Ch 12 - Episode 12

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"Indeed! This is how business ought to be!"

The satisfaction that comes from making money honestly is something else, unlike the old man who was just selling things next to me. It seems people should always act with integrity.

[The Goddess of Fate is puzzled by the recent events.]

Let her ponder. She won't discover anything anyway.

Even if that girl tries to scrutinize my abilities, she'll never figure it out. The ability to adjust effect quality is as powerful as regression.

Of course, regression surpasses it, but in terms of classification, they're both system abilities. So, even if Seong-Jwa investigates, she won't find out anything.

"Hehehehehe. Alright. That's enough starting capital."

"I can't believe I ended up with such a master..."

Kage sighs heavily as if in regret, murmuring to herself.

"No, I'm fortunate to have chosen such a skilled person as my master."

In reality, I made 4 gold without spending a dime, and all in less than an hour. That's like making 400,000 won in one episode.

So, from Kage's viewpoint, having a master like me is incredibly lucky.

While I'm proudly earning 400,000 won through my legitimate business, the girl next to me tilts her head in confusion.

"But master, why are you involved in this business? Don't you have plenty of money at home?"

"Well... the truth is, my family has stopped my allowance and financial support."

"What, really?!"

Hearing my confession, her eyes widen in surprise.

Kage, choking, stammers out her words.

"Are, Are you lying to me?!"

"What are you saying? If someone overheard that, they'd believe I actually deceived you."

[The Goddess of Fate asks, "Didn't you?"]

Absolutely not!

I may have omitted the truth, but I didn't tell a single lie.

I can confidently look up to the sky, without any guilt.

At my composed stance, Kage is speechless for a few seconds, then her face turns beet red.

"You rascal!"

Despite her efforts to appear mature, her inner child surfaces. She reminds me of a typical excited kid.

"Firstly, calm down. Hey. Don't you trust me?"

"Should I trust my master? Do you know what people usually call masters in the world?"

"Um... an attractive jerk?"

[The Goddess of Fate says she can't believe your audacity.]

Oh, come on. What! Isn't it true though!

Honestly, if you leave out his personality and image, it's hard to deny that Cain's face is extremely handsome.

I have to accept what needs to be accepted.

This is not because it's my face. It's merely because Cain is attractive.

"Master, are you overconfident? I won't argue about you being attractive. But to the world, you're known as a useless drunkard with a character worse than trash. That reputation has spread across the Leston continent."

[The Goddess of Fate strongly agrees with that assessment.]

Oh, that stings. You're hitting where it hurts.

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If I were Cain right now, not myself, I'd probably drop dead on the spot.

But, that's Cain's evaluation, not mine, so honestly, it doesn't affect me much.

"Hey. Hey. Rumors are often exaggerated. Do I appear like the rumors to you?"


In response to my question, Kage is momentarily lost for words. She shakes his head with a baffled expression.

"Honestly, your personality isn't much different from the rumors. But you're definitely not useless."

Is that a compliment?

She seems to acknowledge my skills but says my character is no different from Cain's.

No. I'm not the same as that guy.

Sure, I've been doing business using the placebo effect, not... not swindling, but comparing me to such a jerk?

I'm practically an angel compared to him.

"So, let's ignore the backhanded compliment. You acknowledge my skills, right?"


"Then trust me. I'll show you how quickly I can regain my allowance and support."

Recognizing she had no other choice, Kage reluctantly nodded.

With that settled, we headed towards our next stop, the potion shop.

We were met with a wall that looked ready to collapse, like something out of a slum. The signboard had already fallen to the ground, shattered, and cobwebs adorned the corners.

Looking at the shop before her, Kage is stunned, her lips twitching as if she can't believe what she's seeing.

Judging from her reaction, she's grappling with what to say.

After three silent seconds, she slowly speaks.

"Master, is there something wrong with either side of your brain?"

"No, there isn't. You little..."

I couldn't help but let an insult slip. This young girl was already making jokes about brain sides.

But I can't entirely blame her.

Honestly, to anyone unaware, the building before us is so dilapidated it's hard to see it as a shop.

Honestly, if I were Kage, I would have had the same reaction.

But that's only if you don't know anything.

The building before us might appear hopeless from the outside, but it's actually a hidden shop frequently used by game veterans.

