When Qiao Chuyang was done with his preparations and had sat on a chair in the private room for less than half an hour, Ouyang Jingyu walked into the private room and stood in front of her.

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"Miss Qiao, what do you mean by this?"

When you see sex on your body. Dressed in a gauze dress to cover up Qiao Chuhan, Ouyang Jingyu was completely shocked.

Qiao Chuyang snorted coldly. The corners of his lips curled up into a mocking smile like the petals of a flower.

"Does CEO Ouyang not like my outfit?"

Qiao Chuhan twisted. She moved her slender waist and arrived in front of Ouyang Jingyu. His arm was wrapped around his neck, allowing him to clearly smell the unique light and elegant fragrance on his body.

Looking at Qiao Chuyang's long legs that were intentionally wrapped around his waist, Ouyang Jingyu's cold eyes flashed with a dark light.

Qiao Chuyang was as pure white as the petals of a flower. Her delicate and beautiful skin was stained with a layer of alluring pink.

"Miss Qiao, I have always treated you with respect. The wife's woman has no interest whatsoever in telling me your purpose. "

Ouyang Jingyu's large hands pushed Qiao Chuyang away. His handsome face, which was carved into the shape of a knife, did not show any signs of pain from Qiao Chuyang's fall. It was icy cold without a trace of warmth.

Qiao Chuyang stood up from the ground in a charming manner and walked in front of Ouyang Jingyu once again.

"Seems like CEO Ouyang doesn't want to know my secret. Since that's the case, I'll have to invite you to leave this place." Qiao Chuyang knew that this way, he would definitely be able to make Ouyang Jingyu suspicious of him.

Sure enough, Ouyang Jingyu didn't stand up, nor did he have the intention to leave. However, his pair of immeasurably long and narrow black eyes were like an immeasurably deep abyss as they shot into his face like sharp blades.

"Are you Qiao Chuyang?"

Qiao Chuyang's slightly raised red lips curled up into an intriguing arc.

"Whether I am Qiao Chuyang or not, CEO Ouyang will know after drinking this glass of red wine."

Qiao Chuyang poured a glass of red wine and placed it in front of Ouyang Jingyu.

Looking at the red wine in front of him that had obviously been drugged, Ouyang Jingyu could not help but laugh. His face was evil and handsome, with a proud and unrestrained expression. Evil smile.

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"Miss Qiao, do you want to use a glass of red wine that has been deliberately seasoned to make me yield?" Ouyang Jingyu deliberately emphasized the word "add".

Regarding the secret of the red wine that Ouyang Jingyu had discovered, Qiao Chuyang was only a little surprised. He did not panic at all.

"Seems like CEO Ouyang already knows what's inside?"

Ouyang Jingyu's dagger-like handsome face had a trace of evil on it. With an evil smile, he touched the edge of the wine cup with his slender fingers and then placed his index finger, which was covered in a bit of powder, in front of Qiao Chuyang.

"Miss Qiao was in too much of a hurry to leave a trace that would make me suspicious."

Ouyang Jingyu's thin lips slightly parted, the melodious rhythm was especially pleasing to the ears in this silent room.

Qiao Chuyang smiled. His smile was like a flower that had bloomed after the rain. Lei quietly bloomed.

"CEO Ouyang is indeed shrewd. I wonder if you will dare to give it a try?" Qiao Chuyang bent down slightly. Ouyang Jingyu's body was immediately surrounded by the clear smell of mint.

From his point of view, he could clearly see the beautiful scenery under Qiao Chuyang's skirt. His long eyelashes fluttered like a butterfly's wing.

"Your smile is very beautiful, just like hers." Ouyang Jingyu raised a slender finger, which had a hint of tobacco on it. This scent made Qiao Chuyang, who usually didn't like the smell of smoke, frown slightly.

"You don't like the smell of smoke?" This discovery caused a hint of suspicion to flash across Ouyang Jingyu's eyes. His sharp black pupils became as cold as ice. They were like sharp blades as they shot towards Qiao Chuyang's pink cheeks.

