Chapter 124 Awkward

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When this sentence appeared yesterday, did the ending change? This was the first thought that popped into Jian Chi’s mind.

Shao Hang’s smile gradually flattened, mixed with a bit of sarcasm: “Does it make sense to talk about this now?”

Facing Shao Hang, Ji Huaisi put away his excess emotions, and his indifferent expression showed that he was not even his opponent. In the past, Ji Huaisi would at least use politeness as a disguise, but now he didn’t even need this last layer of disguise.

“The matter between me and Jian Chi had nothing to do with you, it’s enough to take care of yourself.”

Shao Hang didn’t accept this at all, “Where do you get the power to order me?” He smiled, “You’re more pleasing to the eye than before, you don’t plan to keep pretending?”

“Shao Hang, you go first.” Hearing these naked provocations and Ji Huaisi’s silence, Jian Chi stepped forward and walked towards Ji Huaisi’s direction.

“Are you chasing me away?”

Shao Hang’s sullen voice came from behind, and Jian Chi, who was already upset, had more of a headache and lowered his voice: “Ji Huaisi and I have something to say, it’s inconvenient for you to be here.”

Rather than have the annoying Shao Hang make the scene develop in a worse direction, appeasement was obviously more appropriate.

Just like Jian Chi’s thinking since he couldn’t sleep last night, Ji Huaisi would never compromise easily. But the current scene came much faster than Jian Chi thought. Ji Huaisi had no intention of leaving. It seemed that he would not give up until he achieved his goal. Shao Hang finally left with a gloomy face, but before he left, he didn’t forget to leave a warning for Ji Huaisi not to do anything.

After Shao Hang left, the originally relaxed atmosphere almost dropped to a stagnant point. Jian Chi was extremely confused, and didn’t know whether to consider Ji Huaisi as an ex-boyfriend or some other identity. Ji Huaisi obviously did not regard him as an ex-boyfriend.

Ji Huaisi brought their distance closer, making outsiders who might see this feel it a little intimate, as if they were telling secret. Jian Chi glanced away and looked at the toe of his shoe that almost touched Ji Huaisi.

“The first time I fell in love with you was the day I saw you being deliberately splashed with water by Shao Hang’s group.”

Ji Huaisi’s voice sounded.

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“I’ve always had a deep impression with you, more than others, but not to the point where I realized something was wrong. From that day on, I started to really pay attention to you, just stopping for a few seconds when I saw you, debating whether I should say hello, for fear of being too abrupt and disturbing you. Only after I made up my mind, I found out that you and Zhang Yang have walked off. Out of selfishness, I wanted to know more about you, get to know you in depth, and also to ensure that you won’t be hurt a second time.”

“So I guessed right, right?”

Ji Huaisi answered ‘yes’ after a long silence.

Jian Chi felt that he should be angry. If the person who did these things was not Ji Huaisi, he would definitely turn around and leave and block all the contact information of this person. However, Ji Huaisi showed a touch of depression and self-blame, and every word became difficult to explain. Jian Chi finally asked: “How did you do it?”

“Jian Chi.”

“I want to know. Did you monitor me, or did you let others monitor me?”

Ji Huaisi’s expression froze a little after he said it so bluntly, and under Jian Chi’s gaze, his pale lips moved slightly: “I had the members of the student council pay attention to your movements.”

Everything made sense.

It’s not just Ji Huaisi who paid attention to his every move, but also the members of the student council who were unfamiliar to him. It’s possible that they would sit at the adjacent table and listen to him and Zhang Yang’s small talk looking for something to tell Ji Huaisi. Or when they see him in contact with someone, tell Ji Huaisi all the other party’s information, and then quietly retreat.

Jian Chi couldn’t recognize every member of the student council, but so many people only needed to recognize him. It turned out that every day in Saintston, he was unreservedly and transparently displayed in front of Ji Huaisi.

Should he be happy about Ji Huaisi’ concern?

‘Understanding’ and ‘in order to make sure you don’t get hurt a second time’ were probably not lies. Ji Huaisi had indeed protected him many times. At that time, he had still thought it was a coincidence like a fool and had gratitude for his help. But Jian Chi didn’t think any normal person would monitor or ‘care’, it was just an excuse to cover up a darker reason.

Jian Chi hated the feeling that things were out of control, and even hated being controlled by others. Ji Huaisi wants to have everything in his hands, which may be the source of those unreal feelings and shakiness. The information gap and feelings between them were not equal from the beginning.

There was turmoil in Ji Huaisi’s eyes. He didn’t know if it was from Jian Chi’s expression, or he really felt remorse, but he softly suppressed his indistinct tremor: “Jian Chi, I won’t do this again, I can swear.”

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“No, I believe you.”

This sentence made Ji Huaisi’s eyes light up, but Jian Chi’s next sentence extinguished the faint light, “Now that everything is clear, I will go first.”

“Jian Chi.”

Ji Huaisi held Jian Chi’s wrist tightly, as if he would lose this opportunity forever if he let go, his smile was mixed with a faint self-mockery: “Now you can’t even look at me. You don’t want to?” 

It’s not that he didn’t want to, but that he can’t bear it. But Jian Chi didn’t say anything, and Ji Huaisi seemed to take this as his response.

“I didn’t agree to break up, and I don’t want to make it difficult for you. No matter what you think, even if you hate me, I won’t just give up.”

This seems to be expected, every word willfully messed with Jian Chi’s heartstrings.

