Chapter 19 - Sister's Complaint 

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"That Dimito guy is the worst!"

My sister, Nene, complained as soon as she arrived at my house.


I chuckled. I don't know how bad it is since the adopted son, Dimito, came to live in the house to replace me, but it must be bad enough for my sister to complain like this.

After that, I was forced to listen to Nene complain incessantly. After listening to the whole story, I heard that Dimito, the new family member, was quite selfish. It seems that he is afraid of being lambasted because he is a former commoner, and he keeps forcing the servants to work.

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"He's using the servants to his heart's content. He uses the servants as shooting practice as a show, and if he wants something, he makes them go shopping even in the middle of the night. He also seems to be a picky eater and always complains about the food. On top of that, I heard that he even sexually harasses cute servants." "That sounds terrible." "I can't believe that my father allows it. As a result, the servants come to me for advice. There's nothing I can do about it!" "That sounds like a lot of work."

Listening to my sister, I began to think that it might have been a good thing that I had been kicked out. It's a good thing that I've been kicked out of the house, because Orobas does all the housework for me, and even though I live alone, I don't have any particular problems.

"Brother can do something about it......." "I'm an outcast, there's nothing I can do about it. And isn't it true that Dimito's magic is amazing?" "Well, it seems so. He does have an inherent magic."

Inherent magic is an original magic that can only be used by that magician. There is a tendency where if you have inherent magic, you are a full-fledged magician. He is the same age as me and already has inherent magic, he must be a genius.

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"The outside of this house is shabby, but it's really clean inside. This bed is so soft, too. Knowing you, I thought your room was dirty, big brother. "Well, I have a friend who is an expert cleaner and he helps me." "Oh, really?"

My sister nodded her head, and Orobas proudly turned up his nose at the praise. Well, my sister can't see the devil, so only I can tell.

"Oh, yes, I have a favor to ask Nene. "What?" "I want you to teach me how to do a seance." "A seance?"

My sister looked at me suspiciously.

"You can't use magic, so why do you want to do a seance? Don't tell me the day of the duel is near, and you're pulling all kinds of strings by any means necessary? It's in three days, right?" "You knew about the duel?" "Yeah, after what Regal's been saying about it at school."

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Well, it seems that Regal has told so many people that I'm going to fight that my sister knows about it. I guess he really wants to humiliate me in front of a lot of people.

"Yeah, I really want to learn how to do a seance." "Why do you want to learn it? What's the use of learning a seance if it won't help you in a duel?" "Well, I really want to use it......."

I can't tell her about the demon summoning. I don't know how I'm going to explain it.

"Well, sometimes people who are not good at natural magic are the ones who have an aptitude for seances. I don't mind teaching you. Besides, if brother can use magic, you might be able to drive Dimito out of the house. Okay, I'll help you."

She said with confidence. Then she went back to the house to get some things she needed for the seance. By the way, this house and the original house are quite close to each other, so it's not so hard to go back and forth.

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"Master Norman, who is Dimito?"

Crocell asked as soon as my sister was gone. Orobas also lengthened his neck, as if he was curious. By the way, I hadn't told them about my situation. There's no point in hiding it, so I told them. I explained to them that I had been kicked out of my house because of my inability to perform magic and that the adopted son, Dimito, had become the heir instead.

"What?! That's so terrible that you're kicking out Master Norman!" "Mastaaaaa! How foolish of me not to know that the Master was in such a difficult situation!"

When I told them, they both felt sorry for me. Orobas seemed to be overreacting a bit, though.

"'Master, I am ready to storm that house right now if I have to!" "'No, Orobas! I won't let you do that, and I won't!" What are you talking about, a sudden attack, are you a demon? In any case, perhaps it was because the two of them were so angry with me that I was not so emotional about being kicked out.

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