The Prince was absent-minded for a while, then hurriedly came to his senses and approached the knights. 

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“Because of the monster’s blood, other monsters might come out, and Ant might come back, so let’s hurry up and leave.”




As soon as the Prince had finished speaking, the people who had been spaced out moved in an instant. 


It didn’t take long to finish organizing quickly and start the carriage.


I could feel other people glancing at me as to what the knights had said. 


It wasn’t a particularly unpleasant look, but it was mostly a worrying look.


But everyone’s hands moved fast. As soon as we were ready, the carriage moved. 




– I feel so refreshed. Did you see their faces?


“About what?”


– They’re surprised about your power! 


I was embarrassed by what Serina said.




– Ung. You don’t know? 




I knew that people’s eyes were directed at me, but it was hard to infer the meaning of those eyes.


Serina patted me on the back, saying it was okay.


– I’m looking forward to the next break. But, don’t worry, they won’t ignore you from now on.


Serina’s words became true.


After dinner, Sir Adhan approached as I got out of the carriage for camping.


“Young Lady. Are you okay?”




“It seems like you used a lot of divine power earlier—”


“Oh, it’s all right. I didn’t use it a lot.”


Sir Adhan looked at me again in surprise.


Everyone’s eyes were on me again, as if the people around me heard it.


“As expected, the person who signed the contract with divine beasts must be different.”


Viscount Janen approached and continued to speak with admiration.


“Young Lady Enotis seemed to be having a hard time when she was using her divine powers—. I thought Young Lady would do the same.”




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I nodded mostly. 


[It’s hard to use something that doesn’t fit your body.]


[Is she comparing you to that fake?]


Nadia stomped its feet on the ground and looked at the Viscount Janen.


I brushed its back to calm it down.


“It doesn’t matter that much, so I can work hard from now on.” (I can work hard / ‘부려먹다’ is a verb that means ‘to make someone work hard for you in a way that’s certainly unfair.’ Like a sarcasm.) 


As I smiled and spoke lightly, the expressions of the Viscount Janen and Count Gayden changed dramatically.


They seemed to have remembered worrying too much about me.


“Ah, Prince!”


Count Gayden welcomed the Prince, who returned from afar after installing alarm magic and various magic circles.


When I bowed my head, the Prince approached me with a worried look.


“Aren’t you tired?”


“Yes. I’m all right.”


“As expected, she’s different because she has signed a contract with the divine beast! She said it was nothing to that extent before!”


Count Gayden gave me a big smile.


Feeling a bit embarrassed, I avoided his gaze and met the Prince’s eyes. 


He seemed a little surprised.


“Young Lady. If you don’t mind, can we continue the conversation?”


“Ah, yes.”


The Prince, standing a little further away, bowed his head as before.


“Young Lady, I’m giving you all the apologies I couldn’t give you earlier. I’m really sorry.”


It was a bit of an exaggerated apology.


I was embarrassed and looked at the Prince, but he looked away a little and talked.


“Because I was worried, I didn’t respect Young Lady without realizing it.”




I didn’t know I would receive such a direct apology, and the reason was unexpected.


When I was embarrassed and chose the words for a while, the Prince hurriedly continued.


“Of course, I know you’re strong enough not to worry. The problem is that I found out about that a while ago.”


While I hesitated for a moment, the Prince spoke quickly.


“In fact, I was worried that Young Lady would have a hard time because I only saw Young Lady Enotis who used her divine power.”


“Ah—. That’s what Viscount Janen said too.”

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“I think there is a difference between worrying and ignoring. Unfortunately, it seems that I didn’t properly follow that line, so I really wanted to apologize.”


A little, very little of the sadness that had remained melted away like snow.


I shook my head and said. 


“I know the Prince was only worried about me. So it’s all right.”


“Thank you for accepting my apology.”


The Prince smiled and bowed his head.






“You were really cool earlier.”


The Prince, whose ears were burning red, finished speaking like that, then moved quickly and disappeared.


– Oh~ So cute. 


Serina laughed and said.


“That’s— The way the Prince talks—”


– No, not the Prince, but you.




– Your face is red.


I covered my face with both hands at Serina’s words. Driane and Serina’s laughter didn’t stop.


I could feel it, so I got up quickly to cool my face.




The journey has been smooth since then.




[It’s already halfway up the mountain…]


It was so quiet that Driane tilted its head at how strange it was. 


– Isn’t it too quiet compared to the beginning, when a group of Ants attacked?


“I know.”


