Ascension of the Immortal Asura

Chapter 708: 708 I'll Show You A True Asura Tr

Johns eyes narrowed slightly as he heard Miko bring up the one buried in the earth directly beneath them. When he had arrived, he had instantly noticed a familiar aura, and despite the person looking almost completely different due to the transformation, he knew for certain that the person he had attacked was Parker. Not only that, but Parkers transformation was very similar to his own, something that shocked him further.

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What the hell is Parker doing here? John asked Miko, and why did he look like that?

I have no idea, Miko replied with equal confusion at the entire situation. We started battling here, and when I was about to kill Amber, Parker showed up and interfered. We battled it out, and then you arrivedthats everything I know. I was hoping you would be able to clarify the situation.

John remained silent for a moment as his gaze continued to linger on the land below them. His thoughts drifted back to the Yuan Continent, where he had received the only information regarding Parker he had.

The only thing I know for certain is that the Bloodfiend Sect sent Parker away from the sect for some reasonI guess that place was the Divine Martial Continent, but thats all I know.

Then.his transformationwas that? Miko asked curiously.

It isI dont know exactly whats going on, but its definitely the same as mine with only slight differences, John replied, confirming that Parkers transformation was the same Asura-like transformation as his own.

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How is that possible? Miko asked. Is it blood related? he asked curiously, as both Parker and John were of the Fenix Clan, and were able to transform in the same manner.

Nowere not blood related, John replied dismissively.

What? What do you mean youre not blood related? Miko asked with confusion, as he didnt know Johns true lineage.

Ill tell you laterbut for now, we have more important things to focus on, he replied as the ground started to tremble violently from within as an overwhelmingly powerful aura started to emerge from the depths within.

Are you going to need help? Miko asked John as he felt the overwhelming power swiftly approaching.

No, John shook his head while rejecting Mikos offer. Youre already exhausted, and more importantlyParkers life is mine to claim, and mine alone. Retreat to the others and ensure their safety, as no one else can.

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Miko stared at John for a short moment before nodding his head and speeding off towards the distant group of Honorable Alliance members.


The ground exploded outwards as Asuros shot out of the earth with incredible speed. His powerful aura washed over the battlefield once more, bathing the battlefield in its sinister nature once more. The Honorable Alliance felt the sinister aura slam against them, but its effects were greatly neutralized by Laias profound aura of vitality and life, making the effects much less burdensome.

Asuros stopped directly before John, standing just a mere dozen yards away as he stared at John with a heated gaze of excited bloodlust. you truly are still alive, Asuros said, his voice containing excited malice within.

John gazed at Parker before him with cold eyes, eyeing his transformation up and down for a moment. His gaze snapped to Parkers blood red eyes, not averting for a single second where others would never dare to look.

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Parker I told you back in the ancient pocket realm that I would one day return for revengeand today is the day I obtain your life as payment for your betrayal.

Hehehe, Asuross maniacal laughter echoed out as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. Johns eyes narrowed slightly as he noticed Parker had truly changed, becoming much more bloodthirsty and unhinged than the Parker he previously knew.

I must say Im impressed that you managed to live after being forced off that cliff, but you surviving to this day fills me with more joy than if you had died that day, Asuros replied as a wide smile appeared on his face.

And why would you be joyous to find that death has come for you? John asked calmly.

Death? Nononono, youre not death, youre just more food to fuel my progress, and you are the greatest delicacy I will ever enjoy, Asuros replied with sinister glee. Consuming you will push my body to a new level, vaulting me to the forefront of the cultivation world. With my Master leading the way, this world will have no choice but to crumble beneath our power!

Your master? John asked, while an idea of who that could be popped into his mind. Only one otherthinghad ever had a similar aura to theirs right now. You mean that four-armed freak?

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Asuross eyes widened in slight surprise, before narrowing as he stared at John with murderous bloodlust.

I should kill you right now for speaking about my Master that way, Asuros growled coldly.

So I was right, John replied as he confirmed his suspicions. Parkers master was the creature he had seen in his visionthe creature that he was prophesied to battle to the death. Parker had clearly obtained his transformation art from that creature, which would explain how he was able to do it in the first place. His battle axe suddenly appeared in his hand once more as his aura began to slowly climb.

Since thats the case, Ill start with you first, and then eventually your master, John said calmly as his hand tightened around the shaft of his battle axe.

Hahahaha, your cultivation is in the Middle Heaven Tribulation Realm, while mine is in the Half-Step Dao Transformation Realm. But even if you were in the same realm as me, my master has given me the body and power of a true Asura, Asuros replied with maniacal laughter as his aura began to flare once more, You have no choice but to die here today.

Your Asura body is nothing but a low-grade imitation, John replied as his aura suddenly flared with absolute power. His body immediately transformed, as two horns pierced out from his skull, red runes covered his body, and his eyes turned blood red.

Ill show you what a true Asura Transformation is like! John roared as his glowing battle axe suddenly cleaved outwards towards Asuros, carrying with the unstoppable power of Asuras and Dragons.

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