Sensing the unfriendly eyes of the people around, Li Feng hurried to Ouyang Jingyu,

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"Jingyu, you can't rush. Ah, this is not our territory. You will be eaten alive by these people at any time. You should see that chuyang is very protected here."

Li Feng sweeps several men who are close to them.

Ouyang Jingyu understood the current situation and took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. On his handsome face, which was like a knife cut, he was cold again.

"I'm the president of Ouyang group. This time I'm here to investigate and prepare to invest a lot of money to open up the road to the outside."

Although I don't know whether these people can read or not, Ouyang Jingyu still gave them his business card to show his sincerity.

"Open the way out? You... You mean we can go outside at will, instead of climbing mountains? "

Hearing this news, the man who took the lead was a little excited. After all, it was the wish of several generations of them, but it never succeeded.

"Yes. I will not only build roads, so that you can freely lead to the outside, but also completely renovate this place, so that you don't have to go a few miles away to drink sweet water at home at any time. "

Although he hasn't been here for a long time, Ouyang Jingyu can be sure that it is a treasure that no one has found.

"Are you... Are you sure?" Qiao chuyang has some doubts.

"I can tell you for sure that what I said just now will be fulfilled."

Ouyang Jingyu's star eyes are more shining than diamonds, full of deep love. He knows that this is just the beginning. In the next period of time, he will pursue this woman again and let her accept himself with a different mentality.

The arrival of Ouyang Jingyu and Li Feng. For the villagers here, it is a gift from God.

The next day, when Ouyang Jingyu and Li Feng told them about the investigation they had done one night, everyone no longer looked at them as if they were gods sent by heaven to rescue them.

Just let Ouyang Jingyu disappointed is that Qiao chuyang will not focus too much attention on himself, she has been holding a little boy who just can climb.

What makes Ouyang Jingyu more angry is that the child puts his hand on Qiao chuyang's chest.

"Jingyu, you are not eating the vinegar of a half year old, are you?"

Li Feng said jokingly.

"Feng, immediately inform the people below, I want to transform this mountain village as soon as possible, I want to use an excuse to take my beloved woman away from here."

Ouyang Jingyu's eagle eyes are like a huge black hole. With some kind of bone biting magic, Li Feng could not resist.

Three days later, several related staff came to the mountain village with forklifts.

It was not until this time that Qiao chuyang cast off his doubts about Ouyang Jingyu.

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"You... Why are you here? Do you live here all the time? " Finally found a chance to get along with Qiao chuyang alone, Ouyang Jingyu carefully explored.

"I always like to travel, so I always spend my life in the process of traveling. Originally, I planned to take a plane to another place, but just before I got on the plane, I didn't know why, my head hurt so much, so I chose to take a rest in the hotel next to me. When I woke up, I found that all my passport and ID card were still rich and all of them were lost, Even the bracelet that I have been wearing on my wrist is gone. I have no choice but to work and get to know Aunt Wang who washes dishes there. She brought me to this place. "

Qiao chuyang stopped for a moment.

"Although it's very remote and isolated, I really like it. Everyone is very friendly. I can teach the children here."

When it comes to people who care about themselves here, Qiao chuyang's lips, like petals, evoke a faint smile. The pear vortex with a smile, like a flower after the rain, quietly blooms.

Ouyang Jingyu only felt a heat wave was surging. He took a few deep breaths in order to control the sudden madness.

"Are you... Are you ok?" Seeing that Ouyang Jingyu was breathing heavily, Qiao chuyang thought that he couldn't adapt to the cold night in the mountain village. He walked up to him and wanted to caress his forehead to make sure he had a fever.

This action completely ignited Ouyang Jingyu's body. The incessant heat wave, especially Qiao chuyang's unique fragrance, made Ouyang Jingyu's charming peach blossom eyes instantly ignite the hot flame.

He can't help but embrace Qiao chuyang in his arms, hot tongue depicts Qiao chuyang's red lips..

"Ah..." I don't know why, when Ouyang Jingyu's big hand held his slender waist, Qiao chuyang obviously felt that a strong current spread all over his body.

But when Ouyang Jingyu's fiery tongue forced into his mouth, Qiao chuyang still couldn't control waving out his right hand.Ouyang Jingyu regained his sense with the crisp sound and the tingling of his cheek.

