“Ah, yes!”

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I thought I knew why Serina went first. It was obvious that she was going to make fun of me when we got back later.


“It could be dangerous if you come out alone.”


“Driane and Nadia also came out with me.”


To prove that I had brought a sword, I opened my robe slightly to reveal the scabbard.


The Prince stood beside me nodding his head.


“Still—. Can I escort you to the inn?”


The Prince looked tired. He was hiding it well, but he looked pale than usual.


The Prince had little time to rest as he set up various magic circles.


I heard that the Prince’s magic was great, but like divine power, magic was a power with a limit.


“It’s not too far away. It’s okay—”


I was worried and wanted to say no, but the Prince was one step quicker. 


“This is a request I am asking to be with the Princess a little longer, so please don’t say no.”


There was no reason to refuse when he said that.


It was even more difficult to say no to escorts. 






No other words followed after a short answer.


At a tea party, it was easy to talk because everyone raised the topic moderately, but I had no idea what to say at a place like this.


But it wasn’t particularly uncomfortable.


It hurt even more because this silence wasn’t awkward. Somehow, I felt at ease.






Well, I wasn’t the only one staying silent.


The Prince, who was slightly ahead of me, looked around a few times as if he were wary of the surroundings, but didn’t talk to me.


It was quick to arrive at the inn.


“Thank you for the escort.”


“….I hope you get home safely.”




“I hope you have a good night.”


“Prince too. I hope you have a good night.”


I left the Prince behind and opened the inn door. By then, the first floor restaurant was quiet. 


The knights who were still drinking alcohol bowed to me.


Among them was Sir Adhan. He must have been waiting for me when he saw me coming and organized it.


They greeted each other and walked up the stairs.


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– How? 


As I entered the room, Serina approached and asked.


“About what?”


– What, didn’t you get excited?


“What do you mean—”


I was going to hit the player so she wouldn’t tease me , but my face turned red because of Serina’s serious question. (Hit the player means people who attack first  will be the winner.) 


“It’s like a first meeting with the Prince.” 


I said quietly, just in case Viscount Janen heard, and Serina smiled and nodded her head.


[It’s nice to chat, but I think it’s too late]


– Right. It’s time to go to bed.


Serinaa nodded her head in response to Driane’s words. 


She looked like she was going to die because she was curious about what we were talking about, but I quietly covered myself with a blanket.


Nadia was already seated at my feet and lying down.


Driane went out on the balcony and settled down like at home. Serina decided to share the bed, so she lay down.


[I’ll turn off the lights!]


Nadia, who ran at full speed, blew a whistle and lit the fire.


Nadia ran to and blew the light. 


For some reason, the long day ended.




“You woke up early!”


“Oh, Viscount. Did you sleep well?”


“Yeah, did you sleep well, Young Lady?”




I answered with a clear smile and organized it roughly. I packed up my bag and went outside.




“Yes, hello.”


I bowed my head as I greeted the knights.


When I left the inn, there was a line of carriages. 


I found my carriage, went inside, packed my things, and took a seat. 


– Isn’t it hard for a carriage to go from now on?


“There is a path that was used when interacting with elves in the past.”


I nodded when I answered Serina’s question.


– The road must be a little rough though.




It would not have been as comfortable as it had been well cleaned because it had been cut off for a long time.

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“If it gets worse, I want to borrow some of Driane’s power.”


– All right. That’ll do.


Talking to Serina, I went out of the carriage and checked the situation.


Everyone got up early, so the preparation ended quickly.


I made eye contact with the Prince, who was organizing in the distance.


When I bowed slightly, the Prince also greeted me. 


Meanwhile, the preparations were completed quickly. As the preparations seemed to be over, he got into the carriage.


“Let’s go!”


With the shout the carriage began to move.


The moderately shaky carriage soon began to rattle loudly.


– Looks like he’s climbing a mountain.




Driane and Nadia didn’t respond much as if they were more familiar with this.


– Isn’t it uncomfortable?


“Ung. It’s fine.”


I nodded and said to Serina. It was rattling, but it wasn’t unbearable.


“But it would be better to flattened the ground when we go back.”


– Do you have to? 


“We’re going to use it often.”


Serina nodded at my words.


In fact, the future relationship with the elves depended on this envoy.


The relationship may improve and the deal may continue, but the worst-case scenario was war.



However, the worst case is the worst case, and I decided to think positively.