"I can smoke myself, so how can I not like the smell of smoke? CEO Ouyang is too sensitive. "

Qiao Chuyang boldly straddled Ouyang Jingyu's pair. The corners of her legs curled up into a faint and alluring smile, like the corners of a flower petal.

The beautiful smile on Qiao Chuyang's rosy cheeks aroused the greatest desire in Ouyang Jingyu's heart. "Yes." A low growl came from his throat.

"Is my smile beautiful?" Qiao Chuyang not only stepped onto Ouyang Jingyu's body, but he was also moving his legs up and down. His white and creamy skin was covered in a layer of seductive pink. He breathed into Ouyang Jingyu's ear like orchids.

"Miss Qiao, looks like you've really forgotten about your husband. I'm really not worthy of him. To think that there would be someone who would act so brazenly." "A tempting husband."

Ouyang Jingyu's voice was filled with obvious ridicule. His eyes shined even brighter than diamonds, full of mockery.

Qiao Chuyang smiled.

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"Why would CEO Ouyang mock me here? Your reaction doesn't seem any better than mine. "

Ouyang Jingyu coldly snorted. He had no choice but to admit that the woman on his body did indeed have a hook. He had already reacted to her ability to attract men, especially when she had the same fragrance as Qiao Chuyang. It made him feel like he couldn't stop.

Looking at Ouyang Jingyu's black eyes that were fixed on his body, a trace of strong hatred flashed in the depths of Qiao Chuyang's watery pupils.

"Even if you hate me, why do you have to do all that you can to tempt me?" What about me? Qiao Chuhan, who exactly are you? Why would you have such a strong hatred for me? "

Ouyang Jingyu placed his hand on Qiao Chuyang's pink cheeks, a deep and deep voice that was as thick as red wine rang beside her ear.

"It doesn't matter who I am. "What's important is that I'm a woman who longs for men's satisfaction. CEO Ouyang, if you don't mind, let's start with a memory that you'll never forget for the rest of your life."

Qiao Chuhan poured all the liquid in the cup into his mouth, and kissed Ouyang Jingyu's lips. The fragrance of alcohol mixed with the fragrance of cherry blossoms gave people a strong feeling of wanting to captivate their souls.

When Ouyang Jingyu slid the red wine Qiao Chuyang poured into his own mouth. The moment it entered his throat, he knew that tonight would be a wonderful night that he would never forget.

Ouyang Jingyu quickly turned passivity into initiative, and his flexible tongue instantly took over the heat memory. Kiss.

"Ah …" Her delicate breathing was uncontrollable as it flowed out from Qiao Chuyang's red lips.

"Tell me, who are you?"

Ouyang Jingyu hooked his arm under Qiao Chuyang's chin, and his deep yet magnetic voice rang out beside her ear.

"Me?" Qiao Chuyang's face was tainted with a layer of scarlet as he slowly opened his blurry, watery eyes.

"I am the woman who can push you into hell."

"The Infernal Realm?" Ouyang Jingyu's eyes, which were even brighter than diamonds, flashed with a cruel light. The corners of his mouth curled into a wild smile.

"Do you think you have the ability?" The voice was still filled with magnetism, but it was a pair of originally glowing eyes. The narrow black eyes of the fire were so cold that it was suffocating.

"Whether I have the ability or not, we can try it out in the future." Qiao Chuyang looked at Ouyang Jingyu with a meaningful gaze. The corner of his mouth was like the petals of a flower, constantly curling into an intoxicating smile.

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A delicate hand directly held onto Ouyang Jingyu's handsome face. Ouyang Jingyu had bitten her red and swollen lips, and had even issued an attractive invitation.

"It doesn't matter if you're Qiao Chuyang or not, I will make sure of you."

The desire to madly surge forth … The fire had already confirmed to Ouyang Jingyu that it had the effect of the medicine. Ouyang Jingyu originally wanted to use the same method to avoid contact with the woman underneath him, but at the last moment, he changed his mind.

He pulled out the dagger between his legs and slashed his arm with a slight force.

The sudden pain made his body ache. The heat wave within was somewhat relieved.

