I had a good dream.

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Perhaps because it was a better thing to meet the fairy, I don’t remember the contents of the dream, but it was certain that it was a happy dream.


Driane yawned and said that something good would happen today. I was excited to hear that.


I was going to talk to Driane about the fairy, but I kept my mouth shut as I remembered the promise I made with the fairy.


“Lady, are you awake?” 


“Ung.” (Yes.) 


“It seems that the Eldest Young Master is coming home today.” 


“Ewdeshth… Young Mashther?” (Eldest… Young Master?)




It was a good thing—. Looking at Driane sleeping on the balcony resentfully, I headed to the bathroom to wash.


Jessie smiled brightly and continued to say that the mansion was noisy from the morning because she was notified at dawn.


[Why do you have a gloomy face?]


Nadia immediately approached me, who had always looked warm after washing up, as if I was disappointed and felt strange.


“The Ewdeshth Young Mashther ish shcary…” (The Eldest Young Master is scary…)


[No need to be afraid. I’ll scold him!]


[Nadia. If you want to scold someone, it would have been difficult for Baby.]


[I know…]


Nadia nodded and said sullenly at Driane’s words.


[I’ll… just threaten…]


Laughter burst out as Nadia, who had become depressed in an instant, continued to speak.


I was lucky Jessie is not here. 


After laughing, I relaxed a little. It was only then that I could see the cake Jessie left behind.


Sitting on the sofa and eating cake completely eased my tension.


Maybe it was because I was sure that he wouldn’t hit me no matter how much he didn’t like me.


When I asked him why he didn’t hit me even though I didn’t understand and I couldn’t do it well, Shane was surprised and taught me.


He said that hitting people too much is abuse.


I learned that not everyone is beaten when they do something wrong.


I could have been hit by mistake, but I could have endured it if it wasn’t for the abuse made by Duke Enotis.


“Righth… I can do ith.” (Right… I can do it.)


Thinking about it that way made me feel more at ease.




Seeing the Eldest Young Master again, he seemed to have grown bigger than before. Now he had grown big enough to make eye contact with father.


It is said that the Eldest Young Master was 18 years old, so it seemed like he would catch up to the Duke’s height sooner or later.


“It’s been a long time since you’ve been home.”




The greetings of my father and the Eldest Young Master were simply over.

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My father, who was turning around as if he were busy with his work, turned around for a moment and said.


“Don’t make her cry this time.” 


The expression of the Eldest Young Master hardened. Then he nodded.


My father went up, and it was our turn next.




“Hewwo. My name ish Lione.” (Hello. My name is Lione.)


The Eldest Young Master took Jerion and threw him high.






“Nunya kyaa–!”


It looked dangerous, so I approached Jerion, and Jerion was smiling brightly.


Seeing that he stretched his arms and legs as if he were familiar with it, it seemed to be a game he used to play often.


The Eldest Young Master who put down Jerion hugged me this time. For some reason, I felt ominous.




The ominous intuition was right.


The Eldest Young Master throws me into the air.


I couldn’t enjoy it like Jerion. My whole body stiffened and my teeth trembled.


The Eldest Young Master saw my condition and put me back on the floor.


“T, thhanw you…” (T, thank you…)


I managed to say thank you. My eyes went round.


“Nunya whath’sh wrong??” (Nuna what’s wrong??)


“Ith’sh shcary…” (It’s scary…)


“Ish ith thoo high?” (Is it too high?) 




It was fun.


It was fun, but— I whispered to Jerion at the glance of a slightly Eldest Young Master.


“Ish thhere anyone who can thhrow me?” (Is there anyone who can throw me?)


Nadia stomped its foot in agreement with me, but Jerion tilted his head as if he didn’t understand.


Strangely, the Eldest Young Master’s expression hardened. 




“Looks like you came to see Lione.”




“If you treat her like you treat Jerion, Lione will cry.”


“It was fun for her. But—”




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Interest flashed in Iville’s eyes when he said that it was fun. 


He thought she didn’t like such a drastic game, but apparently she didn’t.


Since it was his first time raising a daughter, there were many things he didn’t know yet.


Come to think of it, her eyes lit up while watching a swordsmanship match during the founding festival.


Iville looked at his son, thinking that he might have to hold the sword when he had time. 


“She was scared that I’d throw her away.”




Iville burst into laughter because he knew the reason why his son came with a strangely grumpy look.


Kayden continued to speak with a still expressionless look at his father.


“It seems that she’s afraid of me.”


“Lione doesn’t think you’ll like her.”




Looking at his blunt son, Iville let out a sigh. 


It is an advantage from a political point of view to not reveal the inner heart, but it was a blind spot when he thought about social relationships.


Even if they resemble something like that.


