Ask This Spring

Chapter 6

Seeing the second son sitting in the same place, still motionless, Huan’s mother had a trace of doubt in her eyes, and asked, “Why didn’t Shen’er eat it? This pig congee is better than Uncle Fu, and the rice is about to melt. The taste is particularly tender…”

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‘Uncle Fu is the cook of the Huan family, with superb craftsmanship. I heard that his ancestors used to be an imperial cook, and he is quite famous in the local area. However, because there is only Huan Mother in the wine shop, he needs to make koji, feed, ferment, fetch, and heat the wine. He hasn’t cooked for several years.’

Huan Shen didn’t want to worry his mother, he calmly shook his head, “The steamed buns that were steamed earlier will be spoiled if you don’t eat them. If you drink porridge, I will just eat them.”

Huan Yun took a bite of the powdered pig liver, and didn’t understand why the second brother had an awkward relationship with his sister-in-law. They were clearly a family. Why did they give birth to an overnight hatred? Soon, the second brother would be transferred to the capital, just like the eldest brother. If the misunderstanding was not resolved, would it last for a year or two?

The little girl had a simple temperament and couldn’t hide things in her heart. Zhuo Lian glanced at her and was able to guess her thoughts, but she didn’t say much.

After eating, she and Huan Mother cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks, remembering the unsealed turbid wine, and she twisted her eyebrows.

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The former Huan’s family was one of the best breweries in Bianzhou anyway. The quality of the sake produced was excellent, and the reputation was far-reaching. Many people would travel thousands of miles to Bianzhou just for a sip of wine.

But today was different. Huan’s father’s death had taken away the secret recipe of Huan’s wine brewing. Huan’s mother had no talent, and it was impossible for others to tell her the skills of the family. In this way, the wine shop could only make the worst. The turbid wine, also known as “turbid mash”, was white in color, and there were still fine grains of rice floating on the surface. The poets often refer to these as impurities.

If it hadn’t been for Huan Mother dropping the price again and again, and making it very low, no one would buy it at all.

“Mother, I have nothing to do when I stay at home during the day. Why don’t I go to the wine shop to help. I know how to make wine, and I can help you share the burden.”

Huan Mother didn’t doubt Zhuo Lian’s words. After all, Zhuo’s family was a big brewer. It wasn’t weird if she knew how to make wine.

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But she still shook her head and refused, “The work in the wine shop is bitter and tiring. What are you going to do as a little girl? Take care of Yun Niang at home.”

Zhuo Lian was afraid of hardship and tiredness, but she prefered to make wine and hoped to change the embarrassing situation of the Huan family. After all, Huan Yun was also her younger sister, who was both prosperous and ruined. Only when the entire Huan family was well, could she be better.

After putting the bowls and chopsticks in a wooden basin, and soaking them in alkaline water, Zhuo Lian continued to persuade her, “Except for cooking, there is nothing to do at home, but the wine shop is very busy. Mother won’t let me go. Do you dislike me for being clumsy? ”

How can I dislike it?

Seeing the woman’s resolute attitude, she hesitated and sighed, “Go if you want. Anyway, you also know the location of the wine shop. Go by yourself tomorrow morning.”

Huan’s mother got up before dawn, and she couldn’t wake people up early. Then she told her, after she gathered the kitchen stuff, she urged her daughter-in-law to rest.

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Back in the room, Zhuo Lian didn’t feel sleepy after washing herself. She opened the window sash, and the bright moonlight sprinkled on the ground, which made her filled with emotion.

The first thing one needed to do was to get a good idea of what they were getting into.

Zhuo Lian’s father and mother died in the war, and they were adopted by the Zhuo family with their younger sister. Later, she married the Zhuo family young master Chongxi, studied wine, and took care of the wine shop. When she fell to death in a dry well, she was no more in that world.

Before the death of Zhou Lian, she said, “If there is another life, she will not be deceived by flowery words, she will definitely treat her blood relatives, and will no longer harm others and herself…”

Now that she had become her, she should also shoulder the responsibility of the original body.

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‘I thought I would be awake all night, but I didn’t expect to lie on a wooden bed that was so hard, and fell asleep soon.’

The next day she was awakened by the cry of a chicken. She opened the door and walked to the kitchen. She found that there was a steamer on the stove. The dry food had been heated up, but Huan mother was not at home, and obviously went to the wine shop long ago.

Zhuo Lian poured a bowl of hot water, and ate small mouthfuls of dry food. Her culinary skills were not very good, but Huan Mother was worse than her. When steaming the dry food, more salt was added, and the taste was bitter and dry.

After filling his stomach, Zhuo Lian walked in the direction of the Huanjia Restaurant according to the memory in her mind. Unexpectedly, when she passed the alley, a familiar figure came in front of her. This person could be called handsome. However, he was born with a greasy face, dressed in brocade clothes, and the word “Dude” could be imagined written on his forehead.

As soon as she saw Yu Man, Zhuo Lian’s heart was filled with anger.

Speaking of the reason why she had fallen into such a difficult situation, this person had also contributed a lot. If he hadn’t threatened her to change the medicine package, Huan Shen would not be fed with arsenic, let alone treat her as an enemy. He was always on guard and treated her as an enemy.

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