Mysterious visitor

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It was an easy job once the decision was made.

I instructed Sin to keep an eye on the entire perimeter of the barrier, and had Ogre and Shuten run as soon as they spotted the boy in the black cloak.

I wondered why he wasn’t capable of learning, but the place where the boy had crept up the wall was near the south gate.

He was ready to go down, so I opened the gate and let the W series seize him as he was. Now all we had to do was wait for the Ogre and Shuten to arrive.

[As expected, Toki-sama! . Suppressed by the demon wolves? Surely the speed of a human is meaningless compared to these guys! Gahahaha!]

[I didn’t think I’d be picking a fight with someone like this. The people of the Holy City should come here once and see the reality].

I watch as Ogre carries the kid on a rope, rides on Shuten’s back, turns off the video and RABBIT.

“Sin, are you ready?”

“It’ll take another three days. By the way, Master…….”


[To erase a thought written in MINDWEDGE, you need to know exactly what was written]

“Is that so? Perhaps you don’t understand?”

[To find out, we need to get clues from what the person said or did, or find out from the person who wrote it].

“I wish you would have told me that earlier…….”

I don’t know why things can’t be more straightforward. I can’t help but complain to Sin about the condition of the antenna, so I have to do something about it.

“Sin, use the RABBIT to pick up that kid’s audio. And while you’re at it, Ogre and Shuten as well.”

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[Yes, Master.]

If that’s the case, then we have to be careful with every word.

[Auda… Ba… Reva, babu!]

What language is that? Um, is it a gag?

[I can’t believe you can’t speak the language…]

[I was hoping someone could tell me who sent you here……. Hmm.]

[Eba…… beba~a…]

[Hmm, I have no idea. Well, I’m sure Toki-sama will figure it out-]

[Yes, it’s an unfortunate situation, but I’ll leave it to you.]

[Ibo…… niboba!]

……You’re kidding, right?


The preparations for the rewrite were complete, but in the end, the kid was still thrown into the cage.

As the child was brought to the entrance of the Shuten he observed us quietly for a while, and then, to my surprise, he jumped dexterously with his bound feet and tried to bite my neck. I have no taste for such things.

Nevertheless, I didn’t want to fall behind my bound opponent, so I forced him to kiss the ground.

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“Jaria! !!! Ja! !!! !!! Jiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!! !!! !!!”

He yelled and screamed, very loudly.

Instead of wasting time arguing with him, we tied him up and hung him from a tree in the forest, far enough away from the residential area to avoid noise complaints, and with the help of Masaru and his friends, we built an impromptu cage. 

It’s still hard work.

I guess he is still chewing on the cage and trying to escape. But when we feed him, he instantly becomes quiet. But only while he is eating.

What can I say? It looks more like an animal than a human being. I want the public health center to take him in.

However, if I kill it here, what was the point of all the hard work I did yesterday? To tell the truth, I’m only letting him live out of frustration.

Why don’t we just forget about it?

[Master, I’ve confirmed a figure at the west gate. There seems to be no danger at the moment.]

“Why are so many people gathering here? It’s supposed to be full of danger… mutated beast are all over the place.”

[What should we do, he’s walking towards the gate].

“Well done, RABBIT audio and video.”

Oh, maybe I should have used the answering machine……. No, the west gate means the gate is open. We caught the little boy and opened it again.

The video shows one guy on a horse.

[So you can see and hear him.]

I think he understands a lot of things by the movement of the camera…….. He knows about the camera.

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“Sin, thermography, two seconds.”

[Yes, Master.]

It’s an android. A horse is also a horse android.

[If you don’t mind, I’d like to enter…… about a boy who visited here a few days ago. I think I can provide you with useful information such as]

Bad…… But I’m sure this person knows what he’s talking about.

“Why don’t you talk to me there, and I’ll hear you? From there, you can see the cute little doggies guarding the gate, right?”

[I hope you don’t mind, but it was a long way to get here.]

“Being a stranger is something you should be wary of. It doesn’t mean you don’t need to be wary if you know someone.”

[I see. Let’s rephrase that as a condition for talking, let me pass through here.]

“What if I told you that it’s not safe? I’ve been attacked by this boy and that.”

[Then I guess we’ll just leave without talking.]

“You think I’m going to let you go like this? If that horse isn’t faster than a heat gun, you shouldn’t even try.”

[Are you trying to destroy a good source of information?]

“There is a way to solve the problem even without information, though.”

[If choose to, he won’t be alive anymore. I don’t need to tell you that.]

You’re saying that they’re better than us? Well, they didn’t stand a chance when they had what they wanted.

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“Sin, MOUSE Ogre and Shuten.”

[Yes, Master.]

“Did you hear that? We’ve got a visitor coming. He’s going to use the hot spring facilities, so make sure you leave a room open for him. And…… Don’t let your guard down.”

I’ve been feeling overworked lately.

“Now, please do as the doggies say.”

[Good, then excuse me for a moment.]

“After you. You’re welcome.”

For now.

“By the way, what is your name?”

[Oh, excuse me, I’m late. I’m Jiro Yamada. I’m just a weak android. It’s nice to meet you.]

What’s the common name of that Zero-Double, Zero-Milli? On the contrary, it’s refreshing……. He doesn’t even try to hide the gun he wears on his chest.

“I’m Kibitsu cho. It’s nice to meet you.”

Well, let’s just get on with it.

“Sin, tell W to take the guests to the hot spring facility. I’ll head there as well.”

[Yes, Master.]

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