Assassin Farmer

Chapter extra 9.3

Special 9: Kidnap A Husband (Section Middle) 3

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"Xiang Yongxin! Can’t you keep a low profile? Don't you know that you are a wanted criminal being pursued by the government? Do you have so much spare time to spar with others?"


Si Fang Chen, who had cleaned up for her repeatedly, could no longer hold back the anger in his heart. He scolded Xiang Yongxin, who had a cotton bandage wrapped around her arms and blood on the corner of her mouth.


The first two times were petty fights, so she could easily solve it, but the robbers that they met today were unparalleled horse thieves who were chased by Qinghe and even other cities in Dahui. One mishap and she would have lost her life.


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"Cough... Didn't you realize that those people were the real Jiangyang Robbers? When I left Qinghe, I saw their portraits posted on the city gate. Really, I’m not lying to you." Xiang Yongxin was in a hurry to explain.If you can read this, it means this chapter was stolen from pure tl .com


The group of bearded men with big swords and long swords just now were the recent gangsters from Jiangyang who had stirred up turmoil and made everyone fearful.


"So what? What's it have to do with you?" Si Fang Chen threw out a sentence indifferently, he put her on her marron horse, and led her forward.


Xiang Yongxin sighed helplessly. She didn't fancy the high bounty of five hundred taels, but just felt that since she had good martial arts, why not help the government to remove the scourge, or to restore the stability of the people. 

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"I've never seen anyone so stupid. Not only did you not hide when encountering them, you even dared to rush to face head on. I admit that your skills are good, but a girl, it’s not worth it! If they are captured alive..." Si Fang Chen suddenly realized the reason why he was depressed: He was afraid. If he fetched water more slowly, if she was really captured by those robbers, then afterwards... He didn't dare to think further.


"I'm sorry! It happened so suddenly, I wasn’t thinking!" Xiang Yongxin heard the worry in his tone, her heart was warmed as she explained in a low voice.


"Next time, don't be so arrogant. With your skill and accomplishments, it's easy to hide without being noticed. You can't fight them head-on." Si Fang Chen continued to brainwash her with his eyebrows twisted. Even if she lived on the mountain for many years, she might still encounter robbers, it was absolutely necessary to teach her a good sense of danger.


"Okay." To his surprise, Xiang Yongxin did not protest his admonition, but returned a sweet smile and readily accepted his advice.

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"That...Are you worried about Yiyue and the others?" Seeing that Si Fang Chen ignored her for a long time, Xiang Yongxin raised her eyebrows and wondered what he was thinking.


Si Fang Chen looked into Xiang Yongxin’s eyes, his expression darkened, and his mood fell. 


She had learned from Lin Long that Si Fang Chen had an unusual affection for Liang Yiyue. Maybe he liked Yiyue. After all, Liang Yiyue was the daughter of Castellan of Dashi, and she was proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. It is said that her appearance is also the cute and coy type she yearned to be.


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Ai, she could not compete with her. Might as well put a stop to this dead end.


After returning to Qingfeng Zhai, she will find a chance to go down the mountain after she finds Fu Enji to solve the "she is a robber from Jiangyang" situation. At that time, she won't go to Da Shi, she’ll go in another direction, and head east to find her destined husband.puretl . com is the original transla tor, please do not re post


As long as she can complete this mission before New Year's Eve, right?


"Why are you sighing! I don't blame you. Don't worry, they are very good." Thinking of Liang Yiyue and Jiang Jingyu, Si Fang Chen could not help but be angry. How come all the girls now were so headstrong and fearless? ! Can't they be as demure, graceful, gentle and graceful as Aunt Lin?

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