「But the Stones are also getting increasingly powerful. Aren’t there more and more large-sized Murders being sent here from Libya?」

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「Yes. That’s true. But humanity has already acquired enough strength to deal with large Murders.」

「I think so too. That’s why I’m thinking of going to Libya alone. It would probably be a while more before I leave for it though. If possible, I’d like to destroy a large-scale Murder production facility. If that can’t be done, then I’ll at least rescue Libya.」

Everyone present except for Kou froze up.

He had just proposed something absolutely ridiculous. It was reckless beyond belief.

「Count me in, Kou. I’m a Familiar after all.」

「I got it, Voy. You’ll be a great help.」

「I’m going too nyaa!」

「Of course, I will go as well. In the first place, what can you possibly do with just a single machine!?」

「I’m definitely going.」

「I actually want you guys to protect Asia and Astraea.」

Kou grew troubled as he faced the ladies who were insistent on coming with him.

It was just too dangerous. He wanted them to wait for him on Planet Asia instead.

「I don’t think Metal Iris will allow you to leave though.」

Astraea sharply pointed out.

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「Yeah. They probably won’t」

「What spaceship are you planning on using to go there. Are you going to use me, Astraea?」

「I plan on using the second Aristides-class ship, Pericles. Or maybe the still-sleeping Hora. I should be able to recover Libya’s data with that.」

Hora was the same class of ship as Astraea and was still sleeping on the underground lake.

Asia gazed at Kou with moist eyes.

「Hey, Astraea. Has anyone on Planet Asia ever proposed rescuing Libya before?」

「Among the people who always wish that they themselves be saved? No one, of course. There have been no people who have voiced such an impossible-sounding thing.」

「I think my rescue was also something considered impossible, you know? Even with your help.」

「I’d have to admit that.」

「You see… Kou said he was going to rescue her. I’m already happy you said that. But Kou, Planet Libya is truly a dangerous place right now. The number of remaining human survivors is unknown, and Murders constantly wander around the planet and keep hunting humans. That kind of environment. Just how long could humans survive there?」

「But can you endure it, Asia? If we don’t do anything, Libya will continue to send over giant Murders, and even fellow humans are fighting with each other here on Planet Asia.」

「That’s true, but……」

The room became wrapped in silence. It was certainly a problem that had to be dealt with sooner or later.

But it was something humankind was currently just too weak to solve.

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However, it was also not a problem Kou can solve alone. Kou had probably become too impatient.

The fact that Kurt was still missing and that some of the human settlements were changing sides to the Stones must have affected him.

It was Astraea who broke the silence.

「Understood. Well then, Kou. There is something you have to do before that. Please continue to further expand your power.」

「Astraea? What do you mean?」

「I have analyzed the enemy’s strength and anticipated their next move. They have finally obtained the last piece they needed. An A-Class Development Engineer has joined them. That is the piece they were missing before. And now that the last puzzle piece has been set, I have managed to anticipate the next phase of their plans by analyzing their current power distribution and industrial capabilities.」

「What’s going to happen now that the puzzle is complete?」

「There will be a great war in the near future. Exploring Libya should be considered after we survive the war.」

「A great war? And it concerns our survival?」

「It is a war that will involve the entire planet.」

Astraea’s tone wasn’t flustered in the least, but war wasn’t a trivial matter whatsoever.

「We are currently in a stalemate. It seems that the enemy side is also focusing on production, just as we are improving the strength of our bases. Their target would be Fortress Area P336, and possibly even the Silhouette Base. The enemy would probably prioritize crushing us instead of the other forces on Planet Asia.」

「Why would they!?」

「It’s because of the technology list we provided to the A-Class Development Engineers. It seems that the technology list of John Arms has been completely passed on to the enemy side. The reason they attacked two of the largest transferee companies was probably to obtain the technology. And they have probably judged that the source was us.」

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「Just how many heavy industrial areas do you think the enemy side has? And many of their Murders are already out of date. They wouldn’t be able to keep up with Silhouettes that make use of next-generation technology. They are probably manufacturing machines comparable to our own and will have humans on their side pilot them.」

「So, it’s really going to be a battle between fellow humans.」

「It is expected that once the enemy side has prepared sufficient military strength, they will declare total war. Of course, we can also choose to abandon Fortress Area P336, but that’s probably also within the enemy side’s expectations. They will probably send all of the military strength they’ve saved up in order to completely take over this area. Once that happens, we will be surrounded from all sides.」

The technology provision that was conducted with good intentions backfired on them.

There was a limit to the production rate of the Silhouette Base. The technology provision was to increase the overall strength of humankind. But now–

Kou was told in the past that the technology he would provide can possibly birth even further conflict. And now, it had caused a calamity that was even greater than what he’d expected.

「Kou, don’t regret your actions. If you didn’t do anything, humanity would have eventually been eliminated helplessly by the Murders. With your help, humanity has finally obtained the strength to fight back against them. That is definitely not a mistake.」

「That’s right, Kou! Before transferees like you came here, a tremendous number of Familiars died. They only drove cheap and flimsy armored cars. They had no means to fight back other than hurling themselves straight onto the enemies and getting destroyed in the process. The current humanity is the result of the sacrifices of countless Familiars. But now, they have proper weapons at their disposal. Those weapons are the fruits of the transferee’s efforts, and you have drawn even more of their power.」

Asia implored Kou as she gazed directly at his eyes.

「Several decades ago, close to 10,000 Familiars died in order to defeat the enemy’s Antique Silhouettes. But even so, I still kept birthing more and more Familiars. They all have their own wills. But because of my will, they supported humanity and fought to the end.」

Asia’s eyes didn’t waver. No one apart from her could probably understand how agonizing it was to drive the children she’d birthed herself to war, and eventually, their own deaths.

「Or do you want me to mass-produce Familiars and send them to their doom again? No. You wouldn’t want something like that, Kou.」

「I won’t ever let you do something like that again.」

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Kou had resolved himself. Even more Familiars, humans, Therianthropes, and Nereids will probably die in the future.

And due to that, there were some things that should be done.

「I understand. Astraea, prepare for war. Please lend me your strength.」

「Understood. I will perform to my utmost. I will shift the production system to wartime.」

「I’ll also count on you for tactical planning support.」

「That is a dangerous option. I am an AI. I would not hesitate to implement the best solution in order to win. I will warn you now that I am likely to force Kou to make tough decisions.」

「Even then, I still want you to assist me. I mean, what will happen if we lose? Asia will get taken away again, and everyone will die, right?」

「Acknowledged. However, I have warned you. So I implore your understanding. Then I shall also include the prototype weapon Kou had designed at that time to the list of options and carry out production in consideration of possible future tactical use.」

「So I’m gonna have to make these kinds of tough choices huh. –Alright. I’ve already resolved myself, so go ahead and do your worst.」

Asia also joined the two’s conversation with a stern look on her face.

「I’ll help out too. I’m going to have them make a city that will connect the Silhouette Base and Fortress Area P336. Once it’s complete, it will serve to solidify our defense. I don’t ever want to get imprisoned again.」

「Thank you, Asia. Astraea, everyone, please lend me your help. This is a place made by Familiars and Therianthropes that’s key to protecting Asia. I want to protect it as well.」

Everyone present nodded.

A great war. Those were terribly heavy words.

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