[I’m still not entirely sure if that’s true or not…… But oh well. I will let that slide for now. You won’t even be punished for being late.]

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Elizabeth said as she folded her arms on her chest, and she said to the people in the hall who were beginning to make a fuss once again:


[Alright, alright! Keep it quiet, all of you! I can’t believe that it’s going to be neither Saratoga nor Lexington. I thought that the Eagle Union would be able to put out one of those two in order to solidify their supremacy in this year’s contest, but……]


Having said that, Her Majesty looked back at Warspite while scratching her head in puzzlement.


[I’m more concerned that they will try to pull off here for the time being. Of course, it might be just that they wish to give those two a deserved break, but they might also have arrived at the conclusion that going in a direction different from their usual Idol route is the way to go here. But as to why they would even think that, I don’t really know……]


[Your Majesty, in my opinion, as long as the Eagle Union is aiming for such an unexpected selection of their representative, we should not limit ourselves to select people who are not just “beautiful” and “elegant” but who also possess a certain unproductiveness to them.  Unpredictable.]


[Yes, that makes a whole lot of sense……]


Elizabeth put her hand on her chin and began to think long and hard, biting down on her lip.


But it was not only Elizabeth who was lost in thought. Hood, Prince of Wales and Warspite were all pondering their heads about that matter, growling and muttering to themselves as they were being at it.


However, since the rest of the Royal Navy shipgirls that were present in the room were unable to know what was going on through the heads of their top brass, they could only whisper among themselves as they all cocked their heads and twisted in their seats in anxiety.


Meanwhile, Kent, who was standing right next to Suffolk, whispered into her ear.

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[Oh…… I’m afraid that at this rate the meeting is going to keep on going for quite a while, huh?]


Hearing that remark, even Sheffield, who was standing in the farthest corner of the great hall, let out a deep and silent sigh.


Without saying a single word, her expression was telling everyone around her that she wanted to return to her normal cleaning duties as soon as possible, without wasting her time on this pointless chatter.


Belfast also glanced at her wrist watch and began to calculate how much time the meeting would last and how much work she would need to make up for if she was to stay in here.


There was still more than one hour left before the dinner was supposed to be ready to serve. If the meeting was over by then, it would be all good and the remaining work would not need to be rushed too much, but if it was to be anything more than that, it might be a little bit tough for the maids to make it in time.


[Say, Bel?]


At that time, Edinburgh, who was right next to Belfast, suddenly thought of something and looked up.


[I think it would be a good idea to make some extra tea for everyone. If you can’t decide for that long, it’s more than probable that everyone is going to be quite thirsty.]


Certainly, it is the kind of a meeting that might just end up going for a really long time.


Realizing that fact, Belfast nodded her head slowly to her sister’s words.


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[Yes, that’s right. And since that might be a task that will be a little bit too hard to handle on your own, especially with so many people to be served, let me come with you and lend you a hand.]


And just like that, deciding on their course of action for now, the two maids secretly headed for the exit of the great hall. The door was left half-open just as it had been when Victorious arrived at the scene, and Belfast gently put her hand on the handle.


[Hey now! Bel and Edi, just where the heck do you think you’re going, huh? Trying to sneak out like that on your own.]


But it was then that Belfast and Edinburgh could hear the voice of Queen Elizabeth coming from behind their backs.


Realizing that they have been caught red-handed now, Belfast let go of the door handle and looked back right behind her.


[You see, Your Majesty, I thought that the meeting would still take a while, so I was going to make some more tea for everyone gathered here.]


In response to the Head Maid’s polite tone of voice, Elizabeth shook her head to the sides vigorously.


[Oh, no you don’t. At the current moment no one is asking for any extra refills, so there is no need for you to go out and brew any more tea for the moment. That is why you are going to stay right here with everyone else. I think that the way in which you are acting right now makes it as though this matter is someone else’s problem, but aren’t you actually forgetting something, Bel? You guys from the Maid Corps are as good of a candidate for the pageant as anyone else in here.]


[But, Your Majesty ––––––]


[If I said that you cannot leave, that means that you cannot leave. And that’s final. Now go back to your place and sit down.]


Even though Elizabeth’s tone of voice was not all that strong or demanding, it was that kind of voice that once you heard it being directed at you, you could not really go against it.

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So having no other choice, Belfast took Edinburgh with her and the two returned to their seats and sat back down.


[–––––– Bel, stop. You know what? I have a better idea. That skirt of yours.]


Once again, Elizabeth called out to the Head Maid, and in response Belfast stopped dead in her tracks, with a dumbfounded look on her face.


For some odd reason, Elizabeth was staring right at her.  Even though Belfast did not know what she did to deserve this, she decided it would be way faster to just play along and she walked towards Elizabeth in a hurry. But then something completely unexpected ended up happening.


[Hey now, where are your manners? Show you Queen some proper courtesy here.]


[…… Excuse me?]


It was so sudden that Belfast actually ended up opening her mouth and asking that, before she could actually stop herself and consider the situation that she was currently in.


[Courtesy, Bel. Now, curtsy, You know, that thing that you are always doing to show someone the respect they deserve? Do I seriously need to remind you about that?]


A proper courtesy. In other words, curtsy is, to put it simply, an act of a bow: one leg being placed slightly behind one’s body, the other knee being bent, and the hands holding the hem of one’s skirt while the person herself lowers her head in a show of utmost respect.


But doing exactly what she was told to do, Belfast pinched the hem of her skirt in her hands, and then she performed a flawless courtesy on the spot.

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Looking at her skirt, bending her hips and knees and slowly and politely bowing her head, everything being just a textbook-perfect example.


That being said, Belfast did not pay any special attention to that curtsy just now. I was just how she would normally do it, every single step of the process.


[Is this…… Is this good? Does this satisfy you, Your Majesty?]


Without knowing why she was even asked to do something as bizarre as this, Belfast returned to her normal posture and asked that of Elizabeth.


[Yes, it was good. Very good, indeed. It was truly amazing performance––––––]


Elizabeth loosened her lips and she turned towards both Warspite and Prince of Wales.


[–––––– Say, I was wondering about that just now, but what would you say if we nominated Belfast to represent the Royal Navy in the Beauty Pageant? What do you think?]


For a moment out there, Belfast actually couldn’t understand what Elizabeth just said.


[…… Hoo, I see. Certainly, there is a certain fresh kind of appeal to having a maid, who usually does all the work behind the scenes, to take the spotlight for an event like that. It is also something that no one should really expect to happen.]


Warspite said while nodding her head without any objections.


[It is also true that Belfast seems to be fitting the theme of “elegance” quite perfectly here. As expected of you, Your Majesty. Your insight is truly something else.]

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