Assassin Reborn

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 The first time to fail!

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At this time Xu Xiang heard a howl, he was discovered! Xu Xiang ran away immediately, but his moving speed can’t be compared with the blue eyed wolf. A hit from the wolf, Xu Xiang lost 65 points of HP. High level monsters also have a level effect when they attack the players. The wolf attacked again, Xu Xiang slightly leaned to one side of his body, but the wolf claws grazed him and his HP was left with a single digit.

Took out a bottle of primary instantaneous recovery agents and drunk it, this time Xu Xiang was still desperately running. The cool down of the potion was 30 seconds, if his HP kept dropping, there was no way to supply. The wolf attacked again, he had almost reached the forest but suddenly there was a huge wolf running next to him, it was the king of wolf!

“Damn it, failed after all.” Xu Xiang who was standing in the resurrection point of the village of newcomer in soul form hurriedly looked at his backpack, if the skill book dropped, he would suffer serious losses.

But fortunately, the skill book was still there. At this time, Xu Xiang laughed: “it seems that the brother Chun blesses me!”

Skill book: Enhanced Stealth

Skill description: An enhanced version of the thief skills stealth, have a faster moving speed and stronger stealth ability.

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Weapon requirements: no

Skill attribute : make themselves become invisible, movement speed +10%, stealth effect increased by 20%, lasts for 1 minute, no cool down, can’t be used in battle, user becomes visible when he takes damage or take the initiative to attack.

User limit: thieves, no racial requirements.

That was it. Although Xu Xiang had died once, but what he gained was more than loss. As we all know, stealth was a thief’s trademark. The thieves can reach many places that other professions can’t reach, what they rely on was stealth. Stealth was the basic skills of thieves, and also the soul skill!

With this skill book, Xu Xiang was more confident to carry out his plan. But now Xu Xiang was in a soul form, he was unable to learn skills, he have to run to his corpse in the zone of the blue eyed wolf.

At this time, the players in the village of newcomer can see that there was a new thief in the cemetery of the village of newcomer, whose cloth gown had burst out but he still was in a silly smile. “Be careful not to be infected by a fool.” This was the advice for the novice from the players around, they thought this thief like a silly man must be hanged back by the monster like slime. But they didn’t know they will worship this silly man after a while.

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Xu Xiang arrived at the zone of blue eyes wolf, he found himself was in a good position. The closest wolf was 7 yards from Xu Xiang and the forest was 10 yards away. So, if he got into the forest, the blue eyed wolf would not run after him, and he will not found because the distance is 7 yards. However, the king of wolf returned its original position, and on the road, Xu Xiang opened the system, he saw that.

“Ding~ the king of the blue eyes wolf have caused 289 point damage to you by using roar, you are dead.”

After he revived, Xu Xiang immediately used the skill book which turned into white light and used the skill immediately. Under the state of stealth, the hatred distance of the blue eyed wolf was 3 yards, and 3 to 5 yards was a buffer, and the skill of Xu Xiang was enhanced stealth, so it was estimated to be less than that.

Xu Xiang quickly ran back to the village of newcomer, and immediately went offline!

Taking off the game helmet, Xu Xiang found himself unexpectedly sweating on his whole body. “It seems that the psychological quality should be tempered again.” Xu Xiang smiled. However, it’s no wonder, some things even if a person had a lot of experience with, the person will still be nervous when he was personally on the scene. Moreover, tension was not necessarily a bad thing, maybe it was able to arouse his potential.

Taking off his clothes and walked into the bathroom to take a bath happily, the harvest of Xu Xiang from the game today was very good. His level was temporarily in the lead from all of the players, and he also got a very important skill, it may be said this was a good start and his future will be excellent.

Xu Xiang thought of Wang Xue at this time. He met Wang Xue while he was level 5 in his previous life. At that time, they just joined a team together to go dungeons. Wang Xue was a young beauty, Xu Xiang naturally had identified with Wang Xue since that time. There were a lot of strange things in the world, falling in love at first sight was one of it.

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“This time, I won’t let you go from my side, and Xinming Bai, you wait for me!” Xu Xiang clenched his fist, it was the commitment to himself. Xu Xiang would not forget to remind himself every day, this was the original power.

After taking a bath, Xu Xiang took 2 packets of instant noodles and 3 pieces of ham, then he boiled them in a pan. That was really if a person was in a good mood, then he will feel that even drinking the plain water was sweeter than honey. So Xu Xiang ate the whole pan of noodles without a drop left, and he burped.

Now it had already been 11:50pm, Xu Xiang had been in the game more than 3 hours. The online time after 12 o’clock had been regarded as tomorrow. Although the brain was in a state of mild sleep when he was in the game, but compared to this, Xu Xiang prefer to get a good sleep.

He set the alarm clock of his phone to 7:30 tomorrow morning, so that he can get up, then wash his face and brush his teeth, and eat breakfast. Thus he will be online at about 8 o’clock, it was just 10 hours until 8 o’clock in the evening. Then he was to exercise. The three years of mercenary of Xu Xiang told him that the body was the most important capital and Xu Xiang had gotten a set of special training methods from his mercenary career.

Going to bed, he didn’t know whether because he was too happy or too tired, Xu Xiang fell asleep in a short with thoughts of Wang Xue.

“Wang Xue!” Xu Xiang surprised to look ahead, that was Wang Xue, the girl who let him dreaming. She was still so beautiful, the black long hair hang down to the waist, smart eyes was looking at Xu Xiang with smile. She was waving her hands towards Xu Xiang “Xu Xiang, come on quickly.”

Although it was said quickly, and although Xu Xiang tried his best to run toward the direction of Wang Xue, but the distance between them was farther and farther, until Xu Xiang can no longer see Wang Xue. At this time, there came a sound, “please don’t be infatuated with elder brother, I am only a legend.” (The song “the elder brother is only a legend”

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“Wang Xue!” Xu Xiang screamed out and sat up in bed, looking at the ringing alarm clock, “just a dream!” Xu Xiang signed. But it also was verified that saying: what you think about in the day, you will dream of it at night.

“Wang Xue, although now I don’t know when I’ll meet you, but even in the vast sea of humanity, I can recognize you in one sight.” However, Xu Xiang just forgot that there was a saying: I look for her once and again in the crowd, but in vain. Suddenly looking back, that person just was in the dim light.

Washing his face and brushing his teeth, then having his breakfast, Xu Xiang went downstairs, came to the stalls that he had been usually ate.

“Boss, a bowl soybean milk and two deep-fried dough sticks.” Even in 2015, many people still can’t get rid of the Chinese classic breakfast, Xu Xiang was one of them.

The possibility of choking to death because of eating fried dough sticks didn’t happen, Xu Xiang ate his breakfast contentedly, then returned home, wore a helmet, and went online!

He was still in the village of newcomer. They will be in the village of newcomer until they can change their profession at level 10, and then they will arrive at the city only after they were level 10. Xu Xiang looked at his current experience, 0% at level 2. It was cleared directly because of his death yesterday, fortunately, he went after he levelled up.

Xu Xiang believed that there were many players that reached level 1 or some may even reach level 2, he was not alone. Xu Xiang was very clear, but it was very simple for Xu Xiang if he really wanted to level up, he had all kinds of leveling methods in his head. If he commit fully on leveling, he can certainly exceed much more than the other players, but Xu Xiang understood, it was more important to have skills and equipment for a thief.

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