Ask This Spring

Chapter 8

Water well (2)

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Pursing her lips, she said, “I know you are saying it for the good of my mother, but the Huan family has no other livelihood besides the wine shop. We can’t live by just relying on my uncle. I will come to the wine shop everyday. In the workshop, I will help my mother, and never let her be too tired. I also ask Aunt Lin to rest assured.”

Staring at Zhuo Lian steadily, Aunt Lin never expected that she would say such a thing. In the past, Zhuo was the most greedy for money and profit. She also disliked the dilapidated and poorly managed wineries, and heard that they could sell. Two hundred taels of silver, according to her temperament, she would definitely accept it in a hurry.

Has the sun come out from the west today?

“Lian’niang, no matter how good you are, consider it. We have been neighbors for so many years. Aunt Lin will not harm you. If you are not satisfied with the price, please discuss with the buyer.”

For fear that Zhuo Lian would refuse again, Aunt Lin didn’t give her a chance to speak, and left as if to escape.

Zhuo Lian was only a little skeptical at first, but now she had determined that the reason why Aunt Lin appeared in the Huanjia Restaurant was absolutely instigated, but who instigated it and why she did it, she couldn’t figure it out.

Thinking all the way up the steps, as soon as she stepped over the entrance, a strong scent of wine came with a breeze, making Zhuo Yan’s lips pressed tightly, and her eyes revealed a bit of disgust.

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Most turbid wines from the Great Zhou Dynasty were used to make such turbid mash, with few koji, rough materials, and short fermentation period. Various reasons caused the turbid mash to have a turbid color, sweet taste and low alcohol content. Ordinary people often drank rice wine, but they would not dislike it, but people of a little bit of identity were not satisfied with this type of wine. Instead, they seeked more clear and transparent sake with a greener overall. They also took many elegant names, such as bamboo leaves green.

Zhuo Lian walked closer and saw an ordinary-looking man standing on the edge of the stove to fry wheat. This man should have good cooking skills. He kept turning the spatula to make the wheat ripe to not burn it, and the color became more and more intense. Soon, wheat aroma bursted out.

The man was exactly Uncle Fu. He was making wheat at the moment and must not be disturbed, otherwise the scorching of the wheat would also affect the quality of the koji.

Zhuo Lian had been brewing wine for nearly 20 years. At a glance, she could see the problem of Huanjia Winery-the method of making koji was too simple, only inferior koji ingredients could be made, and the formula was not particular. It was weird that you could make money in this way.

Seeing that her daughter-in-law was coming, mother Huan hurriedly drew people to her and said in a low voice, “Don’t disturb your uncle Fu, come and help your mother first.”

Thinking of the woman she had just met, Zhuo Lian couldn’t help but ask, “Mother, Aunt Lin said that someone wants to buy a wine shop and is willing to take out two hundred taels of silver, but is that true?”

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Huanmu looked unnatural, she nodded slightly, “It is true.”

The whole thing reeked of shadiness, Zhuo Lian must ask clearly. Otherwise if Huan Mother sold the wine shop, it would be even more difficult to make wine in the future.

Pulling Huan Mother aside, she sat on the wooden chair, her expression was serious. Her slightly plump body tightened, and she continued to ask, “Don’t hide from me, who is the buyer?”

“Zhuo Jia.” Huanmu gritted her teeth and finally told the truth.

Zhuo Lian’s face changed in an instant. If Huan Shen could only say that he was a miserable supporting actor in the storybook, the Zhuo family was completely the opposite. Their luck was excellent because they were the heroine’s distant relatives, and they had good brewing skills. They were eventually named the emperor merchant, the scenery was boundless, it was enviable.

On the contrary, Huan’s family ended up ruined. Even Huan Shen, who was the town’s guru, was not immune. After he vomited blood and died, his body was fed to wild dogs, not even the whole corpse was left.

Knowing the ending in advance, how could Zhuo Lian agree to transfer the wine shop?

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“Mother, our shop can’t be sold. Although uncle is a guard, he will go to the capital after a while. The cost of food and clothing is not a small amount. Two hundred taels of silver seems to be a lot. But there is no sound in the prosperous place. It must be a long time to earn money so that the days can pass.” Zhuo Lian stuck out the tip of her tongue and licked her dry lips. Her heart was extremely nervous. She was afraid that Huan Mother would be excited, so she should go. This matter.

Huan Mother couldn’t help sighing, “Let me think about it again.”


Aunt Lin did not return to West Street directly after leaving the wine shop. Instead, she went to the most prosperous area in Bianzhou City and entered a restaurant. This restaurant was also the property of Zhuo’s family, which selled a variety of fine wines, and there were many delicacies accompanied by wine, which attracted many customers.

This was not the first time when Aunt Lin came, but she still felt awkward, standing in the middle of the lobby, looking around.

After a while, a buddy walked forward, took her to the private room, and urged, “Miss is inside, you can go in.”

Aunt Lin nodded blankly, pushed the door and walked in. At a glance, she saw the woman in green sitting by the window. She was about fifteen or sixteen years old. At this moment, she squeezed her chin with her hand and her eyes fell on the bustling street downstairs. From this angle, you could see Jiao’s beautiful profile face, with a delicate outline, although it had not been greased, it had a hint of indescribable elegance.

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Hearing the movement, the woman tilted her head slightly, looking at the middle-aged woman with a pair of bright peach eyes, and asked casually, “Is it done?”

Aunt Lin said embarrassingly, “Zhuo Lian did not agree.”

Zhuo Yujin was surprised. She prided herself on knowing this half-sister very well. She knew that this woman had shallow eyelids and could do anything for the sake of silver. Now it was just a dilapidated wine shop. Two hundred taels were already a lot, why would Zhuo Lian refuse?

“What did she say?”

“At that time, this woman spoke clearly, but it was as if Zhuo Lian was bitten to death and refused to agree. You might as well add a little bit, and she will definitely be tempted by that time.” Aunt Lin promised.

Stroking the smooth window frame, Zhuo Yujin slightly folded her eyebrows, and did not speak. The reason she wanted to get the Huanjia Restaurant was because there was a well in the backyard.

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