Ashes and Kingdoms

Chapter 3

Volume 1, 1-3: Life in the Barracks

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How much can a human hate another person?

Fin absentmindedly considered that thought. He was brought all the way to the barracks by a man who he thought was the gatekeeper this whole time, but was actually the commanding officer and his name was Masod. Fin, fortunately or unfortunately, seemed to have piqued his interest and will be receiving direct leadership from him. In short, Fin will be treated like a manservant.

It wasn’t of the likes of military training, but in any case, he was being pushed around. He was called over by the motion of the chin, and generally was forced made to run around from the barracks to the barns and harbor for trivial errands.

Although because of this he has witnessed the soldier’s corruption and rampageous behavior throughout the city, he was glad to not being ordered to join in even more evil acts and just finish his job.

(Be patient, just endure it)

When it was not constantly repeating in his innermost thoughts, he once again wanted to take up the rebellious attitude. Just now, he was told once again to shine the shoes he just shine, and when he took the ordered item, he was coldly sent back with a “Not this, that“. And moments like are usually accompanied by a sneer and abuse.

However, if Fin were to glare back even a little, immediately Masod would be exaggeratedly surprised, and laughing like a wild animal, he would say.

“Ooh, so scary, so scary. It seems like I have to call over the guy who will handle your discipline”

Given that situation, Fin had no choice but to shut up and bow his head without saying anything. In order to protect Nellis, Uncle, and Aunt, he told himself “I need to be here–” and grit his molars together.

And like that, while he was forced to run around, Fin was not able to anything about the circumstances outside. Such as will the former army corps really take up protecting at night, or where did they get their food supply, or is his family safe.

But, on the fifth day, the opportunity finally came. He was ordered to go to the harbor’s Audia temple. A soldier named Iguros talked to Fin while he brought him along the way.

“The reason why those beasts don’t come and attack from the sea is thanks to Master Fianera not letting the sacred fire be extinguished”

Only in these moments does he act respectful, even with such ruffian’s expression. Fin was slightly amazed and didn’t say anything as he looked at the wharf. The scale of the temple, which was towering on the tip of the cape, was so high it didn’t match the scale of the town. Nanais is a port city that prospered on fishing and trade, so The Mother of the Sea Audia was a very important guardian god to them.

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Once, even Oandus took the whole family out to visit the temple. It may be unthinkable that a miller would have any relation to a sea god, but without a strong sea breeze, the windmill wouldn’t spin. Therefore, even Fin recognized the face of the priestess Fianera.

The group of bandits and even the former army soldier, as expected, couldn’t lay a hand on the temple. On the path continuing to the temple, there were figures of many citizens and when the soldiers came by, they noticed and moved aside, shifting their eyes mixed with both animosity and fear. Yet, even to those glares, Iguros instead looked proud and glared at them arrogantly. Fin, unable to stand them, looked down and bit his lips.

Iguros did not head directly to the temple, but approached the harbor. There for the first time, Fin knew of how the food situation of the town was dependent on such a dangerous lifeline.

“You only rely on boats?”

Fin unintentionally asked, and Iguros shrugged his shoulders and responded.

“The areas that a horse can travel has been taken, you know. Well, there may still some still left, but…..all of the surface of the sea is graciously protected by Master Audia”

From the ship’s bow and stern, on both sides hung many square lanterns, and bags of wheat and some kind of wooden boxes and vases were lowered down. But that was not all, there was also something where you don’t want to know where they found it nor how they obtained it. A lump of half-eaten cheese, an impressive amount of jerky and walnuts, a liquor jar that was obviously for family use, etc.

“Even if night were to fall, the beasts won’t chase after us if we run to the sea. Besides, our ship, no matter what, is being protected by the sacred flame after all”

Even while he was moving his mouth, he used hand gestures to signal to his comrades coming down from the ship and distributed the goods to be carried to the temple. After a short while, Fin was made to carry on his back the profoundly heavy baggage, and while continually making complaints inside his head like “Why is the temple in such a high place”, as he climbed the hill road and stairways with great effort.

Iguros, who went first, carried luggage with both of his arms, but maybe because his weren’t as heavy as Fin’s or this was everyday training to him, he didn’t looked worried at all.

When Fin struggled and finally arrived at the temple entrance one way or another, and he was out of breath and fell down on his knees. Iguros turned his head and scoffed “You’re sloppy, youngster”, but Fin preferred this way of laughing than the glares he got when he first came to the city.

“Wait there. I’ll make a manservant or someone else take it up”

He left that message, and entered the shrine by himself. Unable to give a reply, Fin sat down on that spot, and while watching over the luggage, he steadied his breathing. And it was at that moment.

“Big Bro Fin!?”

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He was called out in a familiar voice, and he immediately turned around.


The figure of his younger sister appeared from the inside of the temple, causing relief to wash over him. They were safe! He forgot his fatigue and stood up, holding Nellis tight. Nellis also tightly clung to him and buried her face in his shoulder. After a while, she unwrapped her arms and looked up at him, and showed a painful bitter smile.

