News spread all over the capital. It was the news that Princess Biherville, who was full of rumors, was having a tea party. 

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The news spread to the Imperial Palace as well.


“Don’t you think you should go, fairy-nim?”




Thanks to his older brother, who teased him as a fairy whenever the Duke of Biherville came up with a story, Noel was about to grab the back of his neck. 


“It’s the first tea party in her life. Won’t it be a great memory if the fairy goes there?”


“Your Highness Crown Prince.”


“I told you not to call me Your Highness only at times like this right?”


The Crown Prince, Jadel, said while shaking his body.


Jadel, who turned twenty this year, has not changed from five years ago.


“By the way, haven’t you seen each other since then?”




“I thought you were going to find her secretly because I was pretty mindful.”




He wanted to see the fairy-like child again.


He sent the Familiar to the Duke’s, but the Familiar could not enter the Duke’s mansion. 


It was because the magic boundary was added to the Duke’s guard after being attacked by a wizard once.


It was possible to get in and out, but the risk was too big. 


And it seems by chance that Princess Biherville did not attend any other parties or tea parties. 


For that reason, he hasn’t seen the child since then.


‘I couldn’t even apologize—’


If it were now, she must have been vaguely guessing about his identity at that time.


Once again, he was embarrassed by the lie he had told to hide his identity.




“When the fairy sighs, the children are sad.”


“Please stop it, Your Highness.”


When he spoke while pretending to kick Jadel with his feet, he avoided excessively and saved himself.


“Okay. Okay. I’ll stop. By the way, are you sure you don’t want to see Princess Biherville?”


“In five years, it’ll be the debutant. I’ll see her then.”


“You don’t want to see her until then?”


“…What are you trying to say?”


“Do you know how many times the Duke of Biherville protested because of your Familiar who had been hanging around the Duke of Biherville for five years?”




“Isn’t it because you wanted to see the princess?”


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At Jadel’s words, Noel closed his mouth. 


He pretends to be serious, but he knows from experience that he will grab the tail and tease him the moment he says yes.


“Why don’t you try sending an engagement letter after all?”




“I don’t think it’s a bad idea for Biherville, either.”


Jadel’s expression became more serious.


“If you’re not interested, I won’t force you either. Isn’t it okay to have a relationship with each other?”


“The princess is still ten years old.”


“It’s a very good age to be engaged to fifteen.”


Jadel’s eyes lit up. He is Noel’s older brother who usually jokes around endlessly, but this was not the time for him to have eyes like that.


Those were the eyes of politicians.




“What is it, little brother?”


“Are you going to sell me to the wedding business?”


“If you weren’t interested, I wouldn’t have suggested it.”


“Don’t make me laugh.”


He didn’t know that he counted it from the moment the princess was born in Biherville.


Seeing Jadel, who was joking around, Noel sighed.


“I’ll take care of myself.”


“That’s too bad, little brother.”


Jadel nodded obediently and turned to the papers.


He knew that he didn’t give up.


“Don’t do something unnecessary.’


“Don’t worry. Just trust this Hyung. I didn’t even know that our Noel was a person who doesn’t know much on this side.”


“No, where did you find that out?”


Jadel said with a smile.


“You didn’t deny that you sent a familiar, and you didn’t deny that you did it yourself, not that you were going to find another marriage partner.”




Noel, who was speechless for a moment, closed his mouth tightly.


Noel stood up and left the room.


As he watched the door close, Jadel grinned.




Tea party preparations went smoothly.


“I think it would be better to take out the peanut dessert. There are surprisingly many people with allergies.”

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– It’s better not to invite Count Neuken. I don’t care if he’s a businessman, but all his family members are tactless and will ruin the atmosphere.


Shane and Serina were very good helpers.


Serina was worried that it was her memory from 5 years ago, but when I asked Shane to check it, it hasn’t changed much now.


After hearing that, Serina nodded her head, saying that, after all, people don’t change.


The list of invited guests to the tea party has been decided.


The tea party was set on the first day of May. There was a massive construction to hold a tea party in a training greenhouse where roses bloomed brightly.


“I think I can do it in the garden.”


– You know Biherville’s garden is a bit lacking in taste. 


“It’s beautiful at night.”


– That’s true.


said Serina, nodding her head.


– But tea parties are held during the day.


I nodded at her words.


The garden of the mansion had a slightly desolate feeling.


