I was tired. My body was drowsy and I had no strength. 

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[Releasing the reality!]


[How do you do it?]




[Tell me quickly! Lione is in pain!]


[Cut the half of your energy and the other half]


[Even if I do this, it doesn’t work—. No, it’s working now.]


At Nadia’s words, Driane groaned.


[Are you greedy for a contract without even being able to do that?! No matter how young you are, are you out of your mind now?!]


A series of thunderous voices were heard. Driane’s nagging was endless.


Nadia, who had been listening for a long time, said in a small voice.




[My baby got to that point because of you, and you still have excuses!] 


Nadia quickly shrank.


It was the first time that Drane had raised its voice like that.


Nadia’s voice was in fear. I wanted to get up and see what was going on, but I couldn’t open my eyes. 


“…Is there any way to break the contract?”




[The contract can be canceled only when the divine beast wants it]




I could also vaguely hear my father and Jerion’s voice.


What do you mean to break the contract? 


I was so curious about what was going on and why, but I couldn’t put strength on my fingers, let alone my whole body.


“Fathher…” (Father…) 




“Nunya!” (Nuna!) 






When I barely opened my mouth, I heard several voices at the same time.


“Is that what she just said? Why can’t she open her eyes?”


[She must have been exhausted because she lost so much of her divine power. She must have been so exhausted that she couldn’t lift a finger, so it’s not strange that she couldn’t open her eyes.]


“Sweep…” (Sleep…)


“Yeah. Sleep more.”


At my words, my father patted my stomach. Seeing that, I could feel a small touch next to him, it seemed that Jerion was also with him.


A familiar touch came to my cheek and stuck to it. It looked like Driane. 


On the other cheek, an unfamiliar touch came and stuck. It was probably Nadia. 


That was the end of my thoughts.




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When I opened my eyes, I felt refreshed. My body was easy, too.


“Driane…? Nadia…?”


[You finally woke up, baby]


[Eung… I’m sorry…] 


“Nadia, why awe you cryhing?” (Nadia, why are you crying?)


Unlike Driane, who was as small as the palm of her hand, Nadia, who was large, could barely hug her neck by stretching her arm. 


[Baby. Do you know how many days it’s been since you woke up?]


“Ung… 2 daysh?” (Ung… 2 days?)


[2 weeks. It’s been 2 weeks.]


“…How wong ish 2 weewsh?” (How long is 2 weeks?) 


[Ten nights and four more nights]




Dryane sighed heavily.


[I was worried about what would happen if you didn’t wake up.]


“I’m sowwy…” (I’m sorry…) 


[Baby shouldn’t be sorry. I’m sure Nadia signed the contract without discussing it.]




In fact, I didn’t know that the contract would be signed just by calling the name, but I closed my mouth because I thought Nadia would be in big trouble if I said so. 






[That’s right…] 


Nadia’s tail dropped. I felt sorry for him, so I hugged him even more.


Nadia also dug into my arms, as if Driane is scary. 


[Ha—. It’s in the past, so I won’t ask you any more]


“Ung! Fathher and Jerion—” (Yes! Father and Jerion—)


[Yeah. They must be worried, so go to see them.] 


I was thinking of calling Jessie, so I looked outside and it was still dark.


“Ish my fathher shweeping thoo?” (Is my father sleeping too?)


[He’s awake. He stopped by a while ago.]


“Ung! then i’ww shee Jerion wather!” (Yes! Then I’ll see Jerion later!)


Instead of calling for Jessie, I slowly climbed down on the blanket.


「Lady, It’s cold, so you have to wear a cardigan all the time!」


I was just leaving the room, but Jessie’s words came to mind, so I headed to the dress room.


I ran out wearing a thick pink cardigan, and then Driane stopped me in the air.


[Baby. You’ll get hurt if you run]


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“Ung!” (Yes!) 




As I opened the door and left, Lena looked at me in surprise. When I waved at Lena, Lena hurriedly bowed and made eye contact. 


“Are you okay?”


“Ung.” (Yes.) 


“It’s a relief.”


Lena sighed in relief.


“Where are you going?”


“I wanth tho go tho my fathher.” (I want to go to my father.)


“Yes, then I’ll bring you there.”


“Thanw you.” (Thank you.) 


“Excuse me.”


Lena bowed for a moment and hugged me.


“Thanw you.” (Thank you.) 


“It’s nothing.”


Lena strode forward.



Because Lena was a knight, Lena was short compared to other knights, but Lena’s stride was wide and so we arrived at my father’s office immediately. 


Knock, knock. 


“Fathher…” (Father…) 


As soon as I called my father a little, I heard a noise inside for a while, and then the door opened wide.


The father with a slightly shinned face caught my eyes.




“Fathher!” (Father!) 


I moved from Lena to my father. When I was held in a familiar arms, I felt comfortable. Lena’s arms are good, but as expected, my father’s arms were the best.


