A phone call from Ouyang Jingyu had allowed Qiao Chuyang to quickly arrive at the Ouyang Group.

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Before she even entered the company, Qiao Chuyang saw a few men running towards her. This made her startled, and before she could react, the men had already surrounded her.

"You all... "What do you want to do?"

Qiao Chuyang's face was one of panic, especially the camera in their hands, which made her feel even more terrified.

"Miss Qiao, we have received reliable news that you are with the president of the Pei Group behind your back. Is this true?"

The reporter's first question made Qiao Chuyang's face turn pale. She didn't know how to explain it.

Just as Qiao Chunyang was at a loss as to what to do, Ouyang Jingyu appeared in front of her like a god, tightly holding her in his arms.

"Everyone, if you have any questions, you can ask me. Don't make things difficult for my wife. I don't like to see my wife bullied. "

Ouyang Jingyu had a faint smile on his face, but his eyes were filled with an inescapable coldness and indifference.

"CEO Ouyang, we only want to explain ourselves to the readers who are concerned about you. However, it looks like this incident did not bring any trouble to CEO Ouyang."

The corners of Ouyang Jingyu's lips curled up in an icy smile.

"You're wrong, you've caused me a great deal of trouble, I love my wife very much, although we were only registered and did not hold a wedding, but I do not want to see any trouble on my wife's face, it's all because of your random reports that caused my wife to suffer. Tell me, how do I avenge my wife?"

Ouyang Jingyu had left a question. The reporters' faces turned pale with fright.

"I really did not expect CEO Ouyang to be so fond of his wife. It seems that we really must apologize to Madame Ouyang."

A few reporters apologized to Qiao Chuyang at the same time and left.

With just a few words from Ouyang Jingyu, he had easily dismissed a reporter who ate people without spitting out their bones. This left Qiao Chuyang in great admiration.

"Why did you lie?" Qiao Chuyang could not forget Ouyang Jingyu's words.

Ouyang Jingyu raised his pitch-black eagle eyes and looked at Qiao Chuyang with a deeper meaning.

"This is the only way to make the game more exciting. If you do anything excessive in the future, you will be mocked by everyone. At that time, I, Ouyang Jingyu, will be a man who is betrayed by a woman."

Ouyang Jingyu revealed an evil smile. Evil smile.

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"Heavens, you actually …" Qiao Chuyang's mouth was wide open in shock. She couldn't believe that Ouyang Jingyu was so insidious and had molded her into a love-struck person. Once she made a move, she would become the target of criticism.

Even if a person were to swallow his own saliva, it would be sufficient to cover himself.

"Qiao Chuyang, the game has just begun. In the future, I will let you know more."

Regardless of whether Qiao Chuyang agreed or not, Ouyang Jingyu grabbed her wrist and walked inside.

"Ouyang Jingyu, you're in such a hurry to call me over. What's the matter?"

Ouyang Jingyu stopped in his tracks.

"Let me show you something. Something you never dreamed of." The cold light in Ouyang Jingyu's eyes gave Qiao Chuyang an ominous premonition.

"Do you want me to see Dad?"

Ouyang Jingyu revealed an enigmatic smile.

"You'll know in a while. I promise I will make this trip worthwhile." With that said, Ouyang Jingyu pulled Qiao Chuyang along as they walked towards the elevator.

The two of them quickly arrived at Ouyang Jingyu's office. However, there wasn't a single person in his office that Qiao Chuyang couldn't help but be confused.

"Ouyang Jingyu, where are the things? "Where is it?"


Ouyang Jingyu pointed at the computer in front of him with an evil expression. He looked at Qiao Chuyang viciously.

Qiao Chuyang hurried over to his computer, but did not see a single image.

"Ouyang Jingyu, I don't want to play such a silly game with you. If you have nothing else to do, then I'll really be leaving."

With that, he walked towards the door.

"Ah!" With Ouyang Jingyu's big hand, Qiao Chuyang's entire body fell into the crook of Ouyang Jingyu's arm. The two of them could smell each other's scent from their close proximity.

"I …" Qiao Chuyang was slightly flustered, especially Ouyang Jingyu's pair of black eyes that were as deep as a lake. Qiao Chuyang was at a loss as to what to do.

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Qiao Chuyang's face turned red. The dizziness and the rapid heartbeat caused Ouyang Jingyu's cold face to emit a needle-sharp light.

"I don't have any interest in you right now. Your flat body also made me unable to have any sex appeal." Ouyang Jingyu looked at Qiao Chuyang's chest with a strange intent.

His words were like a bucket of cold water poured on Qiao Chuyang's body, instantly extinguishing all of the passion in his heart.

"Ouyang Jingyu, I don't have any interest in you. A man that knows nothing about gentleness is not someone that a woman should like."

Ouyang Jingyu coldly snorted. He wasn't angered by Qiao Chuyang's words. Instead, a thought-provoking smile appeared on his devilish face.

"I hope you can be this arrogant after watching a short film for a while."

Ouyang Jingyu grabbed Qiao Chuyang's wrist, sat down at his desk and turned on the computer in front of him.

Before the scene had even begun, the passionate, delicate breathing of a woman could be heard. Qiao Chuyang was shocked and the unease in his heart grew stronger.

"Do you want to know who the loose woman who made that sound was?"

Ouyang Jingyu leaned back in his chair and looked at Qiao Chuyang with disdain in his eyes.

"Yes …" "Who is it?" Qiao Chuyang really wanted to get rid of the suspicion in his heart. His clear and limpid eyes were filled with fear.

