Chapter 164 – Teacher

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“How is it? Can you hear what I’m saying?” (Yofel)
“…?! I can hear what you’re saying smoothly, Yofel-san…!” (Koine)
“It’s true. Is this the effect of this earring?” (Aika)
I proceeded to explain the effects of the [Translation Earring] to them.

“Without it, you wouldn’t be able to perform your role here properly.” (Bouchi)
“…What kind of work—” (Koine)
The moment Totoki was about to voice her natural concern, a knock sounded at the door. When I told them to enter, the clients of this endeavor entered the room.

“…Oh, you’re here too, Nike?” (Bouchi)
“Hm, am I not good enough?” (Nike)
“That’s not true. This matter is related to you after all.” (Bouchi)
I thought only Rajie and Noalia would come, so Nike showing up was a bit out of my expectations. Totoki and her older sister stood up from the sofa, their faces somewhat stiff.

Rajie and Nike aside, it was somewhat apparent from Noalia’s appearance that she was a princess of some kind. And no doubt, she really was. A former princess, though.

“Welcome to my mansion. My name is Noalia. This is my younger brother, Nike. And this person here is my uncle, Rajie.”

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They had a somewhat complicated background, so it seemed that she was trying to avoid revealing themselves as the lineage of the emperor or the minister of a country. Besides, status was irrelevant on this island, and there was no need for it here.

“So pretty…” Totoki murmured, staring blankly at Noalia.

“Fufufu, thank you. I’m glad to hear that. But I think you are quite adorable too.” (Noalia)
“Bwah?! I said that out l-loud?!” (Koine)
“C-Calm down, Koine! We’re sorry for this embarrassing situation!” (Aika)
“No, not at all. It’s natural to be surprised like this after suddenly coming here. I heard that you are willing to accept our request, yes?” (Noalia)
Noalia looked over at me as she said this.

“That’s right. I decided that this would be more efficient than me setting aside time for it.” (Bouchi)
“U-Umm, Bouchi-kun? We would like to hear a detailed explanation soon.” (Aika)
As such, we decided to sit down on the sofa and talk it out calmly for the time being. Me, Totoki, and Totoki’s older sister were seated on the sofa in that order, and likewise seated on the other side of the table were Nike, Noalia, and Rajie.

“Before the explanation about the task, let’s start with introductions. Totoki.” (Bouchi)
“Y-Yes! Um, um, I’m Totoki Koine!”
“I am her older sister, Aika.”

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Unlike Totoki, her older sister was a university student and had a calm personality.

“The two of you will be teaching Japanese to the people who live on this island.” (Bouchi)
“J-Japanese? But… they’re speaking now, aren’t they?” (Koine)
“I explained that to you, didn’t I? That’s just the effect of this earring.” (Bouchi)
“…! Does that mean these people are from the other world?” (Koine)
“That’s right. Noalia and the others want to learn the language that we speak if they’re going to continue living in this world. But I also have my own work, and it’s difficult for me to set aside time to teach.” (Bouchi)
Teaching Yofel and Ior was one thing, but with this many people it would be difficult.

“I see. So that’s why we need the [Translation Earrings]. Without it, it would be difficult to even teach Japanese.” (Aika)
“That’s right, Totoki-san. If you can’t communicate with them, you wouldn’t be able to teach them much of anything.” (Bouchi)
“B-But Bouchi-kun, I’ve… never taught Japanese before…” (Koine)
Totoki seemed anxious. I didn’t have any experience with teaching Japanese either. But after giving it a try, I found that it surprisingly wasn’t that hard. Besides…


“You always had the highest grades in our class, didn’t you? You used to teach our classmates if they ever needed help too.” (Bouchi)
“Ah… you were watching.” (Koine)

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Rather than watching, it was more correct to say that I just happened to see it.

“I would also like you to teach them some other subjects once they’ve acquired a certain mastery of Japanese.” (Bouchi)
“Other subjects?” (Koine)
Noalia and the others had heard from me that almost everyone in this world was educated. In the other world, nobles and people of high status received good educations, but there were no classes in more advanced math or chemistry.

They were interested in the history and books of this world and wanted to learn more. They could study without learning the language if they had the [Translation Earrings], but they still wanted to learn the written language on their own.

This was a particular request from Nike. He had been under confinement for a long time and had been denied the opportunity to study. Back then, he thought to himself that if he ever got out, he wanted to learn as much as he could. His curiosity and thirst for knowledge was at a peak.

“I see. So first, we need to teach them so they can read books and other materials, right?” (Aika)
“Exactly, Totoki-san.” (Bouchi)
“Then I would very much like to take this job.” (Aika)
Surprisingly, she seemed to be quite enthusiastic about it.

“Actually, onee-chan was in the education department in her university.” (Koine)
“Really? You were planning to become a teacher?” (Bouchi)
“Yes. I wanted to become an elementary school teacher.” (Aika)

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This turned out to be an excellent choice of personnel. Right now, the education level of Noalia and her companions were at an elementary school level.

Even though they had received schooling, the multiplication table, the arithmetic of fractions, and other more complicated math didn’t exist in their world. They hadn’t been taught to understand and unravel the deeper emotions and meaning of authors’ literary works.

In the end, their grasp of writing and history had an emphasis on how to act as a proper aristocrat. Therefore, they had an abundance of education regarding the arts, but not much aside from that.

Apparently, in their world, many of the commoners couldn’t write or do arithmetic.

“Totoki, you could also teach math and science if you had the materials, right?” (Bouchi)
“Y-Yeah… probably.” (Koine)
“Then work with Aika-san and teach Noalia and the others here.” (Bouchi)
“…Yeah, sure. If you say so, I’ll try my best, Bouchi-kun!” (Koine)
And thus, the teachers for Noalia and her companions had been decided, and for the time being, Totoki and her sisters would be staying on the island with them.

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