“Jian Chi, you are cruel. You gave me the opportunity, then took it back with your own hands. I originally thought that time would allow you to learn to love someone and have your feelings as a reward, not the responsibility to be together. But I was wrong, instead of waiting for that day, I reaped what I sowed.”

For the first time, Jian Chi heard the completely negative word ‘cruel’ from Ji Huaisi’s mouth. He moved his lips to refute, but his mouth was blank. Ji Huaisi slowly let go of his hand, and when the weight fell, Jian Chi felt that something was also pulled from his heart.

“Let’s just treat it like we made a mistake together.”

Ji Huaisi said softly.

“I will correct myself, flush out all my bad habits, become what you like, and come back to you.”

“What about you? Will you give me this chance? A chance that can never be taken back.”

If he wanted, Ji Huaisi can definitely be a perfect classmate, friend, lover. But not an ex.

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Every day, Jian Chi received messages from Ji Huaisi, nothing more than good morning and good night, what did he do today, or ask Jian Chi if he had a good meal and whether he slept well last night. These concerns didn’t seem to come from an ex-boyfriend at all. Jian Chi replied to a few messages at first, telling Ji Huaisi to stop doing this. Ji Huaisi sent a “sorry”, reducing the frequency of looking for him, but the messages remained the same. The screen popping up every now and then.

The rough-hearted Zhang Yang finally found out that something was wrong. The reason was that Ji Huaisi no longer appeared at the door of the classroom to wait for Jian Chi to leave the classroom, and the time when Jian Chi and Ji Huaisi were together were all filled with learning. Once Ji Huaisi appeared far ahead, and Zhang Yang was about to say hello when Jian Chi pulled him in another direction, so Zhang Yang asked the doubts that had been hovering in his mind: “Have you and the vice president reconciled yet?”

Jian Chi didn’t expect Zhang Yang to think that they were quarreling even now, even with a puzzled face of ‘what are you arguing about?’, he hesitated and said, “We didn’t quarrel.”

“Then why are you hiding from him? I haven’t seen the vice-president come to you.”

Probably because he was used to it, Zhang Yang still used the word ‘vice president’ every time he addressed Ji Huaisi, which reminded Jian Chi that Ji Huaisi used his vice president status at the beginning to contact him, those casual touches, ambiguous, hiding behind the window paper, those days seemed to be his happiest.

“I broke up with him.”

“What?! It turned out to be a breakup… break up?!”

“What’s your expression?” Jian Chi looked at Zhang Yang’s stunned expression after a pause, and his depression dissipated a lot, “I thought you already knew. “

“No, how could I know? How did you break up? Why did you break up when it was so good?” Zhang Yang expressed his disbelief with three questions, “Don’t tell me it was the vice president.”

In order not to break Zhang Yang’s perfect idol image of Ji Huaisi in the bottom of his heart, Jian Chi said: “I also have problems, mainly because of not matching personalities.”

Zhang Yang said quietly: “You know what? Eight out of ten couples break up because of not matching personality, but it’s not usually the reason.”

Jian Chi didn’t want to talk about the topic of ‘breaking up’, and instead asked, “What about the remaining two?”

Zhang Yang replied, “Either cheating or being cheated on.”

Jian Chi was ‘…’ and changed the subject again.

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Jian Chi rarely paid attention to the time when he was with Ji Huaisi, until the teacher reminded him that he should change into the summer school uniform after the short vacation, and then he realized that June was coming soon. There was only the second half of the last HSST left, which gave Jian Chi no time to indulge in the breakup. After submitting the last assessment, the rest of the time was full of review.

Occasionally being harassed by Shao Hang in different ways, Jian Chi also turned a blind eye. However, he, Zhang Yang, and Wen Chuan’s three-person study group had to add one more person under the continuous interference of Shao Hang.

Facing Wen Chuan’s cold eyes, Shao Hang not only didn’t take it seriously, but also took up the position beside Jian Chi for the first time without any burden. Later, after seeing Wen Chuan discussing the problem-solving method with Jian Chi, Shao Hang realized he didn’t know what was going on. The next day, he even took a computer and notes to start studying. It seemed right if he didn’t take some problems that were the most basic to ask Jian Chi.

“Do you know what day is next Friday?”

After hearing Shao Hang’s voice that suddenly came to his ear after asking the question, Jian Chi looked at the computer without thinking and said, “I don’t know.”

Shao Hang snorted, sounding somewhat dissatisfied, “I’ll give you three chances to guess.”

After experiencing harassment for a period of time, Jian Chi was able to calmly ignore Shao Hang. He did not take his guess to heart, and replied ‘talk later’ and continued the work at hand. It was not until he finished the task set for today, Jian Chi realized that the silence around him was unbelievably quiet, and that Shao Hang was gone.

“Did he leave?”

Zhang Yang, who was hiding behind the book, raised his head, “Just after you said ‘talk about it later’, Shao Hang froze for two minutes and 20 seconds, then secretly glanced at you three times. Glancing at Wen Chuan, he finally glared at Wen Chuan, pushed back the chair and walked away. Didn’t you notice such a big movement?”

Jian Chi said, “…You are really precise.”

“Who made me not understand this topic at all? He sat there and lost his temper, so I didn’t even dare to ask you,” Zhang Yang complained, “If he wanted to tell others about his birthday, why can’t he just say it? I haven’t seen such an awkward person, and his temper is even bigger than my ex-girlfriend.”

Zhang Yang’s opinion on Shao Hang was not small at the beginning, and now it was getting bigger every day.

The two words mentioned in his words made Jian Chi startled for a while.


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