Even though the night became dark, their movement continued. It was because they couldn’t find a place to camp. 

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They moved slowly because it was night. This was because there was no point in making a lot of noise or moving swiftly in a quiet forest to attract the attention of monsters.


– I feel like I have to speak quietly.


Serina whispered.


As I nodded, Serina patted my head as if it were cute.


“When will Nadia wake up?”


[Golems aren’t that much of a threat. There is no need to worry too much.]


– Yeah. You’re supposed to protect non-combat personnel from the back. The golem is supposed to be dealt with by the Prince. Can’t you trust the Prince?


I shook my head quickly at Serina’s playful question.


“More than that… I’m worried about Nadia. Nadia has been asleep for days.”


– Well, this eater—.


Serina sighed at my words and looked at Nadia.


Because the divine beast didn’t have to eat, Driane only drinks tea or sometimes eats little food. 


It seemed like Driane was drinking together with my father, but there was very little other than that.


But Nadia, on the other hand, enjoyed eating very much. 


In the meantime, I was sad that Nadia had only heard of other people eating because there was no contractor, so I started to give Nadia meals.


And even after leaving for the trip, I took care of Nadia’s meals separately.


But I was worried because Nadia had been starving for several days now.


[Divine beast doesn’t feel anything even if they don’t eat. I understand Nadia’s saying that eating is fun, but—. There is nothing to worry too much about.]




Even in the Elf Forest, there probably weren’t many things that Nadia liked.


The Elves didn’t like cooked food and mostly ate vegetarian food.


If we go into the Elf forest, Nadia won’t even be able to eat the meat Nadia likes. 


I’m worried that it will be hard to control, and there will be tantrums.


[Nadia is not that immature]


Driane said while avoiding my eyes. It seemed that Driane wasn’t even sure.


Serina looked at Nadia with a bitter look. 


– Pft. 






Then, when the three eyes met in the air, laughter naturally popped out. 


As it was the situation, I quickly covered my mouth to cover the sound, but I couldn’t help the sound that had already leaked out. 




All three of them hurriedly coughed, and the moment Driane opened its mouth, the sound of something breaking rang out loudly.


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– I’ll go out! 


Serina passed through the carriage and climbed into the air.


I opened the window and looked at Serina. Serina looked at one place and beckoned for something.


When I was silent because I didn’t understand it, Serina shouted loudly as if she had come to her senses.


– I forgot that no one could hear my voice! A monster thought to be a golem is running from over there! They’re still far away, but they’ll be here soon!


As soon as we heard Serina’s words, Driane got on the top of the carriage. 


I heard something heavy climb up as if Driane had grown in size.


The knights who recognized Driane stopped the carriage and drew their swords in the direction that Driane was looking.


After confirming that the Prince ran forward, I also got out of the carriage.


– They’re almost here! 


It seemed like everyone knew what Serina was shouting, even if I didn’t tell them.


That’s because the sound of trees breaking and soil stepping filled the mountain.


“Young Lady, please go over there!”


I ran in front of the non-combat personnel gathered to one side at Sir Zeck’s words.


As I had told them in advance, everyone had gathered near my carriage.




When I reached out and called for Driane, Driane ran and stood next to me.


“Can we leave Nadia alone?”


As I whispered, Driane nodded. 


[Golem only responds to human life energy. Don’t worry. The carriage will be just like an empty carriage to the golem.] 




I nodded.






John, who was coming toward me and shouting, pointed to the front.


I was looking at the ground to have a conversation with Driane, then quickly raised my head and lifted the soil.


The soil wall was quickly lifted, ripping out the stone coming toward me.


“Stay behind this!”


I shouted at everyone and stood in front of the wall.




The golem’s arm and Sir Adhan’s sword collided as he stepped forward.


As planned, Sir Kidden and Sir Adhan, who drew the golem’s attention, were barely visible. 


Golem did the same thing with its heads, shaking them here and there.


The golem didn’t take its eyes off the Prince while facing the knights. It was twisting its hands as if trying to approach the Prince.

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The Prince, who was watching it, approached Golem little by little. 


Even though he approached a dangerous distance, the Prince didn’t stop.


I started getting ready in case I needed to build a soil wall.




The golden mana gathered in the Prince’s right hand. It was always brilliant gold.


The dark forest brightened in an instant. In fear of getting in the way, I withdrew the divine power that had been stretched there. 


With the sound of metal hitting, a golden chain appeared from the ground and caught the golem.


The fast-moving golem was bound in an instant.


Soon, a golden arrow appeared above the Prince’s head. The thin and long arrow pierced the right shoulder of the golem as it was. 




