"Who are you? What exactly do you want to do? "

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This was the first time that Qiao Chuyang felt helpless as he faced the man's approach. She kept retreating, but the room was filled with the unique scent of a man. This scent made Qiao Chuyang feel as if he was instantly surrounded.

"Madame Ouyang, there is no need to be afraid. Up until now, I have no intention of touching you."

The man's voice was filled with calmness. It was no longer as perverted and lustful as it had been in front of Ouyang Jingyu.

"I …" Who exactly are you? "

The man was sitting on the bed in the room. Up there, Qiao Chuyang let out a long sigh of relief. After confirming over and over again that the man didn't want to hurt him, he finally sat down on a chair to the side. His long and narrow eyes were still looking at the man warily.

"Who I am is not important. You only need to know that I will not hurt you. At the very least, I will not be like Ouyang Jingyu, throwing my wife into this lecherous world."

"Do you know who I am?" The man's words filled Qiao Chuyang with shock.

"You don't have to be afraid to leave. I just don't want you to have a lecherous scene in front of you. Go take a shower. I believe you need a hot bath right now."

The man pointed in the direction of the bathroom with his slender index finger. His face was covered by a mask, and no one could tell what he was thinking. However, his dark eyes, which were as deep as a lake, emitted a profound light.

"No …" No need, can you take me away from here? "

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Qiao Chuyang knew that he shouldn't have trusted this strange man so easily. However, this man was her only hope in leaving this place.

The man spread his hands.

"As long as you want, I can take you away at any time. But are you sure that after you leave, you won't be tortured by Ouyang Jingyu again? You should know that not all occasions have a man like me who can help you. "

The man drawled playfully.

Qiao Chuyang snorted and slowly stood up, letting his tensed body. He tried to move his body a little.

"If you don't have the ability, then follow the rules of your game."

Qiao Chuyang's words made the man smile. Then, he slowly walked in front of Qiao Chuyang.

"You are even more stubborn than I imagined. It's just that this stubborn you is destined to become Ouyang Jingyu's plaything. I really don't want to accept you as my woman. If possible, I believe that Ouyang Jingyu's woman definitely has her outstanding qualities."

Qiao Chuyang was quick to catch a flash of malevolence in the man's eyes as they made contact.

She let out a light sigh, feeling as if she had just escaped a tiger's den and fallen into a wolf's lair.

"I'm just a nobody. I can't afford to play this game of yours. Let me go."

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Qiao Chuyang's plea made the man's lips, which were hidden behind the mask, twitch. A teasing smile.

"Although you're very insignificant, I believe that because of your participation, this game has become even more exciting. I can't wait for the next part of the story. I hope Ouyang Jingyu won't disappoint me, a spectator."

The man's words became more and more enigmatic, causing some doubts to form in Qiao Chuyang's heart.

"Who the hell are you?"

The man put his index finger to his mouth and made a hissing gesture.

"Someone's coming." Just as he finished speaking, the man removed the mask from his face and held Qiao Chuyang tightly in his embrace. He then easily took off the mask on her face, causing her pale yet beautiful face to appear before him.

"Leng Ran, it's actually you? Let go of me? "

When he saw the man's handsome face, Qiao Chuyang was shocked. No wonder the voice sounded so familiar.

The giant hand was as cold as a pair of iron pincers, causing Qiao Chuyang's body to move. His body kept trembling, especially his handsome face that was getting closer and closer. It made Qiao Chu Yang feel even more terrified.

"As my woman, I can take you in." The deep voice was filled with frivolity. Qiao Chuyang raised his clear eyes and glared angrily at the man in front of him.

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Her cold and impudent eyes kept looking at Qiao Chuyang. She did not miss the violet color that appeared on his shoulder. A cold glint flashed across her eyes.

"Leng Ran, even if I die, I won't be your woman. Please let me go now."

Ye Zichen shook his head with a cold smile.

"I won't let go of you. As for you, I'm determined to win. I've said this before, as long as it's something from Ouyang Jingyu, I will taste it all, including his women."

His cold, sharp eyes were locked on Qiao Chuyang's face.

"You asked for it."

Taking advantage of the lack of attention, Qiao Chu Yang raised his right leg and used all his strength to hit the cold leg.

Without any preparation, he was kicked right in the face. With both hands covering his legs and an ashen face, he fell to the ground, looking to be in a very sorry state.

"You …" A pair of cold and sharp black eyes pierced Qiao Chuyang's face like the edge of a blade.

Qiao Chuyang quickly ran for the door. However, he could not open the door that had always been closed.

Seeing the cold face of the man approaching him, Qiao Chu Yang felt a sense of danger.

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"You …"

His face was ashen, and his eyes narrowed dangerously. Even though he looked to be in a sorry state, his eyes were still filled with an intense coldness.

"Qiao Chuyang, I am determined to have you, and it was Ouyang Jingyu who personally pushed you into my arms today. Just you wait and see how I'll look like in my bed. Satisfied? "

With a cold force, he pushed Qiao Chu Yang down onto the ground with an evil smile on his face. With an evil smile, he caressed her body without restraint.

"Don't, let go." Qiao Chuyang's hands and feet were moving nonstop as he hammered at Leng Ning, but to no avail.

"If I let you go now, I'm not a man."

Qiao Chuyang swallowed his saliva coldly as he was jumping up and down in anger. The beautiful scenery of Qiao Chuyang's chest also made him want to swallow the coldness that had always been lingering in the flowers.

"Leng Ran, I beg you, let me go." He was suppressed by the coldness. Qiao Chuyang who was on the ground had no more ideas. She could only desperately beg the man in front of her.

However, the coldness that almost made him lose his mind was completely ignored. His hands wantonly swam along Qiao Chu's smooth back. Walking.

Qiao Chuyang's face was covered in tears of despair. He kept waving his hands around, until his hands came into contact with something solid. The hard thing, she knew, was her hope.

"Ah!" With Qiao Chuyang's forceful smash, he let out a painful scream as his strong body rolled over from Qiao Chuyang's body to the side.

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