At the Northern Fort V2C4: Branch Captain-san’s Circumstances (2)

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“Hey hey, Kix.”


Just around the time I finished my meal, the One-Eyed Knight was called away from his seat by the dining hall’s oji-san*, so I quietly approached Kix.

*Oji-san = uncle, old man T/N: Keeping it as ‘oji-san’ since I’m leaving in the ‘-san’s anyways so that the subtle context there is kept in the translation.

In the dining hall, there were knights loitering about here and there, with some people having a light meal and others relaxing with their friends and having a cup of tea. Everyone here eats proper meals in the morning and evening, so they wouldn’t eat in the afternoon unless they were hungry.


Kix nibbled at a smallish-sized green apple as he took me from his feet and placed me on top of the table.

While no one would get mad at me from being on the table, being a former human, I felt like standing on the table was a bad thing, which made me restless.


“What is it, Mil? You want an apple?”


Kix said that and held out the apple he had bit into.

I don’t need Kix’s leftovers!

-is what I thought to myself, but I still couldn’t help bringing my nose close to it and confirming its scent. Even though I already know the scent of an apple.

However, this apple seemed to be more sour than the Japanese apples that I remember. The sour scent made my nose scrunch.

Rather than associating sour scents with citrus fruits, my nose seemed to associate sour things with dangerous, rotting things. Thus, the apple in front of me didn’t stir my appetite at all. I like sweet fruits more.


“I don’t want it. More importantly……”


Avoiding the presented apple, I extended my neck and whispered into Kix’s ear.

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“What kind of person is Capu-tain Sarrell?”


If that person is going to be the new head of this fort, then I want to know what kind of person he is beforehand.

Of course, I don’t want Branch Captain-san to go back to the Capital, so it would be best if he stays here at the Northern Fort without anything changing.

Kix’s face warped as he answered.


“He’s a fussy and annoying guy that wears round glasses and has his hair parted to the side*.”

*T/N: Kix says he has a ‘7-3 side part’, meaning Sarrell’s hair is parted with that sort of ratio.

What? Round glasses and a side part paints a pretty delightful image of him, but he’s an annoying guy, huh.


“It’d be the worst if a guy like that comes here. He’s a clean freak, so he’ll definitely start by making us clean everything everywhere. If you’re even the slightest bit sloppy in appearance, he’ll immediately start keeping an eye on you, and you’ll even be glared at if you have a bit of bed head.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?”


I did feel that the knights at this fort were a bit more uncouth compared to the knights at the castle in the Capital.

It is a good thing to maintain their hygiene, and it was a good thing for everyone to pay a bit more attention to their appearances.


“It ain’t good. There’s a rumour that Captain Sarrell got his position of captain in the main branch by putting pressure on the Knight’s Order using his connections. He’s from a ducal house. Though right now his brother’s the one inheriting it. Branch Captain Cromwell is also from a ducal house, so position-wise he’s pretty similar to Captain Sarrell, but his character is different. Branch Captain has worked hard to grow stronger, but Captain Sarrell’s strength doesn’t amount to much at all. It’s at the point where it’s doubtful whether or not he can actually hold a sword. Like we could leave this fort to a guy like that.”


It is true that a person whose actual abilities don’t match their rank due to their noble peerage won’t be able to overcome the harsh winters of this land. There’s also a concern of whether or not he’d be able to unify the rowdy knights that were at this fort. 

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While Branch Captain-san was certainly looked down on initially by the knights of this fort, it was because he had actual strength himself that he was recognised by them.


“I dunno if I should call them hangers-on, but he drags around a bunch of close subordinates with him, and I don’t really like that part of him either.”

“Is that because you were sent off to this fort not long after entering the Knight’s Order, Kix?”


When I asked that, Kix looked as though I had hit the nail on the head.


“Well, there is that……right now, I am grateful for having come to this fort, but at the time I resented the absurdity of it all, and felt that he gave Jeld and I such a heavy punishment because he didn’t like us personally. Well, a spirit might not be able to understand, but there are various factors that can make humans agreeable or disagreeable with each other. And I’m sure that Captain Sarrell’s the type of person that doesn’t agree with me.”



Based on what I’ve heard, it didn’t feel like he’d be the sort of person that wouldn’t work with me. He seems to be a clean-freak, so I wonder if he’d be alright with an existence like me that constantly scatters fur all over the place?

I’ve walked on the carpet in the Branch Captain’s office with muddy paws, and there’ve been times when I’ve secretly wiped the mud off my paws using it. I wonder if he’d still be okay with that?


“Besides, the reason why that guy wants to come here is……undoubtedly because he’s targeting you, Mil. Have a bit more of a sense of crisis, will ya?”

“Eh, me?”


I thought for a few seconds and then paled.


“Don’t tell me……he’s targeting my fur?”

“That ain’t it. It’s not that he wants the fox you. He’s targeting the spirit you, and Snowlea. He’s probably calculated that if he comes here, he’ll be able to make connections with spirits.”


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It is true that because spirits are such special existences, depending on the circumstances, having connections with them may be even more beneficial than having connections to royalty.


“You probably don’t know about this, but compared to before, Branch Captain Cromwell’s standing in the Knight’s Order has increased. It’s because he’s liked by a spirit like you, Mil.”

“If you’re liked by me, then what will happen?”

“When it comes down to it, the chances of Snowlea cooperating with the country will probably be even higher than now. Though it’s not like the country would completely rely on spirits. Branch Captain has just been doting on Mil without any calculations, but in the Knight’s Order and amongst the nobles, there are some people that will think that way. Captain Sarrell probably isn’t all that amused that the Branch Captain – who he sees as a sort of rival – has become liked by a spirit. That is why when talks of Branch Captain returning to the Capital came up, he figured he’d come here instead.”


So that’s why when Kix was talking to the One-Eyed Knight earlier, he said that Captain Sarrell-san was ‘sharp-sighted’. 


“Then as I thought, I’d rather have Bwanch Captain-san stay here forever instead.”


I’d hate to be used by Captain Sarrell-san to just increase his position with the surroundings.


“Right? You should tell Branch Captain that too, Mil. Tell him to drive away someone like Captain Sarrell…….well, Branch Captain’s younger and his position in the Knight’s Order is a bit lower, so that might be a bit difficult for him to do.”


Kix was unusually depressed. He must be quite bad with Captain Sarrell-san.

I lifted my tail and tried to cheer him up.


“Leave it to me! I’ll go see Bwanch Captain-san!”

“Really? I’ll leave it to you, Mil!”

“Okay! Al~right then!”


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Just as I was about to enthusiastically run off, I remembered that I was currently on top of the table.


“……um, could you…take me down from the table?”


I can’t get down on my own!


“Bwanch Captain~san!”


I told the One-Eyed Knight that I’d be heading back, and then headed to Branch Captain-san’s office from the dining hall.

Opening the imposing door on my own would be too difficult, so I crouched down and called for Branch Captain-san through the small gap at the bottom of the door. I feel like it’d be easier for my voice to reach him like this.

I tried pawing at the crack, but I could only get my claws underneath it.


When I could hear footsteps approaching the door, I knew that Branch Captain-san was coming, so I stood up and took a few steps back.

The door quietly opened and Branch Captain-san had a cold face as he first looked left and right around the corridor. He seemed to be confirming that there weren’t any people around other than me. He does this all the time.


“I’m glad you came.”


Once he knew that none of his subordinates were around, Branch Captain-san’s expression loosened as he gestured for me to come in.

And then, as soon as the door closed, he started to reach for me, but I then swiftly dodged his hand.


If you want to touch my fur, then you first have to accept my demands!

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