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"Really?" Long Kael asked in a low voice with a wide smile on his face.

Wu Jiao did not smile as there was nothing funny with the current air around the king.

She quickly stepped to the side and grabbed Dex by the waist, then effortlessly carried the shivering fae that way before jumping away from her current position leaving Li Mae alone.

At the same time, she did that, Long Kael leaped from his chair. On impulse, he wanted to snap Manager Wu's neck.

However, the manager was quick to get away by deducing his plan. Because of that, he got his hands on Li Mae's neck instead.

"Do not let them get away!" Long Kael yelled furiously. His dragon was at the surface making everyone unable to refuse.

The guards in the room immediately blocked all paths of escape. Elders ready to back up if needed, however, they were more there to watch the show than fight and they preferred it that way.

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"Great king of the dragons, please relax! I will not leave. I also beg you to please let go of Mae Mae's neck. " Wu Jiao said hurriedly. Though she knew nothing bad would happen to Li Mae, it was still not a good idea to get them to fight. After all, they were still in the middle of negotiations. 

'This is your fault. You chose the wrong words!' Wu Jiao blamed herself. Damage has been done and they needed to act immediately to repair it.

Despite the guards surrounding them, Wu Jiao stood properly and flipped the sleeve of her tuxedo. "Great king of the dragons, I was only stating the other possibility why the injury is not curing. I am still not done with my explanation. Please let me finish after you let go of my companion. What do you say?" She offered with a casual tone but with high alertness.

This made Long Kael more agitated. He snarled at Wu Jiao while looking at her with anger.

He could not accept it. How dare this stranger go and tell him that his mate was cursed and will die soon?

"Let… Let… go…" A soft voice spoke near him. Long Kael shifted his gaze to Li Mae.

Li Mae's face was pale but there was no fear in her eyes. She also did not show any indication that she was trying to get away from his hold, as her hands were still on her sides. This confused Long Kael a little, but not enough to free the woman or listen to any demands from the manager.  

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With his dragon's pride, Long Kael demanded instead. "Explain it now before she dies!" He said without any room for further discussion.

After shaking her head, she released a very deep sigh, "Ah… I would be happy to explain, but it was really not a good idea to delay releasing Mae Mae. Your Majesty, though magic is not a famous art in your country, at least you know that it's not wise to fight with a mage who doesn't use any form of wand right?" Wu Jiao asked instead, her tone laced with warning.

Just as she said that Long Kael felt the energy around him shift.

"Your Majesty get away from her immediately!" One of the elders screamed.

With his instinct of caution, Long Kael released his hold on Li Mae's neck and immediately stepped away from her.

Li Mei coughed after that but she did not slump to the ground like the other weak mages that he had encountered before. She just reached for her neck and caressed it slowly.

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The moment he was far enough, Long Kael noticed the shadow under Li Mei's foot. It was wide enough to cover his original spot, making it look like a hollow on the floor.

The surprising thing was that there was a shadow formed as hands, rising that seemed to be reaching for something. It was in the same place that he had been earlier, which meant it was trying to grab him.

Long Kael narrowed his eyes on it. He was not sure what the shadow could do, or what would happen in case he was touched by the hands. However, he did not want to test it as Wu Jiao had already awakened him from his recent outburst.

What the manager said was true. Regardless of where the mage came from, if they could wield magic without using any form of a wand, then that mage was not someone anyone could just mess with.

"It is now alright Dragon King. Do not worry," Wu Jiao said while still carrying the fae on her side, as she slowly stepped towards Li Mae.  "She actually doesn't like anyone touching her." She added when the manager was beside her.

To prove her point again, Wu Jiao tried to give Li Mae a pat, and before she was successful in doing so, the shadows spread under their feet, making the fae cry in alarm.

Wu Jiao did not continue because of the fae and put the hand down, looking at the dragons, "See? All is well as long as no touching."

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Long Kael snorted as he tried to control his savage side to lash out again. Manager Wu was casually explaining that Li Mae was more upset that he was touching her neck earlier, and not how it was being done.

It was also a silent declaration that they were not afraid of him and he could not just do what he wanted even if he was the king of the entire dragon country.

Long Kael walked towards his chair and sat before speaking, "How could you be sure that she is cursed?" He asked after a while of deliberation. He never wanted to see his mate die. If she was really cursed and near her death then she needed to be saved.

Even if he needed to deal with these strange people, then so be it.

"She?" Wu Jiao tilted her head curiously, "Can you describe the injury further Dragon King?" She continued.


Author's Note: Original and most updated chapter is from If found or read elsewhere, this chapter has been stolen. Please stop supporting theft for the author's well being. From the bottom of my heart, thank you very much!

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