Chapter 241 – Clash

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As she said that, she tightened her finger around the trigger.

It can’t be helped. It would be a waste to let her kill me here, so instead…

I made up my mind. But at that moment, I heard a sound at the door.

Suddenly, the door opened with a bang.

The first to rush into the room was Aoyama, and behind her was Sayuri with several followers in tow. It seemed that they had heard the gunfire earlier and rushed over.

Aoyama, who was the first to be able to assess the scene and grasp the situation, also pulled out her gun and held it at the ready. The muzzle of the gun wasn’t pointed at me, but at Kagaya.

“Kagaya-san, what is the meaning of this?” (Aoyama)
“The meaning of this? I suppose if you’re pointing the gun at me, then you don’t really need to ask, do you?” (Kagaya)
As she responded to Aoyama’s question, Kagaya turned her gunpoint from me to Aoyama.

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While this was happening, Sayuri entered the room, and after looking around to survey the scene, she glared at Kagaya and spoke.

“So this is your answer?” (Sayuri)
“Founder-sama… No, Sayuri-san. Unfortunately, I’m afraid I can no longer follow you.” (Kagaya)
“May I hear your reasons?” (Sayuri)
“You already know it yourself, don’t you? Somewhere in your heart, you wanted to entrust the position of founder to Torimoto. That’s why you declared him to be God’s Messenger.” (Kagaya)
It seemed that Kagaya had realized that Sayuri hadn’t become founder of the order because she wanted to. For Sayuri, being the founder was only a means to an end. And that end was to create a place to help women who had suffered.

If she could create such a place of belonging for women, she didn’t necessarily have to be founder. But she simply went along with whatever Aoyama said. That was why she could easily give up the position if someone more suitable than her emerged.

“Be mindful of your words, Kagaya-san. As the founder, Sayuri-sama has guided us admirably up until now, hasn’t she?” (Aoyama)
“Silence, Aoyama. Your words have no value. You think I don’t know anything? I know that you’re behind everything that allowed Sayuri to become founder, and you are the one truly fulfilling the role as founder.” (Kagaya)
Aoyama gulped at these words. She might have thought that no one would have discovered this fact.

And naturally, Aoyama’s eyes turned to me. Her gaze seemed to be asking if I was the one who told her.

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I suppose I should explain myself.

“Sorry, but I didn’t tell anyone.” (Torimoto)
“…Then how…?” (Aoyama)
Aoyama looked confused. Kagaya, who was gazing at her with a relaxed smile, spoke.

“How foolish, Aoyama. Don’t you know that there exists a convenient item called a listening device in this world?” (Kagaya)
“A listening device? …! No way…” (Aoyama)
“Yes way. I bugged Sayuri’s room and her office. I know what you and Sayuri talked about whenever it was just you two.” (Kagaya)
Aoyama bit her lips in frustration.

It seemed that Kagaya was a step ahead. Or rather, it was more like Aoyama wasn’t cautious enough.

It was a natural precaution to be wary of your surroundings if you had to have an important conversation. But she failed to do so.

Sayuri gently put her hand on Aoyama’s trembling shoulder. Aoyama gave Sayuri an apologetic gaze, but Sayuri simply smiled and shook her head, slowly lowering the gun Aoyama was pointing in Kagaya’s direction. Then, Sayuri faced Kagaya and spoke.

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“Kagaya-san, I don’t mind if you think that I am not fit to be founder.” (Sayuri)
“Sayuri-san?!” (Aoyama)
Sayuri’s statement caused Aoyama to call out her name in panic. However, Sayuri continued in a nonchalant manner.

“But please don’t point your gun at your friends.” (Sayuri)
“…Then you’re fine with me pointing it at you?” (Kagaya)
Kagaya turned her gunpoint towards Sayuri.

Aoyama, who naturally couldn’t remain silent, started to speak out of anger, but Sayuri held her arm.

Aoyama directed a questioning gaze at Sayuri, but she kept silent when she saw Sayuri’s serious expression from the side.

“Does that mean I am not even a friend to you? That I’m nothing at all to you?” (Sayuri)
“I am grateful to you. It was because of you that I could understand what I needed to do to survive in this world. But apparently, you couldn’t stick by your hatred for men. I am different. I intend to erase men from this world.” (Kagaya)
“…You were trying to create a new religious order with Torimoto-san as the founder, weren’t you?” (Sayuri)

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“Ah, so you knew about that? Yes. It’s true that I was planning to do that. But… in the end, I knew that men were no good. I’ve gone to great lengths to suppress my anger and ask him to play the part of the founder, but he just won’t budge. Just who do you think you are?” (Kagaya)
That was my line. Did this person think that she was a ruler or something?

“Well, whatever. It’s just a slight change in the plans. But this person…” (Kagaya)
Kagaya pointed her gun at me again. But much to my surprise, Sayuri stood in front of me.

“…So you would go to such lengths to protect a man?” (Kagaya)
“That’s because he is my… no, our benefactor.” (Sayuri)
“…I knew you really weren’t fit to be the founder of the Maiden’s Rebirth Order. In the end, you’re just a half-wit who doesn’t know how to be a bit ruthless.” (Kagaya)
“That may be true. But if you are going to shed blood here, you should also prepare yourself.” (Sayuri)
“There’s no way you truly have the intention to kill me, do you?” (Kagaya)
In response to her question, Sayuri replied without pause.

“Because we are friends.” (Sayuri)
It was incredible to me that she could still say such words at this point. If it were me, I wouldn’t be able to do it.

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