“Lady, what about this?”

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“I liwe ith!” (I like it!) 


Jessie asked me this and that with a more exciting look than me.


Today, I chose a yellow ribbon instead of a pink ribbon.


Then Jessie tied my hair and said.


“Always be careful and don’t get hurt. You should always go with Lena-nim. Okay?”


“Ung!” (Yes!) 


“My lady is gentle, so I don’t worry too much about it—but I’m nervous just in case. As expected, should I follow you as well?” 


“No. The othher maidsh shay Jessie hash a dathe thoday thoo!” (No. The other maids say Jessie has a date today too!)


“Oh my. Of course, you’re more important than a date, Lady!”


I don’t know what a date is, but everyone said that they would be excited to be on a date.


Nevertheless, I was happy that Jessie firmly said that I was more important.


But I shook my head. 


“I won’th weave fathher and lena’sh shide. Don’th worry.” (I won’t leave father and Lena’s side. Don’t worry.)




“Ung.” (Yes.) 


After answering several times, Jessie let go of her expression as if she were relieved. 


Today’s dress was a simple yellow dress with little lace.


I went out of the room holding Jessie’s hand, who put on soft leather shoes so that my feet didn’t hurt.


“Fathher!” (Father!) 


When I saw my father dressed in a black suit far away, I ran and hugged him. He hugged me and lifted me. 


“Let’s go.”


“How abouth Jerion?” (How about Jerion?)


“He woke up early in the morning and fell asleep again.”


“Leth’sh waith for him and go thogethher.” (Let’s wait for him and go together.)


“I’ll be right back when he wakes up, so let’s go out first.”


I wanted to go with Jerion. But I was curious about the founding festival.


[He will follow you soon. Don’t worry.] 


“Righth?” (Right?) 


I nodded calmly at Driane’s words.


My father hugged me and walked to a large carriage. I saw Lena standing next to the carriage, so I waved my arm.


Then Lena nodded. 


“Let’s go.”




The knights moved in perfect order and the carriage began to move. The big carriage was as comfortable as it was big. I felt good because the chair was soft. 


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The rattling sound was interesting, so I moved my feet to the sound. I was excited.


It was quick to get to the city center from the Duke’s house. Soon the carriage stopped and the door opened. 


My father naturally hugged me again and got off the carriage. 




The first national foundation festival for me was literally a whole new world.


There was also a moving doll with strings connected, and some Unnies dressed in colorful clothes were dancing on the street. 




When I turned around at the loud noise, I saw a long-nosed animal with its nose raised high. 


“Fathher, whath’sh thhath?” (Father, what’s that?)


“It’s an elephant.”


“It’sh sho big!” (It’s so big!) 


“Should I buy it for you?”


“Yesh?” (Yes?) 


When I looked with my eyes wide open, my father nodded.


“I’ll buy it for you.”






“Ith’sh big. Ith’sh coow buth ith’sh shcary if i shee ith up cwoshe.” (It’s big. It’s cool but it’s scary if I see it up close.)


I said with an embarrassed look, then my father nodded. 


“Oh, you must be the precious Lady! Try this!”


The lady handed over the red cookies. Looking at my father, my father nodded. 


I picked it up carefully and bowed my head.


“Thanw you.” (Thank you.) 


“Aigoo~ So cute!”


The Lady smiles and hands cookies to another child. When I bit down a little on the red cookie, the strawberry scent spread out. 


“Ith’sh shthrawberry!” (It’s strawberry!)


“Yeah. The color of the imperial family is red, so there are a lot of things that are particularly red during the founding festival.” 


My father then looked around here as if he were a little wary. In particular, I looked at shops selling accessories.


When I tilted my head, my father turned his head back to me.


“Jerion wikes ith.” (Jerion likes it.)


“Yes, Jerion likes strawberries.”


“Ith wouwd be nice if he comesh here—” (It would be nice if he comes here—)


“I’ll let him go.”


“Yesh!” (Yes!) 


[Baby, I’ll go around and play.] 


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“Are you oway going awone?” (Are you okay going alone?)


[It’s okay.]


“Ung… Be carefuw and bacw shafewy…” (Yes… Be careful and back safely…)


Driane patted my hair and left. I whispered softly to my father, who was still looking at me.


“Driane shaid driane wanthsh tho woow around awone.” (Driane said Driane wants to look around alone.) 




The founding festival was spectacular. The dancing Unnies — The dancer teach father — and there was a place with a play. 


The play was about a knight defeating an evil wizard. I was so immersed in it that I even screamed unconsciously at the scene where the wizard dies.


I screamed and slightly looked at my father, but he only stroked my head.




“Nunya!” (Nuna!) 




It was around that time that Jerion came. Jerion walked up to me.


As soon as I approached Jerion and hugged him, Jerion said and rubbed his cheek against my shoulder.


“Nunya, are you having fun?” (Nuna, are you having fun?) 


“Ung! Jerion shhouwd wathch ith thoo.” (Yes! Jerion should watch it too!)


“Nunya… Hyung and me…” 


“Ah! Watch ith withh fathher.” (Ah! Watch it with father!)