It was a strategy I learned while thinking about the demons that would one day wake up.


“If you think of it in a good way, it will come true in a good way.” 


– That’s right. 


Serina nodded at my words.






Perhaps because of the large stone, I hit my head less loudly against the carriage.


[Are you okay?] 


I nodded my head softly to Nadia’s question.


“I bumped into it a little bit.”


– Wouldn’t it be better to do it now if you’re going to flatten the ground? Then it’s convenient when you go and when you come. 


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“…You’re right.”


Come to think of it, it was.


When I opened the window, Sir Adhan, who was riding a horse next to the carriage, approached me.


“Young Lady.”


“Sir Ardhan. I thought it would be nice if I spread the ground evenly.”




“I’ll make the road as when they set up the tent last time on the ground.” 


“Ah—! Yes. I’ll pass it on to the lead group.” 


“Yes. Please.”


Shortly after Sir Adhan left, the carriage stopped.


When I got off the carriage, I saw Count Gayden and the Prince approaching me.


I hurriedly dressed up and walked forward.


“You want to flatten the ground?”




I nodded in response to Count Gayden’s words. 


“Hmm… We can go comfortably, but won’t it be too much?”


“Yes, that’s fine.”


When Count Gayden was lost in thought, the Prince continued.


“We have a long way to go in the next few days. But if the Princess flatten the road evenly, it will be difficult.”


“I wouldn’t have told you if it was that hard.”


The Prince looked at me a little surprised at what I said.


“It’s not that hard.”


Driane nodded as well.


“If the princess is okay with it, we’re grateful, but to flatten the ground, don’t you have to take the lead?” 


“Yes. That’s right.”


“Then you are more likely to be exposed to danger.”


“That’s right. You can also wake up the monsters in the ground while flatten the ground.” 


It felt a little bad for the two of them to talk, except for me, the person involved. However, I understand that it is an important point. 


Being able to wake up monsters in the ground was something I never thought possible, so I thought about it more. 


[Things that live underground don’t settle where there is even the slightest trace of human beings.] 


“Driane says it’s okay for monsters that live underground because they don’t settle in places where there are traces of humans.”


“There’s a reason, too. Monsters that live underground don’t show any particularly aggressive tendencies unless they invade their territory. So, they usually set up in a remote place that won’t make anyone invade their territory.”


“In other words, it means that they have no mercy on those who invade the territory.”




Count Gayden nodded at the Prince’s words.

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“A little risk is a risk. Young Lady has to take the lead, but we can’t leave any danger behind.”


“The Prince is right.”


Count Gayden nodded and said. 


It wasn’t that I didn’t understand the Prince’s words or the Count’s decision.


But I felt strange.


Since the start of the journey, the only thing I’ve been working with has been, at best, flatten the ground for set up the tent.


The Prince was busy every night with the alarm magic and various security magics, and the Count Gayden and Viscount Janen were also busy conducting their respective tasks. 


– Not even a duck egg from the Nakdong River—. (Is an idiom that refers to being in one side without any attention, or being solitary in isolation.)


I looked at her at Serina’s words. 


– Ah. Just like borrowed barley bag— oh you don’t understand. (Its mean a person who doesn’t talk or get along with others and sits in the corner at a gathering.)


“I think I know the nuance.”


Even if I said it in a small way, it wouldn’t have been impossible to hear, but the Count Gayden and the Prince in front of me didn’t hear my voice. 


It was because the two of them were busy talking.


– Right? 




[They’re not ignoring you—]


“I know.”


Driane looked at my feelings and said.


It was the subtlety I felt from the start.


It wasn’t that they were ignoring my power or ignoring who I was. 


Because they knew that I had divine power and signed a contract with the divine beast.


However, it has not changed that I am a Young Lady and a person who doesn’t do much in this mission. 


“I’ll follow your advice.”


After cutting off the words of the two people, they both looked at me. 


They didn’t mean to, but I felt like I was being ignored. 


The two tried to say something, but they shut up as if they had nothing to say.


“The schedule was delayed for no reason. Let’s go.”


It wasn’t that the two of them were rude to me.


The reason I was included in the delegation meant only to ask the elves to take a good look at the delegation.


It was understandable that I was excluded from the list of people who were the decision makers because I was a Young Lady who only lived in the mansion.


“Shall we go?”


I got on the carriage pretending not to see the Prince who was about to say something.


Understanding didn’t make me feel better.


And I’m in a position to show that.


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