Chapter 275 – Dealing With the Aftermath

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On the roof of a high-rise apartment building, a woman was peering through a pair of binoculars at a certain space.

At the focus of her vision was a church. The base of the Maiden’s Rebirth Order.

“…Tch. After I got the report, I didn’t think it was true and had to come see for myself. Who would have thought that you really survived…?!”
The woman’s name was Kagaya Seiko—a former executive of the Maiden’s Rebirth Order and the leader of the hunting faction that hunted men.

After a disagreement of beliefs with the founder, Sayuri, Kagaya had left with the followers that were more loyal to her.

At that time, she had tried to pull Torimoto away from the group too. But when he refused, she said that she would kill him, saying that he would surely become a nuisance to her in the future. But in the end, it didn’t work out for her.

“Damn it, I was planning to get rid of them all at once. The Hosen Group was so damn useless!” (Kagaya)
She kicked the wire mesh fence in front of her, venting her frustration.

“…Putting the religious order aside, I have to do something about that man. It would be too troublesome if the enemy were to steal him. Should I just capture him and make him spit out the recipe for the panacea?” (Kagaya)
It would have been better if I could forcefully abducted Torimoto, but that would be too dangerous. But maybe right now, if I find the right timing, it might be possible. Kagaya thought to herself.

“No, if we get him on our side, there’s the risk that it’ll trigger an internal rift.” (Kagaya)

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That was actually the reason the original religious order had split in two in the first place.

Torimoto’s presence was a deadly poison. In exchange for him bringing about miracles, it would be like feeding the organization poison.

“…In the end, I really should just get rid of him. It’d be easy enough to snipe him without being discovered. I have to destroy the order anyway.” (Kagaya)
Having made her decision, Kagaya was about to start walking toward the entrance leading down from the rooftop when she suddenly stopped.

For some reason, there was an unknown figure standing before her.

“….Who are you?” (Kagaya)
Kagaya’s voice was filled with wariness. She slowly reached her right hand out, looking for her gun at her waist.

“I am pleased to make your acquaintance. My name is Kaza.”
“Kaza…?” (Kagaya)
Kagaya looked at Kaza uneasily, feeling like something was out of place.

After all, there were horns on Kaza’s head, and upon closer inspection, she could see that he had six arms.

“A monster? No, you’re talking, so that couldn’t be true. On your head… is that a helmet? And how many arms…?” (Kagaya)

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For the moment, Kagaya couldn’t draw any conclusions. She just saw that Kaza wasn’t human by looking at his obviously different appearance. But the fact that he spoke the same language as humans made her feel that her thoughts were less credible.

“…What do you want?” (Kagaya)
“Hmm. I have come seeking you regarding a certain wish.” (Kaza)
“That’s quite the old-fashioned way of speaking. What wish…?” (Kagaya)
“Ah, please hear me out. No… it’s really quite simple.” (Kaza)
After a moment’s pause, Kaza continued.

“―Die here for me.” (Kaza)
Feeling killing intent rising at that very instant, Kagaya lifted her gun and fired at Kaza.

However, only sparks flew, indicating that the bullet missed.

“…?!” (Kagaya)
This time, she fired multiples. But none of the bullets hit Kaza.

“W-What…?!” (Kagaya)
Kaza was drawing his katana at an incredible speed and cutting through each of the bullets, and he was so fast that Kagaya couldn’t even see it.

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With a series of dry clicks… Kagaya had used up all of her ammo. Her breathing became rough and labored, her shoulders rising and falling with her every breath. But the cause of this fatigue was the existence before her, who was emitting an intense spirit.

“Are you quite done?” (Kaza)
“…I… don’t have any intention of dying here!” (Kagaya)
This time, she pulled out her survival knife and charged towards Kaza. Her charge was probably only this confident due to all of the men and monsters she had slain so far. Thus, she could still stand firm against this strange, eerie opponent.

But it was not the right move. Against an opponent that you couldn’t understand, running away first was the method that had the highest survival rate. However, her self-confidence and pride, which had allowed her to win up until this point, didn’t allow her to run.

“YAAAAAAHHH!!” (Kagaya)
She ran in, thrusting her knife at Kaza. But before it could reach Kaza’s face, it stopped dead in its tracks.

“W-Wha—?!” (Kagaya)
Her surprise was natural. Kaza had stopped the blade between two of his fingers.

“My apologies. But you have no way of defeating me.” (Kaza)
“L-Let go…!” (Kagaya)
Finally realizing that her opponent was truly beyond her reach, Kagaya’s expression filled with fear and dread.

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“Well then. By right to strike.” (Kaza)

(TL: Right to strike – Kaza is saying ‘kiri-sute gomen’ here, which is a phrase from the Edo period, referring to the right that the samurais had to kill commoners for compromising their honor as a samurai.)

It was just a single flash. Kaza, who was standing in front of her just an instant before, was suddenly behind her.


Kaza’s sword let out a metallic sound as he sheathed it. A red line appeared on Kagaya’s neck where she stood.


Kagaya’s head silently separated from her body and slid to the ground.

With his back turned to the silent corpse, Kaza spoke in a frigid tone.

“For the sin of aiming at my lord’s life, you have been judged.” (Kaza)

In the next moment, Kaza vanished from that spot like the wind.

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