At the Northern Fort V3C36: Spirit Families (3)

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When I whined in support, Daphine-san turned and nodded at me before resuming her conversation with Father.


“Waterust, it isn’t good for spirits to gather in a single place. Kugalg and Hyllis often come here, and such rumours may have started to reach the ears of humans from other countries. If that happens, then this land may be thought of as attractive to spirits, and humans may start to have disputes over it. Or, they may notice that Milfiria, who is friendly towards humans, is in the centre of it all. If that happens, then Milfiria may be targeted as well.”


Father looked at Daphine-san with eyes as deep as a lake, appearing to be listening seriously to her words.


“You do not pay attention to your surroundings, and you may be distant from humans as well, but I do think you should think a bit about those things as well.”



It didn’t look like Father intended on refuting Daphine-sna’s words. However, he did not forget to give a side-eye to Woodbaum. 

Woodbaum quickly spoke.


“I-I-I-I-I…feel like…my condition’s gotten a lot better, so I-I was…just thinking it was about time I leave…I guess……”

“Father, you mustn’t glare at Woodbaum.”

“…..I wasn’t trying to…glare.”

“You mustn’t stare fixedly at him.”

“I see……”


Father obediently closed his eyes. While still in the arms of Mother, whose drunken state was starting to turn into sleepiness, I began speaking to Woodbaum.


“Woodbaum, you still can’t properly use your powers, right?”


His fur coat had become much cleaner, but when thinking about the happenings in the food storage earlier, you couldn’t say he was completely healed.

If he left this place now and went to an area with a worse environment, he might end up relapsing.


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“You can still stay here for a while.”



Woodbaum seemed to be worried about Father. It was then that Daphine-san interjected.


“Then how about you go to your parent’s side? Right now…err, your name is Woodbaum, so he should’ve gone back to using his childhood name. What was it again?”

“It’s Hadbaum. Do you know my father?”

“I’m rather well-connected amongst spirits. I also know Hadbaum. However, why did you not rely on him from the start? I do think that the forest that is his domicile would be a good place for you to rest.”

“I couldn’t use the transfer technique, so I couldn’t go to him. And I’m already an adult, so it’s embarrassing to rely on my parent.”

“You should rely on them at a time like this. Wait a bit, I will go speak with Hadbaum.”


After quickly ending her conversation with Woodbaum, Daphine-san vanished as though she had melted into the ground. How reliable.


“Father, you can open your eyes now. If Woodbaum goes to his father’s side, then…it won’t be un-fay-yar anymore, right?”

“……that’s true. It’s fair……I will…return to my nest…too……”


Thank goodness. All of the knights of the fort behind him appeared blatantly relieved. 

And then, Father suddenly transformed into his humanoid form and started to come towards. Just as I wondered what he was doing, Mother’s body shook violently.




Being in Mother’s arms, I thought that I would also fall to the ground, but Father caught me – together with Mother – so we were safe.


“Mother? Did you fall asleep?”


Her face was red as she slept comfortably.

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“She…seems to have drunk a lot……”


Father’s gaze also dropped towards Mother as he spoke.

Woodbaum watched us and tilted his head lightly to the side.


“It really is strange. For there to be a family of three amongst spirits.”


I transformed into my humanoid form and smiled while rubbing my face against Father’s chest. Then, I responded with this.


“When Woodbaum returns to your father’s side, you should have him spoil you like this.”

“T-That’s too embarrassing.”


Woodbaum’s face seemed to blush underneath his tawny pelt, but he also looked like he was considering it somewhat. 

As he did so, Daphine-san returned earlier than expected, as the ground welled up to create a human silhouette. The earthen figure transformed into a beauty wearing a black dress in the blink of an eye. 


“We’ve finished talking. Since Woodbaum still can’t use his transfer technique, I will bring him to Hadbaum’s side.”

“What did Father say? I’m sure he can’t believe that his child, who should’ve already come of age, would come back at this point in time.”

“It’s okay. He was happy to be able to see you after so long.”



Woodbaum smiled happily. No matter how old you get, a parent is always a special existence. 

Stepping on the ground with his hoof, he turned his body around, and Woodbaum first looked towards the knights. 


“It was for a short time, but I am indebted to all of you. Thank you. I had become a bit disappointed in humans, but after meeting you all, my impression of humans has changed. Humans can destroy things, but they can also fix and heal things too.”

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Seeing Woodbaum say that with a smile, Rekka-san returned a small nod. 

I wonder if Rekka-san was also able to heal her heart at this Northern Fort? Everyone at the fort had appearances that were a far cry from being ‘healing’, but deep down, they were kind souls.


While I’m sure that eating things of this land and resting in such a clean place was important for Woodbaum’s recovery, casting away his negative feelings towards humans may have also been an essential part of his recovery. That is what I thought when I saw Woodbaum’s peaceful, glittering eyes just now. 


He was only ‘disappointed’ in humans, and did not resent them. That is what Woodbaum seemed to think himself, but deep inside, he may have had a growing anger towards the selfish actions of humans without realising it. 

Previously, there was a time when the fairy that Woodbaum created kept attacking the knights by smashing itself against them after all.

And I think that those negative feelings were the cause of his illness. 


When I thought about it that way, I think that it was a good thing that Woodbaum came to the Northern Fort and interacted with the humans here so that he could change his impression of humans. 

It was both the cleanliness of the land and all of the knights that helped Woodbaum get better in this short period of time.

Woodbaum continued to smile as he continued.


“When I fully recover, I will lend you my strength, if you are alright with me. If you ever need more greenery in the fort, just call me.”

“No, we’ve got enough greenery……”


Kix murmured as the other knights quickly nodded.

After that, Woodbaum approached and brought his face close to me.


“Thank you as well, Milfiria. When I saw how friendly Milfiria was with the humans, it made me relaxed too. It was fun.”


After saying that, he pressed the tip of his nose against my forehead and rubbed it against me.


“Ahh, I’ll be lonely after leaving. Come over to play together with Kugalg.”

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“Okay! I’ll definitely come.”

“You have to.”


Woodbaum continued to rub against me for a long time, but a single glance from Father held him in check. I wonder if he was more tolerant towards Kugalg rather than Woodbaum because the latter was an adult spirit? 

I don’t think the fact that I called Woodbaum ‘Papa’ when we were pretending to be parent and child has been exposed, has it?


Woodbaum dejectedly stepped back and transformed into his human form before standing next to Daphine-san.

His curly hair in his human form had regained its gloss, and his clothes had also become cleaner. It did feel like he had a bit more presence as a spirit now. Unlike when he was weakened, his eyes had some strength behind them, and while he didn’t appear gaudy, his well-ordered appearance had a charm that drew one’s gaze.


“Thanks, and see you later.”


Woodbaum disappeared together with Daphine-san, appearing to be sucked into the ground.


“Bye bye!”


Still being supported with Mother by Father, I raised my hand and waved with all my heart in farewell.

Once Woodbaum and Daphine-san disappeared, I looked up at Father and spoke.


“Now then, let’s head to Father’s nest! Let’s relax on the shore of the lake with just the three of us.”


Mother was already sleeping quite peacefully, but oh well. 


“Let’s do that…….”


Father seemed happy, as the corners of his lips rose ever so slightly.

This seems to be his max level smile.

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