Chapter 23 – Power of the Elixir

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“O-oooh! Is that it, Torimoto-kun?!” (Jouichirou)
“Yes. This is―the Restoration Medicine.” (Torimoto)
That was a lie. The real name of it was actually [Elixir・Mini].

A lot of people would probably intuitively know what it was upon hearing the name. In other words, it was just that―an Elixir. Such a name popped up in manga and games quite often. However, the ‘Mini’ part indicated that its effect was lower than an ordinary [Elixir].

In games and such, Elixirs were items that often had an all-purpose healing effect, provided immortality, and could even resurrect the dead.

However, the [Elixir] that existed in my Shop didn’t give immortality and couldn’t unconditionally resurrect the dead. But if it was ingested, it could instantly heal any injury or illness and dispel curses.

If a limb was missing, it was possible to grow it back just like a lizard’s tail. It was a ridiculously overpowered medicine that could make you immortal for an hour, and even if you were to die in this time, you could still be revived within 10 minutes.

It was truly a panacea. If such a thing were to become available on the market, it would surely be a terrifying cheat item.

But as I said before, this one was just an [Elixir・Mini]. It only had the effect of being able to heal any injuries or illnesses instantly. It was more than plenty for this case.

“Here, have her take this.” (Torimoto)
I handed the [Elixir・Mini] to Jouichirou. He reached over a trembling hand and received it, then turned cautiously to face Kanna.

“…Papa?” (Kanna)
“Kanna, answer me honestly… Do you want to be able to walk once more?” (Jouichirou)
“Eh? …W-What’s this all of a sudden?” (Kanna)
“Do you want to walk again or do you remain unable to walk, which is it?” (Jouichirou)
“I…I a-already said that it was fine! I’ve already been living in a wheelchair for 3 years now, and I’ve already gotten used to it, you know? So… Don’t worry about my legs anym―” (Kanna)
“Kanna!” (Jouichirou)

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“!? ….Papa.” (Kanna)
“Please. Tell me how you really feel. The true wish in your heart… You can tell Papa.” (Jouichirou)
Faced with the sudden question, Kanna appeared to be lost and confused. But after receiving Jouichirou’s serious gaze, Kanna fell silent for a bit before slowly beginning to speak.

“…….I want…” (Kanna)
“Hmm?” (Jouichirou)
“I said! I want to walk again! I want to run! I just want to play soccer!” (Kanna)
Tears overflowing from her eyes, Kanna screamed out in a quivering voice with all her heart and soul.

“I was always, always praying! That one day, I would be able to walk again! I begged God over and over again! After all… I… I don’t want to see Papa wearing himself out for my sake…!” (Kanna)
Jouichirou held Kanna strongly in his embrace, overcome with emotion.

“I’ve always wanted to hear those words from you. The stubborn, kind-hearted you… You always worried about me and suppressed your own feelings.” (Jouichirou)
“Sorry… I’m so sorry…!” (Kanna)
Infected by the welling emotions in the room, Minako and the caretaker were also moved to tears.

“It’s fine now. This medicine will allow you to take back your life into your own hands.” (Jouichirou)
“!? …Is that true?” (Kanna)
“Yeah. Have I ever lied to you?” (Jouichirou)
Kanna vigorously shook her head from side to side.

“Papa… I’ll… be able to walk again?” (Kanna)
“Yeah, of course.” (Jouichirou)
“…I can play soccer with Papa again?” (Kanna)

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“I’ll keep playing with you until I fall over from exhaustion.” (Jouichirou)
“I can… I can…!” (Kanna)
“Once you’re healed, you can do anything you ever wanted to do. Everything you hadn’t been able to do until now, you’ll be able to do all of it to your heart’s content.” (Jouichirou)
“Yeah…!” (Kanna)
With a quiet pop, Jouichirou uncorked the stopper of the [Elixir・Mini] and placed the bottle into Kanna’s hands.

“Do I… drink this?” Kanna asked, sounding unsure.

“It’ll be alright. It won’t taste bad, so go ahead and drink it in one go,” I said, encouraging her.

Kanna still seemed hesitant, but after Jouichirou gave her a smile and a reassuring nod, she seemed to be relieved.

Kanna closed her eyes, collecting her resolve, before bringing the bottle to her lips.

