Another month passed. After finishing all the work, Qiao Chuyang picked up his bag and walked out of the house.

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Today was the day the two children graduated from kindergarten. She promised them that she would attend their graduation ceremony and then take them to eat a big meal.

"Qiao Chuyang, I've finally found you." Just as Qiao Chuyang walked to the entrance of the kindergarten, he heard the sinister voice of a man.

She subconsciously turned around.

"Leng Ran, it's actually you?" Seeing the cold look on his face, Qiao Chu Yang's expression changed. His eyebrows were tightly knitted together.

"Qiao Chuyang, I never thought that you would be hiding in this place. No wonder Ouyang Jingyu couldn't find you. If it wasn't for me accidentally passing by, I believe I would never see you again in this life."

He walked in front of Qiao Chuyang coldly with a smile on his face.

"Leng Ran, there is nothing between you and I. Don't forget what you did back then."

"That year?"

Leng Xiao suddenly burst out laughing, and her laughter was extremely arrogant.

"No matter what I did in the past, it's all over now. Qiao Chuyang, you dissolved our marriage within two days and made me a joke in the mall. Tell me, how are you going to make up for my loss?"

A pair of eyes as sharp as an eagle's eyes coldly looked at Qiao Chuyang.

"Make up?" Qiao Chuyang snorted coldly. The corners of his mouth curled up into a mocking smile like the petals of a flower.

Leng Ran, listen carefully, I don't have any relationship with you, if it wasn't for you saving us three years ago and what you did to Zi Yan, I definitely wouldn't have let you go. Also, now please get lost, I don't want to see you, a man who only knows how to act like a villain.

With that, Qiao Chun Yang pushed away the cold and headed straight towards the kindergarten.

Looking at Qiao Chuyang's back, he narrowed his eyes dangerously. However, he was not in a hurry. He knew that Qiao Chuyang's appearance would fill up his plans.

The cold appearance gave Qiao Chuyang a sense of foreboding.

However, she suppressed the unease in her heart and happily played with the two little darlings for a whole day.

"Mom, why hasn't Uncle Pei come to visit us recently?" When they were about to reach his house, Qiao Zichen suddenly stopped.

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"He has a lot of things to do at the company recently, he doesn't have time to come visit us?"

Qiao Chuyang looked at his precious son lovingly.

"Didn't I come to see you now?"

Just as Qiao Chuyang finished his sentence, Pei Zhanyue's familiar voice came into the ears of the three children.

"Uncle Pei." Seeing Pei Zhanyue, he threw himself into his arms. He kissed his face several times.

"Uncle also misses you guys." Knowing that you have graduated from kindergarten today, I came to see you as soon as I finished my work. And uncle bought a gift to celebrate your graduation from kindergarten. "

Pei Zhanyue took out the prepared gift from the coach as if he was offering a treasure.

"Heavens, this is great! Uncle Pei, thank you!" As he looked at the limited edition computer in his hand, Qiao Zichen finally stopped being expressionless, and his face returned to the excitement of a five year old child.

"Let's go inside the house and talk. It's a bit cold outside, so I'm afraid that Zi Yan will wake up." My body can't take it. "

Qiao Chuyang nodded, then pulled Qiao ZIchen's hand as they walked into the room together with Pei Zhanyue, who was holding Zi Yan.

The two children took the presents and ran back into the room.

Qiao Chuyang poured a cup of coffee and gave it to Pei Zhanyue.

"How are you doing?" After a long while, Pei Zhanyue finally broke the peace in the room.

Qiao Chuyang nodded.

"Very good. With the two of them by my side, every day will be filled with bliss for me."

"Chu Yang, what are your considerations?"

It had already been a month since Zi Yan's surgery, so Pei Zhanyue really hoped that he could get an answer that would make him happy.

"Zhan Yue, are you sure you want to be with me? Your qualifications are excellent, so there's no need to be with a woman with two children. "

Pei Zhanyue shook his head.

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"You are wrong, regardless of whether or not you have children, they are unable to change your position in my heart. I know that you are worried about my attitude towards these two children, and I can assure you that I will treat them like my own flesh and blood. And if you do not feel at ease, I will not have children, and with them by my side, I will be satisfied."

"Don't want your own child?"

Qiao Chuyang's face was filled with shock. She knew that with Pei Zhaoyue's status in the Pei family, they must have hoped that he would have a few more children. So when Pei Zhaoyue said those words, she was truly touched.

"I promise you." After a long while, when Pei Zhanyue thought that he would not hear any more news, Qiao Chuyang's lips parted slightly, and he almost fell to the ground in excitement.

"Thank you. Thank you for giving me the chance to love you." Pei Zhanyue excitedly hugged Qiao Chuoyang in his arms. He was so excited that he did not notice that Qiao Chuoyang had a subconscious resistance.