“Are you okay now?”


“Yesh!” (Yes!) 


When I answered with the most energetic voice as possible, my father sighed quietly. Father seemed a little skinny in the meantime.


“Fathher. Leth’sh eath thogethher.” (Father. Let’s eat together.)


It was not time to eat, but when I saw my skinny father, that was all I could say.




My father quickly nodded his head, held me, and headed to the restaurant.


“Do you feel sick anywhere?”


“Yesh.” (Yes.) 


Today, I nodded my head while eating the food.


I said I could eat alone because I was worried about my father, but he put a fork around my mouth silently.


It must have been hard because it was early in the morning, but the taste of the food was the best today.




[It will be fine. The speed at which the divine power is filled is fast.] 

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If you don’t believe me and you’re going to ask Driane right away, why did you ask me?


I was a little upset. My father, who was looking at it, smiled quietly.




“Yesh…” (Yes…) 


While surprised for a moment, the laughter quickly went away. It was a little disappointing.


After lying in bed for two weeks, my father looked different again.


When I dug deep into my arms a little more, my father put down his fork and patted my back.


“Fathher thoo…” (Father too…)




As he said so, the fork came to me again.


Taking food, I went to the front of the table, took the largest piece of meat with a new fork, and put it to my father’s mouth.


My father, who was looking at me for a while, took it with his mouth open.


I could see why my father was feeding me. For some reason, a feeling of pride came.


When I eagerly brought the food, my father accepted it without saying a word. I was excited because I thought he would gain weight quickly if he continued to eat like this.




“Yesh?” (Yes.) 


“What about your divine power?”


“I didn’th ushe ith…” (I didn’t use it…)


“You know that, right?”


“Yesh!” (Yes!) 


“Did you say Nadia—?”


“Yesh!” (Yes!) 


“Be careful not to show it. Aren’t you the owner now?”


“I’m noth thhe owner ith’sh jushth a conthracth.” (I’m not the owner it’s just a contract.)


“That dog— the word owner seems to suit him.” 


My father sighed again, saying things that I don’t understand. 


After eating, I felt sleepy again. When I blinked a few times, my father got up from his seat.


“Are you sleepy?”


“Yesh…” (Yes…) 


“Yeah. It’s still early. Let’s go to bed.”


“Yesh…” (Yes…) 


As I yawned and fell into my father’s arms, I fell asleep.


[Please get up early this time.]




I fell asleep listening to the whispers of Driane and Nadia, and it was noisy outside.


I heard someone crying. My eyes opened wide.




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“Let’s go.”


My father’s steps got faster.


As I went out to the hallway, I heard Jerion’s cry louder. When I approached the place where I could hear the crying, it was my room.




Jessie rushed up to me. Jerion stopped crying and looked at me when he heard ‘Lady.’


When I stomped my feet, my father dropped me off on the floor.




Jerion stayed still as if he had been nailed to the spot, and then rushed at me.


“Nunyaaa! Unggg!” 


Then he burst into tears.


Jerion couldn’t stop crying easily.


“Jerion… whath’sh wrong…” (Jerion… What’s wrong…)


“Nunya—! Uwengg.” 


“Whath’sh mawe our jerion sho shad?” (What’s make our Jerion so sad?)


Even though I hugged and comforted Jerion tightly, he was crying so much that I didn’t know where he was shedding tears.




I didn’t know the reason, so I eventually called Nancy.


Nancy slowly continued to talk, seeing if she realized that I had asked why Jerion was crying.


“He was very worried while the Lady couldn’t wake up. As soon as he wake up, he come to see you and he was surprised that the Lady wasn’t there—. Now he seems to be crying because you looks fine.” 


I wasn’t sick, I just couldn’t wake up a little, but Jerion seemed very surprised.


I was embarrassed because I hadn’t thought of it, but once I knew the reason, I need to comfort a crying child.


“Buth I’m fine now.” (But I’m fine now) 


I skillfully comforted Jerion by patting him on his back.


I also answered sincerely to Jerion’s murmur.


Honestly, I didn’t know what he was saying. I thought most of the questions were asking if I was okay.


Even if it wasn’t, I knew that in most cases like this, I could just nod my head and say, ‘I see.’


Not long after that, Jerion stopped crying little by little as if he felt better.




“Ung.. I’m hewe.” (Yes.. I’m here.)


“Are you oway now?” (Are you okay now?)


I said it was okay before, but Jerion still seemed uneasy. With a louder voice, I nodded my head. 


“Of courshe!” (Of course!)


“Reawwy?” (Really?) 


He cried so much that his pronunciation became more muffled and his eyes were swollen.


Nevertheless, I felt sorry for Jerion, who was only worried about me, but I was also grateful.


One more time, I nodded my head and said.


“I’m fine now!”


Jerion, who was looking at me because he couldn’t trust me, smile with full of tears as if I really looked okay.


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