“Glug, glug, glug……. Puhaah.” (Kanna)
After she finished draining the entire bottle, her body was wrapped in auroral light. Naturally, no one had seen such a phenomenon occur upon taking a drug before, and they were all shocked.

Kanna was also surprised, but there didn’t seem to be anything abnormal happening to her body. The luminous phenomenon gradually subsided and faded away completely. In the silence that followed, I spoke.

“Come on, Kanna-chan. The rest is up to you,” I said, holding out my hand to her.

Kanna had probably already realized it. That her own lower body had a different sensation coming from it than before. But she was still perplexed by the unfamiliar sensation.

“Try and take one step with your own strength.” (Torimoto)
Kanna suddenly took my hand and shook her right leg. The moment her right leg moved, everyone in the room aside from me gasped in shock.

Kanna gritted her teeth and moved her leg, gently placing it on the floor. Ever so slowly, she bent forward and calmly began to raise herself into a standing position―

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“―!?” (Kanna)
The little bird, who had once been stripped of its wings, once again spread out her wings and soared off into the vast, blue sky.

“I-I’m… standing…?” (Kanna)
“Yes, you’re properly standing on your own two feet. Congratulations. You did well.” (Torimoto)
I gently let go of her hand and quietly left the room to give the family some time alone. As I stood there outside, I could hear the sounds of crying and the whooping shouts of joy coming from within.

“―I really don’t know how to thank you! I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart! Thank you so much!” (Jouichirou)
I was ushered back into the room once more, and the family all began bowing to me in gratitude.

“It was nothing. I’m very glad that I was able to restore your daughter’s body to its former state.” (Torimoto)
After all, if I didn’t succeed, I wouldn’t get paid.

“U-Um!” (Kanna)
“Hm? What is it, Kanna-chan?” (Torimoto)
“E-Er… Thank you so much!” (Kanna)
“Haha, I said it was really nothing. I had my own ulterior motives after all.” (Torimoto)
“U-Ulterior motives…?” (Kanna)
I turned away from Kanna, who was directing a blank stare at me, and looked at Jouichirou as I mouthed, ‘well, I guess it’s true.’

“Oh right, Kanna, let’s have a party today! How about we treat Torimoto-kun to something to thank him?” (Minako)
“! Yeah! I’ll cook! Mama, Shinomiya-san! Will you help me?” (Kanna)
“Yes, sure thing.” (Minako)

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“Of course, Young Miss.” (Shinomiya)
With that, the three of them left the room in high spirits. On the way out, Kanna turned to me and smiled, saying, ‘you better look forward to it!’. I nodded in response, lightly waving my hand back at her.

“Torimoto-kun. I might be repeating myself too much, but really… Thank you so much. Thanks to you, I can see my child… Kanna, smile from the bottom of her heart once more.” (Jouichirou)
“No, no, it was nothing. I think she should be completely fine, but you still should do a complete physical checkup, alright?” (Torimoto)
“Yeah, I agree. By the way, about your reward… I’m sorry. I don’t have the slightest idea how much I would need to pay you.” (Jouichirou)
Well, I guess that made sense. I had cured an incurable disability, so the compensation for such an achievement would be colossal.

“I said it before, but I was using this power to do business. To earn money.” (Torimoto)
“Right. But in this world, money has practically no value anymore.” (Jouichirou)
“Certainly. But in the future, the economy of Japan… No, the whole world always has the possibility of recovering.” (Torimoto)
“That’s…” (Jouichirou)
“It’s not impossible. After all, what you thought was impossible became possible right before your eyes today, hasn’t it?” (Torimoto)
“! …Now that you mention it, that’s true. You got rid of Kanna’s disability, which even modern medicine was unable to cure.” (Jouichirou)
“That’s why I believe that the time will come when things go back to normal again. I want to save money for that day.” (Torimoto)
“…I understand. Then how much money should I set aside? I’m sorry, but the banks aren’t in operation and it’s difficult to come up with that much cash.” (Jouichirou)
“…This is something that I’ll only tell you, Jouichirou-san. I actually have another unusual power, you see.” (Torimoto)
I was making up one miraculous setting after the next, but since Torimoto’s existence itself was very fantasy-like, it would probably be fine.

“A power…?” (Jouichirou)
“Yes. If you don’t mind, could I ask you to fetch your bankbook?” (Torimoto)
“Ah, yeah… I’ll bring it right away.” (Jouichirou)
After saying that, he immediately left the room.

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