"You … "You don't want to meet me that much?" Qiao Chuyang looked at the blood on Ouyang Jingyu's arm in shock. Her delicate body trembled, revealing her anger.

"I won't touch you unless you admit that you're Qiao Chuyang."

Qiao Chuyang snorted coldly. His slightly raised red lips curled up into a mocking smile.

"Ouyang Jingyu, why must you pretend to be good?" I don't believe that without the knife, how can you defend yourself. "The insanity within."

Qiao Chuyang suddenly raised his right foot and kicked Ouyang Jingyu's right hand, which was holding the saber. But the body. The crazy heat wave from inside made him unable to react. He could only watch as the knife was kicked to the corner of the wall by Qiao Chuyang.

"The me now, are you still sure it's Qiao Chuyang?"

Qiao Chuyang's skills surprised Ouyang Jingyu.

"Are you really not her?"

Qiao Chuyang shook his head and replied without even thinking.

"I'm not her."

Although it was just a few short words, they were like a bolt of thunder that fiercely struck Ouyang Jingyu's body. A flash of pain could be seen on his handsome face, which had the lines of a knife carving on it.

"Why me? I don't know your husband, but I believe he's an equally outstanding man. "

Qiao Chuyang's eyes gradually filled with hatred and despair.

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"Because you are Ouyang Jingyu." Saying that, double. He once again straddled his legs and sat on Ouyang Jingyu's body. This time, he didn't simply twist his legs. He moved like a madman, ripping off the clothes on Ouyang Jingyu's body. His frail and boneless hands roamed all over his body. Let's go.

"Damn." Although Ouyang Jingyu was doing his best to control his body … The heat wave within was something that Qiao Chuyang had purposely picked out. After a moment of teasing, he knew that he was about to sink. She was lured by this woman. He was confused.

Watching Ouyang Jingyu's eyes burn with more and more flames, a sweet smile appeared on Qiao Chuyang's rosy cheeks. She knew that she had succeeded.

She slowly jumped off Ouyang Jingyu's body. His body began to twist non-stop in the room. "Move." Following her graceful dance posture, her gauze dress slowly slid down.

"You asked for it." It was already filled with the color of blood. The burning Ouyang Jingyu had been deliberately selected by Qiao Chuyang. Unable to control himself from teasing her, he pushed her down to the ground, forgetting all the guards and the dangerous smell he smelt when he first entered the room.

Looking at the large hands buried in his chest, he could not help but feel the snow-white skin on his skin. After Ouyang Jingyu left, Qiao Chuyang knew that his chance had come.

She quickly raised her right hand and twisted the ring on her index finger. The silver needle inside directly pierced towards Ouyang Jingyu's shoulder.

Although Ouyang Jingyu had already sensed the approaching danger, it was already too late for him to react. The silver needle pierced into his shoulder. After the numbness passed, Ouyang Jingyu could clearly feel the heaviness in his head.

"You?" Suddenly, a bloodthirsty glint appeared in her cold eyes. A look of disgust and determination instantly flashed across his gloomy eyes.

"This is only the beginning." These were the last words Ouyang Jingyu heard before he fainted.

After forcefully kicking Ouyang Jingyu who had fallen to the ground and making sure he was not awake for the time being, Qiao Chuyang changed his clothes and called ChenChen and the other doctors next door.

The few of them combined their efforts to carry Ouyang Jingyu to a room that was fully equipped with medical equipment and had his bone marrow extracted.

"There are a lot of ways to obtain this bone marrow, why do we have to do this?" He was lying naked on the bed. A thought-provoking light flashed in the eyes of Ouyang Jingyu, who was on the platform.

"Only in the bed. Only when he goes up will he relax his guard. Although there are many methods, to Ouyang Jingyu, this is the only method. Chen, let's hurry up and leave. I really can't wait to see this boy's recovery. "

Chen nodded and gave the doctors a meaningful glance before leaving the restaurant.

He ignored the fact that he was lying on the bed. On top of the bed was Ouyang Jingyu, only wearing a single sheet over his body.

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