Is it cleared up?」

「In・ex・changee! I’ll have the marriage ceremony be aa~~bsolutely lovely okay!」

「……As expected it’s not cleared up?」

「It’s cleared uppp!」

It seemed that her jealousy had been cleared up. Though she sullenly averted her gaze away.

Hajime smiled wryly and said 「When the situation calm down, let’s  hold a lavish one in the miniature garden」. Kaori instantly replied  「Yep-」 energetically with a bright smile. She switched mood really  quickly.

「Well, the truth is Yue the only choice if we have to pick a  representation among us. Someone else other than Yue doing it will only  bring discomfort.」

「That is true. Our relationship isn’t normal for the society.  Considering that I already assumed from before that thing would be  settled like this.」

Aiko smiled as she said that. She implied that they chose the path to  be together with Hajime even knowing that. There was no cloudiness in  her expression. Shizuku was the same. It conveyed how this decision was  something they all made and accepted after talking it out together.

I see~, understanding also spread among the classmates. The  girls once more gave their words of blessing 「Congratulations for the  official marriage-」 while the boys were poking fun at Hajime one after  another.

Emily and Claudia were muttering 「In our case……」「It won’t be  necessary if we someday move to Tortus won’t it? No, but……」 while  turning their eyes toward Rana who was completely focused on wishing  good look for the boss……

Myuu and Hinata were spurring on each other 「Let’s do our best nano!  Comrade Hina-chan!」「Yes, let’s do our best, comrade Myuu-chan!」 for some  reason.


There was a voice that sounded reserved but carried on well. When  everyone turned toward that voice questioningly, there was the figure of  the princess trembling with tearful eyes there.

「This is, my first time hearing it though.」


By the way, this 「ah」 cam from all the other the wifie~s than Liliana.

「Aa~, that’s, sorry. I forgot to tell you.」

「Horrible~. This is too much just because I’m the neglected type princess-」

Ah, she said it herself……anyone thought that but they all stayed quiet for the time being to observe the course of event.

「No, because this talk of marriage registration only got decided  recently. You know, Lily was staying at Tortus the whole time, and with  how busy everyone was I guess we missed the timing to tell you ,,,,,,」


The way Liliana stared fixedly on him with tearful eyes without  saying anything was invoking guilt inside him better than any word  could.

Liliana herself wasn’t trying to get away from her work, but that was  that. Certainly, it was the oversight of Hajime and co for not telling  her something so important even though one day she would come to join  Nagumo family.

And so, everyone honestly apologized here.

「「「「「「「「We’re sorry for forgetting」」」」」」」」

The only choice was to apologize wholeheartedly, in all sincerity.

「……Hics. Being apologized at like this also makes it awkward to stay here.」

Well of course, anyone thought, but of course everyone unanimously put a zip on their mouth with implicit understanding.

The atmosphere was extremely awkward.

「T-that’s right! We’re all here already! We might as well go watch them submitting the marriage registration!」

「R-Ryuu-kun! Nice idea!」

It was a nice topic change from Ryuu・Suzu duo.

「You two are being too reserved submitting it after the party ends! Ain’t that right, you guys!」

「Sakagami-chi, you said something good! Though well, in Nagumo-chi  and others’ perception they have been married couple until now, so they  might think we’re just exaggerating when they’re just going to submit  some form!」

「Even so, it’s horrible that you guys kept quiet something this wonderful from us all! Right, Yuuka!」

「Y-yeah! Yes, that’s right! Now that it has come to this we’re going to give you our blessings till generations to come!」

Nana and Taeko were excited. Though Yuuka looked like she was a bit desperate.

In any case, the atmosphere had changed completely. Everyone went 「I wanna see, I wanna see!」 to watch the auspicious moment──

「Our chance will be at the moment the form is handed off. My fire  spear will return that symbol of normie everywhere back into ash-」

「Wait Shinji. My wind blade won’t be able to shred it if you do that. I’ll do it first.」

There were some guys with different objective in mind, but it seemed  Rana-san couldn’t bear to see how unsightly they were anymore and  pointed her knife on them. The two of them fell completely silent and  there was no more problem.

「No, it’ll be a bother if this many people barged into the municipal office──」

「Nagumo. I just called my dad and he said it’s fine. It seems he’s  already on standby at the municipal office. All the staffs are looking  forward to it he said.」


It seemed that Hajime’s fame, or perhaps positivity level among the  workers in the municipal office was unexpectedly high. Perhaps it was  thanks to the energy drink with incomparable effect to the goods on the  market that he had gifted to them before.

Or perhaps they were happy with the nutritional tonic because this  was a town where a lot of uproars kept happening. Hajime couldn’t erased  the feeling of doing match fixing if that was the case.

Hajime looked around at the inside of the restaurant that was heating  up. Then he looked down on Yue beside him with an expression that was  half troubled and half happy.

「What do you think?」

「……If it won’t be troubling the people over there, is there any reason to refuse?」

She answered right away. She hugged Hajime’s arm on her chest while  gazing up toward him with a sloppy smile. It was a smile of someone  basking in happiness.

Then, Hajime’s answer was also only one.

「I get it. You guys, the party is over! Tidy up right away so we can go!」

The inside of the restaurant shook. The most energetic shout for today made it felt like that.

A new celebration was spreading in the party that was celebrating the graduation.

Hajime and others were taking another new step forward.



Thank you very much for coming to read this chapter too.

Thank you very much for giving comment, reporting mistaken or missing  words, and pointing out about the career path of Hajime and Yuuka and  others too.

Perhaps different explanation that the already existing path will  keep coming out in the future too in this last arc (the cause of my  heartbreak) but I’ll correct it each time. But, in case a major  correction become necessary, my apologies but first I’ll prioritize  finishing writing this before trying to fix it later after the story is  complete. I’m really sorry but please tolerate it so!

※Material introduction

・Company’s dog

From 「圧迫面接ゲーム 御社の犬」(Stress Interview Game   Company’s Dog). The phrase just won’t leave my head.

・Blessing until generations to come

From Hatsune Mike「Bless You」. No matter how many years have passed,  it’s a song that I super like and sometimes I remember and want to  listen to it again.

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