“Geez! Too fast! Too fast! Too faaaaast!”

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Barbados’ screams could be heard over the sound of the wind.

We were currently moving on the back of a Gamizin. It’s a wolf-like demon that’s many times taller than a man, and it runs much faster than a horse.

“Hahahahaha! The wind is soothing!”

Orobas, riding on his back, looked like he had plenty of time to enjoy himself. That’s great.

By the way, I’m being held in a princess hug by Orobas.

To be honest, it’s embarrassing to be held like this, but I can’t help but think that if I tried to get on Gamizin by myself, I’d be swept off in a flash.

And speaking of Barbados, she was desperately clinging to the tail of Gamizin.

Would she be okay?

“I thought I was going to die…….”

As soon as we reached our destination, Barbados collapsed on all fours, looking groggy.

To be honest, my head hurts a little too.

“Hahahahaha! You can’t be a demon if you get sick from this!”

Orobas seems to be totally fine.

Even though Gamizin is biting Orobas’ head. Orobas doesn’t show any sign of concern, but I still wonder if it hurts.

However, it’s a little conspicuous.

I can feel the eyes of passersby on us.

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It’s probably because of Gamizin. It’s no surprise that a huge beast like this would stand out. However, although adventurers who use demons are rare, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t any, so no one would think that Gamizin’s true identity is that of a demon, just that he is an unusual demon.

“Well then, first let’s register Barbados as an adventurer.”

Adventurer registration is required in order to dive into dungeons.

For that purpose, we had come to the entrance of the Adventurer’s Guild.

“Oh, Orobas, go outside and keep an eye on Gamizin please.”

“Yes, Master!”

Orobas had already registered as an adventurer, so there was no need for him to go inside. Also, I don’t want him to get drunk and become useless in the Adventurer’s Guild like last time, so I’ll have him stand guard over Gamizin outside instead.

“What’s Barbados good at?”

Well, she’s good with a bow, I think.”

“I see. Well then, she’s an archer.”

I wrote ‘archer’ in the occupation field and completed the registration.

“Do I really have to fight too?”

Barbados asked with a worried look on her face.

“To be honest, I think we can get by with Orobas, and Barbados will be fine just standing by in the back.”

We’ve already proven that Orobas is strong enough in the past. If there is a certain amount of demons, Orobas can probably defeat them alone on his own.

Besides, Gamizin was also here this time. Gamizin’s strength is unknown, but I’m sure he’s not weak with his size.

“Ugh, I’ll do my best…….”

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Barbados nodded her head in disgust.

After registering as adventurers, we bought bows and arrows for Barbados to use on the way to the dungeon.

There are dungeons all over the world, and demons always appear in the dungeons.

If left unchecked, the demons will come out of the dungeons, so it is necessary to go inside regularly to hunt them down.

Also, since the dungeon is controlled by the nobility, you need to pay a toll to enter.

However, it’s not a large amount, so we paid the administrator at the entrance for three people (Gamizin is treated as a guest, so it’s free) and went inside.

“Let’s just go to the center level and hunt some demons.”

The goal this time was to make money. As long as you can attack without overdoing it, that’s all that matters.

“Oh, aren’t you the incompetent of House Eslund?”

It took me a few seconds to realize that it was me to whom had been spoken to.

The incompetent who can’t use magic.

I had a nickname for myself already.

“Ah, well, it’s been a while, Mr. Sanchez.”

Viscount Sanchez. It’s a nobleman who has a rivalry with my family. Baron Eslund, his father, often spoke badly of the Sanchez family.

Viscount Sanchez was standing there with dozens of knights behind him. I guess he’s going to dive into the dungeon with the knights now.

“I heard that you were kicked out of your house, Mister Norman.”, Sanchez said with an amused expression as he pinched his distinctive mustache with his finger.

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“In addition, your father adopted a commoner from who knows where and made him his heir in place of the incompetent you. Your father is no nobleman at all, to take a commoner as his heir! I’m sure it’s all because you’re incompetent and can’t use magic.”

“You’re right……”, making a quick gesture and plan to get out of here as quickly as possible.

I have a feeling something bad is going to happen if we stay here.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you, but we’re in a hurry.”

“We’re not done talking yet, Mister Norman. I need to remind you how many people are suffering because of your incompetence.”

Sanchez did not speak until the end.

Because –

“I will not allow you to insult the Master any further!”

Orobas had beaten Sanchez with his fist.

Sanchez was hit and blown away, groaning, “Gosh!”


I couldn’t help but shout, thinking, “What are you doing?”

“You! Do you have any idea what it’s like to mess with a nobleman?”

Sanchez denounced Orobas while rubbing the spot where he was hit.

The knights in Sanchez’s service also moved in unison and lined up to surround Orobas.

“If you insult my master any further, you will be put to death, even if you are a nobleman!”

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“Orobas, please stop it. I’m sorry, Sanchez. My subordinate didn’t mean any harm, but he took the liberty of doing so. I’ll apologize for him!”

“Don’t be silly! You incompetent bastard, how dare you humiliate me!”

Sanchez gets up, glaring at me with bloodshot eyes as he says.

‘You have insulted my master. You deserve to be punished!”

Orobas doesn’t seem to want to back down and provokes him further.

“Hey, Norman.”

“Yes, yes, what is it?”

“I see you’ve brought along some of your best men.”

“Oh, thanks to you.”

There were knights standing around Sanchez as if to protect him. You can see that Orobas has a certain level of ability because he was able to get past those guards and put his fist in the air.

“Okay, I’ve got an interesting idea.”

Sanchez smiled when saying this.

“Listen to me, Norman. I have to beat you all to death with my own hands. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I think you have every right to be angry.”

“Yes, that’s right. That’s why I’m going to challenge you to a duel.”

Sanchez then smiled weirdly.

I immediately was worried about my future.

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