I nodded, agreeing with Serina’s words. 


[Is it because the road easier?]


[It can’t be.]


Driane shook its head at Nadia’s words.


I flattened the road. The Count and Prince, who know that I am not easily tired from the last incident, asked me to make a straight path.


I decided to stay in the middle because I thought the more experienced knights should take the lead.

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We decided that I would flatten the road evenly until it could be seen, and then the trailing foot would do the same. Then, when the leveled ground was done, the ground would be flattened again until it could be seen.


Without knowing it, everyone smiled as they looked at me with bright eyes, knowing that the road caused a lot of problems.




“What’s wrong?”


Unlike Nadia and Serina, who quickly fell asleep, Driane seemed to think a little more. 


When I asked, because Driane looked serious, Driane sat on my lap.


[Baby, you said there’s no battle for power in the Imperial family, right?]


“Yes. The Crown Prince has established himself as the Crown Prince, and above all, the two have a good friendship.”




“What’s wrong?”


[This mountain range is famous for monsters, but now that I think about it, it doesn’t seem like there are enough monsters to come out from the beginning.]




[There’s a possibility that someone moved the monster on purpose.] 




The Krenan Mountains were a place where there were so many monsters. 


So I didn’t think deeply about it, but seeing that there have been no other attacks so far, it was a little strange.


“However, the friendship between the Crown Prince and the 2nd Prince is famous—. Even the Ladies who often come to tea parties said they feel at ease because there is no war of succession in this generation.” 


[There might be a fight behind the scenes that only those involved know about.]


It wasn’t impossible. It was a fact widely spread throughout the empire that the Crown Prince had great abilities, but the 2nd Prince was not lacking either. 


He might have had crazy ideas about putting down the 2nd Prince if he wasn’t good enough to be the Emperor.


“Um—. But the two of them aren’t half-brothers, and they don’t look like they’re from a family with a lot of greed for power, so I think it’s more likely that they aren’t.” 


Driane nodded at my words.


[Other groups may have been involved, and there is a good chance that meeting the monster from the beginning was just a coincidence. It’s just my worry.] 


“Should I ask His Highness the Prince?”


[No. It’s just my unnecessary worry. Above all, Nadia is quiet.]




I looked at Nadia, who was sleeping and nodded.


As my divine power stabilized, Nadia’s prophetic ability improved significantly.


At first, Driane, who usually checked twice and three times, was now just trusting Nadia.


However, as I react sensitively to danger, the future that Nadia foresaw is often about dangerous things.


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There were only a few prophecies of good things happening.


[Don’t worry, Nadia will predict what will happen if something you shouldn’t ignore. I shouldn’t have said that out of reason.] 


Maybe because I looked worried, Driane tapped me on the shoulder.


“It’s all right. I was just a little surprised because I didn’t think of it.”


As I said while stroking Driane, he let out a sigh of relief.


[Get some sleep. I’ll wake you up when we arrive]




I couldn’t sleep, but I closed my eyes to reassure Driane.


Driane once said. 


Driane is the first divine beast I signed a contract with, so Driane easily assimilates into my feelings.


Whenever I was worried and anxious about the demons, I felt that Driane also became sensitive.


Driane has lived for so long that it’s hard to see, but when he signed with me, he also became very sensitive.


‘I’m sorry—’


People around me can easily understand how a person with divine power would feel.


The reason why the Young Ladies and the Ladies I met at the tea party easily opened their hearts to me was not only because I went out for them but also because of my divine power. 


Just by looking at it, Driane and Nadia, who are directly connected to my divine power, added that much.


Nadia was a little dull and seemed to be less affected, but Driane was naturally sensitive and seemed to be influenced more easily.


‘I’m sure you know it too—’


Driane often opens its mouth, stops for a moment, and then doesn’t say anything.


Maybe Driane didn’t say more because he knew that he had become more sensitive by absorbing my feelings.


This time again, he looked as if he had made a mistake after saying it.


It was probably not at the stage to say it, but Driane seemed to have said it without thinking.


‘I have to be careful—’


When Driane said this, most of the unnecessary worry was right.


‘I don’t think it’s about the battle of power—. Are they targeting me?’


There was a possibility. It was easier to touch me now than when I was in the mansion.


‘Still, they would have had to do it on their own to move the monster.’


They might make the people of the family do it.


I closed my eyes and thought for a while, then stopped thinking. No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t come up with an answer until something happened.


As Driane said, it’s still just a guess.


So I made up my mind and went to sleep.

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