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[Y-Yes! I’m… I’m so sorry……!]


But it was at this exact time that Cygnet’s stomach also rumbled out loud.


[WAH!!! I-I’m sorry for that as well……!]


Seeing Cygnet about to cry from embarrassment while she was still sitting in her chair, Niimi dropped her shoulders in an expression of exasperation.


[Seriously now, did you eat a proper breakfast this morning?]


[I-I woke up late so I was leaving in a hurry, so I only have a little bit for breakfast……]


[Well, that’s not good, either. Eating well keeps your brain working at full capacity throughout the day. Blood sugar levels are especially low right after waking up, so the functions of the internal organs and nerves are also declining. You must really take all those facts into account when you are deciding to eat small breakfast or skip it altogether.]


[I-I’m sorry……]


[No, no, it’s not that I actually blame you, Cygnet-san, or anything like that. And since this is actually an opportunity that managed to present itself to us, we might as well touch on that subject for a little bit as well––––––]


And just like that, instead of talking about science in general, which was supposed to be a theme of this lecture until a while ago, the talk about various forms of nutrition began in earnest.


Even Javelin, who was seriously taking notes up until now, stopped doing what she was doing and was observing the situation with her mouth left hanging wide open. It was probably that she was left utterly bewildered that an honest-to-goodness lecture could have been so greatly derailed in a span of a single moment. And at the current moment nothing seemed to be indicating that it was supposed to be back on track anytime soon.


As a proof of that fact, the lengthy lecture on nutrition continued on for more than twenty minutes now.

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[–––––– And that’s how it is, in a really huge nutshell. Food is the key to everything. Do not forget this fact!]


It was at this exact moment that Niimi-sensei finally cast a glance at the clock that was hanging on the wall.


[Oh no, this won’t do! It would seem that I have gone pretty off topic there! I still haven’t even conveyed the ten percent of what I was trying to tell you!]


[All of that rambling and we are not even at a ten percent mark!?]


Javelin screamed out loud without thinking.


The hour was around 9:30 in the morning when Ranger-sensei’s class ended, and it was almost 11:00 now. But even if they were to take the extra nutrition class out of the count here, it would still mean that Niimi-sensei’s class had already passed the one hour mark and was still going strong.


[Haah…… All that listening to all those difficult topics is really exhausting. Say, Niimi-chan? Let’s take a break here, shall we?]


[But if we are to take a break here, this only means that the lesson is going to take even longer to finish!]


Niimi-sensei said that, although what she really wanted to say here was: “If things continue at this rate, I won’t be able to do every little thing that I have planned for today!” Belfast was sure that was the case here.


[Hey, I know that it’s not the time for it yet, but how about we go and grab something to eat?]


Yuudachi also came up with a suggestion like that, but upon hearing it Niimi shook her head vigorously and started to frantically flip through the pages of her textbook.


[N-No, you can’t do that! Concentration is important for studying! I’m in a bit of a hurry too, you know! So cut me some slack!]

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[But it was none other than you who told us that proper nutrition is the most important when it comes to studying!]


Hearing Yuudachi say that, and realizing that she was actually right about it, Niimi involuntarily let out a long and pained sigh when she realized that she cannot really argue with that.


[What about that one thing, you know!? That one! Yuudachi heard all about it before! It’s pretty amazing! One grain can give you enough energy to run for about one hundred meters!]


[That’s Glycogen! It was all about Glycogen that I was talking about for a while! But forget about it! Let’s just move on! Fortunately enough, there are still children in this classroom who are eagerly looking forward to the continuation of the lecture, so that’s that!]


Yuudachi stared blankly at Niimi-sensei for a moment.


[Who are you talking about?]


[It’s about York-san! See!? Just take a look at her!]


Niimi pointed her finger at York, who was sitting right next to Yuudachi.


[She’s been listening to me with the same attitude since a while ago now! Even now, she’s still listening to my class seriously! You should learn a thing or two from her!]


True to what was said just now, York was sitting quietly in her seat, not even changing her position or reacting in the slightest. It was actually amazing, seeing someone being so calm when the teacher was arguing with the student like that.


But for some strange reason, her eyes seemed to be weirdly wide open as she was unnaturally staring right in front of her exclusively, not even diverting her gaze to the side or blinking.


[Isn’t she keeping her eyes open for way too long? She could really use some blinking right about now.]

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Yuudachi then rose up from her seat and moved right in front of York, and then she bent over and stared at her seriously.


[Yo, you are not even going to blink because of that? Huh?]


Next, Yuudachi tried to wave her hand a few times in front of York’s face, to see if that would get a reaction out of her. But as one might have already expected, York showed no reaction to that, either.


About that time Javelin also got interested in what was going on with York, so she also got up from her seat and came over to where her fellow classmate was,


[Ah! Could it be that she’s actually ––––––]


Reaching out her hand to touch York’s face, Javelin suddenly took interest in her wide opened eyes. Because all of a sudden, they started to peel off!


Slightly startled, Javelin quickly withdrew her hand, and at that moment York’s eyes peeled off completely from her face and started to fall down onto the classroom’s floor.


When Javelin took a closer look at what happened to fall onto the floor, it was just a sticker with big eyes drawn on it.


[…… Yup. Looks like York’s asleep like that log!


York’s eyelids, now that the stickers with the false eyelids drawn on them fell right off, were tightly close and indicating that she must have been asleep for quite a while now.


And if you were to draw your face closely to York’s, one would be able to hear that her breathing was shallow and steady, just like from someone who was soundly asleep.


[N-No way……]

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Shocked upon realizing that one of her students fell asleep in the middle of her lesson, Niimi-sensei’s body shook all over while she was still standing on the podium.


[N-No, please don’t tell me…… Does that mean that my class is…… My class is so uninteresting to you that you would rather sleep right through it……?]


[N-No, no, no! that’s not it! That’s not it at all, Sensei! We were listening all this time! And it was really interesting!]


Cygnet immediately stood up from her seat, affirming Niimi-sensei that her class was not boring in the slightest.


[But! You were also yawning earlier because my lecture was boring to you, right!? Cygnet-san!?] And don’t lie to me!]


With a visibly depressed expression, Niimi-sensei lashed out like that, and hearing her accusatory words, Cygnet froze on the spot.


[Do you even know what yawning really is? It is a natural body response to a lack of sufficient energy, based on inhaling deeply in order to activate the functions of the brain and try to forcefully wake it up. There are various reasons for trying to wake up, but the most common main causes are fatigue, sleepiness, stress, and most importantly here, BOREDOM ––––––]


[W-Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wai!]


Without even listening to Cygnet’s words, Niimi-sensei looked at the four of her students with a glaring look.


[Hmm, I see! It looks like I will have to carefully teach you all of those things once again, from the very beginning! But this time around, I will explain everything more carefully and in even greater detail!]


[H-Huh? HUH!? N-No, no, no, no! N-Niimi-sensei, even for someone like you, that might actually be taking things a little bit too far!]


But even though Javelin rose up from her spot and started to wave her hand frantically, Niimi-sensei would simply not listen to it at all.

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