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Lu Meili was catching her breath. The magic that she needed to expend that day was a lot. She had already used too much magic, that she could hardly heal herself anymore. Aside from that, she did not have enough talisman left aside from the transportation one.

There was no need to mention that one of the ropes that were currently surrounding her, was the one that suppressed magic.

Anyway, Lu Meili was already captured and there was no use trying to fight anymore. She could hardly even move.

Aside from that, Lu Meili was ashamed as she could already predict what would happen next. The dragons would investigate her background and a public trial would take place. A very embarrassing thing.

Lu Meili also knew that if she did not not fix this before it reached her home planet or master's ears, she would be punished greatly. For that moment, she could not do anything except, wait for her magic to recharge or wait for someone's help.

'I might as well, relax in the palace prison for now,' Lu Meili thought to herself. Which was not a bad idea. She was in the same place as Mo Rin. Long Jun as the Commander of the dragon army would also be in the palace, most of the time, which was a great advantage for her.

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After releasing a deep breath, Lu Meili shifted her kneeling body around and glanced at the soldiers behind her.

Then she saw Long Cheng looking at her with sadness, 'Ah, here's another reason why I need to stay in the palace.'

"Why did you run away, bitch? You want to die, don't you? Let me do that for you!" Lou Hana rushed towards Lu Meili and was about to hit her with a thunderous slap.

"Don't you even dare!" Before Lou Hana could even get close, Long Cheng already gave a warning.

"Your Highness! We cannot continue being merciful to a criminal.  She killed Rusan and there is a high possibility that she also caused the Beast Tide just to sway us from capturing her!" Lou Mary said, clearly aiming for attention.

And she did not fail. After Lou Mary spoke of that, the soldier's, even the general was outraged.

"She killed one of us? How dare her!"

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"She must die!"

"Your Highness! Avenge Rusan!" Lou Mary screamed sounding anguished before she bowed her head to hide the snicker on her face. 

"Stop it! That is not how our law works." He replied furiously.

Since the soldiers could not understand why he was defending Lu Meili, they started to demand further. He had the feeling that the soldiers did not respect him anymore due to the way they were shouting aggressively.

Long Cheng did all his best to not lash out at anyone while standing close to Lu Meili like a guard at the same time.

No one wanted to hear or see his mate in a very dire situation.

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That moment, he was fighting hard to stop his beast to hurt the soldiers who were demanding  Lu Meili's death.

However, Long Cheng was also feeling conflicted, as he watched his soldiers who only wanted to avenge their comrades.

Then what will he do if Lu Meili had actually killed Rusan?

Long Cheng did not want to think about the possibility, but he also could not see Lou Mary as someone who would fool her comrades and make up stories regarding someone's death. That would just make sense.

He had also felt so betrayed the moment Lu Meili started running away. Long Cheng was left with no choice but to not show mercy and capture her himself.

"Your Highness, based on our law, one witness is enough to prove that someone is guilty. Lou Mary is also part of the special force, who swore to not betray our country." Wang Gong said after getting closer to Long Cheng. He was the six-star general who was with Long Kael earlier.

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Long Cheng growled, "Know your place. Are you trying to insult me? Are you telling me that I betrayed my country?" He said challengingly.

Wang Gong did not flinch and stood his ground, "I didn't mean to sound offensive, Prince Cheng. However, it is so easy to see where the problem lays. This woman is an outsider. Isn't she the same woman who was posted on the news as a criminal? Am I correct Prince Jun?" He asked seriously.

"Yes," Long Jun answered with indifference, ignoring the glare that he was getting at that moment from Long Cheng. He could not lie to the general. Lu Meili's face was already seen by the public, so it was impossible to hide.

After hearing Long Jun's confirmation, Wang Gong nodded and spoke again, "Isn't she the one who tried to harm you as well? So why are you defending her? Are you bewitched by this outsider?" He asked with hidden meaning.

"Because she is my mate!"


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!


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