"I..." Ouyang Jingyu didn't know how to explain himself.

Qiao chuyang's beautiful face is full of anger.

"I don't want to see you again."

With that, Qiao chuyang quickly ran to the front.

Looking at Qiao chuyang's back, Ouyang Jingyu sighed gently, and a bitter light flashed from his eyes.

"It's important to insist. I'm sure chuyang will understand how you feel about her."

Li Feng said softly in Ouyang Jingyu's ear.

Ouyang Jingyu nodded.

"I will be able to succeed in making her fall in love with me and stay with me."

In the case of Ouyang Jingyu's forced threat, a week later. Qiao chuyang was brought back to Hong Kong and Ouyang Mansion by him.

Qiao chuyang sat on the sofa with an angry face. His small, full and ruddy cherry lips pouted slightly because of anger. He didn't know this action, as if with a trace of temptation.

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after receiving the notice, Qiao Zichen ran out of the room. When he saw Qiao chuyang sitting on the sofa, he happily forgot Ouyang Jingyu's warning. Jump directly into Qiao chuyang's arms.

Qiao chuyang, who was angry and was brought here by Ouyang Jingyu, suddenly had a child in her arms, which surprised her.

But she found that the child made her feel very familiar. Her hands can't help caressing Qiao chuyang's pretty little face. In her eyes like autumn water, there is a flash of tears.

"Cough... Cough..." after receiving the hint from Ouyang Jingyu, Qiao Zichen quickly got up from Qiao chuyang's arms.

"Auntie, I like you very much. Can you stay in the mansion? I really want you to stay here. I don't have a mother. I want to see you all the time. This will make me forget the pain of my mother's absence. "

Qiao Zichen said, while shed tears of pain.

Seeing Qiao Zichen with tears on her face, Qiao chuyang suddenly has a feeling of heartache. She has forgotten Ouyang Jingyu's toughness and has only Qiao Zichen with tears on her face.

"Well, aunt stay here, you don't cry, aunt will be distressed."

Qiao Zichen immediately burst into laughter and made a victory gesture to Ouyang Jingyu from the angle Qiao chuyang couldn't see.

Ouyang Jingyu breathed a long sigh of relief. He really didn't know that if her son didn't come out, Qiao chuyang might leave here immediately. After all, with her dissatisfaction with herself, she might go out of her own world again.

However, when he saw Qiao chuyang embracing Qiao Zichen with a smile on his face, Ouyang Jingyu's heart was not very good. He never thought that he would be jealous with his son.

"No, I don't want to be your secretary. I want to go back to the mountain village and teach the children to study."

When Ouyang Jingyu put a labor contract in front of Qiao chuyang. Qiao chuyang's first reaction was to refuse.

Ouyang Jingyu turns to the last page.

"The reward inside is absolutely rich. Are you sure you want to give up such a contract that you want to get even if you want to break it?" Qiao chuyang's deep, mellow voice sounded like red wine.

"Did we... Did we know each other before?"

Qiao chuyang pushes the contract away, a pair of clear eyes like autumn water, looking at Ouyang Jingyu without stopping.

"Tell me, did we know each other before?" Under the questioning of Qiao chuyang's clear water eyes, Ouyang Jingyu felt at a loss for the first time.

"If... I mean if, we knew, you... What would you do?"

Ouyang Jingyu asked very carefully, for fear that he would get the answer that made his heart ache.

"Tell me everything that happened between us, OK? I want to know all about it. Don't hide anything

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When seeing Ouyang Jingyu appear in the mountain village, Qiao chuyang faintly feels that this man has appeared in his life, because he is just like the man who often appears in his dream. Although the figure of the man in the dream is very vague, Qiao chuyang can be sure that the man must have had a lot of things with himself.

"Tell me, I want everything. I don't want you to hide anything, or I'll leave even if I die."

Seeing that Ouyang Jingyu hesitated, Qiao chuyang added another dose of strong medicine.

"I..." after thinking for a while, Ouyang Jingyu nodded.

"I will tell you, but not now, tomorrow, I will tell you everything tomorrow, I can promise you, there will be no hiding."

Qiao chuyang's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled.

