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The moment her fingers grazed his cheek, Long Cheng also felt the spark that reached to his being, touching even his own soul.

His yellow eyes brightened further as his beast awoke stirring inside him, so impatient, it could not deny its primal instinct to possess.

He could hear her breathing clearly now, the steady beating of her heart was music to his ears. His beast was delighted with the fact that she is alive and very near him. Long Cheng was wondering earlier if she was a robot just like the other voice that kept talking and he was happy to confirm that she is not.

If not for the ropes bounding him, Long Cheng would have already have pounced her, and the vision of her beneath him awakened his savage desire.

The closeness, allowed him to focus more on her, not even caring anymore what she wanted to do. He wanted to just smell her, hoping to touch and taste if possible.

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Her scent was new to him, as she smelled like ash, a newly burnt paper but beneath it is sweetness that he did not know what to compare it with.

With a slender and small frame, her almost vulnerable appearance made him want to protect her. Long Cheng was also delighted that she looked like a perfect fit for him in every way.

Long Cheng was a large man, and his savage side always put people off, it was understandable if he would scare her. Gladly, that seemed to not be the case.

In fact, if he had not experienced being bound by her, he would have forever believed that she was harmless.

Did he mind being dominated by her? Definitely not, as it turned him on, almost sending him on the edge of molten desire.

If not for the gag ball, she would have probably seen him with a silly smile creeping on his face as he stared at her. She was gently unfastening the strap of the gag ball and he did not miss every tiny movement that she made.

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All he could feel at that moment was her intoxicating presence. As long as she was there, giving him all her attention, nothing else mattered.

Then he noticed a colorful tattoo from within her hanging shirt. The tattoo was in her left hip, his throat ran dry as he could not help it but stare at her very sexy black lace panties, the slit of her fold was very obvious.

Long Cheng's mouth watered as he started imagining how she would look or feel without the panties or the shirt. He had never hated to pieces of female clothing so much. His body was feeling the heat and without fail was reacting accordingly to her closeness and his fantasies.

He continued to bore his gaze at her crotch before he reluctantly dragged his gaze to trace her colorful tattoo that passed her navel and ended below her neck.

The design looked intricate, It seemed to resemble some ancient runes which were vaguely familiar, however for now he somehow could not recall where he had seen them before before.

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Long Cheng, suppressed the furious growl and felt an unreasonable desire to kill the one who made the tattoos. Jealousy build up at the thought of the process of how tattoo was made. The gal! How could he touch his woman? He was now out for the blood of the tattoo maker!

'Later. There is still a chance later.' He appeased himself.

He calmed himself by breathing in and out of his nose. The woman was surely taking her time to remove the gag ball.

She probably was still cautiously observing him and Long Cheng did not mind since she was near him. He prefereds to think of her using her sensuous lips to remove the straps.

Now he understood why regardless of how indignant and upset he was for being tied up, his beast did not crave for her blood. More like, it felt challenged.

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That is normal, because he is a hunter, with the animalistic lust for dominance. He is the one that conquers not the other way around.

Add to the fact that the beast's vessel is part of the pureblood royal family of dragons. It would be questionable if he did not go on berserk mode after being bound. There's only one exception.

Long Cheng could feel the thread of curious excitement on his blood. Why bound him? Does she not know that he is very much willing to cooperate? Is this a game he is not aware of?

"No biting." He heard her speak, though indifferent, Long Cheng liked it very much. He obediently nodded still staring at her intently. Then she finally removed the gag ball before stepping away from him. Supposedly not too far, but just enough distance to make sure that his bite would not reach her, in case.
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His saliva flowed to the side of his mouth, but Long Cheng did not notice, all he felt at the time was utter disappointment because she was so far away.

Why not? After all, they are meant to be together, forever.

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