Looking at the beloved woman in the cage, but he has no way, Ouyang Jingyu wanted to kill himself.

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"Don't get close, or I'll really detonate the bomb device, and I want to remind you that not only one detonator, but even if you take my detonator, other detonators will ring automatically."

Xiangchen's cold words, like ghosts, successfully let Ouyang Jingyu give up the idea of taking the detonating device from his hand.

"What do you want?"

Ouyang Jingyu tries to calm himself down. He knows that Qiao chuyang will have more hope of life only if he calms down.

"I'll torture her slowly and let you live in pain." Morning raised a pair of cold black eyes without a trace of temperature, in the eyes that used to be full of tenderness, no longer see a trace of tenderness, instead, let people feel terrible ferocity.

"That's what you are, isn't it? You used to act in front of their mother and son in order to hide your cruel side, didn't you? "

Hum to the morning cold, the lips slightly evoke the arc of bewitching people.

"Ouyang Jingyu, don't you always like playing games? Now it's up to me to lead the game. I believe that with your participation, the game will be wonderful beyond my imagination. "

Ouyang Jingyu nodded. He wanted to wring Xiangchen's neck, but he didn't dare to do anything rashly, for fear that it would bring danger to Qiao chuyang.

"Ouyang Jingyu, I'd better show you a short film first?"

He ordered his men to push Qiao chuyang away. Xiangchen pressed the computer in front of him, and his thin lips raised a smile of evil.

When you see the picture of Qiao chuyang being torn by a man on the screen, Ouyang Jingyu can't control it any more. He rushes directly to Xiangchen, and his big hand is firmly clasped on his neck. A handsome face with knife like lines is full of angry haze.

Even though he has been tied around the neck, the hope of life is slowly disappearing, but Xiangchen's handsome face still keeps a lazy smile, without any change.

"Jingyu, chuyang has been taken away. Only he knows the whereabouts of chuyang." Li Feng's words reminded Ouyang Jingyu that he released his big hand, but a pair of sharp black eyes still shot on Xiangchen's face like a sword.

"Let her go and let her take her son out of here. I can give you whatever you want."

He nodded to Chen.

"Is chuyang really worth your love?"

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When he asked this question, Xiang Chen's face was very serious.

"In the past, we had too much unhappiness. After so many years of separation, we experienced many misunderstandings. As long as we can make her and her son live a happy life, I am willing to give up everything I have."

Hechen nodded and took out the equity transfer procedures that had been prepared for a long time.

"As long as you sign here, I promise to send Qiao chuyang back to your mansion in half an hour."

Looking at the equity transfer book, Ouyang Jingyu did not hesitate to sign his name directly.

"Half an hour later, if I don't see my woman, then you should know the consequences. I will double the damage to my woman and ask you to pay back."

Although he lost all of his shares, Ouyang Jingyu still exudes the same dignity as a king.

"Don't worry, if it wasn't for resisting those in the family, I wouldn't use her as a threat."

To the morning thin lips light open, deep voice has a little helpless.

Half an hour may pass quickly for ordinary people, but for Ouyang Jingyu, who is waiting anxiously, it's just like years.

He kept walking up and down the hall, looking at the time.

"Damn it. Can't you just sit down? You're going to turn my head around. "

Li Feng walks up to Ouyang Jingyu with a bad face. If he can, he really wants to knock Ouyang Jingyu out and return to his eyes a quiet place,

"young master, young grandma is back."

Gangzi, who had been waiting at the door, reported to Ouyang Jingyu for the first time when he saw Qiao chuyang.

Ouyang Jingyu can't wait to run to the door. When he saw Qiao chuyang with blood all over his body, he took a cold breath. The blood in his body seemed to be frozen in an instant.

For the first time, he felt that he did not dare to enter Qiao chuyang. He was afraid that what he met was an already cold body.

"She just passed out, and it wasn't human blood on her."

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If he had a camera in his hand, Li Feng would really take a picture of Ouyang Jingyu at the moment, and then put it on the Internet, so that everyone would know that Ouyang Jingyu, who has always been calm in their mind, was afraid sometimes.

Ouyang Jingyu doesn't want to pay attention to the teasing in Li Feng's eyes. He runs to Qiao chuyang and makes sure that she is in a coma. Then he carefully holds her in his arms. He acts as if she is the most precious treasure in the world.After Li Feng's examination, it is confirmed that Qiao chuyang has no problem. He just faints because he is tired. Ouyang Jingyu is relieved. Cen Leng's thin lips evoke a touch of love.

When seeing Qiao chuyang open his eyes, the bewitching magic and fatal charm are fully displayed at the moment.

"Chuyang, you finally wake up."

Ouyang Jingyu excitedly wants to hold Qiao chuyang in his arms, but Qiao chuyang looks at him strangely as if he doesn't know him.

Especially when his big hand is close to Qiao chuyang, Qiao chuyang suddenly waves his hands like crazy, and his long nails are severely scratched on Ouyang Jingyu's arm.

