Chapter 234 – Tree of Gluttony, Belzedor

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It sure is huge. No, I mean, it’s just way too massive.

It looked as tall as the Tokyo Skytree, but it was almost as wide as three skyscrapers, giving off an overwhelming presence.

I had no idea where to go to hold a conversation with the tree.

After flying aimlessly around the tree for a while, I heard a voice.

“―What do you want from me, huron?”
I suddenly heard a rough, wizened voice resound from the direction of the tree.

I stopped flying and swallowed my saliva. Then, I nervously opened my mouth.

“I apologize for the unexpected visit. I would like to speak with you. Would you be willing to accept?” (Bouchi)
Him accepting my offer was the key to this discussion. It would be the worst if this tree was the kind of existence that would only attack without question, but…

“Fine. It has been several hundred years since I’ve last spoken with a huron. No, perhaps over a thousand? I am not exactly sure, but… last time it was just a whim of mine.” (Belzedor)
I was relieved to see that he didn’t seem to be looking for a fight.

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“Master, even still, you must be careful of what you say. S-Rank monsters tend to have wild temperaments, so you never know what will provoke their ire.” (Izu)
I thanked Izu for her advice.

“First, I would like to introduce myself. I am Bouchi Hiro. A human from Earth.”
“Dear me. A human from Earth? I have never heard of such a race before. No… Perhaps somewhere I have…” (Belzedor)
…Don’t tell me this guy isn’t aware that he’s in another world?

“Please excuse my impoliteness, but do you know where this is?” (Bouchi)
“This place? What are you talking about? Of course, this is my domain—the land of Barkhud.” (Belzedor)
…So he really doesn’t know, huh?

“That’s not true. Please take a careful look around you. This is somewhere different.” (Bouchi)
“Hmmmmm?” (Belzedor)
At that moment, the trunk of the giant tree started to move, and something like an eye appeared. A single, massive eye. It spun around and started to survey its surroundings.

“…Hm, hm. This certainly is not the land of Barkhud. Then where is this place?” (Belzedor)
“This is a place in a different world from yours—Earth.” (Bouchi)
“Earth… Another world? …Has the path opened up? No, how long has passed since then? Don’t tell me the time has already come?” (Belzedor)

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He seemed to be rambling off on his own, but…

“I’m sorry, but I would like you to hear me out.” (Bouchi)
“….Huron.” (Belzedor)
“Just a moment. I’m not a huron. Here on Earth, people like me are called humans. So please refer to me as such.” (Bouchi)
“Huuman… Human, you say? …Earth… Human… I see. It seems that this time, I have been transported to that person’s birthplace, hm?” (Belzedor)
…That person?

“Then, human. You said you wanted to speak with this old me?” (Belzedor)
“First, I want to make sure. You are Belzedor, the Tree of Gluttony, is that right?” (Bouchi)
“Yes, indeed. But I don’t remember calling myself the Tree of Gluttony.” (Belzedor)
In other words, that alias wasn’t something he had come up with by himself.

I proceeded to explain to him where on the planet he had manifested and what the situation in the city was at the moment.

“So I would like you to refrain from eroding and expanding any further.” (Bouchi)
“Hmm…. Mm…? Sorry, it seems that won’t be possible.” (Belzedor)
“Why is that?” (Bouchi)

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“Because Oremia isn’t here. Without Oremia, the encroachment cannot be controlled.” (Belzedor)
“Ore..mia? Who is that?” (Bouchi)
“The sacred bird of the forest, Oremia—an existence that could be referred to as my avatar, or half-body.” (Belzedor)
“Avatar…” (Bouchi)
Apparently, Oremia was a bird who was always by his side and kept the power of erosion in check. Originally, they were one being, but more than 1,000 years ago, they had split and been living in two bodies—a bird and a tree.

“I am an existence that erodes away at all of the area around me. In the past, I have had clashes with other S-Rank monsters, and they developed into conflicts that changed the entire environment. But a certain person split my power into two and gave the avatar the power to control the erosion. Only then was it possible for the encroachment to be kept in check.” (Belzedor)
“Then without that bird, the erosion will continue forever?” (Bouchi)
“Precisely. I cannot control it myself.” (Belzedor)
I immediately used the <Shop> skill to search up Oremia.


Belzedor didn’t exist in the <Shop> either. It seemed that neither of them could be bought.

Damn it, if only I could have bought Oremia…!

I wasn’t sure if it could have even been bought for only ¥10 billion.

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But with this, things had turned troublesome. I was glad that he was easier to talk to than I’d expected, but even then, there were some matters that were out of my control.


“…Is there any way to stop the erosion other than that bird?” (Bouchi)
“…There is only one way.” (Belzedor)
“And that is?” (Bouchi)
“To kill this old one.” (Belzedor)
“…! I see…” (Bouchi)
That certainly was one way. It was a matter of cutting it off at the source.

“But I have no intention of perishing. There are still things that I must do.” (Belzedor)
Well, it made sense. He didn’t seem like a guy who would simply let himself be killed. In the first place, I didn’t think there was anyone out there who would choose to end their life for others’ sake. And since this wasn’t his world, even less so.

“…If I find this bird, would you be willing to stop the erosion?” (Bouchi)
“That is fine by me, but has Oremia also been sent to this world?” (Belzedor)
“That’s… wouldn’t you be able to sense your own avatar?” (Bouchi)
“Hmm… This truly is a different world. There are strange waves and vibrations flying around that are making it difficult for me to sense Oremia’s presence.” (Belzedor)
Strange vibrations? Is he referring to radio waves…? Due to the effects of dungeonization, the internet and other services were no longer available, but it seemed that radio still worked.

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