Astral haven

Chapter 33

The most interesting information is that In this era of Astral heaven‚ there are multiple Heavenly Empire‚ dozens of kingdoms‚ sect and families established in the land of the five realms but Only five absolute powerhouse

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The Empire of quastar‚ Ice jade sect‚ Sapheroum Endless forest‚ Heavenly wind Empire and lastly Astral academy.

Surprisingly‚ Every youth dreams to obtain a chance and become a part of the Astral academy

Becoming the part of Astral academy is considered to be one of the greatest honor throughout the five realms of Astral heaven‚

As the Astral Academy is established by the Most powerful Astral cultivators‚ while the founder is Feng treasurer and the 4 Astral Emperor themselves and even the new most powerful Astral cultivators also become part of Astral academy.

Even most of the Spatial arrays connecting to different worlds are established in the academy itself.

After Feng Mei processed the entire information‚ he slowly opened his eyes and focused on the surrounding

The gigantic purplish sword moved through the skies as clouds passed by and multiple races flew through the skies.

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The races were of different type some humanoid with wings on their back and horns on their head while other were beast including a dragon in the skies and gigantic whales‚ that had wings on their back and looked partially like Kun Peng‚ but each and every being avoided Feng Cai gigantic sword almost as if it was a tumor.

They passed through the Ocean and Hundreds of miles In front of them appeared a colorful meteorite.

The meteorite was extremely Long‚ Its peak pierced through the skies reaching the space outside of the Astral haven.

As the gigantic sword reached closer Feng Mei could make out some words written upon the meteorite‚ The words seemed almost alive‚ excluding a Domineering aura.

Feng Mei tried to read the words‚ but a sharp stinging pain passed through his eyes‚ making him dizzy and his eyes foggy.

Due to the pain, Feng Mei shouted out

"Ouch" turning the surrounding people attention towards him.

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"Hahahaha‚ brother Mei these words were written by Divine General Guang Dou using the law of piercing‚ you shouldn't try so hard since only those that awaken a weapon type Astral spirit and have reached the Cultivation realm of Astral grandmaster can read the words and gain comprehension" Explained Feng Cai while laughing at Feng Mei silly action.

Feng Mei rubbed his eyes clearing the water that was seeping out of them‚ due to the pain his eyes had already turned red‚ he opened his mouth and asked

"Have we reached the Heavenly wind kingdom?"

"En(yes)‚ this is the outer city of Heavenly Wind Empire‚ this city is also called Stellar‚ it's located at the East of ATA (ATA= Atop the astral Heaven) City. This city span Hundreds of miles‚ soon we will reach the capital" The talkative Feng ya happily revealed all the information Feng Mei needed.

"Brother feng‚ stand still and don't panic" Said Feng cai‚ following his words Feng Mei stood near the green gem.

"Cloud Enforcement" Said Feng Cai‚ his eyes lightly glowed‚ and the gigantic sword gently tremble almost as some waves of energy passed through its blade.

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Feng Mei noticed that nothing else happened‚ thinking that such a big sword moving towards the capital will surely arouse the guards and Feng ya and Feng Cai families will found out about their adventure‚ he thought of reminding Feng Cai and others that they actually ran away from their home.

"Uhmm brother Cai‚ shouldn't we silently sneak into the capital rather than making a grand entrance?" Feng Mei politely reminded them.

"Brother Feng Mei really doesn't have any information about the world" Said Feng one as he totally believed the fact that Feng Mei definitely didn't have any knowledge.

"Well you definitely don't know‚ but cloud camouflage is one of my five Astral spells‚ it blurs the sword into the surrounding‚ well at my level it becomes one with the world seeming the same as a cloud to the people outside my sword boundary" Feng Cai patiently explained to Feng Mei with a tone containing empathy.

Feng Mei felt weird not only because of Feng Cai tone but also because‚ except Feng three who had fallen asleep while meditating‚ the other 4 people around him looked at him with pity.

Pat! Pat!

Feng Cai patted Feng Mei shoulder.

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"Brother Feng Mei‚ You will be living with us as a true Brother‚ just treat our place like your own house‚ it is extremely big so you can live with us forever"

In Feng Cai and others imaginative brain‚ Feng Mei probably belonged to a huge family or a Heavenly Empire due to his talent‚ but was probably mistreated since birth‚ either because he was a son of a Mistress or some other reason‚ and had been Forcefully detached from any knowledge about the world outside.

Feng Mei didn't know what wild thoughts were raging in their head‚ as he stood confused because of the pitiful gaze directed towards him by the 4 people.

Seeing the situation and not wanting Feng Mei to be reminded of his sad past‚ Feng ya hurriedly changed the topic.

"Brother Feng Mei don't have to worry at all‚ Basically‚ No one will know that we ran out of our house‚ since before we sneaked out I used Gemini talisman‚ that created exact Avatar containing all our characteristics and aura not only that our return is also masked by Uncle Cai Astral spell‚ a perfect plan We executed‚ hehe" Feng ya explained everything to Feng MEI while joyfully praising the entire group.

In some minutes the sword came near the large meteorite and passed through it‚ mere minutes after that the sword flew out of the boundary of Stellar city and reached closer to the Heavenly Wind Empire capital city.

After the Gigantic sword flew out some miles away from stellar city‚ Feng Mei could finally make an outline of the ATA city‚ basically it wasn't located on the ground but was an extremely huge Land floating above the barren land and around the barren land laid hundred thousand of residence bustling with millions of mortals and cultivators.

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