A visitor after a long time

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4188 years.

I no longer feel the meaning of the calendar, but my internal clock is still ticking precisely.

It’s been four years since I met Suzuka. We have not aged in terms of our appearance, and we are still living the same life today.

In other words, you eat, you fuck, and you sleep.

Sometimes I go to some kind of hot spring, drive the ATV for two in the mountains, swim at the gym, or grill meat outside, but these are my basic activities.

To be honest, I am not dissatisfied with my current life because my greatest desire is being fulfilled.

It’s a peaceful life where everything is fulfilled.

These are the days when it doesn’t seem so bad to face the year 5000 like this. I’ll live within these walls forever.

Yeah, let’s do that.

[Master, we’ve detected a human-like creature outside the western wall. What should we do?]

“Go through it. If they try to do something to us, intercept them.”

[I understand.]

In the past, Suzuka, who had her head cracked open, distrusted newcomers.

I haven’t been cured of my distrust of people either. It’s just that Suzuka is special.

That’s why I’ve decided what to do in such cases. I have no intention of repeating the same mistake.

Thanks to having Suzuka, the result looks positive, but that was definitely a mistake.

The old man, Alf, was full of hostility. In the end, the old man was hit in the side of the head and became the victim, but that was only the result of the other side’s circumstances.

In other words, it was as if I had knowingly let a scammer posing as a door-to-door salesman into my yard, saying, “I’m going to steal all the money in this house!.

I’m not even that careless.

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A beautiful woman in a place where I was surprised to find humanity and couldn’t suppress my curiosity. In hindsight, why did you fall for it, me?

I’ve already figured out that there is a new human race, and now I’m fulfilled.

Leave me alone. I’ll never open the gate again.



[What if we have no intention of harming you?]

“What the hell is that…. video and audio, please.”

[Yes, Master.]

First, the figures at the top of the monitor were a small boy and a woman. It was hard to tell their ages because of the dirt, but the boy and the woman were young. Probably in their late teens.

Two brown-skinned people wearing tiger patterns, or is it fur? 

The ears are unusually long…… or rather, this……

“Dark elves?”

A Dark elf in a tiger skin. Sorry, I’ve never heard of them.

I mean, what is it? Has this world taken another step forward into another world?

Two such people are running towards the security camera, or gate. At some distance, knights follow behind them. There are about 30 of them…… How should I look at this?

As I watched, the child clung to the gate and said



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A child crouches in front of the gate, huffing and puffing. A woman holds the child in her arms as if to protect it and looks back at the knight. Is she scowling at them?

What’s going on? I didn’t expect….. so many things.

Hmm…… what should we do?

While I was struggling, a skit was playing on the monitor. The guys at the head of the Knights, who had caught up with them, gave a dirty smile and said to them.

[Heck, it took you long enough.]

[We’ve got you cornered. Hey, little man.]

[You did a pretty good job. But that’s it.]

[Hey, bring the rope. I’m going to have to tie them up quickly.]

[Wait a minute. I don’t care about the kid, but I think we should have a little fun with the girl, right? As long as they’re alive, right?]

[Kukakakak. Well, you’re right. It’s a reward for a job well done.]

Oh. Even the development is fantasy. I mean, what are these people doing in front of someone’s house?

[Don’t come any closer! If you touch me even one finger, I’ll bite out my tongue and die!]

[Oh, go ahead. If you die and the kid lives…]


The man’s voice is interrupted by one of the knights. He is probably a young man.

[What gum?]

[No, I mean, this place.]


He finally noticed.

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[It’s a pretty common site, right? There’s something new about it.]

[I mean, isn’t that the one? Look, that’s what the Foothandle guys said. It’s in the right place.]

[Oh?….. Oh, you mean the city of iron and stone walls? Ha, what the hell, man? Are you scared? It’s called witchcraft. It’s just an excuse for the foot soldiers to run back to their homes.]

[But even that Lady Lindia…]


What’s this about Lady Lindia? She’s at my house.

The captain and the others are trying to be tough, but the fear is showing on their faces. I mean, what kind of rumors do they have about our family?

[In any case, they don’t seem to be responding at all, you know? Maybe they’ve already lost their minds.]

[You’re right. There’s no guards at the gate.]

[Why don’t we just tie them up, tear down the walls and set them on fire/]

Hmm. Those knights are definitely enemies.

[Help me…. help me! I know there’s someone in there!]

The kid started screaming and banging on the gate again.

[Do you wish to intercept?]

“Please don’t do that.”

Sure, knocking on the gate may be harmful, but shooting a kid in the face when you see this is just plain wrong.

“[Hey, where is the pride of your people gone? One minute you’re protected by a woman, the next you’re up against the wall begging for help?]

[The next Chief is no big deal.]

[That’s right. Let’s tie up the kid for now.]

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After a long chat, the knights walked up to the two of them.

The boy clutched at the gate with tears streaming down his face, and the woman hugged him tightly with both hands.

I don’t want to overlook this….. I don’t want to get involved, but….. Ah, it’s so annoying.

It’s a pain in the ass, but now that I’ve seen it, I can’t help it.

“Sin, fire a warning shot under the knight’s feet.”

[Yes, Master.]

The heat ray guns of the defense devices were fired simultaneously, gouging the ground around the two of them.

“Whoa! ?”

[What the fuck! ?]

[Ca-Captain! ?”

The knights stopped walking with astonished expressions on their faces.

The two Dark Elves (tentative) also looked up at the gate’s defense device with a surprised expression.

“Sin, activate MOUSE. The target is all the guys on the screen.”


The MOUSE starts up with Sin’s reply.

“Uh-oh. Can you hear me?”

[What’s this?]

[Captain! I’m sure of it! Is this…]

[Shut up, Gum!]

It’s all a big mess….. Well, what can I say?

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