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Shou Planet docking and berthing station…

The massive Shenxi Cruise ship was slowly moving its way to the Shou Planet space ship registration center until it stopped not far away from it.

It was a massive ship which was more than a hundred times larger than the current space ships parked at the station, for their entry the station needed to take a while to prepare for it.

Shenxi Cruise ship could not really enter the covered docking station, a connector was to be sent instead, from the station towards the ship's entrance which always took a while.

It was just a hundred years ago since the planet opened up and started accepting visitors from the other planets. However, most of its countries were still limiting the number of outsiders they would welcome to maintain their traditions that were being followed from ancient times.

Why not? The planet mostly consisted of beasts creatures who if not for the strict laws, would never follow any rules and could easily cause savage wars that would probably affect the other planets residing near it too.

At least at this time, fully shifting into beast form was now forbidden in some territories. Hopefully, this would be regulated strictly.

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"Did you see the captain's ship somewhere?" Wu Jiao asked one of the crews who were handling the scanners. She was still confused as to why Lu Meili would go to such a planet where she did not usually prefer to go. 

Lu Meili was known to visit planets that had the parts or materials, she needed for her creations regardless of their magic artifacts or robotics. She had a habit of creating things from trash too so sometimes Lu Meili would visit space junkyard. For her, there was no useless material, she even made the air around her useful. 

'Did she perhaps tried to capture one shifter for her experiment and was caught?' Wu Jiao thought to herself as she watched the connector from outside move slowly towards the ship.

The man shook his head while carefully looking at the monitor. "I can't see her ship manager," He said dejectedly.

Their captain, Lu Meili used an ordinary ship when traveling. However, the system inside could be one of the most advanced in all the planets, especially in Orcus which was her birth planet that was known for its advanced technology.

Since Shenxi Cruise Ship almost had the same system as Lu Meili's aircraft, it would have been easy to scan for it. However, they could not see any trace of her ship.

"How could it be? Check again! Do it better this time!" Wu Jiao unhappily asked.

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The man did as he was told nervously, as he wanted to cry with no tears. He was only doing his job and this was the best he could do. 

Wu Jiao watched the scan results with the others and when the results came negative again she cursed loudly.

"Are you sure there is  only one docking station on this planet?" Wu Jiao said in annoyance. She was not really the type to get frustrated easily, however, everything was a mess and nothing made sense.

In addition, they were doing a detour to a planet that was not really keen on accepting a tour ship like them.

Because of that, the customers who were still on the ship at that moment needed to wait for them and stay. Wu Jiao was still thinking of the most logical explanation to the customers that would make them wait patiently.

"That was the information we have on the record Manager. We could always ask the station representative..." One of the crew suggested.

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"Are you going to do the paper works for me in case they decided to investigate why we are asking?" Wu Jiao asked cockily.

The crew member chuckled nervously.

With a snort, Wu Jiao shifted her gaze to Li Mae, "Oy! Li Mae! Are you sure we are really supposed to go to Shou planet? Are you sure you did not miss anything else from Captain? And one more thing, can you please  cooperate for a damn second here, stop being a freelancer and stop eating while we are working?" She asked almost upset as the carefree Li Mae kept eating cookies while she worked.

In all honesty, if it had only been the Auction house, she would have asked Li Mae to go there instead quickly, to save the staff. After all, it was not really a big deal when Li Mae went missing for a while since Wu Jiao worked harder for handling the ship compared to her.

It was actually a bigger concern when Lu Meili went missing for a while. Then the ship's doctor followed. They did file a leave of absence since they had been working on the ship for a while without any day off, there was no way anyone could refuse. 

But who needed a day off nowadays?! 'Me! I want a fvcking day off!' Wu Jiao screamed inside her head.

Regardless, there were things that still needed to be done. One was saving the staff of the Auction house in the Dragon Country.

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Wu Jiao could still remember how Dex had cried, begging for help. The poor fae was probably scared shitless because of the dragon shifter's threatening him.  

However, Lu Meili had wanted them both to go there in the dragon country as well.

Mo Rin was nowhere to be found. It was just unlucky for them that the summon happened in the middle of an ongoing cruise and they could not just stop it. It was also too bad that no one else could replace her or Li Mae if they both left for a while.

Wu Jiao watched Li Mae who was not in a hurry to finish the cookie that she was holding. When she was done with it, Li Mae shook her hands to remove the crumbs of her food and waved it to produce sparks of magic.

The magic condensed before it turned into a tiny flare which looked like a teardrop. It was now resting on her fourth finger. Li Mae then flipped her hand to throw the flare towards Wu Jiao and it hit her forehead then absorbed it.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being.

If you also additional time, please check out my new book, "Mischievous Fake Wife" while waiting for the chapters of this novel. 

From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!

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