ASR 1,000: A History Lecture at a Certain School (4)

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Stand up, bow, and take your seat.

Good morning, everyone.

Today, we’ll go over the Size-Tide War in greater depth, as we did in the prior session.

I hope you’ve done your homework.


Now let’s begin the lecture.

First, what was the Size-Tide War? 

It’s easy to put into words.

This is the fight in which the Demon King’s army assaulted and conquered the Size-Tide area.

What did you guys think when you heard this? Saiku.

“Yes. The horrible crimes of the abominable demon king’s army are at their peak.”

Umm. You’re right.

However, this is only from the standpoint of ethical considerations.

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Since this is a history lecture, of course you must not stop with that perception.

How did this war affect us, the Holy Land of Sunrise, or the Yamato Continent? We have to consider the social impact.

History isn’t merely something to memorize, as I’ve emphasized many times before.

What is the connection to the present? How can we make use of it in the future? I would like you to recognize that this is a place where you can learn these things.

“Size theft, 192 good country obstructing the demon kingdom.”

In ASR 192, the social impact of the conflict was as follows: There are three of them in particular.

To begin with. It is regrettable that one of the Seven Saints, Saint Johan, has gone to heaven.

Of course, we must initially mourn Johan-sama’s loss, but we must…… also drink our tears and learn from this history.

Now, the Seven Noble Saints are, of course, the seven. It’s obvious, of course.

After the construction of the holy city, six of them went to various places to cultivate new territories in order to achieve peace and fertility for mankind and to settle the Yamato continent, led by Birion-sama.

Saints, as you may know, have holy powers that ordinary people cannot duplicate, but we should revere them for more than their strength.

He has guided mankind with His holy power and unparalleled wisdom and knowledge.


“Uh, yes.”

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The Seven Saints had already lost Lindia-sama  and were down to six at this point. One of them has also returned his soul to heaven. What exactly does that imply?

“Because there will be five saints, the number of people who can be settled down will be reduced, and, uh, we won’t be able to cultivate?”

Hmm. I know what you mean.

Although it would be impolite to say so to the saints, the fact remains that they were short on manpower. It was thought at the time that after establishing control over their territories, the saints would hand over control to the Marquis and depart for a new land.

The loss of a saint means that there are fewer people to set up a territory. To put it another way, this battle has slowed humanity’s growth.

You’re going to have to think this way too, you understand?

Now, the second thing. In some ways, this war is bigger than the loss of territory.

It means that this continent of Yamato was divided into two parts, east and west.

The Size-Tide’s region served as a vital foundation for the development of Eastern Yamato. If this land is captured, the expedition to the east will have a difficult time.

And the third. This war has forced the Holy Land of Sunrise to change its national policy.

This is similar to the first and second conflicts, although the Holy Land of Sunrise has been on the road to becoming a “wealthy and unified nation” as a result of this fight.

The country will be prosperous, and the soldiers will be well-equipped. You haven’t done enough homework if you believe this is a natural goal for a country to pursue.

Prioritization is a pragmatic concept. The objectives of this rich and powerful nation are shifting.

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The saints were expected to cultivate their territories under their own guidance, then leave them to cultivate the next region, as we mentioned earlier. In other words, securing territories was their first objective.

Land, as we all know, is the first thing we require for shelter and sustenance.

People can live because they have a place where they can sleep and work in peace.

The city was walled off and knights were recruited in order to do this, but the defense was only as good as the beasts that were spreading over the earth.

But someone more powerful than the beast has appeared as an enemy. You know what I mean.

Yes, the strengthening of the armed forces that each territory had at the time. And a change in policy to improve the efficiency of food production in the limited territories.

This is the “Wealthy Nation, Strong Army”.

This is something that many people misunderstand, so keep it in mind.

By the way, there is one more thing to keep in mind about the reasons for the promotion of “Wealthy Nation, Strong Army”.

I think we already know that the Size-Tide territory was taken, but the problem is how it was taken.


“Yes, sir. The assassination of Johan-sama at the hands of the hidden assassin Yakou?”

That’s correct.

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Because certain wild beasts are nocturnal, the city’s protection had to be done at all hours of the day and night.

However, it is said that Yakou evaded their eyes and took Johan-sama into his hands.

If that happens, the other territories will have to be on the lookout for assassinations.

A strong military does not only mean strengthening the quality and armament of the troops.

More eyes on the ground means more soldiers. The more soldiers working in the same place, the more places to live and the more food to produce. Hence, wealthy nation, strong army

Ironically, the war is also said to have been the catalyst for the evolution of agricultural technology such as indoor cultivation and high-rise building technology.

Have you ever seen Johan-sama being worshipped by farmers, or builders placing his statue when they build their houses?

That’s how it happened. Well, it’s just a theory, but…

-Knock, Knock-

Hmm? Head Master…… how can I help you?

“I’m sorry to interrupt your lecture. The Duke Peresu(Perseus)-sama has an urgent matter to attend to. May I speak with Mirenia-san?”

If that’s the case, then we have no choice.

“Thank you. Mirenia-san, may I have a word with you in the office?”

“Ah, yes. Right away.”

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