Looking at his son’s expression that resembles him, Iville opened his mouth.


“It’s probably because of the fact that she had never been loved—but it must be because your expression is scary.” 


Kayden’s shoulders drooped.


It wasn’t a matter of what he could do.




Knock, knock. 



“Yesh, come in!” (Yes, come in!)


It was time for Jerion to come.




I was surprised by the heavy voice that was different from Jerion and looked back.


Of course, I thought it was Jerion, but there was the Eldest Young Master standing behind me.


“Ewdeshth Young Mashther…” (Eldest Young Master…)


My hands were trembling. Still, I closed my lips and slowly picked up the hem of my dress and bent my knees. 


“Wewcome…” (Welcome…)


“I didn’t disturb you, did I?”


“Yesh.” (Yes.) 


I nodded unconditionally at the words of the Eldest Young Master. It was ridiculous to say that. 




“Yesh?” (Yes?) 


“You like this.”

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The Eldest Young Master gave me strawberry pudding. I like pudding, but it was Jerion who liked strawberry pudding rather than me. 


Oh! I nodded and accepted it, wondering if I should bring it to Jerion.


“I’ww bring ith tho him!” (I’ll bring it to him!) 


“…To who?”


“To Jerion!”


“This pudding is yours.”


“Yesh!” (Yes!) 


“It’s an apology for surprising you.”


The Eldest Young Master’s large hand was placed above my head.


My body shrank reflexively.


Then the Eldest Young Master walked away without touching me.


“Eat it well.”


After saying that, the Eldest Young Master left the room.




I seemed to run to the Eldest Young Master often. 


When I was on the balcony, the Eldest Young Master practiced swordsmanship under the balcony, and when I went outside, I met him in the hallway.


Is it possible to meet so often in one day in this spacious mansion?


[That kid seems to have something to say to you]


When I asked sullenly, Driane said.


Since most of what Driane said was correct, I thought it would be the case again this time.


So I decided to be brave.


I decided to go see the Eldest Young Master who was practicing swordsmanship under the balcony.


“Where are you going, Lady?”


“To thhe Ewdeshth Young Mashther—” (To the Eldest Young Master—)


“Are you going to the Eldest Young Master? Then I’ll bring you iced tea.”


“Ung!” (Yes!) 


I nodded and plucked up courage at Jessie’s words. Even if he threw me, it didn’t matter because I wouldn’t die.


I also went out of the room and went down to the first floor.


After passing through the door leading to the garden, my feet suddenly stopped when there was only a short time left until the place where the Eldest Young Master was practicing.


‘It must be painful…’


In a moment of fear, I finally hid behind a tree.


“What’s the matter?”




I was startled by the Eldest Young Master’s words, and hiccups came out.


As I was glancing for a long time, a Eldest Young Master approached me after putting down a sword and roughly wiping his sweat with a towel. 

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When I slowly looked up at the Eldest Young Master, the Eldest Young Master lifted and hugged me.


I thought he would throw me like before, but he held me in his arms as it was.


It was more uncomfortable than my father’s arms, but it was warm.


“Ewdeshth Young Mashther… hewwo…” (Eldest Young Master… Hello…)




The Eldest Young Master was quiet for a long time.


Jessie looked at the two of us happily and left the iced tea and disappeared.


The Eldest Young Master, who sat on a simple chair and put me on his lap, suddenly asked.


“What’s your name?”


“My name ish Lione.” (My name is Lione.)


“Full name.”


I flinched a little at the word full name.


As expected, do you not like me?


I thought about it for a while, but I had to answer the question he asked.


“Lione… Biherville…”


“Okay. What’s my name?”


“It’s Kayden Biherville.”


“…Jerion’s full name?”


“It’s Jerion Biherville.”


“Okay. Then what should you call me?”


“…Ewdeshth Young Mashther” (…Eldest Young Master?)


The expression of the Eldest Young Master was distorted.


Surprised, I staggered backwards, and the Eldest Young Master straightened his expression and continued.


“Father is father and if Jerion is Jerion. What should you call me then?”


I was lost in thought in a slightly longer sentence.


Father is father, and Jerion is Jerion, so why does it come up here as to what to call the Eldest Young Master? 


I lost in thought and looked up, and the Eldest Young Master was looking down at me.


Anyone could tell he was waiting for an answer. I worked hard on my brain. 


Come to think of it, Shane recently taught me the title of a family member.


Father’s father is grandfather. My father’s mother is my grandmother. 


The word for an older brother is—.


“Oraboni?” (T/n : the title an older brother of female.) 


When I tilted my head and said, the corner of the Eldest Young Master’s mouth went up faintly.


“That’s the answer.”


A large hand stroked my head.

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