Over the next week, Qiao Chuyang would receive the daily insults from Ouyang Corporation's employees. He watched as the seven-inch-long man stood in the middle of the group of women, rubbing the melon seeds that had been intentionally thrown at their feet, and felt a stabbing pain in his heart.

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"Ouyang Jingyu, why are you treating Zhan Yue like this? Is he a man? And it's even a man of high status? "

What made Qiao Chuyang even more surprised was that Li Pei, who had lost her child, officially asked for a divorce, and Pei Zhanyue signed his name without any hesitation. He then gave all the wealth in his possession to Li Pei, and carried his luggage into a small hotel.

The pain in Qiao Chuyang's heart grew stronger as he looked at Pei Zhanyue's face which was getting more and more haggard.

"Lulu, can you think of a way to help me?"

Qiao Chuyang begged Milu who was beside him in a soft voice.

Milu sighed softly.

Chu Yang, you should know Jing Yu's character. If he decided on something, he definitely wouldn't give others a chance to change it, and right now, only he knows the whereabouts of the contract. As long as you can find the contract, Pei Zhanyue will not be humiliated by him.

Even though Miluo disliked Pei Zhanyue, she could not bear to see a CEO who had once been so high and mighty fall to such a state.

"I must find that contract. I can't let Pei Zhanyue live in this world forever." Qiao Chuyang's eyes were so firm that it gave Milu a fright. She quickly and cautiously looked at the bodyguards at the door. Only until she was sure that they had not heard Qiao Chuyang's words did she let out a long sigh of relief.

"Chu Yang, are you tired of living? Are you trying to steal Jingyu's things? It's simply a dream. If Jing Yu were to find out, he wouldn't let you go. "

Qiao Chuyang shook his head and a profound smile appeared on his face like the petals of a flower. The dimple of smile is like a flower after rain. Lei quietly bloomed.

"Don't worry, I know what to do. Zhan Yue has already given so much for me, even if I die, I will not be able to repay her."

Milu sighed softly. She had experienced the pain of emotions before and knew that it was impossible for an outsider to interfere.

"Chu Yang, remember, Jing Yu only used his way to keep you by his side. I don't believe that a man who once loved you would change so quickly like this. I believe that in his heart, there must be a place for you, or else he wouldn't do all that he could to keep you by his side."

"He loves me?" Qiao Chuyang let out a cold snort. His slightly raised red lips curled up into a cold arc.

"If it weren't for the two children, I wouldn't have endured the pain that Ouyang Jingyu inflicted on me time and time again. If it weren't for the two children, do you think I would be together with a demon? "Lu Lu, you haven't experienced it, so you don't know how much pain my heart will feel when Ouyang Jingyu reaches out his hand to a man who has always taken care of me and doted on me."

Thinking of Peter's cruel end, and the pain that Pei Wanyue was currently experiencing, her heart felt as if it was being cut by a knife.

Milu sighed gently and patted Qiao Chuyang on the shoulder.

It wasn't until Li Feng came to pick her up that the two of them left Qiao Chuyang's room.

Under Qiao Chuyang's insistence, Li Feng completed the discharge procedures for her, and Qiao Chuyang returned to the mansion with bodyguards protecting him.

"You all …"

Just as he entered his room, before he put down his things, a fragrant aroma filled his vision. The beautiful scene, especially the woman's exaggerated voice, was like a clap of thunder that pierced Qiao Chuyang's ears.

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"How did you get back?" When Ouyang Jingyu, who was in the middle of recovering, saw Qiao Chuyang, he immediately climbed down from the woman's body and walked in front of Qiao Chuyang.

The fragrance of the remaining woman on Ouyang Jingyu's body made Qiao Chuyang feel nauseous. He subconsciously covered his mouth with his hands.

"Qiao Chuyang, are you trying to disgust me?" Qiao Chuyang's subconscious actions caused Ouyang Jingyu's face to turn ashen. A look of disgust and determination flashed across his gloomy eyes.

The big hand forcefully pulled Qiao Chuyang's hand down, and a pair of sharp black eyes shone like the edge of a blade on Qiao Chuyang's face.

"Yes." I just feel sick. Because you are a man who makes me sick. "

Qiao Chuyang raised his bright watery eyes and fearlessly looked into Ouyang Jingyu's eagle-like eyes that were sharper than a sharp sword.

"Even so, of course I'll grant you that wish."

A devilish smile appeared on Ouyang Jingyu's carved handsome face.

"You … What are you going to do? " Ouyang Jingyu pulled Qiao Chuyang into his embrace, allowing her to clearly feel the enormous strength between her legs.

"No …" "Don't touch me."