– And it’s a waste to use this pretty greenhouse only for training.


Well, that’s right. It’s a greenhouse, but there’s no problem because I put a lot of flowers on it while practicing Nadia’s power.


[I got rid of all the bugs!]


“Thank you.”


Since Nadia let out every single bug in the grass, I didn’t have to worry about bugs.


– That’s good. When you have a party outdoors or in a greenhouse, bugs are always the worst. 


Come to think of it, I haven’t seen many insects.


I had never seen a bee when I was training with a sword.


I looked at Nadia just in case, and Nadia nodded.


[Ung, I chased them all!]



“Thank you.”


I hugged Nadia tightly, and Nadia’s tail moved gently.


[I did it, too.]


I ran to Driane’s words and hugged Driane tightly.


As if in a good mood, Driane rubbed its cheek on the nape of my neck.


– Look here. 


At Serina’s words, I turned around and approached the center of the greenhouse.




It was the first greenhouse I had seen since construction began.

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The greenhouse where there was only one large sofa to sit on and flowers were blooming out of order was noticeably changed.


There were new tables and chairs, and the flowers that had been blooming in a mess were well organized.


Flowers were blooming according to their colors as if they had been transplanted by color.


The large tree, which was originally in the center, had been moved to the side of the table.


It seemed to prevent the sunlight from shining too brightly.


Overall, my mouth was wide open in the garden that had changed so much that I couldn’t recognize it.


“If it had been such a massive construction project, it would have been quicker for me to help.”


In particular, it must have been hard work to move trees.


Thinking that the servants must have had a hard time, I thought I should at least give them compensation.


“I’ll have to tell Shane to give them a reward.”


I touched the table and said, and Serina nodded. 


– Right. They worked hard in a short time.


“I can move the trees.”


– Because Lione’s handling of the divine beast is still a secret.


“Still… They must have had a hard time.”


– I guess so. Let the reward be huge.




While looking up at the tree and talking with Serena, there was a lot of noise at the entrance of the greenhouse.


When I went to the entrance of the greenhouse, Jerion and Oraboni were coming inside.


“Oraboni! Jerion!”


I ran and hugged Jerion and then hugged my older brother. 


In fact, I was hugged by Jerion, but it was right to hug him because I was his older sister. 


“I heard that the greenhouse construction was finished, so I came to see it.”


At the words of Jerion, Oraboni nodded. 


“It’s changed so beautifully!”


As we entered the room, we chattered, and my older brother patted my head as usual.


Jerion also looked around the greenhouse with excitement.


“You must have had a hard time moving the trees.”


“So I’m going to tell Shane to reward them.”


“It would be nice.”


My brother sat down under the tree and said.


“But wouldn’t it be uncomfortable to train after the tea party?”


“I think it’ll be all right. The inside doesn’t change much, so I can train from the inside.”


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There was still an empty side inside.


Training Nadia’s power doesn’t matter if it’s such a pretty greenhouse, but Driane said that the innermost empty space should be left alone because it is essential. 


“Are you done with the food for the party?”




“You must have had a hard time prepare it in a short time.”


“Serina and Shane helped me, so I didn’t have a hard time at all.


“Yeah… Princess Serina and Shane…”


Oraboni laughed a little bitterly at my words.


Strangely, Oraboni has not spoken since then.




“Oraboni was strange.”


– I can guess. 


“What is it?”


Serina seemed a little troubled by my question, and then slowly opened her mouth.


– I didn’t have parents in my past life.




said Serina with a smile as I said with an apologetic expression.


– Why do you look like that? It’s all a long time ago.


“Even if it’s a long time ago, it’s hard to forget, memories like that.”


I was still stiff at the thought of the Duke of Enotis.


I knew that he was not the subject of a demon tribe, but I had no choice but to reflexively harden my body.


Serina, who had been silent for a while, continued.


– That’s true… 


Serina, looking into the air, seemed to recall something for a moment, and shook her head at once.


– Anyway, so I’m just guessing. 




– The time I felt most sorry for my younger siblings was when I couldn’t do what my parents had to do.




– If my parents had been there, they would have depended on them, but when I see them do it on their own. Wouldn’t it be a similar feeling?


“What do you mean—”


– If the Duchess had been there, not me or Shane, but the Duchess would have helped you. 


I was at a loss for words.


If Oraboni had a mother—, did he think so?


I had mixed feelings for some reason.

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