Because of his respect for Qiao Chuyang, Pei Zhanyue did not stay behind and left in his car.

He looked at the cars that were getting further and further away. Qiao Chuyang did not know if his decision was right.

The next day, at Pei Zhaoyue's request, Qiao Chuyang took his two children to live in his house in the city.

"Mom, are we going to live here?" Qiao Ziyan was a stranger to the current situation. Especially the design inside, it gave him a feeling of not liking it.

"It's only temporary. After Mom finds a house, we'll move out, but Mom is planning to find a place near your school. That way, it'll be easier to take you to school."

Qiao Zichen and Qiao Ziyan nodded.

"Mom, my sister and I have already discussed the school. If we don't go to the school you were talking about, we will go to an ordinary primary school."

Qiao Chuyang frowned deeply.

"Why? The school that Mom found for you is the best in terms of teachers' qualifications or facilities, and the school that you chose is just an ordinary school. Are you sure you want to go? "

"Okay." Qiao ZIchen and Qiao Ziyan nodded at the same time.

"Yes, we are sure to go, because we do not want to be seen as monsters by the other children."

Qiao Chuyang instantly understood his precious daughter's meaning.

"Fine, your mother will support your decision. Let's take a look at the rooms now. Your Uncle Pei has already prepared a room for you."

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With a doting look on his face, Qiao Chuyang picked up the two baby girls and headed upstairs to his room.

He didn't notice the exchange of glances between the two children.

The news of Qiao Chuyang's return quickly traveled to Li Feng's ears. He immediately arrived in front of Qiao Chuyang.

"Chu Yang, you really came back?"

Li Feng was excited.

Qiao Chuyang nodded.

"Yeah, it's time for the two kids to go to school, so I'm back."

Qiao Chuyang avoided the issue and said lightly, he did not tell Li Feng about himself and Pei Zhanyue, and she did not think that there was a reason why she told him.

"Mother, Uncle Pei is bringing us to the Pei Family's banquet. My brother and I have prepared everything we need."

Qiao Ziyan walked in front of Qiao Chuyang, dressed like a little princess.

"Participate in the Pei Family's banquet?" Li Feng had a face full of shock. He could not believe his ears.

"You … You agreed to Pei Zhanyue's proposal? "

Qiao Chuyang nodded.

"I agreed. I also believe that my decision can't be wrong. He will be the man who made me and my child happy. "

Li Feng sighed softly.

"Chu Yang, I hope you can be happy, but I really don't want you to make such a decision in a rush. Can you consider it again?"

Qiao Chuyang shook his head.

"I have already decided. Li Feng, I know what you mean, but there is no longer any destiny between me and Ouyang Jingyu. I do not wish for him to step into my life again. And wouldn't they be getting married in a few days? From then on, he and I really became parallel lines. "

Qiao Chuyang was very calm as he said these words, his eyes full of determination.

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Li Feng nodded.

"No matter what decision you make, as your friend, we will support you."

Qiao Chu Yang revealed a grateful smile and waited for Pei Zhanyue to come back before Li Feng took his leave.

"Chu Yang, are you ready? Can we go now? "

Pei Zhanyue said with a smile.

"I'll go back to my room and change my clothes. We can set off immediately."

Qiao Chuyang said with a face full of smiles. Under Pei Zhaoyue's emotional gaze, he walked upstairs to his room.

Pei Zhanyue brought the three of them to the gathering, and it caused the Pei family to be shocked.

"Zhan Yue, what's going on? Is this the surprise you gave us? " The Pei family's old patriarch was shocked as he looked at his two hands, which were clasped tightly together.

"Grandfather, I've decided to marry Chu Yang. Please congratulate me." Pei Zhanyue's words caused the Pei family to be even more shocked. But what surprised Qiao Chuyang was that they did not criticize him too much. After a moment, they accepted it with a smile.

"Zhan Yue, your family didn't stop us from being together?"

The matter between him and Ouyang Jingyu had turned into a huge storm for the entire city. He believed that the Pei family knew about it, and this was what Qiao Chuyang was worried about.

"Because they know I love you. You're the woman I've been looking for. "

Pei Zhanyue lovingly placed the fish into Qiao Chuyang's bowl and looked at his beloved woman with a doting expression.

A warm current flowed into Qiao Chuyang's frozen heart. Her bright watery eyes were covered with a layer of mist.

"Thank you." For the first time, Qiao Chuyang took the initiative to place his hands on Pei Zhanyue's.

Pei Wanyue was overjoyed as he looked at his beloved woman.

The affability of the Pei family allowed Qiao Chuyang to live happily in this world every day until Ouyang Jingyu appeared.

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