"You..." the Li Feng of one side also feels Qiao chuyang's wrong son, in order to be afraid of her to hurt oneself, hurriedly knocked hard on her neck, let her enter. Into the temporary coma.

"I need a detailed examination to determine the cause of her disorder."

Ouyang Jingyu nodded and, according to Li Feng's request, took Qiao chuyang to the next room with the most advanced medical equipment.

Li Feng is doing a detailed inspection for Qiao chuyang. Ouyang Jingyu's big hand has been firmly holding together. No one can realize how scared he is at the moment. He has a feeling that he is about to lose his beloved woman.

An hour later, Li Feng came out of the room.

"How is she?" Ouyang Jingyu asked Li Feng excitedly.

"I found something similar to a chip in her head, but because the installation position is too close to the visual nerve, the operation will be very dangerous. I... I'm not 100% sure."

This is the first time that Li Feng shows such an uncertain expression, which also makes Ouyang Jingyu feel an ominous premonition,

"tell me everything, don't hide anything."

Li Feng sighed softly, and he knew that nothing could be concealed from Ouyang Jingyu.

"I found that this chip was controlled by human beings, that is to say, it was installed by Xiang Chen, and the controller should be in his hands. This is also my biggest worry, and it is also the main reason why I am hesitant to have an operation."

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"Damn it."

Ouyang Jingyu hit the wall with his angry fist. His anger was like a tsunami.

"I'll kill Xiang Chen. I'll drain his blood." Ouyang Jingyu's red eyes burst out with deep hatred. His sharp thin lips radiated cold and cruel in the light.

"I'm sure he's not in that place anymore. He's also a smart man and won't wait for us to find him."

He patted Ouyang Jingyu heavily on his shoulder and called back Ouyang Jingyu's lost reason.

"Don't worry. She won't be in any danger at the moment. She may have a headache, because I'm not sure what this chip is, so I'll continue to observe and then decide what to do next."

Ouyang Jingyu nodded.

Looking at Qiao chuyang lying in bed, Ouyang Jingyu's heart is full of pain.

In the next few days, Qiao chuyang wakes up and sleeps. When he wakes up, he regains consciousness, but when he sleeps, he may sleep for a day or longer.

Looking at the picture of Qiao chuyang and his son nestling happily together, Ouyang Jingyu's beautiful cheek is painted with a touch of happiness.

"It's time to take the medicine, or your head will hurt again." What makes Ouyang Jingyu feel lucky is that when Qiao chuyang faces him, he will not be as cold as he was some time ago. Although there is still no smile on his face, he will not refuse his kindness and care.

"It's hard." Looking at the dark liquid in the bowl, Qiao chuyang's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and his long eyelashes blinked like light butterfly wings.

"One of these is not bitter." Ouyang Jingyu takes out the prepared chocolate and puts it in front of Qiao chuyang.

"Why don't you take some pills instead of these Chinese herbs?" Even if the mouth has eaten chocolate, but Qiao chuyang still feel very bitter.

"This is Feng's own medicine. It will relieve your headache. As your chip moves in your brain from time to time, he dare not let you take some uncertain tablets easily. Do you understand?"

The deep, mellow voice, like red wine, crossed Qiao chuyang's ears.

"I don't believe Chen will choose to hurt me. Maybe he didn't send someone to implant the chip into my brain." A man who can choose to let go at the last moment should not be so cruel.

"Are you still defending him? Don't forget, in those days, only he has been by your side

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Speaking of Xiangchen, Ouyang Jingyu's deep eyes suddenly flashed a sinister light.

Qiao chuyang sighed softly.

"I don't know. I only know that my head is so painful now that I can't breathe."

Pretty pretty little face, immediately full of pain.Looking at Qiao chuyang who never stops beating his head, Ouyang Jingyu is full of heartache.

"If I can, I'm really willing to bear all the pain instead of you."

Fearing that Qiao chuyang would hurt himself because he was out of control, Ouyang Jingyu had to take out Li Feng's silver needle and stab it gently on her neck.

Qiao chuyang soon lost consciousness and fell on Ouyang Jingyu's arm.

Ouyang Jingyu gently picked up Qiao chuyang and returned to the room.

Put her on the bed. Always cold as a sharp blade of black eyes, now full of tenderness. Long and clear fingers gently supported Qiao chuyang's pale cheek.

Her curvy jaw was lifted, and her slightly pale cheek was branded with her own mark.

"Well..." even in a coma, Qiao chuyang's eyebrows are tightly wrinkled together, and his attractive lips make painful sounds from time to time.

"Damn it. Why can't I save my own woman? Why I can only watch the pain of the beloved woman, but there is nothing I can do. God, is that your punishment? If you want to punish me, punish me. It's my fault. I'll take it on my own. "

This is the first time that Ouyang Jingyu resented the injustice of heaven and shed helpless tears for a man for the first time.

Li Feng came into the room and saw Ouyang Jingyu standing in front of the window, looking lonely.

He sighed softly. He couldn't remember how many years he hadn't seen Ouyang Jingyu show such helpless expression.

"Don't worry, I will save her. I won't let her be in danger."

This is Li Feng's promise.

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