“Big Bro, you stink of sweat”

“Is that a thing to say to someone you haven’t encountered in five days?”

Fin looked depressed, but he soon broke out into a smile and stroked Nellis’s head. In just a mere 5 days, it looked like Nellis had become quite thin and dirty.

“How are Uncle and Aunt? Did they find a place to live?”

“Yeah, they’re in Mr. Kunad’s house. They’re…..somehow getting by”

Nellis was ambiguous with her words and dropped her gaze. Fin lightly grabbed her shoulders.

“Really? Is there enough food? They’re not injured or sick, right?”

“I already said that they’re fine. You don’t need to worry, Big Bro Fin. The distribution of wheat floor is more or less steady and Mr. Kunad is a good person. Though the things we brought with us are nearly gone….”

“Were they taken?”


Nellis bit her lip and shook her head, and when she suddenly lifted her face, she forced a smile.

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“It’s because people needed it more than us. Really, there’s isn’t enough of anything. All of those in Mr. Kunad’s place….how many are there? Maybe around 20 people? Practically everyone, had all their possessions taken away by the soldiers, or even the rest of the townsfolk, is what I heard. That’s why, to just monopolize everything, is something we can’t do…..pots and blankets, are being used by everyone. Food disappears in a blink of an eye, and even my doll….was given away”

The last words seemed to vanish. Fin pitifully scowled. Nellis is no longer at an age to play with dolls, but she took great care with that doll that her mother made her when she was young and she even believed that a soul resided inside of it. Of all things, to part with that in such a difficult time, huh.

“…..You’re admirable, Nellis”

Fin mumbled and softly placed his lips to his little sister’s forehead. Nellis finally broke out into a real smile and blinked numerous times to hide the tears forming in her eyes, puffing out her chest triumphantly.

“I’m fine. I’m no longer that kid anymore, so really, I’m fine. I’ll be 15 soon, and an adult, you know”

To this, Fin unintentionally laughed, and stared intently at that face that can’t possible look like “an adult”. He somehow endured as he didn’t want to laugh too much, and apologized with a “My bad, my bad”. Nellis turned away with a sulky look.

“Sheesh, Big Bro Fin, you really ruin the mood! Well, since you knowing the actual situation, I couldn’t deceive Big Bro, like how I did to those idiot monkeys in town”

“What’s with that? This is the first I’ve heard of this. Was that so?”

To Fin, who again asked with an unintentional idiotic face, Nellis clearly responded.
“You don’t need to worry. It’s because I proper~ly informed you and enlightened you”

“Nellis, you, what are did you say? What is it”

Fin frowned and drew closer. It wasn’t like he was particularly wanted to be friendly with the girls of the town. Anyways, if they were Nellis’s friends, then they’re all just kids, and he won’t even think about having any love affairs with them. That’s why, this is a completely different problem then that.

Nellis gazed at Fin’s reaction to her words, and smirked.

“It’s nothing~ I did say the truth, though. My brother is as damn serious as a gravestone and more boring than a dead fish. What? Before you bring up that it’s a fraud scam, I’ve saved you, so you should be thankful to me, you know”

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What a headache. Fin looked down, his hand placed between his brows. The people around them, who heard the conversation between the two of them, couldn’t hold back their stifled laughter.

As one would have expected, the older brother became pitiful, so Nellis suddenly became serious and changed the conversation.

“Speaking of being boring, about what Big Bro was saying before”

“What was it?”

While Fin was a little cautious, he pressed on. But, Nellis did not laugh, and shrugged her shoulders and continued.

“When you mentioned that maybe the heavens are in a more serious situation than down here on the ground, well, it may actually be true. I talked to Father and the others about it”

“What happened?”

“It’s not exactly that, but. Then again, in reality, isn’t it strange? Even though the beasts of darkness are appearing in succession, things such as ghosts and dwarves, haven’t been seen. In the past, there were a ton of them, right? Even dragons…..well, those are originally noble creatures and people say that their numbers are scarce, but don’t ghosts and dwarves generally appear before the public and stuff? So why aren’t there any……only the beasts of darkness, as usual come in swarms”

A very unpleasant feeling. Bringing that to an end, Nellis stared at the platform which was sticking out of the tip of the cape. There, one can clearly see that it’s noon now and the bright yellow flame was shining.

“…..Surely, that won’t hold out much longer”

Nellis muttered. Fin unconsciously responded “Aah”. Afterwards, he harbored a question for himself, but for no reason, the conviction born from his chest would not waver. That is, it could be because of the seriousness in Nellis’s gaze as she stared at the flame.

“Why that is, I don’t really understand, but that’s how I feel. It’s not good, you know”

“Aah. That’s why you shouldn’t say things like that”

If such rumors were to spread, what would happen? Fin shuddered, and prayed for the flame to continue to burn for long, even if it’s a whole day.

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