“Ung!” (Yes!) 


When I took Jerion’s hand and walked to my father with him, the people around me looked at me strangely.


Jerion and my father were blonde, but not me. I bowed my head because I thought it looked strange.


“Nunya whath’sh wrong?” (Nuna what’s wrong?)



“Nothhing…” (Nothing…)


“Fathher, Nunya..” (Father, Nuna…) 


When I went to my father, he bent his knees and looked at me.




“Yeshh.” (Yes.)


“Is it scary?” 


“Yesh.” (Yes) 


“But I’m with you.” 


When I gently lifted my head, father stroked my head as if I had done well. Thinking that my father was with me made me feel better.


“Fathher, Hyung..” (Father, Hyung..) 


“Yeah. Kayden’s match was today.”


“Mathch?” (Match?) 


“It’s a game where swords compete against each other.”

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“Buth whath if you geth hurth?” (But what if you get hurt?) 


“It doesn’t matter because the Priest is there.” 


I don’t think that’s important, but my father walked with me and Jerion in his arms.


Jerion made the sound ‘Kyaa’ and liked it.




The stadium was really, really big. There were a lot of people, but we were seated in a high place where there were not many people.


My father sat Jerion in the chair, and he also put me in the chair.


I looked at the stadium at a glance. 


On top of the magic stamp, there was also marble with a good view of the stadium.


“Now~ Welcome to everyone who came to the Foundation Day Tournament!”


A voice was heard very loudly as the man with something in his hand spoke. When I look at my father, he said it was a small magic item.


I nodded and gave Jerion the strawberry cookie I had received earlier.


I had asked Lena to wrap it in a handkerchief.


“Whath ish thhish?” (What is this?)


 “Sthrawberry coowie!” (Strawberry cookie!)



Jerion quickly bit the cookie. The appearance of Jerion as if he was enchanted made me laugh.


“Now! All the preparations for the knights who participated in the tournament are complete. The 983th Foundation Day Tournament begins!”




The shouts of many people were heard. 


Surprised, I went close to my father, but soon the knights came out with the sword and drew my attention. 


“Fathher, fathher. Won’th he geth hurth if he doesh thhath?” (Father, father.  Won’t he get hurt if he does that?)


“They are trained knights, so they can compete with each other without getting hurt as much as possible.”




The red-haired knight blew the blue-haired knight’s sword. That was his victory.


“Okay! The next game is…”


I couldn’t concentrate on the host’s words, so I stared intently. The sound of the sword bumping into each other gave me goosebumps, but I was excited.


Looking at the side slightly, Jerion was distracted by the cookies.


He didn’t seem to be very interested if his brother didn’t come out. My father didn’t seem to be very interested either. 


‘I was the only one acting like a fool…’


Princess Enotice was said to be an example of a virtuous lady.


Now that I’ve become a Princess Biherville, I should be a lady as good as Princess Enotis—.


I looked away and wiped the cookies off Jerion’s mouth, and Jerion smiled brightly and came to me.


It was a pity that I couldn’t see the sword match, but it was also good to see Jerion.


“It’sh Hyung!” (It’s Hyung!) 

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Seeing the blonde knights like Jerion and the Duke, Jerion shouted. His father, who was looking elsewhere, also paid attention to the arena this time.


My eyes naturally turned to the arena. 


The Young Master’s opponent was a very tall knight with dark hair.


The great Young Master doesn’t seem to be short, but I was worried because he was much taller than the great Young Master. As if the concern had been tilted, the great Young Master quickly blew the sword of the black-haired knight.




It was clean enough to exclaim. It was a great skill for me who didn’t know anything.


As I heard from the Duke of Enotis, the great Young Master must have been a great knight.


I turned my head back to the arena. 


The game was so much fun that it was hard to pretend I wasn’t paying attention.


[I guess baby needs to learn the sword too.] 




It was nice to see Driane come back after being away for a while. Without realizing it, I screamed loudly and looked around in surprise, but luckily there was no one around.


“Come herre.” (Come here.) 


Still, as I whispered quietly, Driane laughed softly above my head.


[When you return to the mansion, how about learning about swords?]






“Buth…” (But…) 


I glanced at my father’s eyes and shook my head gently.


“Buth Lady needsh tho…” (But Lady needs to…)


[Don’t listen to what evil things say. Humans shine the most when they do what they want to do]


“Buth…” (But…) 


[Tell the Duke. He won’t turn down your request.]


I should have said no, but seeing the sword hitting the sword directly, my excitement did not subside easily.


There’s no problem talking about it. Just saying it.


It was a pity that the game was coming to an end.


It was already the last game. It was the first knight with red hair. Perhaps because it was the last game, it was a little more intense than the previous game.


The swords repeatedly clashed with each other. The sword of the great master sharply pierced the red-haired knight. 


The red-haired hurriedly avoided the sword, twisted and swung the sword to the left of the great Young Master.


The great Young Master who blocked the sword with his sword ran forward. The sound of swords clashing against swords filled the entire arena.


The red hair stepped back in a hurry, but it was already late.


The great Young Master’s knife was already on the red-haired neck.






It was the victory of the great Young Master.


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