The reason is quite obvious without seeing it, because the potions crafted in this shop are superior in quality.

Sure, the slight downside is that it's a bit pricey, but truth be told, given the quality, it's not just expensive, one could argue it's a steal.

Veteran players would always choose this store, and for a good reason.

Now, let's head in.



As I pushed open the door and walked in, a woman with unique features, hidden behind round glasses that obscured half of her face, welcomed us in a timid voice.

Somehow, meeting her in person feels surreal.

Thinking back, ever since I reincarnated in the game, aside from Kim Soo-yong, I haven't encountered a character of significant importance.

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Liche, Bill, Kage, my father, and Philip might be NPCs in the game, but they aren't main characters like Kim Soo-yong.

Of course, the owner of this hidden store before us, Karin, is not a notable NPC either. However, considering I buy potions from her on a daily basis, it's no exaggeration to say that, apart from the protagonist, Karin is the NPC I see most often.

I'm reminded once again that I'm inside the game.

"Master, why are you spacing out like that?"

"Ah, yes."

Kage's nudge snapped me back to reality.

"Do you sell beginner's health potions?"

"Ah... Yes, we do have them. But, the price is somewhat high."

"How much is it?"

At my question, Karin bowed her head and responded in a timid voice.

"3, 3 silver coins..."

"What, what?!"

Kage's eyes widened at Karin's response. Shortly after, she exploded with indignation.

"Who's the scammer here!! How can a mere low-grade health potion cost 3 silver coins!!!! If you're going to scam, at least make it plausible!!!!”

“Eek!! B, but our potions' quality is far, far superior to others. Tru-truly, we're selling them at a loss at 3 silver coins..."

Despite being intimidated by a mere child, Karin fumbled with her fingers, having said all she could. Kage glared at her in disbelief before turning her gaze to me.

“Master, you're not seriously considering buying it, are you? Honestly, you could get it for about 2 silver coins elsewhere.”

[The Goddess of Fate is intensely curious about your decision.]


Kage wouldn't know. The potion is only low-grade in name.

In reality, the low-grade potion crafted by Karin would be more potent than a mid-grade one.

Considering she's selling such a product for 3 silver coins, it's not incorrect to say she's genuinely selling at a loss.

“Can you give me 9 potions for that price?”

“Wh, what?!”

“What, what?!”

Why are both Kage and the shopkeeper surprised?

Well, she's probably shocked because he didn't expect me to actually make the purchase, but is it really that jaw-dropping?

Given their reactions, it was clear this shop hadn't seen many customers lately.

In contrast, Kage was glaring at me, her face hardening.

“Master, are you seriously going to buy that?”


[The Goddess of Fate deems you a fool.]

Oh... Is she losing interest in me now?

Contrary to my expectations, the message continued, as if picking up on my thoughts.

[The Goddess of Fate will continue to observe you, just in case.]

No, just go. Stop looking at me as though I'm some naive simpleton!!

Usually, if the person you're watching is seen as a fool, you'd lose interest and stop observing. But she claims she'll keep watching me despite her earlier declaration.

I almost spat out a string of insults, but knowing it would only amuse her, I swallowed them down.

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“Sigh... it's your money, Master. I can't really say anything else. Do what you want! Humph!!”

In the end, Kage, realizing that I wasn't going to listen to her, huffed, puffed out her cheeks, and quickly turned his head away.

That's how I ended up handing over 1 gold coin, and in return, Karin gave me three low-grade health potions and one silver coin.

“Indeed. The quality of the potions seems top-notch. Ordinary low-grade potions are usually watered down, but the potion you crafted is far superior. It could even rival a mid-grade potion. Hmm... I can't understand why a store like this is failing.”

“Th, thank you.”

At my unexpected compliment, Karin, seemingly at a loss, bowed deeply.

"Hmm... perhaps I should just reveal my identity now? It wouldn't hurt to enhance my image a bit.

Truthfully, there are two reasons why I came here.

One, of course, is to acquire high-quality potions, and the other is to lay the foundation for a future contract with this store.

To be frank, for my current plans, it wouldn't make much difference if I purchased potions from elsewhere. But considering the long term, it's not an exaggeration to say that I'm here to leave a good impression on Karin.