"Why tomorrow? Not now? "

Ouyang Jingyu shook his head, his Obsidian eagle eyes slightly raised, and he gazed at his beloved woman with a smile."You just came back and need to rest. Don't worry. I promise I won't hide anything from you any more, and no matter what kind of decision you make, I will support you."

Qiao chuyang nodded.

"I hope you will get the answer tomorrow."

With that, Qiao chuyang turned and walked out of Ouyang Jingyu's study and returned to her guest room.

I don't know why, lying on the bed, Qiao chuyang, who was already very tired, didn't feel sleepy. In front of her eyes, Ouyang Jingyu's eyes were full of affection.

With a slight sigh, Qiao chuyang covers himself with a quilt and forces himself to close his eyes.

Sitting in the study, Ouyang Jingyu couldn't make himself calm.

He can imagine that when he told Qiao chuyang everything, he might get her strong hatred. After all, he had done so many things to hurt her, and he had left a mark on her so cruelly.

He took a mouthful of tobacco and let himself be filled with the smell of tobacco, as if he could find something that could make him feel at ease.

The next day, after breakfast, Ouyang Jingyu took all the servants off. There are only Ouyang Jingyu and his son, Qiao chuyang, and Li Feng and his wife who have just arrived in the hall.

"Jingyu, do you really decide to tell chuyang everything?"

Li Feng is shocked when he receives Ouyang Jingyu's call early in the morning and listens to his decision. He knows Ouyang Jingyu is gambling, but he gambles with his happiness for the rest of his life. This is really a bet that can't be lost.

"Why are you so nervous?" Qiao chuyang really doesn't understand why Li Feng and the woman in his arms seem to be scared,

"nothing... Nothing, we... We support Jingyu's decision."

Ouyang Jingyu nodded and gave them a reassuring smile. He looked at Qiao chuyang's smooth and white face with an evil smile.

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"Dad, your eyes have a feeling that you want to eat your mother alive." At this time, Qiao Zichen suddenly changed his aunt into his mother, which made Qiao chuyang even more surprised.

"Son of a bitch." Ouyang Jingyu was embarrassed when his son saw what he thought.

"Well, you can tell me what happened between us. Remember, you promised me that you would never hide anything. "

Qiao chuyang's words make the only relaxing atmosphere just now strange again.

Ouyang Jingyu took a deep breath, thin lips light open, will oneself and Qiao chuyang from realize to marry, to lose her, to now find her, all, without any concealment said.

Qiao chuyang has not any reaction, the expression on his face is very calm, calm people feel terrible.

"Chuyang, you..." Seeing Qiao chuyang like this, Ouyang Jingyu was worried that her body could not bear it. But just stretched out to Qiao chuyang in front of the big hand, by her merciless clap open.

"Don't touch me with such a cruel hand."

He knew that there would be such a result, but when it really happened to him, Ouyang Jingyu still felt a sharp pain and instantly penetrated his whole body. His face turned pale.

Qiao chuyang's eyes, like autumn water, have been tightly locked on Ouyang Jingyu's body. His beautiful face is full of great anger.

"Chuyang, Jingyu really loves you. Maybe he did a lot of wrong things before, but..." Qiao chuyang shook his head.

"Stop talking. I don't want to hear anything now."

Every time I see Ouyang Jingyu, Qiao chuyang will obviously feel that sadness comes from the bottom of his heart, and a cold wave of pain rises slowly from the bottom of his feet, swallowing her completely.

Although I still can't remember what happened before, the words I heard from Ouyang Jingyu are enough to make Qiao chuyang heartache.

"Mom, are you really not going to have a baby morning?"

Looking at his tearful son, Qiao chuyang hugs him in his arms.

"Ah..." Qiao chuyang suddenly let go of Qiao Zichen like crazy, shouting, his hands beating his head hard.

"Knock her out. She'll hurt herself." Li Feng feels that Qiao chuyang is not right and orders Ouyang Jingyu.

Without any hesitation, Ouyang Jingyu raised his right hand and knocked on Qiao chuyang's neck.

Looking at Qiao chuyang falling in his arms, but with obvious pain on his face, Ouyang Jingyu wanted to kill himself. Hate oneself again and again let beloved woman hurt.

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