Chapter 156 – Kaza’s Strength

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“….This might be rough,” Yofel muttered under her breath.

But Sol wasn’t that judicious. She was more of the type that moved based on her instincts. As a result, she still thought she was being underestimated and was acting with anger in her chest.

Sol’s entire body was wreathed in fire. It was the same technique that she showed in the battle against the Black Ogre. She was flying and maneuvering around Kaza as if to distract him, then suddenly charged at him like a bright red bullet.

“Hmhm, that might be a bit hot.” (Kaza)
He uncrossed his arms and made a gesture as if he was flicking something towards Sol.

“―Puuu?!” (Sol)
At that moment, Sol suddenly flinched backwards as if she had been hit by something.

Kaza began to repeatedly flick his finger in her direction. Each time, Sol was sent flying back further and further.

“What? What is happening to Sol?” (Bouchi)
“…Most likely a finger flick.” (Shiki)
According to Shiki, Kaza was sending a mass of air flying like a bullet by flicking his finger.

Eh? He can do something like that?

“As expected of an A-Rank like you, Shiki.” (Bouchi)
“No. This one was originally B-Rank. Even though this one leveled up to A-Rank, this one would not stand a chance against Kaza-dono.” (Shiki)
“Is that true?” (Bouchi)

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“Of course, we may have different affinities, but if we were to have a match comparing the same types of strength, this one would surely be outclassed by Kaza-dono.” (Shiki)
There seemed to be a disparity between monsters that had risen to A-Rank and those that were originally A-Rank.

Shiki explained that it was still possible to win against Kaza in certain matchups and other factors, but he was clearly lower in terms of stats. In fact, even the Black Ogre was higher than Shiki in terms of base stats. But Shiki had the advantage against the Black Ogre because it was a good matchup for him.

“Puuuuuuu~!” (Sol)
Having received all of Kaza’s powerful finger flicks, Sol dropped to the ground, eyes spinning. She wouldn’t be able to fight any further in this match.

“Now then, only you remain… What will you do?” (Kaza)
“…I understand that you are overwhelmingly stronger than me. But if I don’t make you use at least one of those katanas, I wouldn’t be able to face Shiki-dono, who has been training me all this time.” (Yofel)
With that, Yofel readied her bow.

“Commendable spirit! Then come!” (Kaza)
Yofel has her skill, but I wonder how it’ll turn out…

Yofel immediately made thirty clones of herself.

“Ho-hoh. How peculiar.” (Kaza)
Kaza looked surprised, but he didn’t seem to be at a loss.

“Well then, I will show you how to dispel this illusion.” (Kaza)
His six arms spread out, and each of them fired off a finger flick. Each one shot out with the force of a machine gun, unleashing a barrage towards Yofel’s illusions.

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“Kuh…!” (Yofel)
Yofel jumped up high into the sky, knowing that her main body would get caught up in the fire if the situation continued.

This series of movements mimicked the mock battle that she and Shiki had before.

Is her strategy to shoot off a barrage of a thousand arrows…?

Seemingly suspended there in the sky, Yofel drew her bow back. It looked like it was the same as that time, however…the moment I thought that, Kaza reached behind him and grabbed the arrow that Yofel shot at him from behind with his bare hands, not even sparing a glance at Yofel, who seemed to be above his head.

He threw the arrow right back to where it came from, but the Yofel that was supposed to be a clone suddenly dodged to the left.

“Eh?!” (Bouchi)
“It seems that the clone above Kaza-dono’s head was the illusion. The real body wrapped around and got behind Kaza-dono.” (Shiki)
Right as Shiki said that, the Yofel clone in midair disappeared in a puff of smoke. The Yofel that had just evaded was on one knee on the ground with a look of frustration on her face.

“…May I ask how you knew which one was my real body?” (Yofel)
“―Intuition!” (Kaza)
I was expecting a much cooler answer, so I couldn’t help voicing my surprise along with all the others.

“…Intuition, you say…?” (Yofel)
Yofel looked stunned by his unexpected answer.

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“Wahahaha! I say intuition, but that’s not to be taken lightly! On the battlefield, a warrior’s intuition is no different from one’s sense, like a good sense of smell. It can be the difference between life and death, or a ray of light in the midst of darkness. That is why I call this power .” (Kaza)
“Kiwami…” (Yofel)
“Correct. Feel and see with your whole body. Then, you will always find the optimal solution for yourself at any given moment. That is . It is one of my core secret techniques.” (Kaza)
“I-Is that something that even I can learn?!” (Yofel)
“Of course. Everyone has their five senses. The one that brings out and channels their maximum potential is what is known as the sixth sense. is the result of delving deep into the abyss known as the sixth sense. It is a technique that can be obtained without fail as long as you train it.” (Kaza)
Wow, there’s something like that? I wonder if I could train myself and use it too? Such a fantasy-like power?

Well, I couldn’t doubt the existence of fantasy things anymore, but since it was regarding my own capabilities, I found it a bit hard to believe.

“Hmm. , huh? Perhaps that is something this one should learn too.” (Shiki)
Shiki looked like he had gained some new insight. His eyes were shining like a child discovering a new toy.

“Well then, are we still doing this?” (Kaza)
“….No. I admit defeat.” (Yofel)
“Hoh…?” (Kaza)
“I can’t fight any better than this right now. But Kaza-dono, I would like to ask you a favor, if possible.” (Yofel)
“Hm, I will hear you out.” (Kaza)
“Could you please train me to master ?” (Yofel)

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“…This one would also like to request this of you.” (Shiki)
“Puuu~! Sol also wants to be more and more useful to Master!” (Sol)
Following in Yofel’s footsteps, Shiki and even Sol came forward.

“…Are you good, Izu?” (Bouchi)
“I am not the fighting type. Wouldn’t it not be better for me to act the part of a frail woman?” (Izu)
Act…? Well, for a man, a woman who makes him want to protect her might score some points.

“Mm, mm, good! In that case, we will start the training right away! Now, come with me!” (Kaza)
Kaza suddenly started running off, and Sol and the others quickly followed after him

Today, I was thinking of going around as Torimoto for the first time in a while. But it might be a bit dangerous for me to go alone with no one to protect me, so maybe I would just have to hold back for today.

“…Well, it doesn’t hurt to let loose every once in a while.” (Bouchi)
I had recently earned a lot of money, so I decided to take the day off and have a relaxed, leisurely time on the island.

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