Qiao Chuyang's first reaction was to push Ouyang Jingyu away, but he didn't give her the chance to do so.

He pushed Qiao Chuyang against the cold wall.

"I don't just want to touch you. And I want you to bloom under me. " The deep and mellow voice that sounded like it was made of red wine, made Qiao Chuyang's body turn pale. His body shuddered slightly.

"Did you feel it? Feel my body. How much does the body need you? " Ouyang Jingyu directly pulled one of Qiao Chuyang's waists between his legs.

"Ah …" The heat from his hands made Qiao Chuyang let out a cry of surprise.

"What is it? Can't stand it anymore? Qiao Chuyang, don't you always spend time with men? Playing games like this will only make you feel even more disgusted. "

Ouyang Jingyu's disdainful and contemptuous words easily came out of his thin lips.

Her white teeth bit hard on her cherry lips, and her beautiful face was filled with a monstrous rage.

"You are the one with the worst kung fu amongst all my men. If not, your bed …" Why is this woman so indifferent now? "

Qiao Chuyang focused on his bed.

Ouyang Jingyu coldly snorted, his eyes flashing with a trace of madness. Wild and cruel blood-red light.

"Good, today I will let you experience whether it's my ability or Pei Zhanyue's."

His large hand easily ripped off Qiao Chuyang's clothes and they fell to the ground. When he saw the snow-white skin, a layer of burning desire gradually gathered in his eyes. Fire.

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"No …" The woman looked at him with disdain. She pushed Ouyang Jingyu away with all her might, making Qiao Chuyang believe that she was a plaything of Ouyang Jingyu.

"Jingyu, your woman doesn't seem to be very cooperative with you."

The woman got straight out of bed. He walked up and down until he was right in front of Ouyang Jingyu. His slender hand reached between Ouyang Jingyu's legs, slowly sliding down his body. Body.

"Ah …" Qiao Chuyang immediately felt a wave of disgust.

Seeing Qiao Chuyang rush towards the bathroom, Ouyang Jingyu's anger became even stronger. He grabbed the woman's hair and pulled her up from the ground.

"Scram, I don't need you right now."

She didn't want to leave Ouyang Jingyu, the potential customer. But when she saw his black eyes shining with a furious light, the woman immediately picked up her lips and left the room.

After Qiao Chuyang spat out everything, Ouyang Jingyu then walked step by step towards the bathroom.

He didn't need to turn his head to clearly feel that a strong and cruel aura was slowly approaching him. It could engulf him at any time.

"You see how disgusting I am?" A deep and magnetic voice rang out beside Qiao Chuyang's ears, but Ouyang Jingyu's eyes, which were as bright as diamonds, did not have a trace of warmth. They were like sharp blades that shot into Qiao Chuyang's face.

When he heard the word 'disgusting', the scene of the woman squatting between Ouyang Jingyu's legs appeared before his eyes once again.

"Evil …" The sudden nausea swept over Qiao Chuyang again, making her lie on the toilet in pain.

After a long while, Qiao Chuyang finally stood up with a pale face, but he was pulled into his embrace by a strong force.

"You have the smell of other women on you."

The smell of Ouyang Jingyu's perfume made Qiao Chuyang's nose wrinkle.

"Do you think you smell good? Don't forget, your body also has the scent of other men. "

His words were full of mockery, causing Qiao Chuyang's face to turn even paler.

"I'm thirsty and I want to go get some water. Would you like some coffee?"

Qiao Chuyang's sudden request caused an unfathomable glint to flash across Ouyang Jingyu's eyes.

"Alright. Make me a cup of coffee. "

Qiao Chuyang never thought that Ouyang Jingyu would let him escape so smoothly.

By the time she finished brewing the coffee and walked into the room, Ouyang Jingyu had already put on his clothes. His dripping hair made him look even more wild. Sex.

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"You're done cooking?"

A deep voice rang out beside Qiao Chuyang's ear, causing his hand holding the cup to tremble slightly.

After taking a few deep breaths, Qiao Chuyang then walked over to Ouyang Jingyu's side and placed the cup of coffee in front of him.

"Hurry up and drink it or it'll get cold."

Qiao Qiuyang's expression was somewhat nervous, his bright watery eyes were filled with anticipation as he looked at Ouyang Jingyu.

A pair of eagle-eyes recorded her nervousness and anticipation one by one.

"You seem very anxious. Tell me, is there any ghost in the cup?"

Ouyang Jingyu purposely put down the cup in his hand as he looked at Qiao Chuyang with an enigmatic gaze that was even brighter than diamonds.

"You don't need to drink it, you don't need to drink it."