First impressions are always crucial, aren't they?

Alright. Time to reveal myself.

"This is a wonderful shop. I hope it thrives someday."

"A-ah, yes... Eh?!!"

Karin seems to have never expected me to be the notorious Cain. She bites her tongue, wipes a teardrop from her cheek, and takes my hand, shaking as if she's meeting a deity.

"Well then, we'll be off now. Please consider the extra silver as a tip."

"A-ah! Yes! Thank you. Take care..."

As we left the shop, Kage regarded me with a suspicious expression.

"Your acting skills are impressive, indeed. I almost got fooled too."

"Huh? What are you talking about? I didn't act. I simply told the truth. And, by the way, the potions I bought are genuinely top-quality."

At my words, Kage squints suspiciously.

"Don't assume I'd fall for such a fib just because I'm a child. Honestly, there's no way those beginner potions can be as effective as you claim."

This kid really won't believe the truth even when I tell it. She'll regret this skepticism later.

I could already see Kage's surprised expression upon seeing the effectiveness of Karin's potions.

After getting seeds for various vegetables and fruits, worth a gold coin in total, we proceeded towards the David Mansion.

"Kage, transform into a puppy."

"Huh? Why?"

"You're aware of my circumstances. If I bring you along in your current form, it might not sit well with my family."

She nodded, seeming to understand.


She transformed from a small child into a cute puppy.

The sight of me prompted the two guards to salute.


"Indeed. Also, this puppy accompanying me is part of my entourage. Allow it in."

"Yes. Understood."

The two guards who initially intended to prevent Kage from entering the mansion stopped upon my command. Kage trailed behind me.

"Master, you're going to feed me today, right?"

"Why would you even question that?"

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Had she still not believed me when I said I would take care of her?

It's disheartening that she can't trust someone like me, who would never deceive her.

The idea of a warm meal after such a long time seemed to excite Kage; her tail wagged with enthusiasm.

We entered the mansion. Of course, in order to not bother the maids who had just finished cleaning, I picked her up.

As I carried Kage, Philip approached us.

"Sir, may I assist by carrying her?"

"No, I've got it. Instead, go and get some food and bring it to my room. And make sure it's plentiful."


Upon receiving my instruction, Philip nodded and proceeded towards the kitchen alongside the maids.

Phew... Is it his suspicious demeanor that's making me feel uneasy?

It doesn't seem like I'm the only one getting this vibe. Kage sticks out her tongue and pants.

...Or not? Could she simply be doing this because she's hungry?

Roughly 30 minutes after settling in the room, there was a knock at the door, indicating that the food was ready.

Knock, knock, knock!

"Sir, it's Philip. I've brought the food."

"Excellent. Come in."

Philip entered the room in response to my words. Behind him, the maids followed, carrying a chicken stew, some lavish-looking bread, a steaming soup, and a succulent beef steak, among other things.

Damn, now that I think about it, I haven't had a proper meal yet.

Amidst the struggle for survival, I unknowingly neglected to eat properly after the possession.

"Place the food on my desk and leave."

"Understood, sir."

Once all the food was neatly arranged on my desk, everyone, including Philip, bowed and exited the room.

""Enjoy your meal, sir.""

"Thank you. You all did a great job bringing it here."

Upon hearing my words of appreciation, they exited, shutting the door behind them, their faces bearing a complicated expression, unlike Liche who had already grown accustomed to my mannerisms.

Kage's eyes sparkled brightly as she looked at me, asking in her own way if she could now eat.

"Let's eat."

As soon as I finished my sentence, she transformed back without a second thought, reaching out for the food in front of her as though she hadn't eaten in days.

"Sob, sob! I think I made a good decision following you, master."

"Uh, yeah. I suppose so."

The child, who had lived a life of hardship in the slums, was stuffing her mouth with food while crying, much like a tiny chick.

The sight reminded me of the time I had a tear-soaked chocolate pie during my military service.


"Sir!! There's a strange presence in the room!!"



As we were hurriedly eating our food, Liche suddenly burst through the door with a panicked expression.

Kage, startled by Liche's sudden entrance, locked eyes with her but bravely continued to stuff bread into her mouth, wagging her tail cheerfully.

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