Ouyang Jingyu's expression was extremely evil. He turned on the screen of his computer.

"No …" "This isn't real …" to see myself on the screen, full of impudent twists and turns. Moving, Qiao Chuyang felt like he was going to die.

"Qiao Chuyang, isn't it great to see how enthusiastic you are?"

Ouyang Jingyu firmly grabbed Qiao Chuyang's chin, forcing her to look at the image of him.

"I …" Qiao Chuyang wanted to cry, but no tears came out. In the scene, he was so passionate. His legs then wrapped around the man's waist, producing an alluring sound.

"Qiao Chuyang, tell me, what would happen if I were to post these scenes online?"

Ouyang Jingyu's face broke into a sly smile like a fox, but his hawk eyes remained glued to the screen.

"Ouyang Jingyu, you were the one who took the picture, right?"

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Although he used a questioning tone, Qiao Chuyang was sure that only a demon like Ouyang Jingyu would do such a sinister thing.

"That's right, I did it, it's just that it only happened once. But to be honest, I do miss that wonderful moment of that night a little now."

Ouyang Jingyu folded his slender legs and leaned gracefully against the chair. Even though it was just a simple action, it exuded an extraordinary charm.

However, the cruel smile at the corner of his mouth had destroyed all of his sense of beauty.

"What do you want?"

Qiao Chuyang took a deep breath to calm himself down. His pair of beautiful eyes were fixed on Ouyang Jingyu.

"Pour me a drink, I might think."

Qiao Chuyang glared fiercely at Ouyang Jingyu. In the end, under his threat, he walked over to the wine shelf and poured a cup of wine for him.

Ouyang Jingyu gently shook the crimson liquid in his cup. His pair of unfathomable eagle eyes locked onto Qiao Chuyang's face, not letting out a single sound.

Under Ouyang Jingyu's attentive gaze, Qiao Chuyang's forehead was covered in a thin layer of sweat. His hands were nervously supporting the table beside him. His right leg, which had yet to recover from the standing pain, was still standing. She bit down on her tender cherry lips.

"Ouyang Jingyu, just what do you want?"

In the end, it was Qiao Chuyang who broke the eerie silence of the office. She could not bear the eerie silence.

"I want you to sell off your Murong Group shares."

The corner of Qiao Chuyang's lips curled up into a mocking smile.

"Ouyang Jingyu, this is your real goal, right? You've always been interested in my shares until I have a child, haven't you? "

Ouyang Jingyu coldly snorted. His handsome face that was as sharp as a knife, was covered in black clouds. He raised his head and drained his cup of red wine.

"I'll say it again. If I sell the shares in my hands, I will buy them at a price twice the market value."

"No, I won't sell it. This is the only thing my grandfather left me. Even if I die of poverty and can't eat, I won't sell it."

Without even thinking about it, Qiao Chuyang immediately rejected Ouyang Jingyu's suggestion with an unchanging expression on his face.

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"Whap." Ouyang Jingyu, who had never thought that Qiao Chuyang would reject him, slammed his hands on the table in anger, causing a loud sound.

The loud voice startled Qiao Chuyang. However, she still stubbornly looked at Ouyang Jingyu, meeting his black eyes with the glint of rage.

"Aren't you afraid I'll punish your father?"

Ouyang Jingyu looked at Qiao Chuyang with a cold expression.

Qiao Chuyang snorted coldly and shifted slightly to let his injured right foot relieve the pain.

"Ouyang Jingyu, if torture can make you forget all the grudges you have, then I won't mind. If father did something wrong, then he should be punished for it. Do whatever you want."

Qiao Chuyang's reaction surprised Ouyang Jingyu. He had never thought that his only bargaining chip would be useless!

"Aren't you afraid that your father will suffer?"

I'm afraid, but I'm powerless to change the outcome of this matter, and I won't waste my time thinking of a way to do it. Ouyang Jingyu, if this is the purpose of you calling me here today, then I'll tell you again, I won't sell out my stocks, I won't sell out even if I die.

Veins appeared on Ouyang Jingyu's hands as he held them together. If he could, he really wanted to break Qiao Chuyang's neck with his own hands.

"Ouyang Jingyu, if it wasn't for grandfather's will that stated that I must stay together with you for three years in order to truly obtain those shares, I would never have allowed myself to stay by a demon's side."

Qiao Chuyang had thought about it last night and made his goal clear. She told herself that she should not live for anyone else but for herself.

A thought-provoking smile suddenly appeared on Ouyang Jingyu's cold and handsome face. He stood up and walked over to Qiao Chuyang.

That's your true nature, isn't it, Chu Yang?" "You kept hiding your shrewdness in front of me. It seems that I have really made a mistake. To think that I would treat a woman who is as shrewd as a fox as if she was a harmless little girl.

Qiao Chuyang snorted, his red lips curling into a mocking smile.

"Ouyang Jingyu, can I take what you just said to be praise? "However, to be able to obtain your praise, I am truly honored. I hope that in the future, we will be able to get to know each other better."

Ouyang Jingyu's guess was right. Qiao Chuyang didn't want him to suffer the torture again and again, nor did he want him to live a life without dignity. Moreover, she was sure that with Ouyang Jingyu's hatred for her father, he wouldn't be able to easily deal with him.

Ouyang Jingyu hooked Qiao Chuoyang's chin and the cold air coming out from his fingers made Qiao Chuyang suck in a cold breath. Suddenly, she felt a cold air slowly spreading out from her feet, instantly enveloping her within it.

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