At the Northern Fort V2C28: Reconciliation and Cooperation (1)

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“But there are also some really cute children here. Come on, come here.”


After giving Kugalg and me a sweet smile, the beautiful woman picked up Kugalg, who was the closest to her.

Seeing Kugalg squirm his body embarrassedly, Hilg-papa spoke.


“Kugalg, what are you being so uncomfortable about? If we were to go by Milfiria’s way of thinking, that Daphine there is your mother.”


Hearing those words, Kugalg’s ears twitched and he gave the beautiful woman—Daphine-san, another look. 

I also felt a little excited as I gazed at Daphine-san.

Spirits do not make marital relationships, and when the born child possesses a different attribute from their own, they easily cut off their attachment to them. 

That is why I did not think I would ever be able to meet Kugalg’s mother.


“Mother……that isn’t quite right. This child has a fire attribute, so he is your child. Though it is true that I am the one who birthed him.”

“Hahaha! Snowlea’s child over there is a strange one! That is just how she thinks! I’m sure it’ll make Kugalg happy too, so feel free to go visit her as your mother whenever you want!”


At first Daphine-san looked a bit bewildered, but the way she pet Kugalg was incredibly gentle.

I’m sure that like how Father dotes on me, after meeting Kugalg several more times, she’ll end up holding some form of affection for him.


“Wait a second!”


The one who interrupted the cheerful atmosphere was Hyllis. Staggering to her feet, she stood across from Daphine-san.


“Daphine, why did you pair with Hilg!? You know that I like Hilg!”


Hyllis’ eyes once again moistened as she clenched her fist in a sulky manner.

Daphine-san gave an adult-like sigh. 


“I know, but Hilg’s also around the age where he wanted a child, so I simply cooperated with him. He was rejected by Snowlea, but even then he wouldn’t lay his hands on Hyllis. Since Hilg only thinks of you as a child still.”

“It’s true that I was just a child when I first met Hilg, but I already hit the century mark six years ago! I’m an adult!”


Hyllis refuted in a high-pitched voice.

I’ve also heard from Mother before that once a spirit reaches 100 years of age, they would finally be recognised as an adult. 

It seems that most leave the nest at around 50-ish years of age, but Mother’s already told me that, “50 is still too early. You must stay with me until you’re at least 100 years old”. So, she probably won’t let me leave home until I’m fully grown.


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“Sure enough, it’s gotta be the chest! Hilg loves spirits with big chests!”


 Hyllis quickly compared Mother’s and Daphine-san’s chests to her own and then bawled, “Uwahhh!”. 

Hmm, it is true that Daphine-san’s chest is also large. She might even be bigger than Mother.

How heartbreaking.


Then, Daphine-san’s voice that had been gentle up until that moment suddenly grew a bit more authoritative.


“Acting like that really shows how much of a child you still are. What will crying solve? If you want Hilg to turn back and look at you, then grow up mentally.”


Seeing Hyllis suddenly suck in her tears and try to hold them back, Daphine-san once again spoke gently. 


“Hilg might already have a child, but you don’t have one yet. In the future, when you feel that you want a child, you can then ask for Hilg to cooperate with you at that time. Properly polish yourself and become a charming adult woman.”


After being told that, Hyllis’ face blushed. I suppose she was imagining a future where she had a cute child together with Hilg-papa.

Hilg-papa also placed a hand on Hyllis’ shoulder and spoke.


“You know, Hyllis. It’s not that I only like those like Snowlea who have long hair and white skin. I don’t dislike those like Hyllis who have short hair and healthily tanned skin either. That’s why you don’t need to be so jealous of Snowlea. And like Daphine said, if you grow up a bit more mentally, I promise I’ll treat you like an adult.”



Hyllis was getting teary-eyed from how touched she was, but it seemed like Hilg-papa had inadvertently avoided the topic of his preference on larger chests……

As expected, he probably likes bigger ones better – I thought while turning a sceptical gaze towards him.


But in any case, with this it seems like the incident has been resolved for the time being.

Hyllis gave a sincere apology to Mother, as well as to Kugalg and I. 


“Snowlea, I’m sorry for attacking you over a misunderstanding. And you two as well……I caused you to have a frightening experience from that fairy that was influenced by my emotions, didn’t I? I’m sorry. I somehow saw the situation through the fairy. Neither of you were injured, right?”


Perhaps because she had given it a larger portion of her power, unlike Mother’s fairy, Hyllis’ fairy was able to communicate what it saw and heard to her. 


“We’re okay. But, the One-Eyed Knight was……”


I talked about how one of the human knights was heavily injured while protecting me. When I recalled the fear from that time, it felt like I would break into tears again.

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I wonder if the One-Eyed Knight was alright.

Seeing me sniffling, Daphine-san spoke to Hyllis.


“Hyllis, this time you’ve caused too much trouble in all sorts of ways to those around you. I’ll be asking Hyderin to re-educate you again.”