Even after Sir Adhan and Sir Kidden cut off their arms and heads, they regenerated, but the golem that was attacking them stopped moving right away. 


– It just stops like a switch off—.


Serina murmured in bewilderment.


Most of what Serina murmured was something I don’t know, but now I could roughly understand what she was feeling.


“Is it over?”


“I think so.”


They whispered softly from behind.


Sir Adhan, who once again confirmed the remains of Golem, nodded.


The core seemed to have been completely destroyed.


“Let’s all get organized. Move a little bit and get ready for camp right away.”




People began to move their bodies at the Prince’s shout. 


Everyone’s expressions are brighter. 


If I think someone made this, it was an overly bland finish.



I thought it was strange for a moment, but I headed straight to the carriage.


I was worried about Nadia, who was sleeping alone. 




When I opened the carriage door, Nadia was asleep with the most comfortable expression.




Then I felt relieved and sat on the floor of the carriage.


– I told you it was going to be okay.




Serina looked at it and smiled.

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“Young Lady, are you hurt?!”


The Prince, who was approaching me, rushed after seeing me sitting in the carriage.


I shook my head in surprise.


“No! I’m not hurt.”


When I stood up, the Prince calmly approached me with a relieved expression.


“Do you have anything to say?”


The Prince’s carriage was quite far from mine.


It was too far away to stop by by chance.


“I’d like to ask you something. Would you mind for a moment?”


“Yes, that’s fine.”


As I nodded my head in response, the Prince bowed slightly to express his gratitude. 


I was embarrassed because it was too polite to do it to the Young Lady from the Duke, but the Prince continued without making it obvious.


“Is there a possibility that the one who woke up the monster was a wizard?” 


“Ah—. Yes. There’s a possibility.”


I was a little worried, but the Prince seemed fine, so I said he was a wizard.


The Prince nodded his head and looked at me with strange eyes.


“By any chance, was there anything else in the prophecy?”




I answered immediately because it was a question that I expected.


“May I ask what it is?”


After a bit of hesitation, I looked at Driane. 




Usually, Driane would have given me the answer by nodding or shaking its head, but Driane was silent and avoided my gaze.


I looked at Serina in embarrassment.


Serina also looked at Driane and me alternately as if she didn’t know what Driane meant.


“Young Lady?”


“Ah, I apologize… That…”


I turned my eyes around and thought for a moment.


The reason I hid other information in the first place was because I wasn’t sure of anything.


Gold, red, black robe.


There were too many figures to infer from those three.


Sharing such information with a large number of people could cause a fuss.


But now, some specific information has come out, and above all else, the Prince was alone. 


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‘Wouldn’t it be okay to say it?’


I tried to bite my lip without realizing it, but I came to my senses.


When I looked up at the Prince, he looked down at me and said nothing.


“You can think about it slowly. Should I come to you again later?”


The Prince looked at my expression and said with a smile.


When I hesitated for a while, he continued to say.


“It looks like I’m doing something wrong. Please don’t worry about it.”


The Prince opened the door of the half-closed carriage.


Obviously meant to escort me into the wagon.


So I was more worried.


I looked at Driane, but Driane was still looking elsewhere. 


Serina was also quiet as if lost in thought.


I made a decision and looked at the Prince.


“At the time… the information was a little limited.”


“I see. Does that mean it’s different now?”


The Prince nodded as if he understood what I said.


It was kind of like hiding important information, but Prince didn’t seem to care much.


I was more sorry for no reason, so I tried to avoid the  Prince’s eyes and continued.


“Nadia saw one more prophecy, and I got more information.”


“I see. Is this information you can tell me?”


I hesitated for a moment at the polite question.


In the meantime, I have never made my own decisions at times like this.


So I was a little nervous, but I didn’t think it was a situation that I really shouldn’t talk about.


I thought it would be okay for the Prince, not anyone else.


Above all else, the Prince seemed to know more about Wizard Tower than I do, as he had a deep connection with the Tower.


“Yes. But this is not a solid evidence, and if it is not disrespectful, I want only the Prince to know.”


“I will obey the Young Lady’s will.”


Without any hesitation, the Prince nodded right away.


“Thank you. First, black robe. Then red and gold. That’s all.”


One more time, I glanced at Driane, who was only looking at a somewhere else, and continued.


“The second time Nadia saw it, it was black, but a red robe, a muddy gold mana, and an old man. These three things are added—. Prince?”


The Prince’s expression hardened in an instant.


“Jenia Poniel—”


Words like sighs came out of the Prince’s mouth.

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