Qiao Chuyang deliberately used the most relaxed of tones to face Ouyang Jingyu, afraid of arousing his suspicions.

"How can I not drink the coffee you made for me? Especially a cup of coffee with seasoning. "

After Ouyang Jingyu finished his coffee, he drank it all in one gulp.

"You … Are you okay? " Seeing Ouyang Jingyu finish all the coffee, Qiao Chuyang quickly walked in front of him.

"What do you think?" After he spat out those three words, Ouyang Jingyu collapsed onto the sofa.

"Ouyang Jingyu, you … Wake up? "

In order to confirm that Ouyang Jingyu really had fainted, Qiao Chuyang forcefully pushed him twice, but there was no reaction. This caused her tensed mind to completely relax.

He quickly grabbed the key from the pocket of Ouyang Jingyu's suit. He quickly ran towards his study.

Qiao Chuyang tried his best to open all the drawers, but there was no clue about the indenture contract that Pei Zhanyue had signed.

Finally, Qiao Chuyang's gaze stopped at the safe. She knew that the key in her hand was the key to the safe.

Standing in front of the safe, Qiao Chuyang hesitated. She was not sure if she should open the safe or not. She would never forget the cruel treatment she once received because she opened the safe.

He thought for a long time until he was sure that Ouyang Jingyu's antidote was about to lose its effect. Finally, Qiao Chuyang stuck the key into the safe with trembling hands.

"What?" You need a password? "

When he saw that the first lock was opened and the second one was added, he felt a bolt from the blue hitting him hard.

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"Oh my god, I don't know the password." Qiao Chuyang looked carefully and confirmed that the safe was connected to the main computer in the mansion. If he entered the wrong password, the people in the storage room would immediately rush in.

Qiao Chuyang was anxious as if he was in a hot pot. For the first time, he experienced what it meant to not know what to do.

It was only when a wave of cold air hit his face that he withdrew his gaze from the safe.

When he saw Ouyang Jingyu standing at the door with an ashen face and a pair of dangerous eyes that were even brighter than diamonds squinting together, Qiao Chuyang sucked in a breath of cold air and almost fell to the ground.

"You, why are you here?"

Qiao Chuyang's voice was trembling and his expression was unnatural.

"What do you think? Qiao Chuyang. You think if you put some sleeping pills in my coffee, I'll go along with your plan and pour it into the room? I'm sorry, your plan failed. "

Ouyang Jingyu walked step by step in front of Qiao Chuyang. His pair of eagle-like eyes were filled with disdain as they looked up and down at Qiao Chuyang.

"And even if you did, why did you drink that cup of coffee?"

Only now did Qiao Chuyang realize that he had never been Ouyang Jingyu's match. He could only let Ouyang Jingyu hold his nose.

"Isn't this game fun? "Do you think that you've succeeded in your plan? You came to my study full of joy, but the truth is that you're just as stupid as Pei Zhanyue. This is the feeling of falling from heaven to hell, isn't it painful when you fall?"

Ouyang Jingyu had an evil expression on his face. With an evil smile, he grabbed Qiao Chuyang's chin and bent down slightly. body, burning. A warm air unreservedly sprayed on her face.

However, the pair of starry eyes lacked any warmth, causing one to feel a chill run down their spine.

"Ouyang Jingyu, you are truly treacherous. It seems that I have never been your match. I have truly overestimated my own ability. But you can rest assured that one day, I will find my victory and you will become my defeated opponent."

Qiao Chuyang raised his pretty face and his pair of clear and bright eyes met Ouyang Jingyu's dark and cruel eyes without fear.

"Ha …" "Ha …" Ouyang Jingyu laughed out loud, his body exuding a dark and evil aura. He was like a devil that had walked out of hell, slowly devouring Qiao Chuyang alive.

The closer Ouyang Jingyu got to Qiao Chuyang, the more excited he became. His body trembled violently like a fallen leaf in the autumn wind, and he kept on shivering.

"Do you believe that if I use even a little bit of strength, you will say goodbye to your cute neck?"

A sinister light shone in Ouyang Jingyu's eyes, causing Qiao Chuyang's body to appear. Her body trembled even more violently, and her lips that were tightly clenched were bloodless from the fear in her heart.

"Young Master, Li Pei is here." Gangzi's voice came from outside the door.

"Lipei?" Ouyang Jingyu's beautiful, sword-like eyebrows furrowed together. Cen Leng's thin lips curled up into an enigmatic smile.

"Looks like that woman took the initiative. Qiao Chuyang, your opponent is here."

Ignoring Qiao Chuyang's struggling, Ouyang Jingyu held her and walked out of the study room, arriving in front of Li Pei.

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