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Even when Lu Meili was already gone, the fire continued as it chased after her. Some soldiers choose the option of destroying the small window first before they followed after her.

'How laughable.' Lu Meili thought mockingly. The Shou planet's firearms are just a high powered advance weapon from the humans. It can never be compared to her planet's advanced technology.

She cannot blame them, as Shou planet residents are not easy to deal with when they are in front of something new, especially if it's beyond their understanding. It is like they are so anxious to make a difference.

Lu Meili will give the soldiers her approval with their physical strength and speed as they can somehow keep up.

She is one of the fastest among all her martial sisters. Lu Meili cannot defeat a panther shifter after all.

The district security alarm was also turned on to gather more soldiers or police. In the end, regardless of how many chase after Lu Meili, they can only look at her back as she continued to jump from building to building, with eyes gleaming with mischief.

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What a strange sight it is for a bunch of soldiers to chase a single woman, who is even barefoot, in only her black sleeveless shirt and underwear!

If they do not know that she kidnapped and tried to hurt the nephew of the current dragon king, they would be amazed by her.

Aggressive and strong women are after all enticing to any being from the Shou planet.

Sadly, she a criminal who needs to be shot and killed.


Back inside the hotel room...

The entire corners of the room were devastated by the continuous fire which started earlier and lasted for a while. Every pieces of the furniture were destroyed.

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"Long Jun! Just see what I will do with you once I free myself!" Long Cheng shouted furiously.

No one wants to get close to him as he untied the golden rope, courtesy of his mate. "Withdraw the shoot to kill order or I will kill you myself!" He continued to shout, sounding more desperate, worried for his own mate's safety.

Long Jun cannot help but looked up to the ceiling of the small cramped up hotel room to remove the idea of knocking his cousin back to sleep.

Most of the time, tranquilizers never works on them long and Long Jun's aim is just to shut his cousin up; too much shouting is giving him a headache.

Strangely though, Long Cheng's resistance is way shorter than their estimated time. Long Jun still feel lucky.

If Long Cheng, being half conscious already desires to kill him, then what will happen if he is full alert?

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"That's too boring. Try torturing me first. Play with my internal organs then bathe on my blood. That sounds more fun." Long Jun offered mockingly.

"You son of bi-"

"Shut it! Your aunt is a full-blooded dragon from one of our planet's ancient clan. Thank you very much!" He interrupted with fake hurt.

Long Cheng just glared at him looking so exhausted by arguing. 'The tranquilizer is still affecting him.' Long Jun thought to himself after noticing Long Cheng's sleepy eyes with slits of bright yellow. He is probably using his dragon side to endure. 'Interesting.'

"What are you waiting for?! Withdraw your damn unit! If even a piece of her hair is damaged, I will kill you!"Long Cheng threatened instead, more like growl dangerously. At that time, he was able to free on foot and now hastily freeing the other.

"Hmmm. Too bad, you had been asleep for a while. Soldiers probably already killed her."Long Jun lied casually, as he prepares to contact his soldiers.
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"Amff!"Before Long Jun can even contact the soldiers under his command, his back was already slammed to nearest well as his neck was choked hard, he did not even see it coming.

"I will kill you!" Long Cheng declared his dragon side uncontrollably. His eyes are yellow but surrounding it is red.

No one saw when Long Cheng finally finished untying the golden rope. All they know is that, after doing so, he immediately jumped to attack Long Jun.

With multiple jabs at Long Cheng stomach, Long Jun was able to make enough distance so he could give his cousin a strong kick from the side, sending him out of the window to fall onto one of the street stores.


AN: Yay! Bonus chapter for the week cause you guys are awesome for voting a lot! Thank you for reading! :-)

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