At that moment, hearing that honest plea, Repulse finally let go of Belfast’s boobs for good.

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But even so, Belfast did not slow down her own attack, not even one bit.


[Speaking of which, I have heard an interesting rumor as of late: that the more you rub and fondle a woman’s breasts, the bigger they tend to get. If that is indeed so, how about we continue this for a while longer? Who knows? Yours might even get bigger as a result, wouldn’t you agree?]


[H-Hyiiih! Hiiihhh! Please, I beg of you, just stop this already…… I surrender! See!? I surrender! It was all my fault, and I’m sorry!]


Seeing that Repulse was truly at her very limit right about now, screaming and pleading with tears in her eyes, Belfast finally released her hands from her fellow shipgirl’s modest boobs. Right in front of her, Repulse collapsed on all fours, to which Belfast only proceeded to fold her clothes once again and put them away into the clothes basket.


[Repulse-san’s breasts, they were really springy and very comfortable to touch and fondle. I think that fact alone is going to be more than enough to make up for your lack of size to any gentleman out there, and will make you quite appealing.]


Saying that, Belfast smiled viciously again, after which she covered her own breasts with a bath towel and headed for the bath.


The bathhouse in itself was a very simple structure, with only one large bathtub, a slightly smaller bathtub right next to it, some even smaller tubs with hydro massage installed in them, a cold bath and a sauna.


There was also a glass door between the normal baths and the sauna seemed to be connected to the outside, and it seemed that the ones who had gone before Belfast and Repulse went straight into that open air bath to just how it would feel like to bathe there.


After lightly washing her body with a shower head, Belfast also opened the glass door and went outside. Then, in the perfect location where you could see the surrounding mountains and forests, a large cypress open-air bath awaited the Head Maid.


When Belfast came closer to where Nelson was sinking into the water with a delighted look on her face, she then got right up and looked at Belfast.

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[S-So, hey. Just a minute. Turns out, this bath is really amazing, so you should come inside right away, too.]


[Hmm? What seems to be wrong?]


As Belfast tilted her head at Nelson’s urging words, Rodney, who was sitting right next to her, stroked her shoulders that seemed to be glowing in a strange way.


[This thing right here, you can say that it’s really slimy just by touching it slightly… And it feels just like being soaked in warm water, to boot!]


[That’s right, that’s right! You will be able to tell it right away the very moment you step inside, so come on and just come in already!]


It was really hard for Belfast to even imagine that Nelson, someone who used to be so skeptical about the hot springs here from the get go, was now so excited and restless about them.


Just like she was told, Belfast immediately submerged her entire body in the bathtub. The water temperature was just right, not too hot and not too cold, and she felt her body getting warmer and warmer by the second. She could also feel the slimy texture of the water gently washing against the skin of her legs, arms, stomach and neck.


[S-Since this is the proper hot spring, y-you might want to soak your face in the water as well! I-I would like to do so myself, you see, but I really can’t, because in my opinion it might be well too indecent of a behavior for a lady……]


After she said that, Nelson would then writhe her whole body in apparent frustration. If she was still but a small child, she might have even felt so unreserved to go for a swim in the hot spring if it would be spacious enough, but seeing how mindful she was about proper manners, the probability of her doing that now was next to none.


[Now then, lightly and slowly. Just a slight pat, just like if you were trying to apply lotion all over your body……]


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Just like that, Renown said so and scooped up some of the hot spring water with both of her hands, and then she lightly splashed it all over her face.


[W-Well, yeah, that’s right…… That’s actually a good idea, come to think of it.]


Eventually, Repulse joined the others and entered the bath, scooping the hot water and splashing it all over herself. But when she saw everyone else and what they were doing, she stopped right in her tracks with a puzzled expression on her face.


[Umm, guys? What are you doing, pray tell?]


[Does it really matter? Just come on and come right in already! Don’t just stand there!]


When Repulse did exactly as Nelson told her to, washing herself in a hurry and entering the bathtub, once she could feel the slime-like sensation brushing against her skin, her eyes opened up wide. She then submerged her body in the hot water completely.


And then, with the repeated splashes of water against her face, Repulse’s face was as slimy and shiny as the rest of her submerged body.


Thinking that her body had warmed up quite a bit already, Belfast stood up to let some of the excess heat leave her body and cool down. At the current moment only the Head Maid’s feet were soaking inside of the bath, as she sat down at the edge of the bathtub made out of fragrant cypress wood.


[Fuaah~…… This feels just like Paradise.]


Repulse also put her elbows on the edge of the bathtub and closed her eyes, her face painted in the colors of sheer pleasure and delight.


On the other hand, Renown, whose body was flushed red all over, tried to get out of the bathtub without even trying to hide any of the embarrassing parts of her body, her small buttocks included.

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[I think I’m going to go ahead and cool down for a bit. If I get any hotter than this, I think it might not end well for me.]


Having said that, Renown was already on her way out, but her body was wobbling to the sides as if she was about to faint at any moment now.


When Renown finally managed to leave with a somewhat pained expression on her face, Rodney also stood up.


[I think that I am going to take my leave soon, as well. It might have been a short soak, but I can’t believe that there is a natural hot spring like that. What a pleasant surprise.]


The moment she stood up, Rodney covered her chest with a towel and walked out of the bathtub towards the glass door, ignoring the gaze of Repulse who was staring at her enviously, her huge breasts shaking and swaying to the sides with her every step.


[Say. It’s just a suggestion, but how about after we get out of the bath, we go to town and check out the festival? You know, right before dinner is served?]


As if suddenly remembering something, Nelson turned towards Belfast as she said that.


[Yes, it might be a good idea to do that.]


After all, there was still some time left before the dinner at the inn would be served.


After thinking about it for a moment, Belfast came to a conclusion that she would have enough time to change into her yukata and take a leisurely stroll at the festival and look around.

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* * *


By the time the Royal Navy’s shipgirls put on their yukatas and left the inn, it was already getting dark outside.


If you were to look up at the sky, you can see the first stars beginning to shine in the dark blue sky.


If you were to look down, you could see the winding paths of the hot spring town, decorated with dimly lit lanterns and festival decorations.


[Let’s go to the shooting range right away, the shooting range! Then let’s buy some cotton candy! Oh, and water balloons! Let’s not forget about the water balloons!]


Repulse then took her older sister Renown’s hand and ran down the winding path, which for some reason was feeling both fantastic and slightly nostalgic for some reason.


[H-Hey! Now wait just a minute! Don’t decide things so arbitrarily like that on your own!]


Nelson hurriedly tried to chase after the two, and then Rodney started walking alongside her as if to accompany her in her chase.


[Fufufu. Then how about we just call it a Free Time period and just go with that?]


Belfast, who was left alone in no time at all, said that while standing alone on a stone-covered path.

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