“Eh!? Asking Hyderin!? No way!”


Hyllis screamed with a pale face. Hyderin was her mother’s mother, in other words, her grandmother.

Hyllis’ mother was, in a sense, a person who truly embodied a wind spirit, acting with abandon. Thus, she pretty much left Hyllis to her own devices and didn’t raise her properly. Unable to just watch without doing anything, her grandmother Hyderin took her mother’s place and raised Hyllis.




However, looking at Hyllis’ reaction, she seemed to be a pretty strict educator for a spirit. Though her harshness was probably done out of love, like how Mother gives me intensive training. 

After giving a disgusted look towards the sight of Hyllis clinging to Daphine-san in desperation, Mother turned to me and said-


“Milfiria, you truly are not injured anywhere?”

“Yup, I’m just fine. Say, Mother. Did Mother send me on an errand because you knew Hyllis would be coming here?”

“Indeed, I did not want you to meet Hyllis.”


It seems that right after seeing the letter of challenge, Mother had been thinking about how she could protect me. That was when she decided to send me to the Capital on the premise of an errand.

Since Snowlea Mountain would become a battleground, it was dangerous, thus she wanted me to go as far as possible.

While she did think about having the Northern Fort shelter me for a while, it might’ve been dangerous being that close to Snowlea Mountain, so it was rejected as an option.


“Then, how about Father’s place?”


When I asked that, Mother slightly raised her brow and gave a sidelong glance towards Father.


“I did consider that as well. I know that when that man is serious, he is absurdly strong, but I have never seen his true power, and he’s always sleeping. I felt uneasy leaving my darling Milfiria to him, so I didn’t include him as an option from the start.”


Even after hearing that, Father did not show any particular signs of being shocked, simply remaining as expressionless as always.


“But well, what happened this time was rather surprising. I never imagined that Waterust would make a move on his own. He seems to be a bit more reliable.”


For her opinion of Father to improve this much just from him moving a little…….

But it is true that he was incredibly reliable.

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“But what about my errand? I don’t have to go to the Capital anymore?”


When I looked up at Mother and said that-


“Since you’re already part of the way there, you might as well try your best to finish it. Please deliver my letter.”


Mother smiled tenderly as she stroked my head.

Right, there was a letter I had to deliver.


“Okay! I’ll do my best! Then I’ll head back to where the One-Eyed Knight and everyone are.”


And then, I’ll continue my errand.


“Let’s go, Kugalg.”


I jumped down, causing the snow to crunch as I landed on it as Kugalg also rushed over from Daphine-san’s arms.

However, it was at that moment that an unexpected person raised their hand.


“Ah! Wait! I’ll also go!”


It was Hyllis.


“Why do you need to go with them?”


Hilg-papa said.


“Because I know! There are humans targeting those children!”


Huh? Now that I think of it, did Hyllis have any connection with those black-cloaked assassins?


“Those children will be in danger if they go alone. To atone for my crimes, I’ll protect them! That’s okay, right?”

“You say that, but you just want to avoid Hyderin, don’t you?”


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Daphine-san hit the nail on the head, causing Hyllis to leak out an, “Ugh..” as she fell silent.


“Very well. Hyllis has mended her ways, so let’s have the three children work together.”

“Who’re you calling a child!”


Hyllis rebutted before making a light turn and facing Kugalg and I.

She was probably still tired, but her face was bright. Her originally youthful and energetic charm was slowly starting to return.

Her slender legs moved often, and her mannerisms were also cute.

Hyllis placed her index finger against her lips and said.


“Umm, you guys are Milfiria and Kugalg, right! I want to apologise to that ‘One-Eyed Knight’, so can I come with you?”

“Yup, of course. We also have some things we want to ask Hyllis too.”


I wanted to ask about Captain Sarrell-san, but it was probably better that we talk about that with Branch Captain-san and everyone else.

For now, the three of us needed to travel over there.

Kugalg and Hyllis can’t transfer to where the One-Eyed Knight is, so I was the one to initiate the transfer technique.


“I’ll be waiting for your safe return after you’ve gone to the Capital.”

“Be careful.”

“Kugalg! Work hard!”



Mother, Daphine-san, Hilg-papa, and Father spoke in turn.

Well, Father didn’t actually say anything though.


Mother and Daphine-san, while worried, saw us off with loving motherly smiles, while Hilg-papa crossed his arms and smiled broadly.

And Father’s calm eyes…….while I couldn’t tell what he was thinking at all, I’m sure they were telling me to do my best…probably. 


“We’re off, be home soon!”


As the three of us were enveloped by the blizzard, I waved my tail in place of my hand.

Translator Comments:

Somehow, I feel like some of the wording in the chapter came out a bit weird. If anyone has any suggestions on how to better word things, you’re welcome to make them in the comments.

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