Murder out of the blue

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“Eh! ?”

She was so surprised that it ruined her beauty, but from my point of view, I can’t help but think that it was rather normal.

I don’t think it’s an advantage for us, to be frank, and I don’t think it’s a good idea.

“Ba-Bastard! Who do you think you are, Lady Lindia…..Guh!”

As expected, Alf’s old man took a snap at me, but I pretended I didn’t see it as Lindia controlled him with her hand.

“May I ask why?”

“I’m sorry to return the question. Why do you care so much about people in the first place?’

“What….. do you mean by that?”

Oh, before I go any further, I’ve never wished for the extinction of the human race, you know? If you ask me if I like people, I’m not so sure, but when I was a human being, I had some important people around me. What I’m trying to say is that the fact that humans were exterminated will never go away, so why do we want to force the creation of humans to thrive?

“You think we should accept the fate of humanity’s demise?”

“I don’t know about fate, but I just don’t feel like it. I don’t want to talk about nature or fate from the standpoint of living in such a place with such a body.”

“He’s not interested…..”

“I’m sure you have feelings for the people you’ve created, but I don’t have any. Why create a new human race in the first place?”


She looks like she doesn’t want to answer, or that she didn’t think about it. Hmm…..

“You mentioned earlier that you started with seven of you, but did you participate from the beginning?”

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“No…. I was frozen in one of the facilities, and Billion(Birion) and his friends woke me up and told me the reality of what the world had become.”

“Did you help him when he asked you to?”

“It just felt like the right thing to do!….. The world that was destroyed will be reclaimed once again. Is that a bad thing?”

“I don’t think it’s good or bad.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“It’s a selfish guess, but I was supposed to be dead, but now I’ve woken up again, even though I didn’t want to, and the world is a wreck, why should I wake up at a time like this? If someone were to reach out to me and say, “I need you,” I would have no choice but to take their hand.”

“N-no I don’t”

“Oh, it’s just a guess. I do not actually know what happened. Maybe he saw the information he received and became highly motivated. That part doesn’t matter either way, to me.”

“Either way…..”

“In the end, whatever your aspirations are for justice, it’s still your justice. I think it’s common knowledge that there is no absolute justice, so I’ll skip the discussion and simply say that I don’t sympathize with the justice that you have set forth. It’s sad when someone you care about suffers misfortune, but it’s like when someone dies on the other side of the world, you don’t care. I think it’s great to see other people doing their best for other people, but when they fail, I just say, “So be it. And I don’t want to be involved in someone else’s situation that I don’t care about.”

“I’m asking for your help. I can’t believe you dragged me into this….”

“Is what you are doing the right thing? If we can’t agree on that, we can’t cooperate. That’s where we disagree. That’s why I refused to cooperate.”

It’s not about what justice is, it’s about what cooperation is.

We can hold each other’s hands because we are looking in the same direction.

And I don’t find the idea of a whole new human world appealing.

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That’s why it’ impossible. That’s it.

“So…. what kind of world do you think is right?”

“That’s why I believe that there is nothing right or wrong about the way the world is. It’s not up to the individual to decide. Of course, I don’t want to deny what you guys are doing. If, as you think, people will once again prosper as they once did, I will not stand in the way of that. Unless, of course, they want to harm me or this place.”

A warning is added to indicate the end of the story.

It’s been a while since I’ve had a conversation with a stranger, and I’m tired.

I was excited at first, but when I actually came here, I realized that getting involved with other people is a troublesome thing.

I have nothing but regret for coming.

How do you want to be, how do you want to live?

I think it’s the people who share the same goal that makes you feel happy, just as it’s easy to have a conversation with someone you like.

It reminded me of something I don’t like, just like it’s hard to work for yourself and be expected to take on more responsibility than you’re entitled to for the company.

“…..Is….. that….so”

Lindia turns back, a little depressed.

I feel a little bad, though.

“Excuse me for today.”

“Yeah. Then let’s….. Hmm? “Today”?”

“I’ll come back.”

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No. Why?

“If you don’t sympathize with me, I’ll keep coming back until you do.”

“Don’t you think it’s annoying to me?”

“I will get back. Even if you think I’m a nuisance now, I hope you’ll think I’m worth it later.”

Even if you put on such a good face.

“It was a valuable experience. I realized that what we have been doing, which we thought was right without a doubt, is something that people can think of as such. However, I still believe that the city we live in now, and the life we live among the people there, is wonderful. I can’t possibly think that these wonderful days are not worth living.”

“No, that’s not what I meant.”

“I’ll invite you to our town sometime. If you don’t see it, you won’t understand it. Even if I can’t today, I’ll keep coming here until I can at least get you to come once.”


Well, if you’re planning to leave today, all the better.

Next time, I’ll just use the answering machine.

“So that’s it for today.”

I shrugged my shoulders in reply. I’m not making any promises here.

So this time, Lindia-san turns back to join the two people behind her.

One of the two, a bastard named Alf, leaned over and at the same time, a halberd plunged into Lindia-san’s head….

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Before Lindia could fall, Bate shifted sideways from the shadow of his body and had a bow and arrow in his hand, which he shot at me without hesitation.

I’m sure that if I were a normal person, I’d be dead, but thanks to my physical specs, I easily grabbed it and fired two heat guns in return.

I shot him in both arms and moved to capture Bate to break the situation, which I didn’t understand at all.

I push my foot to the ground, blocking Bate’s movement, and then check on the other two.

In addition to Lindia’s head being cracked open, Bate’s sword was deeply embedded in Alf’s side.


…..Oh, no.

The sound of swallowing comes from Bate, which means

“Did her take poison…?”

Did he have them in his mouth?

If he chooses to die here, it means that there were circumstances that he doesn’t want to be questioned about.

In other words, he must have been ordered to do it, but whatever the case, there are now three dead bodies and me alive.

Could it be that I’m being set up?…. This is

On the other side of the gate, nearly fifty soldiers were waiting for the three of them to return.

What do we do now?

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